Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 264 Bloody Night

"Stop talking now, and quickly restore the soul power in your body." Lei Ming's face seemed to be a little pale due to excessive blood loss, "After a while, if that bad old man suddenly regrets and comes back to kill his mouth and destroy his body, we will be finished. "

"Yes, brother."*3

Just as the four of them were hiding cross-legged in the corner of the tree hole to recover their soul power, a huge creature quietly smelled a certain smell and approached the tree. The danger had unknowingly come to the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group.

The night becomes darker and darker.

After taking the elixir, the short and thin man was concentrating on refining the pills in his body to restore his soul power. Suddenly he felt a damp feeling on his head. Without opening his eyes, he cursed without thinking: "You bastard, what are you doing?" Pour water on my head.”

The tall and thin man next to me said angrily: "Am I crazy or something? I am refining the medicine. Who has time to play tricks on you?"

Although he usually joked with other people in the mercenary group, he would always take advantage of the situation. Who would joke at a time like this...

Thinking of this, the tall and thin man was suddenly shocked. Yes, there were only four of them in the tree hole, and who would be so bored as to make such a joke at this moment.

The tall and thin man opened his eyes tremblingly, only to see two eyes as big as lanterns staring at him.

A sound came out of his throat, and he stuttered: "Thunder, thunder..."

"Oh, you told me not to pour water on my head. Why are you so tired? You can just joke around when you are tired!" The short and thin man stopped refining the medicine, opened his eyes and stood up angrily, scolding. When I wiped my head from my arms, I found something was wrong with my hand. The water was sticky.

"You two are already at this time, and you are still messing around..." Before Lei Ming could finish his words, a scream sounded in the tree hole.

"Enemy attack!" Everyone subconsciously used their soul power that had not been restored much and released their martial spirits. However, they did not expect to see the most disgusting scene in their lives.

I saw a large one-horned lizard bit off half of the short and thin man's body in one bite, stirring it up and down, and the short and thin man's cry for help could be faintly heard from the mouth. The scene was very bloody.

The Soul Sect woman couldn't help but retched aside. She had seen many dead people, but this was the first time she saw such a tragic scene of death in front of her.

Lei Ming and the tall and thin man clung to the wooden wall with pale faces, as if this was the only way to give them a sense of security.

The one-horned lizard stopped after swallowing the short and thin man's upper body. It had already smelled the scent of its child on Lei Ming.


The powerful dragon wreaked havoc in the small tree hole, and the man whose hands and feet were so frightened by the one-horned lizard immediately fell to the ground.

However, the one-horned lizard didn't seem to take a step closer, and just stared at Lei Ming with its cold vertical pupils.

The tall and thin man muttered: "Brother, is it asking for that cub?"

The female soul master of the Soul Sect bit her lower lip tightly and said coldly: "Brother, you can't give it to it, otherwise our trip will be in vain, and the thin monkey will die in vain."

As a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, the one-horned lizard can naturally understand human language.

Seeing that these despicable human thieves didn't seem to want to return the cubs, the one-horned lizard wanted to eat the other two human thieves to put pressure on them. However, it seemed that only its head was stuck in, and its lower body was stuck outside the tree hole. Except for the short and thin man who was too close to the tree hole before and was bitten off, the other three people seemed to be untouchable.

Seeing this, the tall and lanky man said excitedly: "Brother, it seems like it can't get in."

Lei Ming said angrily: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and recover your soul power? Do you think it really can't get in? Are you afraid of hurting its cubs?"

The big one-horned lizard tried up and down several times, but couldn't get in, so it became angry because it was stuck in the wooden hole, and the single horn on its head began to emit bright electric light.

The overwhelming soul power made Lei Ming shocked. If this shot were fired, they would definitely turn into ashes. He quickly took out the cloth bag from his arms and shouted: "Thunder Lightning Dragon, do you want to kill your child?"

The thundering electric dragon looked at Lei Ming with angry eyes. The lightning on its horn slowly dissipated, and then quietly exited the tree hole.

Just when Lei Ming and the other three breathed a sigh of relief, the whole tree suddenly shook violently.

Lei Ming lowered his body weight and managed to keep his balance without falling. "No, it's going to knock this tree down."

It's just that how could an ordinary big tree withstand the impact of the thundering electric dragon? There was only a "bang" sound, and the big tree fell to the ground, revealing the three figures of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group.

Lei Ming shouted: "Run away!"

The second soul ring on his body shone brightly, and he decisively left the two of them behind and fled far away.


A scream came from behind, making Lei Ming go a little faster.

Then more than ten seconds later, there was another faint scream from behind.

"Hoo ho ho."

The only sounds left in his ears were the whistling wind and the beating heart. The chirping of birds and insects was completely inaudible in Lei Ming's ears.

Soon Lei Ming stopped and gasped, "Haha, I didn't expect that I would end up in the soul beast's mouth. Sure enough, this is the fate of a mercenary."

In front of Lei Ming, two tall trees suddenly and slowly separated on both sides, and the four-meter-tall figure of the Thunder Lightning Dragon quietly walked out from there.

Lei Ming's remaining right hand tremblingly took out the cloth bag from his arms, opened the top, and revealed the little thundering electric dragon, "Hey, look, this is your child."

"It's a pity that it will die in the hands of my Lei Ba today." Lei Ming's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was about to squeeze the Thunder Electric Dragon cub to death with his right arm.

A flash of lightning flashed in the air.

The color in Lei Ming's eyes gradually dimmed, and a blood hole as thick as a finger appeared on his forehead unknowingly.

"Roar!" The Thunder Electric Dragon came over, gently took the cub in its mouth, identified the direction, and then walked towards the territory.

There was a faint roar of a giant bear in the air.

A giant bear that was more than four meters tall lying on its stomach looked coldly at its den. At this time, all he saw was a fallen tree.

Smelling the slightly familiar smell, the giant bear roared in a certain direction that contained an undying roar.

The huge black soul power was released, and the soul beasts within a kilometer range couldn't help but lie on the ground in fear. I don't know which blind soul beast had offended this ancestor, and it was really going to kill the beast.

Of course, this is another story. Wang Xiaofeng and others don't know it because they are having a headache looking for a suitable camping place.

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