Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 266 The Rampant Ghost Tiger

"What? Use fairy grass to attract soul beasts, and then borrow Dugu Bo's poison array to select suitable soul beasts for Xiao San and the others?"

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Tang San once again told the proposal he gave to the master last night.

Then he said that Dugu Bo had a secluded place in the Sunset Forest, and that within a certain range of his secluded place, there were poisonous arrays guarding them. They could use this to protect themselves.

Everyone was really shocked, shocked by Tang San's unbridled idea.

This is equivalent to a beggar who stole something and got into trouble and met Ma Shenhao on the road, and then asked him to help solve the trouble. Isn't this really going to kill him?

Dai Mubai worriedly said: "Xiao San, we won't be killed by Dugu Bo."

The Poison Array should be a device set up by Dugu Bo within his territory. This would not offend him. You must know that a title cannot be insulted.

Tang San said: "Don't worry Mubai, the old poisonous creature has been staying with the family for a while, not in the Sunset Forest."

Flanders said solemnly: "Counselor Dugu is a member of our Shrek, and it is time for him to contribute."

Everyone was ashamed.

Good guy, if Dugu Bo knew that his consultant's name was so cheap, he would definitely regret agreeing to Tang San's three conditions.

Then he slapped Flanders to death.

Even Flanders agreed to this suggestion, and no one objected. If there was any danger, Flanders would definitely stand up and object immediately. The four teachers had obviously discussed it.

With a more convenient method, everyone immediately took action, heading towards the direction of the Ice and Fire Eyes under the leadership of Tang San.

Oscar expressed panic at this behavior of disco dancing in front of other people's houses. He whispered to Wang Xiaofeng, who was at the back of the team: "Xiao Feng, do you think Xiaosan's method is feasible?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded and replied: "Of course it is possible. Do you remember the Earth King and Pink Empress before? I suspect they were attracted by our pot of soup."

"Soup?" Oscar blinked and said, "You mean Qingyunzhi?"

Wang Xiaofeng said: "That's right, so as long as the potion is spread out, the spirit beast will definitely be attracted to it, and Xiaosan obviously has a way to stimulate the smell of the immortal product, so it's not like the spirit beast can just pick it."

"It would be great if it really went that smoothly."

Oscar glanced at Ning Rongrong who was walking ahead and laughing with Xiao Wu, "I hope Rongrong can get a powerful soul ring."

Wang Xiaofeng looked surprised: "How dare you doubt the ability of the Son of Destiny."

"You changed the subject too quickly." Oscar said helplessly: "And you are saying some weird things again."

The location of the Ice and Fire Eyes in the center of the Sunset Forest is almost the same from any direction. In addition, the Shrek Academy group was already in the core area of ​​the Sunset Forest, so it only took less than half a day. They had already arrived outside the poisonous formation that Dugu Bo had set up.

After not coming for half a year, Tang San came again and found that this place was still very beautiful.

The poisonous mist here is hidden, colorless and odorless. Unless you step into the range, you won't be able to tell that such a terrifying poisonous array is hidden in this beautiful environment.

Tang San distributed the antidote pills to everyone, and then found a place to bury Youxiang Qiluo.

After making all preparations, the strong aroma of the delicate fragrance began to be stimulated.

A strong purple gas slowly overflowed.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly covered his nose, no, it was too fragrant, and his sense of smell enhanced by the golden finger was a bit unbearable.

Everyone didn't notice Wang Xiaofeng's helplessness and just waited quietly.

After a while, a low roar sounded around, carrying a strong wind towards everyone.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai and Tang San, who were standing at the front of the team, immediately became vigilant.

Wang Xiaofeng whispered: "Feng Conghu, be careful, it's a tiger-like soul beast."

Flanders said: "As I said before, we will not take action unless there are force majeure factors, so you can deal with this soul beast on your own."

Ma Hongjun muttered: "At this time, the teacher still wants to be lazy."

Just when everyone was secretly vigilant, a black tiger suddenly jumped out of the forest.

The tiger is completely black, with no trace of color except for a white stripe on its forehead. Its body length exceeds four and a half meters, and its shoulder height is nearly two meters. The blood-red eyes were staring at the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal behind everyone, with a look of longing in their eyes.

It knew that as long as he ate that natural treasure, he would be able to break through the ten thousand years limit in a short time and become the overlord of the Sunset Forest.

Have the largest territory and occupy the most resources.

"Be careful, it's a ghost tiger that's close to five thousand years old!" Tang San said solemnly, "The ghost tiger is a spirit beast with extremely powerful attack power and speed. It is extremely ferocious."

Wang Xiaofeng added: "The most difficult thing is that Ghost Tiger has an extremely special ability, a clone."

"The shadow clone of the hundred-year-old ghost tiger is just an phantom, but once it breaks through to a thousand years, the shadow clone will have a physical form."

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was explaining to everyone, others had already started fighting with the ghost tiger and truly experienced the clone ability that Wang Xiaofeng mentioned.

Ghost Tiger separated four clones to fight with Tang San and others, while he himself rushed towards the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product.

Wang Xiaofeng smashed a shadow with one punch, Dai Mubai's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave and Tang San's Blue Silver Cage each broke one, and Ma Hongjun, in cooperation with Xiao Wu, also successfully broke one with Phoenix Fire Wire, but he was unable to do so. The ghost tiger who was blocked by people had approached the fairy grass.

"Where to escape." Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed and appeared above Guihu. His first soul ring was shining, and a pair of sharp claws stabbed at Guihu's neck.

But what people didn't expect was that Guihu ignored Zhu Zhuqing's attack at all, and split into four more instantly. One of the shadows helped Guihu block Zhu Zhuqing's attack. The main body and the other three clones moved towards that person unabated. The herbs rush away.

Wang Xiaofeng once again stopped a clone and smashed it to pieces with a punch, "Doesn't this clone require soul power? If you keep letting it go, it will become invincible."

The golden light of Tang San's purple devil eyes swept past, and he instantly found the entity in the phantom, "Zhu Qing, the second one from the left."

There was no other way. The only one closest to Ghost Tiger was Zhu Zhuqing, so she could only stop him for a while.

Countless blue silver grass sprouted from the ground, and Tang San had already sown the seeds of blue silver grass around. Unfortunately, these blue silver grass were still too fragile for Ghost Tiger's body, and they only hindered the other three clones. Yes, let Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun stop him smoothly.

Zhu Zhuqing accelerated his step and directly used his third soul skill, Nether Slash, to strike towards the ghost tiger.


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