Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 268 The thundering electric dragon attacks

"What is that sound?" Oscar hid behind Wang Xiaofeng with some fear.

He also heard the roar of the dragon. Wang Xiaofeng looked serious, "It should be the trouble caused by Youxiang Qiluo."

Why does this pressure and this oppression of soul power feel so familiar? Could it be the soul beast from two days ago? But its territory shouldn't be around here.

What Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect was that the territory of the Thunder Lightning Dragon was really nearby.

Due to the existence of the two eyes of ice and fire, the concentration of soul power in the surrounding air is higher than that in other parts of the forest. If it weren't for Dugu Bo's poison array, this place would have been occupied by powerful soul beasts.

However, even though they were afraid of Dugu Bo's strength, some soul beasts that had high self-esteem did not stay too far away. Instead, they found suitable places around them and occupied them. The Thundering Lightning Dragon was one of them.

The four members of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group that Oscar and Ma Hongjun met two days ago were precisely because they ran too far and spent too much soul power on the way to escape, otherwise they would not have been easily defeated by Flanders.

"Roar!" In the roar of a dragon, a huge figure walked out from the group of soul beasts.

The soul beasts on both sides intuitively gave way to a way out. There were even some weaker thousand-year soul beasts that couldn't bear the dragon's power and lay trembling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads at all.

Several thousand-year-old soul beasts around them regarded the Thunder Electric Dragon as the strongest competitor and looked at it fiercely.

The thundering electric dragon didn't care about the insidious, surrendered, envious and other kinds of looks around it. It looked straight at the small earth pit where Tang San was covered in fragrance, with a hint of longing in its eyes.

It's just that I don't know whether the Thunder Electric Dragon is afraid of the poisonousness of the poison array or the strength of Dugu Bo. The sharp three-toed dragon claws dug the ground and took two steps, but it never penetrated.

"Xiaosan, the effect of your fairy herb is really great." Flanders looked at the increasing number of soul beasts outside with lingering fear.

Who said there are no powerful soul beasts in the Sunset Forest? He really wanted to slap the spreader of the rumor to death, and in just a moment, more than forty thousand-year-old soul beasts had gathered outside.

Among this group of soul beasts, at least eight or nine have strength exceeding ten thousand years, and even the dragon soul beast has a cultivation level of more than thirty thousand years. You must know that soul beasts with dragon bloodline are all The strongest group of spirit beasts at the same level standing at the top of the pyramid.

Zao Wuji said to Flanders with some humor: "Flanders, it seems that we are trapped here and can't get out."

"What are you afraid of? Don't look at them shouting happily outside. When the golden holy dragon comes out, they will all be pissed off."

Liu Erlong twisted his neck, pinched his pink fist and snorted coldly, "You should have told me earlier, my bones have become moldy these days."

The master shook his head: "Don't worry, it's not that time yet. It just so happens that the surrounding thousand-year-old soul beasts have gathered here. Hurry up and let Xiaosan Rongrong and the others come over to pick one."

"I almost forgot the purpose of this trip because of these soul beasts." Flanders slapped his forehead in annoyance and said, "Why don't Junior Rongrong come over and pick out the soul beasts."

Oscar looked at the many powerful soul beasts isolated by the poison formation and said with envy: "I am so envious that I can choose at will among so many soul beasts."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Since you are so envious, let's change our fourth soul skill."

Oscar quickly changed the subject and said: "There is no need to change. Although my soul skill is only average in effect, it is quite suitable for me."

Flanders pointed at the fifty or so soul beasts in front of him and whispered: "Which one you think is suitable, Teacher Erlong and I will help you catch it."

"Dean Flender, it's too dangerous for you to do this, why not try this."

At this time, Tang San took off the Flying Divine Claw from his hand and said with a smile: "You must also know this thing, it's called the Flying Divine Claw! It can easily grab various terrains or objects thirty meters away to dodge or Climb.”

As he spoke, Tang San suddenly pointed the Flying Divine Claw at a huge rock in the distance. With a swish, the steel claw instantly popped out, leaping over a distance of more than ten meters, and then clasped firmly on it.

"But it can also be used to grab things, but if the object is a soul beast, it requires strong soul power to support it."

After saying that, Tang San gathered his soul power and easily grabbed a corner of the rock.

Flanders couldn't put it down, "What a good thing. Mistress, I must be your dean after all."


Flanders touched the exquisite flying divine claw and said, "Then give me one to play with."


Zhao Wuji also came over, "Xiaosan, you beat me so badly before, it's not too much to give me a flying claw as medical expenses."

Tang San's head was a little big, and he said quickly: "They are all there, they are all there."

In this way, Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar's Flying Divine Claws were temporarily lent to Flanders and Zhao Wuji, while Tang San's Flying Divine Claws were given to Liu Erlong. After a while of practice, they quickly learned it.

Ning Rongrong asked in a low voice: "Master, which soul beast do you think is better for Rongrong's soul ring?"

Although the sect has already planned the first four soul skills of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, it is better to ask the master when it comes to soul ring selection.

Without thinking, the master pointed at a relatively small spirit beast outside and said: "Your first three spirit rings are to increase strength, speed and spirit power. Then it is best to choose defense for the next fourth spirit ring. This will not only Protect your teammates and also protect yourself.”

Everyone looked in the direction of the master's finger. It was a soul beast that looked like a crocodile. It was relatively small among the more than fifty soul beasts.

It is one meter tall and about five meters long. It has four eyes on its head and thick limbs like buckets.

The most eye-catching thing is that the soul beast is covered with a thick layer of black steel armor, which looks extremely hard.

"The age of this scale beast is about 4,300 years, which is just right."

Ning Rongrong said happily: "That's great, let's take this one."

I have also heard of the name of the scale beast, Ning Rongrong. It is almost invincible at the same level and has super defensive power that makes opponents despair.

"Let me do it." A flash of flame flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes. Without saying a word, he jumped up high and shot out the flying divine claws!

Flanders and Zhao Wuji hurriedly threw out their flying divine claws and followed closely. It must be said that Liu Erlong's temper was a bit too hasty.

The Kirin-armored beast standing outside the poisonous formation was hiding next to a huge elephant-shaped soul beast and quietly catching fish. It greedily absorbed the delicate fragrance of Qiluo that filled the air. Unexpectedly, someone tried to hit its head. superior.

The three flying divine claws were clasped on the palm-sized scales of the scale beast one after another, and then it was pulled directly into the poison formation as if it was lifted by a crane, and fell to the ground with a thud.


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