Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 277 The unfinished assessment

There was no talking all night, and early the next morning, the group set out on their way home.

The journey back was a little boring, so Oscar poked Tang San with his arm and whispered: "Xiao San, speaking of which, we haven't seen your fourth soul skill yet, why don't you show it off?"

Wang Xiaofeng put his hands behind his head, looking quite bored. After hearing Oscar's words, he said, "Xiao San, let us see the power of the ten thousand year soul skill."

In fact, not only Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar were curious, but others were also quite curious, but they just couldn't find a reason to speak.

When Tang San saw everyone looking at him, he smiled and nodded, "Okay then."

After saying that, four yellow, purple, and black soul rings emerged from his body. Before everyone could react from the shocking soul ring matching, Tang San's ten thousand year soul ring suddenly emitted a ghostly dark light.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Without any warning, pitch-black bluesilver grass suddenly surged out from the ground around everyone's bodies and instantly merged above their heads, forming individual cages.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the ink-black Blue Silver Grass surrounding his body with a strange look on his face, "This...isn't this your third soul skill Blue Silver Cage, it's just a group version."

The master knocked on the cage formed by the blue silver grass, and suddenly there was a clear metal sound: "It seems that this spirit ring is not bad. Not only does it allow you to have group control that is only available to the fifth spirit ring of the general control system spirit master, This intensity is not bad.”

"I was worried that the Crypt Demon Spider was not well matched with your martial soul. It seems that your soul ring position was not wasted."

Tang San had two martial souls. Wasting one soul ring position was fatal to ordinary soul masters, but to Tang San it didn't have much impact.

Dai Mubai punched the bluesilver grass in front of him hard, but it could only create cracks, and it was completely shattered with the second punch.

Dai Mubai clenched his fist and said, "The hardness is indeed not bad. Looking at the way Xiao San is relaxed and happy, you can tell that this soul skill does not consume much."

This soul skill is more about teamwork. When Wang Xiaofeng saw this soul skill, he immediately came up with several violent team play methods.

Ma Hongjun said in confusion: "Xiao San's third soul skill is called Blue Silver Cage, and his fourth soul skill is also called Blue Silver Cage. It's hard to tell them apart."

Tang San touched his head: "I didn't think it through clearly. From now on, my third soul skill will be called Blue Silver Stab. After all, using this soul skill to control the enemy is a bit overkill."

The edge of the blue silver grass formed by the third soul skill is very sharp. Tang San used to use the sharp edge to cut enemies more than simply restrain them, so the name was changed to be more in line with the characteristics of the third soul skill. .

Tang San retracted the cage, his third soul skill shined, and several blood-red blue silver grasses emerged from the ground, but they did not form a cage shape, but instead intertwined to form a javelin under Tang San's control.

"The third soul skill is extremely malleable. It is no longer just a soul skill."

"as long as you are happy."

The name of the soul skill was originally chosen by myself, so I could change it however I wanted, and no one would care.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't give his soul skill a name, and usually just recited the soul spell.

"With this soul skill, everyone can use more tactics. Xiao San, as long as you attack the Blue Silver Cage first, then whether it is combined with Mu Bai's White Tiger Meteor Shower or Fatty's Phoenix Sunset Strike, you can clear the field in an instant."

Flanders looked at Tang San who was discussing tactics with Wang Xiaofeng and had a slight headache: "Did I set a small target? I think no one in the Soul Sect can stop Xiaofeng's random tactics."

Zao Wuji curled his lips: "Flanders, I feel like you are just showing off."

There were no accidents on the way back, and the group returned to Shrek Academy smoothly.

After returning to the college and having a good sleep, before everyone could enjoy campus life, they were called together by the master.

Looking at the somewhat confused eight people, the master showed a devilish smile: "You should not forget that you failed to complete the goal of this assessment."

"What assessment..." Wang Xiaofeng covered Ma Hongjun's mouth before he finished speaking. Seeing the master looking at him, Wang Xiaofeng quickly put down his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't forget, I didn't forget."

Before entering the Sunset Forest, Flanders gave everyone an assessment goal, which was to protect the bell on Ning Rongrong until Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong completed the absorption of the fourth soul ring and walked out of the Sunset Forest .

The bell was snatched away the night after entering the Sunset Forest, so naturally the assessment could not be completed.

The master nodded and said: "Very good. Since you all know that you have not completed the assessment, come and receive the punishment."

With that said, he took out a big box from the house.

However, the master obviously deliberately tried to distract everyone. He did not say what the box was used for, but began to review the previous battle.

"Tang San, you are the biggest problem here. As the brains of the team, you went to contain the Pink Empress with Dai Mubai..."

"Xiao Feng, there is nothing wrong with you, but there is still room for improvement. For example, before you drag the opponent away from your teammates, you can provide a layer of boost to your teammates to ensure that even if the opponent has a backhand, you can still increase the auxiliary souls in the team. division survival rate.”

The master criticized everyone before lifting the wooden box that made everyone extremely curious.

"There are punishments for you inside, with different levels of difficulty. The hardest one should make you peel off your skin. It depends on your luck." The master said extremely terrifying words in a calm tone.

"Okay, who comes first?"

"Fat man, fat man comes first."

Ma Hongjun was directly pushed out by Oscar, because Ma Hongjun was an expert at touching lightning and was the chosen one with negative luck.

Oscar has a beautiful calculation. As long as Ma Hongjun, the chosen one, chooses the worst punishment, then no matter how unlucky he is, someone will be at the bottom.

Ma Hongjun glanced at Oscar with a resentful look, then panicked and grabbed something from the wooden box and quickly took it out.

I saw a piece of paper in Ma Hongjun's hand, and Wang Xiaofeng urged: "Fat man, open it quickly and see what's inside."

Ma Hongjun covered his eyes and opened the note tremblingly.

Wang Xiaofeng lost all his patience due to his dilly-dallying movements, so he grabbed it and read word for word on it: "May your future journey have stars and sea in your eyes, thousands of hills and valleys in your chest, and flowers in your heart." Like a brocade.”

What kind of punishment is this? This is clearly an inspirational phrase.

Ma Hongjun quickly snatched the note back and asked, "So I don't need to be punished?"

Tang San smiled and said: "Fat man, there is no punishment in the first place."

Everyone reached into the wooden box, and as expected, the notes inside were written with various short sentences about chicken soup. Wang Xiaofeng, a fighting chicken who had been drowned in various poisonous chicken soups and warm chicken soups for several years, was naturally immune, but Tang Three, they were so moved that they didn’t want to give up.

"Children, you have always done well, but I hope you can do better in the future. After all, after you leave the academy, you will no longer have teachers and classmates to help you."

After saying that, the master waved his hand to signal for disbandment.

For the next month and a half, there was no arrangement, just free movement.


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