Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 298 Mysterious Suicide

Early the next morning, Oscar bid farewell to Wang Xiaofeng and left the dormitory with the two of them looking at Ma Hongjun.

The boring morning was spent practicing and bickering.

At noon, Oscar returned to the dormitory with a serious face.

Ma Hongjun skillfully took the food box from Oscar's hand. Wang Xiaofeng saw that there was something wrong with Oscar's face, so he asked, "What's wrong? You have a straight face. Could it be that you met a strong opponent today?"

"No, Xiaosan led Zhuqing and Mubai to easily defeat the opponent." Oscar suddenly whispered: "After the game today, I went shopping with Rongrong as usual. Suddenly, the two of us saw a group of people watching. What, then walked over and saw..."

Ma Hongjun said: "Did you see something delicious?"

Oscar did not get into an angry quarrel as usual because Ma Hongjun interrupted him, but said with an ugly face: "No, we saw a corpse, and it was a corpse wearing a certain college uniform."

"Although that place was quickly sealed off by the Tiandou City security team who came after hearing the news, we could still see that the man had no breath on the spot."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin: "You mean, maybe someone is secretly hunting down the members of the participating colleges? But, is this too stupid to offend all the forces at the same time?"

Even if Hu Yanli exposes his head soul bone, he will not die during the elite competition, because every academy participating in the competition is protected by the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace by default.

Moreover, this elite competition is hosted by Wuhun Palace. Who dares to openly challenge Wuhun Palace? If you offend the Tiandou Empire, you can run to Xingluo to hide from the limelight, but if you offend the Spirit Hall? Haha, first escape the pursuit of Wuhun Palace, and then escape the pursuit of various bounty hunters. The best ending is just to find a remote mountain forest or a small village to remain anonymous, and finally die alone.

Ma Hongjun said cheerfully: "Maybe it was suicide. After all, our Shrek is too strong. We have no hope of winning against them. They must be under great pressure."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded: "Although the reason given by the fat man is ridiculous, it is not unreasonable."

Everyone's ability to withstand stress is different. Countless people committed suicide due to excessive stress in their previous lives. It's the simplest things like anxiety and insomnia.

"Maybe I think too much." After Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun's analysis, Oscar returned to his usual self and started having lunch with them.

Time flew by and it soon came to the fifth day of the elite competition. As expected, nothing big happened.

As for the dead contestant that Oscar saw yesterday, after the Tiandou City security team and Wuhun Palace cooperated to examine the body, the cause of death was given as: falling from a height and dying directly.

As long as a three-ring soul master wants to cover himself with soul power, he will break his leg at most within twenty meters, and the surrounding buildings are only fifteen meters high, so the security team actually means, 'This person committed suicide. '.

After hearing about the death of the member of the Fengpo Academy, they immediately made a fuss in the organizing committee, even to Emperor Xue Ye, saying that the dead student was an optimistic person and there was no way he could commit suicide.

The extremely annoyed Emperor Xue Ye could only send out the most powerful official in the Tiandou Empire to investigate the case: Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, a seventy-third level soul saint, martial soul: 狌狌.

A very sloppy-looking old man was brought to the main hall on a small cart by several guards. The old man muttered: "What are you doing? Why do you keep pulling me out of the wine jar? Didn't you just drink ten jars as promised?" You can’t bother me before you drink.”

Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting at the highest point of the hall, said calmly: "Ye Feng, I have something to ask for your help. If you do it, I will reward you with twenty altars of the best Drunk Immortal Brew."

The old man Ye Feng perked up and said quickly: "Haha, isn't this a snowy night? I'm not drunk. In fact, I usually like to help others. Tell me, what trouble did you encounter again?"

The teacher from Fengpo Academy endured the stench from the old man's body and told the story exactly.

After hearing this, Ye Feng clapped his hands and said, "Oh, this is not easy. I'll just take you to see what's going on."

Then Ye Feng asked them to lead the team to the first scene where the body was found.

The place was surrounded by warning lines, and there were still brown traces on the stone bricks, which looked unchanged.

Ye Feng looked around, lying down from time to time to smell and touch the soil.

After a while, he raised his head and said, "There are so many people coming and going around here, everything has been destroyed."

The student from Fengpo Academy said angrily: "Can you do this?"

In fact, it is not surprising that this man suddenly burst into anger. The main reason is that his senior brother suddenly died due to ridiculous suicide in the past two days, and Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace obviously dealt with the problem and sent a sloppy old man to help. It would be unbearable for anyone.

"Relax kid, now is the critical time to find clues. I have to use my janitor skills."

After saying that, a light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and a tall and thin ape silhouette suddenly appeared behind him, and a heavy feeling appeared in everyone's hearts inexplicably.

Ye Feng's first, third, and fourth soul rings suddenly flashed, and a flash of colorful light immediately connected several people together.

"The fourth soul skill, time retrieval."

In the eyes of everyone, the people around them suddenly stopped, and then the surroundings seemed to press fast forward, day and night were reversed, and time quickly returned to one day ago.

Looking at the dense crowd of figures constantly passing through his body, the teacher from Fengpo Academy murmured: "This is..."

Before he could think about it, the student next to him suddenly shouted excitedly: "Look, senior brother, senior brother, he is on the roof."

The teacher of Fengpo Academy looked at the student who was supposed to be dead in disbelief. He was standing on the roof of the building blowing the wind: "How is it possible?"

Night Breeze explained: "This is a phantom left by the long river of time. He has died long ago in reality."

After a while, a gust of wind blew, and the Fengpo Academy student on the roof staggered and fell directly from the roof. His head hit the ground, blood bloomed, and he died on the spot.

Then the frightened pedestrians screamed and ran away. After a while, they gathered together out of curiosity and wanting to watch the fun.

"See clearly, there was no one around to control him. He jumped down and committed suicide." The old man put away his martial spirit, shook his head and said: "Everyone said that there is no soul power and no poison left on the corpse. It should not be regarded as suicide." Enough."

As he said that, without looking at the disappointed faces of the people, he shook his head and left directly.

With the ability to kill people silently under the eyes of Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire, they are not easy to mess with, so it is better to be confused.

Thinking that he had good wine to drink again, Ye Feng's mood improved again.


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