Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 309 New Advertising Forms

The flame environment created by Blazing Fire Academy will probably increase the power of their soul skills by about 20%.

This is a venue increase that does not occupy soul ring positions. The only disadvantage is that it requires some time and soul power to arrange the venue in advance.

Whether it was the battle formation of the Elephant Armor Academy or the increase in the venue of the Blazing Fire Academy, Wang Xiaofeng was eye-opening. This kind of academy with a long history still has some good knowledge.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Tang San, who was still trapped in Gentle Village, and could only continue his analysis: "Tailong and the four of them will definitely play."

The four of Tai Lung nodded, the solid substitutes and the flowing members.

"Their captain Huo Wushuang's martial spirit is the top beast martial spirit Fire Dragon, which is similar to Teacher Erlong. However, he does not have the unique dragon transformation skills of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. His attack and defense will be weaker, but even so, With his soul power fluctuating around level 44, Tai Lung cannot resist him, so Mubai must go on stage and be responsible for defeating him."

Dai Mubai patted the muscles on his chest, indicating that he was completely fine.

"Xiaosan's Blue Silver Grass can avoid fire, and he is the only control-type soul master among us, so he has to go."

"The last one, I think Zhuqing..."

Before Wang Xiaofeng finished speaking, Xiao Wu hurriedly said: "I, I, I, I want to play."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Tang San and saw him silently making a 'don't let her come' gesture on his lips.

No wonder he doesn't want to make tactical arrangements. It turns out he doesn't want to be this evil person. Haha, then I can't fulfill your wishes.

Wang Xiaofeng pretended to think about it for a while, and then said: "That's okay. Since you want to go, then go ahead."

Zhu Zhuqing was chosen because he had the martial soul fusion skills to guard against Blazing Academy, and Blazing Academy had two crispy agility-based soul masters. If this match came up, Zhu Zhuqing could easily beat them both.

This is the best option.

But Wang Xiaofeng was not as good as Tang San expected. Anyway, he had also experienced Xiao Wu's fourth soul skill, the invincible golden body effect: invincible for three seconds.

The battle at this level is simply invincible.

Tang San shook his head with a wry smile. Originally, he didn't want Xiao Wu to play, but he did anyway. It really shot himself in the foot.

In fact, there is nothing to pay attention to when defeating Blazing Fire Academy. They often use encirclement tactics, so they naturally know the weaknesses of this tactic.

If Blazing Academy still uses this tactic later, they will give Blazing a good lesson and teach them what it means to be a master tactician.

Flanders looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Have we discussed it? I've been thinking about it these past few days and found that these clothes may not really look good, so if you don't want to wear this uniform today, we can change it to another advertisement. Way."

Xiao Wu said happily: "That's right, that's great, Dean. I don't want to wear these clothes for a long time."

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun looked at each other and quickly and quietly left the lounge before anyone noticed.

If Xiao Wu and the others knew that this advertising method was choreographed by the two of them, they would be dead.

Everyone was attracted by Flender's words, and the departure of Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun did not attract attention.

"Since you all agree on the new advertising method, let's rehearse it before the game starts."

"Still rehearsing?" Tang San and the others suddenly had a bad feeling.


Elite Qualifiers, the second game of the thirteenth round.

After the last round of exciting competition among the ten academies, the enthusiasm of the entire Great Soul Fighting Arena audience has been completely aroused.

Before the host could introduce the next academy team, the audience had already started cheering loudly for the name 'Shrek'.

"Haha, it seems that the audience is very enthusiastic, so let us invite the dark horse of this competition, Shrek Academy."

"Shrek! Shrek!"

Huang Yuan, who was walking at the back of the team, said excitedly: "The audience is so enthusiastic. Let's get out quickly."

However, the atmosphere among Shrek and his team in the player tunnel seemed a little strange.

Tai Long asked Tang San quietly, saying in a low voice: "Boss, is it okay for Boss Dai to be in this state?"

Before Tang San had time to respond, Dai Mubai spoke up: "A gentleman keeps his promise, and six horses are hard to chase. If you agree not to wear a team and adopt a new form of advertising, you can't break your promise."

Jiangzhu looked at Dai Mubai walking unsteadily in the front and said in disbelief: "Is this the usual domineering Boss Dai?"

Tang San said helplessly: "Xiao Feng said that Mubai would talk nonsense when he was close to collapse. It seems that the dean's advertising method had a great impact on his mind."

"But it doesn't matter. He will return to normal after fighting." However, these words of comfort were a bit weak. Obviously, even he himself didn't believe what Tang San said.

At this time, Dai Mubai's mind was constantly replaying the ridiculous actions, and his whole body suddenly became even more 'sad'.

As soon as Dai Mubai and others walked out of the passage, they were greeted by huge cheers.

It seems that Shrek's continuous victory in the crushing battle has attracted the support of many viewers. Even the sharp-eyed Tang San saw some viewers holding their dolls, and he could guess that it was Fran without even looking. It's Germany's handiwork.

Flanders, who was counting money in the corner, happily patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder, "I didn't expect you to be a business wizard."

"Haha, selling dolls is just one of them. In addition to selling dolls, there are also ways to make money by selling identical clothes, character stickers, limited collector's editions, etc.

Also, have you finally agreed on the clothing? If you are late one day, you will lose a lot of gold soul coins. "

Wang Xiaofeng said disdainfully, and quickly drew character posters of Shrek. Next to him, a three-ring soul master was using his soul skills to copy on the blank paper. The cooperation between the two quickly piled up a high number of copies. A bunch of posters.

"We have negotiated for a long time, and a batch of goods will be delivered tonight." As he spoke, Flanders's eyes were shining with the light of the golden soul coins.


Shrek's popularity is naturally jealous of some colleges with poor grades, but when the students from Blazing Academy walked out, the cheers from the audience became even more intense, and even a small section of the auditorium actually pulled out A banner that says 'Xiao Wu is the most beautiful in the world'.

Everyone looked at Xiao Wu in disbelief: "Xiao Wu, you have so many fans."

Before Xiao Wu could explain, a clear but disgusting voice sounded.

"Stop being so sentimental, these are all fans of Sister Xiaowu."

"Oh, I can't help it. This little vixen like you won't understand the feeling of having too many fans."

Xiao Wu turned her head angrily and saw Huo Wu ten meters away, looking at her with contempt.

"Hmph, not counting the number of my fans queuing up, there are more fans than you who jump in line." Xiao Wu rolled her pink eyes and said proudly.

Huo Wu's face suddenly darkened: "You little vixen, your face is really wrinkled and thick."


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