Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 327: The Gratitude of the Military Academy

"Ah, the seven players from the Military Academy took the lead in attacking Shrek. Wow, the golden giant sword was so fast. In the blink of an eye, it came in front of the four players from Shrek Academy."

"Oh! Shrek's player Huang Yuan stood up bravely and blocked the attack. Shrek took this opportunity to escape the military academy's offensive."

"Oh, what kind of attack is this!? The seven players from the Military Academy actually used a trick they had never tried before. Wow, it was so powerful. The field was covered in dust and mist, making it difficult to see clearly."

The host's excited voice echoed around the Soul Fighting Stage, making Liu Erlong a little irritable who wanted to carefully observe the situation on the stage. He unconsciously exerted some force on his hands, and on the iron railings Several obvious fingerprints suddenly appeared.

"Can this host shut up quickly? I can't even watch Xiao Wu's game properly."

Flanders on the side was so frightened that a few drops appeared on his forehead, and he smiled and said: "Calm down, Erlongmei."

The fine for vandalizing public property in the elite competition is too high. If you continue to fine it, the gold soul coins you earn today will be reduced by 1%.

In the stands of the military academy, the leading teacher waved his arms excitedly. Originally, the Military Academy did not participate in the elite competition. After all, competition and battlefield fighting are completely different. The two have nothing in common.

However, the dean of the Military Academy made it clear that the Military Academy has been stuck in its ways for too long, and it is good to feel the differences among peers, which will help the students grow.

Under the death order, the participating students and teachers from the military academy reluctantly came to participate in the competition.

After these days of friendly exchanges and discussions with each academy (constantly being beaten up), the participating students from the military academy finally figured out their positions and no longer thought that I was second and no one was first.

I thought that since the students' mental state had improved, it was worthwhile to participate in the elite competition. The leading teacher of the military academy also thought about applying to the dean to continue participating in the next session after returning.

Unexpectedly, this match with Shrek was a big surprise. For four consecutive years, no team in the entire academy had learned 'Sweep Thousands of Armies', and it was actually used in this match.

The leading teacher of the military academy was almost crazy with joy. Even if he ranked last this time, it didn't matter.

On the stage, the smoke and dust all over the Soul Fighting Stage finally slowly dissipated.

A huge crack spanning tens of meters appeared in front of the entire audience. This shocking destructive power made the audience gasp.

But the most shocking thing was that when Emperor Tiandou entered the academy and was supposed to be enjoying the fruits of victory, seven people fell to the ground and fell into coma one after another. The only one standing on the field was Xiao Wu, who had always been unknown.

Thunder College, Tianshui College and Shenfeng College who were watching the game suddenly became wary of Xiao Wu and silently raised her threat level a few levels.

The destructive power of the giant sword at that time had definitely reached the level of a soul king's ten-thousand-year soul skill, but Xiao Wu not only dodged the attack in that small space, but also knocked down his opponents one after another at that moment. It's really imaginable. I don't know how it was done, it can only be attributed to the fourth soul skill that has always been hidden.

"Reversal, shocking reversal! Contestant Xiao Wu actually completed an incredible challenge. One person fought against seven people and won, breaking the record of the competition." The host's excited voice resounded through the sky, drowning out the voices of several other arenas. Go down. The next moment, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Congratulations to Shrek Academy for winning."

At the VIP table, Salas looked at the audience cheering Shrek's name, snorted coldly, stood up suddenly, and walked towards the passage.

Ning Fengzhi squinted at all this without saying a word. He smiled and said something to Emperor Xue Ye beside him, causing Emperor Xue Ye to laugh heartily.


When Xiao Wu walked to Shrek's lounge, Liu Erlong said with concern: "Xiao Wu, are you okay?"

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Xiao Wu shook her head. Although her face was a little pale, her bright eyes showed that she was in good spirits at this time. "Mom, it's okay. It's just that the soul power was consumed a bit too much."

Huang Yuan's body was dripping with blood. Under Jiangzhu's treatment, his injuries immediately recovered to some extent. With gentle movement, the blood scabs on his body fell off.

Huang Yuan jumped up and down happily and couldn't help howling like a wolf. It wasn't until Zhao Wuji warned him with an iron fist that he shut his mouth obediently. However, under the warning from Zhao Wuji's eyes, he still couldn't help it. He whispered: "Xiao Feng, your soul skill is really easy to use."

At the last moment, Wang Xiaofeng used his first soul skill in time to protect Huang Yuan. Otherwise, he who stood in front and suffered most of the damage from Sweeping Thousands of Army would have suffered such a superficial wound. It would have been terrifying. .

"You don't have to say that." Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes.

However, Wang Xiaofeng turned to look at Xiao Wu, and saw Xiao Wu talking to Liu Erlong with an excited face. Liu Erlong looked at her kindly, but the worry in his eyes could not go away.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed, Xiao Wu was too risky this time.

If it is the eighth-level wrestling, it is a masterpiece of jutsu, which brings the skills to the extreme. So instant kill? The eighth stage throw is the soul skill of teleportation that is brought into full play.

Silently teleport behind the enemy, use soft skills to attack the enemy's vital points, and defeat the enemy with one blow. (Inspired by the fourth generation of Flying Thunder God)

The difficulty lies in the need for strong soul power and strong physical fitness. In addition, continuous teleportation requires a strong sense of space. Adjusting the attack posture at the moment requires sensitive reflexes.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng's third soul skill can increase defense and soul power, and his fourth soul skill increases perception and reaction.

If these two soul skills hadn't given Xiao Wu the confidence to experiment with new soul skills, otherwise Xiao Wu wouldn't have been able to use this attack technique at this level. This technique can only be developed after at least the Soul Emperor level.

However, in just one night, this skill was developed to the point where it could be used in actual combat. Wang Xiaofeng really didn't know whether to praise Xiao Wu for her talent or to call her stupid.

In fact, Wang Xiaofeng could also guess that Tang San should have put too much pressure on her. After all, no one wanted to hide behind her all the time, let alone Xiao Wu, who was the strongest in the team.

Otherwise, a soul master who had not eaten the fairy grass would catch up with them in a short period of time. Wang Xiaofeng could not imagine how much sweat was put behind this smile.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts were lost, a knock on the door pulled him back. Zhao Wuji, who was closest to them, said carelessly: "Boss Fu, it's probably an advertiser looking for you again."

Flanders straightened his clothes, sat up straight and coughed lightly, "Don't let outsiders see the joke."

Zhao Wuji curled his lips, this old man who is not shy likes to show off. When he opened the door, he discovered that it was not the advertiser he had imagined outside, but a middle-aged man with a serious face wearing the emblem of Tiandou Emperor College and a military uniform.

"Hello, I don't know..." Before Zhao Wuji could finish his words, the other party happily held Zhao Wuji's hand, "You must be Zhao Wuji, the leader of Shrek Academy, the Fudo Ming King. I have admired you for a long time."

After shaking hands, he walked into the room with a familiar look. Zhao Wuji scratched his hair blankly. This was the first time he saw such a shameless person. If he hadn't felt any malice, He almost slapped her subconsciously.

The middle-aged man who walked into the room looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Oh, you must be the famous master, I have admired you for a long time, and Dean Flanders, I have admired you for a long time."

The master whose hand was being held tightly glanced at Flanders, 'What's going on with this guy? ’

Flanders shook his head, 'I don't know either. The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us. ’


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