Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 378 Destroy the Thunder Dragon

In the end, the referee ruled that the complaint from Thunder Academy was invalid.

After all, Shrek did not violate the rules.

As for the attempted murder? Wu Hao wasn't dead yet, and he didn't have any arms or legs, so his injuries were a bit more serious. He was a good man again after lying down for ten days and a half.

Faced with such a verdict, everyone in Thunder Academy was naturally very dissatisfied and looked very ugly.

However, Shrek almost danced with joy.

The game continues.

The next person to appear is Lei Dong, the vice-captain of Thunder Academy. His cultivation level is level 43, and he has the martial soul Thunder Wolf Spider.

The Thunder Wolf Spider is very famous in the soul beast world. Only one hundred thousand Wolf Spider eggs can have a chance of being born. It is a very rare soul beast.

The Thunder Wolf Spider looks exactly like a Wolf Spider, but unlike ordinary Wolf Spiders, the Thunder Wolf Spider is not poisonous at all, but has an organ in its body specifically designed to store electricity.

With this organ, the Thunder Wolf Spider can not only use thunder and lightning, but also store the static electricity generated on the body. When its life is threatened, it can release it all in one breath, causing a fatal blow to the enemy.

As soon as Lei Dong came on stage, he immediately completed the possession of the martial spirit. Eight rays of lightning surged out from behind at the same time, two spider legs penetrated the ground, and the remaining six spider legs penetrated into the sky like antennas.

It was obviously one-third smaller than before, but still covered most of the arena. The thundercloud seemed to be attracted by some kind of force. It immediately lowered the thunder snake as thick as an arm, and kept landing on the six thundering spider legs. .

Lei Dong let out a muffled groan, and the four soul rings on his body gradually brightened as the thunder snakes continued to bombard him.

In the audience, Wang Xiaofeng's expression changed, "No, the thunder is absorbing the thunder clouds in the sky. If this continues..."

Dai Mubai also knew that he couldn't let Lei Dong absorb it like this, and his second soul ring shone slightly.

A powerful ball of light erupted from Dai Mubai's mouth. Not only that, powerful soul power erupted under his feet, pushing his body into a stream of light and rushing towards Lei Dong.

‘It seems I can’t absorb it all’

Lei Dong no longer suppressed the violent elements in his body, and released them all in one breath. The huge thunder and lightning light converged, and the electric snakes condensed together under Lei Dong's suppression, turning into a two-meter-long blue thunder dragon.

The thunder dragon roared and defeated the white tiger's fierce light wave, and then without losing its momentum, it bared its teeth and claws and slammed into Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai did not dodge. The thunder dragon was too fast and it came in front of him in the blink of an eye. If he dodged at this time, his flaws would be revealed.

So Dai Mubai used the White Tiger Shura Transformation.

The golden light representing growth almost turned him into a golden man, and Dai Mubai stepped forward with a more domineering attitude.

There was a loud 'dang' sound!

Dai Mubai let out a muffled groan, and his whole body crackled with a heart-breaking sound of bones exploding. Along with several meters of bricks and gravel flying around him, his whole body was directly blasted ten feet away by the thunder dragon. !

But the thunder dragon was torn into two halves by Dai Mubai, who withstood the powerful impact of the thunder and lightning and used his steel-like tiger claws.

The thunder dragon let out a silent cry, and its body that was torn in half turned into countless electric snakes and dissipated in the air.

Lei Dong watched with a pale face as Dai Mubai stood up shakily, and was filled with admiration.

Dai Mubai's current situation is indeed not good. The golden light that covered his body with special effects before absorbed tons of damage and is now almost transparent.

The blood mixed with the burnt black hair, and the original hair color could not be seen at all.

The surrounding thunder and lightning elements have long been absorbed by the thunder clouds. At this time, the scattered thunder and lightning elements can no longer maintain the form of thunder clouds, and the warm sunshine once again covers the entire arena.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "He is indeed the strongest control soul master in Thunder College, and his level of control over soul power is very high."

Although Dai Mubai powerfully crushed Wu Hao, Lei Dong still got some information, which was the powerful elemental resistance that was almost immune to lightning of the same level.

Therefore, Lei Dong did the opposite, giving up his best control-type soul skills, and using the previous accumulation of his teammates, he unleashed an attack that was not weaker than the soul king's full blow, causing Dai Mubai to take the initiative and suffer a heavy loss.

If one of his soul skills is similar to Huo Wu's fourth soul skill 'Fire Dance Yaoyang', which can absorb the same kind of elements, then the limit of this move can even reach the soul emperor level.

Dai Mubai was breathing heavily, and the soul power in his body was flowing, slowly squeezing out the lightning that invaded his body, and streaks of lightning flashed across his body from time to time.

No, we can't let him recover!

Almost at the same time, Lei Dongqiang took action with all his strength, dragging his meridians out of pain!

Soul power surged out, and the fourth soul skill, the God-locking Ring, turned into a string of blue light, crushing towards Dai Mubai!

Lei Dong's fourth soul skill, the God-Locking Ring, is driven by soul power and locked by mental power. It is almost impossible to dodge at the same level and can only be resisted with soul power.

The strong elemental resistance allowed Dai Mubai to quickly dispel the abnormality in his body, but Lei Dong was very decisive in his attack, and no matter how he dodged, the eight blue haloes always followed him, so Dai Mubai could only Used the White Tiger Protective Barrier to defend.

The moment Dai Mubai used his first soul skill and his body came to a standstill, eight blue halos filled with lightning had already been wrapped around Dai Mubai's body.

"Referee, I surrender!"

Lei Dong had reached the edge of the ring at some point. The dry soul power in his body made his whole body weak, but he still managed to brace himself and jump down.

The moment he landed, a figure rushed out of Thunder Academy and landed heavily on the ring.

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The referee was yelled back to his senses by the teacher from Thunder Academy. This was the first time he saw an academy exploiting loopholes in the rules like this. He paused and said: "The game continues."

The man who looked like a little giant patted his chest and took long strides towards Dai Mubai, who was struggling in the God Locking Ring not far away.

In the process of running, his muscles continued to expand, and his whole body was taller by tens of centimeters again. The cuticles attached to his body like armor flashed with electric light, and two white fangs protruded from his lips. The broken arena Trembling under his footsteps.

The three-meter-tall figure was extremely oppressive, and it was even more unstoppable when charging, which made the surrounding audience unable to help but marvel.

Wang Xiaofeng introduced to everyone: "This is the Thunder Mammoth Martial Spirit. It not only has the powerful defense and physique of the Mammoth Martial Spirit, but also possesses the powerful attack of thunder and lightning. It is an extremely rare mutant martial spirit."

This person should be the hidden trump card of Thunder Academy just like Wu Hao.

Counting this way, four soul sects have appeared in Thunder College, and I don't know if there is a fifth.

The little giant exploded with all his strength, like an armored car charging rampantly. His fourth soul skill glowed, and a layer of lightning armor was attached to his body again, and thunder roared.

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