Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 387: Winning over from Wuhun Palace

Contra, wearing a black cloak, immediately breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the instructions, and quickly flapped the golden wings on his back and chased Tang San as he ran away.

Not only him, but everyone else also moved away from the two people standing on the short slope, facing each other from a distance.

The main reason is that Sword Douluo can cut through the abyss with just one sword, which is really scary. Everyone is afraid that the sharp sword like the god of death will fall on their head in the next moment.

After many years, the terror of Titled Douluo has once again appeared in the eyes of the world.

Sword Douluo was wearing spotless white clothes, his silver hair was neatly combed, and a pure silver sword with an ordinary style floated behind him.

He glanced lightly at Contra, who was chasing Tang San. With Flanders and Liu Erlong guarding him, there was nothing this Golden Eagle could do against Tang San.

"Yueguan, your Wuhun Palace is really getting better and better, and you actually attacked a few children. It's really embarrassing for a titled Douluo."

Ju Douluo Yueguan was not surprised to be recognized by Human Sword Douluo. After all, there were only a few titled Douluo, and even fewer were still active in the soul master world, so they couldn't hide it from each other at all.

But it's one thing to be recognized by others, and it's another thing to admit it yourself.

Ju Douluo did not respond directly, but smiled and said: "Chen Xin, if you want to blame, you can only blame Tang San. He has a bad surname but chooses 'Tang'. Especially his talent is the one in a million innate soul power. We It’s impossible to keep such a potential enemy alive.”

"Little friend Tang San is a friend of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. If you want to attack him, then ask me about the sword in my hand first."

"Really? That's a good time to learn how powerful it is to attack the first martial spirit."

A black shadow quietly appeared next to Ju Douluo. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding environment suddenly became a lot darker. This made Sword Douluo's calm expression suddenly change, "Ghost, I didn't expect you to come too."

It seemed that Wuhun Palace and Tang Hao already had an sworn hatred, otherwise they wouldn't have sent two ninety-five-level titled Douluo to assassinate Tang San.

"Ah, it's really lively. You two seniors shouldn't mind letting me join in the fun."

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda floated in the palm of his hand. Ning Fengzhi walked to the hill and faced Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo from afar.

Ju Douluo said in a stern tone, "Ning Fengzhi, it seems that your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is determined to get into this muddy water. Old ghost, let's retreat."

After saying that, Ju Douluo fired a signal into the sky, and a huge fireworks exploded in the sky.

Everyone within a kilometer radius saw the fireworks. In the blink of an eye, the disguised bandit disappeared like an ebbing tide into the woods on both sides.

A soul saint with seven soul rings around his body suddenly blocked Wang Xiaofeng's escape route: "Are you Wang Xiaofeng? His Majesty the Pope is very optimistic about you."

As he spoke, something was thrown over. Wang Xiaofeng cautiously blocked it with a gourd. The thing fell to the ground. Only then did Wang Xiaofeng realize that it was a token.

Faced with Wang Xiaofeng's extremely shameless behavior, the Seven-Huan Soul Sage showed an expression of appreciation: "You are indeed the genius that your Majesty has chosen. He is indeed cautious. However, our Majesty has no ill intentions and just wants to do a business with you. "


"That's right. Shrek will graduate when he reaches level 40, and you who no longer have the support of the academy will inevitably worry about the huge training resources in the future. As long as you help our Spirit Hall complete some very difficult tasks, we will Wuhun Palace will give you an equal reward."

Wang Xiaofeng poked the token on the ground with a branch: "Isn't this similar to a mercenary?"

"That's right, our Wuhun Palace has an ordinary employment relationship with you, and you have the right to refuse the task." As if he felt that the chips were not enough, the Seven-Huan Soul Saint added: "Your senior Qin Ming also cooperates with us. A member. The goal of our Spirit Hall is to help all soul masters who are talented but have a bad background. Origin can only determine your starting point, but it cannot determine your future."

"Don't you hate those nobles who are born to be superior?"

I understand, so it’s under such a banner.

However, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the plot of a boy who slays a dragon and eventually becomes a dragon.

And something labeled as free is definitely the most expensive thing in the world.

Wang Xiaofeng knew this very well, but a celebrity in his previous life had taught him the best way to deal with this kind of thing: when facing the enemy's sugar-coated bullets, eat the sugar-coating first, and then throw the shells back.

And Wang Xiaofeng did the same.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng put the token into the soul guide, Soul Saint showed a satisfied smile. Now his goal was accomplished.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. By the way, for the sake of your own life, I remind you to get out of here quickly."

After saying that, the Seven Ring Soul Saint instantly turned into a black shadow and disappeared from Wang Xiaofeng's sight.

Is the agility and attack type Soul Saint? If he had made a move just now, he might have had to use 'instant' to escape.

But, for the sake of my own life, you want me to run away... What does that mean?

Before Wang Xiaofeng could think about it, a firework that suddenly rose and exploded bloomed in his eyes.

"This...could this be the signal to actually take action?"

Then, Wang Xiaofeng obediently closed his crow's mouth.

Because, a mushroom cloud like a nuclear bomb explosion suddenly rose into the sky from the direction of the fireworks, and the huge shock wave generated by the explosion swept towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Baji? Instant!


The ground shattered, and the soil and gravel surrounding Wang Xiaofeng were lifted up several meters. The surrounding air was suddenly shattered by Wang Xiaofeng, and the space shook slightly, leaving only an afterimage hanging above the pothole.

Wang Xiaofeng's figure flashed and he ran a thousand meters away in an instant.

After a few seconds, the turbulent and hot air waves rolled away, and the airflow suddenly blew away the agitated dust.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the dust covering the sky in the distance, and sighed in his heart: It's really a fight between gods that brings disaster to mortals. I wonder if Oscar and the others have run to a safe place.

With this thought, Wang Xiaofeng took out a few large sausages from the soul guide and ate them.

Only two-thirds of his soul power was left, so he had to replenish it quickly. Fortunately, Oscar had just given him some extra sausages to put on him.

"Martial spirit fusion technique, two-pole static field!"

"Five of Swords!"

The nine soul rings on Sword Douluo's body shone at the same time. Under Ning Fengzhi's amplification, the sharp sword immediately flew in the direction the sword was pointing.

The sharp sword broke through the sound barrier in an instant, turning into a huge sword light that roared straight towards the huge gold and silver halo.

Not to be outdone, the gold and silver halo turned into a huge halo with a diameter of more than a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

With endless suppressive power, the cover came down.

The heaven and earth were silent for a moment, infinite light flashed, and the scattered golden light broke and reflected across the sky!

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