Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 401 Hammer to Suppress the Dragon

In a small place like the arena, if you encounter martial soul fusion skills, if you can't interrupt them in advance, there is really no good way except for attacking and blocking.

The aftermath gradually subsided.

In the sky, the black clouds that filled the black dragon's body had been blown away by the aftermath, and its sinuous body was completely exposed to the eyes of the audience.

The golden vertical pupils stared down at Ma Hongjun, who was covered in blood and completely unconscious: "It's a really good attack, but it's a pity that it ends here!"

The sharp claws with three toes pointed towards Ma Hongjun. The dragon claws as big as a water tank looked like they could easily crush Ma Hongjun.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ma Hongjun. The fourth soul ring shone, and a burst of golden light suddenly appeared on the ring.

Invincible Golden Body Effect: Ignores any attack and doubles strength, lasting three seconds.

The black dragon felt his attack hit the cotton, and the next second, a huge force came from under his claws.

boom! !

The dragon's claws were raised high, the dragon's scales splashed everywhere, and the dragon's claws made of soul power suddenly became much more transparent.

Taking this opportunity, Tang San controlled the blue silver grass and threw Ma Hongjun out of the ring.

Xiao Wu put one foot on the ground, and the next moment, teleportation started.

Xiao Wu suddenly appeared in front of the dragon's head. His whole body tensed up instantly as he was surrounded by golden light. His right leg drew a semicircle in the air and hit the dragon's head hard.

Kaka! !

The hard horn on the dragon's head suddenly made a cracking sound, and suddenly broke from the root in the surprised eyes of the audience.


The black dragon let out a mournful cry. Although he was only the product of martial soul fusion skills, his one horn was still one of his weaknesses.

The golden vertical pupils suddenly became filled with a violent aura, and the red eyes were irrational.

Tang San exclaimed: "No! Xiao Wu, get out of there quickly!"

"Nine treasures are famous, and the second one is speed."

The amplification from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was injected into Xiao Wu's body, but unfortunately, the distant water could not quench the near thirst.

Xiao Wu had just teleported out of the air when the huge dragon tail had already predicted her landing point and directly knocked her out of the field!

Xiao Wu's figure shot out backwards, like a shooting star streaking across the sky.

boom! !

The body hit the wall under the auditorium heavily, Xiao Wu's throat trembled, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out, sprinkling all over the ground.

"Xiao Wu!!"

Tang San was filled with grief and anger. At this moment, the string of reason in his mind suddenly broke.

Blue Silver Grass soared into the sky and turned into countless vines, twisting directly towards the black dragon that roared in mid-air.

The black dragon kept roaring, and countless blue silver grasses continued to be broken, but more blue silver grass followed and entangled up. Unknowingly, his body was slowly being broken bit by bit. Pulled from the air to the ground.

Eight black spider legs suddenly stabbed out from Tang San's back, black light surged from his right hand, and an inconspicuous small hammer appeared in his grasp.

There was a sudden explosion under Tang San's feet, and with his legs sunk into the ground as the center, the entire ground suddenly burst into eight small pits.

And his figure disappeared directly from the spot, and the next moment he appeared, he was already in front of the black dragon.

Half-turning his body, Tang San held the hammer with both hands. Using the speed provided by the Eight Spider Spears, his whole body half-twirled, and the small black hammer that was only a foot long in his hands suddenly slammed down.

boom! !

Black Dragon's head sank suddenly, and the severe pain suddenly awakened his remaining sanity.

But before he could react, the small black hammer hit Him on the head again.

Bang...bang...bang! !

The whole arena was shaking.

In just five seconds, Tang San had already swung thirty-six hammers.

A pothole appeared in the center of the ring at some point, and the central part had sunk one meter deep.

The black dragon had long since disappeared, leaving only Ming Tiangang and Shen Xukong, who did not know whether to live or die, lying motionless at the bottom of the pit.

Tang San looked pale, but still held the Clear Sky Hammer high.

Flanders quietly appeared beside him and gently grabbed his wrist: "That's enough, we have won."

Hearing the familiar voice, Tang San's dull eyes finally fluctuated, and then he lost consciousness and fell to the side.

Flanders hugged him, and his soul power penetrated into his body. As he expected, his body was in a very serious overdraft situation. If he did not receive timely treatment, his cultivation might regress.

Flanders hugged Tang San and left, leaving behind a silent scene.

On the rostrum, the eyes of all the platinum and cardinals were frozen.

In the audience, the hearts of all the soul masters over fifty years old were trembling.

The first martial soul in the mainland, the Haotian Hammer.

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