Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 420 I don’t know how to choose a title

The huge black sword light clinging to the ground directly left a long spark and deep mark on the bluestone along the way.

The strong force pressed the skirt on Xiao Wu's body tightly to her waist, outlining her slender waist.

Feeling the oppressive energy that whizzed before it came, Xiao Wu raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she was a little surprised that the other party could use such a powerful soul skill.

At the moment when the sword light was about to hit his body, Xiao Wu was suddenly surrounded by dazzling golden light.

The powerful black sword light hit the golden figure hard, and Xiao Wu flew away with a bang.

The impact of the sword light caused Xiao Wu to roll several times in mid-air. When she was still half a meter away from the ground, she stopped strangely. She stepped lightly with her right foot, flipped her body in the air, and then nimbly It fell on the hard stone slab.

Seeing the dim golden glow on her body gradually disappearing, Xiao Wu's pretty face became solemn. She was almost knocked out of the invincible golden body state.

On the other side, everyone at Shura Academy looked at Xiao Wu who was unharmed in disbelief.

Although it was just a hasty blow, its attack power definitely reached the level of a ten-thousand-year soul skill.

"No, we can't waste our soul power like this anymore."

Feeling that one-sixth of the soul power had disappeared from his body, the captain of Shura Academy simply inserted the Tang knife into the ground and silently concentrated his soul power.

He looked up at Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai as they moved closer. Relying on the enhanced induction due to the connection with the four people's soul power, he was able to detect the powerful soul power contained in the three people's bodies.

"Shrek deserves to be Shrek. He is so difficult to deal with, but..." He held the handle of the Xuanxue Drinking Knife tightly with his palms, and slowly rubbed the ground with his soles. Then he stepped down hard, and his soul power exploded. He moved.

Following the explosion, the captain of Shura Academy used the rebound force of the soul power explosion to suddenly rush into the air.

On the blood-drinking knife, red-black soul power surged out.

The three illusory black sword lights swung out trembled slightly, and then shot towards the three people below, one after another.

Looking at the huge soul power sword light flying towards him again, Wang Xiaofeng, who was paddling aside, was slightly startled, then he frowned slightly and glanced back from the corner of his eyes.

These three slashes seemed to be aimed at Xiao Wu and the others, but in fact they were aimed at Tang San, Oscar and Ning Rongrong behind them.

If they dodge, these three slashes will definitely threaten the rest of the team.

"Can't hide!"

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment when he heard Wang Xiaofeng's voice, and then stopped his steps without thinking.

The two major increases of the White Tiger Protective Barrier and the White Tiger Shura Transformation instantly blessed him. With the blessing of Wang Xiaofeng's third soul skill, he faced the black sword light.


A violent sound resounded in the square, and as the gravel flew, a crack spread from the dust.

Dai Mubai's sliding figure slowly stopped, revealing a pair of scarred tiger palms, but he still managed to block it.

The second sword light followed closely, Xiao Wu's body once again glowed with golden light, and she blocked the second sword light without hesitation.

boom! !

The smoke that had not fallen yet rolled up again, and then, a third blade cut through the smoke and flew fiercely towards Tang San.

"The blue and silver cage city wall."

With Ning Rongrong's increased soul power, Tang San summoned twelve blue silver cages in one breath.

Ma Hongjun didn't have any good defense means, so he could only join forces with Tang San and use Phoenix Fire Line and Blue Silver Cage to block for a while.

Flames flew everywhere, the blue silver shattered, and it was simply vulnerable to the light of the sword.

But Oscar and Ning Rongrong still seized the short opportunity that everyone bought them, ate the mushroom intestines in time and flew away from the slashing range of the sword.

"Fortunately, I ran fast."

Oscar watched the sword light passing by the two of them, leaving a gap in the energy shield of the arena, and he patted his chest with some relief.

The captain of Shura Academy gasped and suddenly half-knelt on the ground, and the sharp blade immediately sank into the blue bricks.

The continuous explosions in a short period of time made the meridians in his body a little unable to bear it, and drops of blood poured out from his skin, turning him into a bloody man in a short time.

"Captain, why don't we give up? Your body won't be able to hold on if we continue to fight." The girl from the auxiliary department of Shura Academy said with tears in her eyes and sobbed.

The captain of Shura Academy turned around, glanced at his teammates with tired faces, and shook his head gently: "In our Asura Academy, we can only die standing up, not live lying down."

Powerful soul power surged out of him again.

A strong wind blew in all directions, blowing away the heavy dust from the arena.

Shrek's group was revealed, who were eating sausages secretly, seizing the time to restore their physical strength and soul.

"Can't give them time to recover!"

A look of solemnity flashed in the eyes of the captain of Shura Academy. He knew that the longer the delay, the slimmer the hope of victory.

"I didn't want to use that move, but for the sake of Star Luo Empire and Shura Academy, Shrek, I'm sorry."

He knew that even if he used his trump card, he might not be able to eliminate all Shrek, but he didn't want to just admit defeat.

Who is still standing in the ring now and is not a proud man of heaven?

With the stimulation of the secret technique, the robe on his body suddenly rose automatically without any wind, and a powerful momentum gradually rose from his body.

The strength of that momentum made the surrounding soul masters watching the game open their mouths in surprise, and they couldn't help but scream in low voices: "This momentum..."

"It has reached the soul power level of the Soul King." The master frowned. The power of the Soul Sect's five-person soul skill fusion technique and the Soul King's five-person soul skill fusion technique are incomparable.

The power of this attack may be greater than the last sonic attack of the Netherworld White Tiger.

However, Shrek is not a fool either. He just stands there and waits for others to use their moves.

Dai Mubai spit out a large ball of light from his mouth and shot it straight in the direction of Shura Academy.

White Tiger's Fierce Light Wave is the fastest among all Dai Mubai's soul skills, followed closely by vines and flames.

Facing the attack, the captain of Shura Academy let out a breath, the long sword vibrated, the crisp sound of the sword resounded, and the red-black soul power in his body suddenly rioted.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned and looked at him. Although the other party looked the same, in his perception, terrifying energy was condensing crazily.

"The fourth soul skill, Shura slashes with one sword!"

The terrifying energy fluctuations finally broke out, and a sharp sword energy streaked across the sky amidst thunderstorm-like roars.

The hard floor actually cracked into thin cracks under the pressure of the sharp sword energy.

Even the dazzling light of the sun seemed to be absorbed, and everyone's eyes were attracted to the huge black scar on the ring.

"will die!"

As the main targets of the sword energy, the six Shrek people saw such an exaggerated attack, and a horrifying thought flashed through their hearts.

Oscar felt like the world was shaking. When he came to his senses, he had fallen off the stage. Ning Rongrong was treated similarly to him.

"My butt hurts." Ning Rongrong couldn't help but complain, "Hey, aren't we in the ring?"

Then, a strong roar attracted their attention.

As soon as the huge jet-black sword energy and the golden light emitting fireflies came into contact in mid-air, the terrifying energy contained in the sword energy was released.

The strong wind howled by, and the violent energy shock wave caused the golden light on Xiao Wu's body to sway.

The invincible golden body only lasted for two seconds. Before the third second, it shattered, revealing Xiao Wu's delicate body.

But a loud phoenix cry and a fierce tiger roar appeared on both sides of her in time.

The white tiger's sky-ripping claws are superimposed on the phoenix dancing for nine days!

The power on the ground and in the air erupted almost at the same time, and the shock wave generated by the collision of three completely different energies severely knocked Xiao Wu away.

A mouthful of blood spat out, and Xiao Wudong used her little soul power to teleport backwards and directly avoided the second round of impact.

Then, a piece of bluesilver grass was quietly tied on, and a huge force came from her waist to pull her back.

The energy shock wave spread out and came into contact with the defensive shield set up by the organizer, but the latter obviously underestimated the damage that this generation of soul masters could cause.

At that moment, the fragile defensive shield, which could only protect against a full blow from the low-level Soul Emperor, was immediately completely destroyed by the energy shock wave.

At this moment, the cardinals who were sitting leisurely watching the show couldn't sit still, and yellow, purple, and black soul rings rose up from their bodies.

But before they could take action, a crisp sound echoed in their minds.

I saw a tall and exquisite tower floating in the mid-air of the square, with light blooming. In the blink of an eye, a soul power shield that could completely cover half of the square wrapped the arena. The fierce energy impacted on the shield, causing ripples. None of them can be produced, which is as ridiculous as ants shaking a tree.

A cardinal glanced at the pope sitting on the throne and sat back down in a low voice: "That old man Pu Donglai still likes to show off."

"Girl, how did grandpa do?" A white-haired old man was taking credit for his perfect performance.

Nitya blinked and hugged the old man's right arm happily: "Grandpa is the most powerful."

Inside the protective cover.

Wang Xiaofeng pressed his hands against the gourd. The energy shock wave visible to the naked eye was like a rolling ocean wave, constantly impacting the gourd, making his hands numb.

Cracks continued to appear on the surface of the gourd, but they were quickly repaired by the soul power injected by Wang Xiaofeng.

Fortunately, Tang San knew how to help and summoned a lot of blue silver grass to stabilize the gourd.

Behind them, the three pale-faced people kept chewing sausages. Their unrestrained use of soul power had left their bodies empty, and they were seizing the time to restore their soul power.

The energy shockwave raging in the ring was gradually obliterated by the protective shield.

Smoke and dust gradually fell, revealing a messy arena.

The ground was covered with rubble, and there was barely a complete bluestone brick in sight.

In a darkened corner, the referee found the five seriously injured people from Shura Academy.

Fortunately, they had some soul power left, set up a protective shield in advance, and ran to the corner to avoid the center of the energy collision.

Otherwise it would not be as simple as serious injury.

Maybe this is the first team to die at the hands of their own soul skills since the Elite Tournament was held.

Fame can last through the ages.

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