Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 424: One drags seven, the tip of the knife dances

Faced with Wang Xiaofeng's praise, Tang San obviously had no time to respond.

Tang San, who had just released his fourth soul skill, quickly retreated to join the others.

The six people except Wang Xiaofeng formed a circle, with Oscar and Ning Rongrong in the center.

The six people danced strangely, with gorgeous soul rings floating above their heads, attracting the attention of all the audience.

"As expected of a master, he has actually mastered the six-in-one soul power fusion technique."

Ning Fengzhi smiled. He had seen Shrek practicing the seven-in-one soul power fusion technique in the yard before.

But even if a genius is as great as the master, Ning Fengzhi doesn't think that the master can teach everyone in Shrek in such a short period of time.

Unexpectedly, the master actually showed the results directly and slapped him in the face.

If there were more surprises like this, Ning Fengzhi wouldn't mind being slapped in the face at all.

Whether it is Shrek's six-in-one soul power fusion skill or Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skill, it will take some time.

Even if this process only takes a few seconds, this time is when they are most vulnerable.


A black shadow crossed half of the arena, carrying a howling wind, and struck directly at Hu Liena and Xie Yue, who were about to successfully fuse.

Although the others in Wuhun Palace wanted to help resist, it took a lot of effort to break through the blue silver cage, and in such a short time, the black shadow had already passed them.

Faced with such a massive attack, Hu Liena frowned. If they didn't complete the martial soul fusion skill first, then this blow might hurt them.

Injury prematurely will definitely shorten the duration of the martial soul fusion skill, which may affect His Majesty the Pope's plan.

Xie Yue seemed to notice Hu Liena's hesitation and directly helped her make the decision.

He suddenly pushed Hu Liena to the left, and then tilted his body slightly, just in time to narrowly avoid the rapidly approaching gourd.

The howling wind made their robes rustle.

Xie Yue suddenly turned around, and the two moon blades spinning beside him suddenly shot out with electricity.

The moon blade created an arc in the air and came from behind, cutting the gourd in half as it was about to hit the auxiliary soul master standing at the rear.

"They are worthy of being a golden generation. The tactics of seducing people in the east and attacking in the west are of no use."

Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands and calmly suppressed the backlash after the martial soul was destroyed.

"Damn it! Are you looking down on us?"

Blue Silver Grass's Fire Resistance is still more restrained than Yan's Fire Lord. By the time he breaks the Blue Silver Cage bound to his body, Hu Liena and Xie Yue have been interrupted by Wang Xiaofeng and need to re-enter the state of martial soul fusion.

He was powerless and could only vent his anger on Wang Xiaofeng. It was all this kid's fault. Wouldn't it be nice to just obediently be eliminated by us?

"The second soul skill, granite rock!"

With the soul ring shining on his body, Yan jumped up high and hit the ground heavily with his right hand.

The surrounding ground shook, and an eight-meter-high stone pillar suddenly shot out from under Wang Xiaofeng.

There were continuous explosions under Wang Xiaofeng's feet, and his body suddenly spun strangely in mid-air, like a ghostly shadow, passing by the rock pillars that kept striking out from the ground.

Such an attack frequency was too slow for Wang Xiaofeng. While dodging, he picked up gravel on the ground and continued to project it in the direction of Hu Liena and Xieyue.

This forced the Flying Golden Swallow Spirit Master in the Wuhun Palace team who was supposed to be responsible for interrupting Tang San's six-in-one soul power fusion technique ceremony, but at this time, he could only intercept the incoming stones.

The number of rock pillars gradually increased, and the blazing temperature baked the surrounding air into wrinkles.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned. He found that he seemed to be surrounded by stone pillars unknowingly. Just as he was about to break out of the encirclement, intense heat suddenly appeared on the surface of the rock pillars.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly enlarged the gourd on his waist and blocked it in front of him.

boom! !

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Then there was a loud noise, and a huge explosion occurred where he was, and the middle of the ring turned into a huge burning fireball.

Scattered magma was flying high in the sky. In the seemingly still space, a figure like a heavy tank rushed in, breaking the still scene.

The shield-armored mountain boar soul master of Wuhun Palace was covered in a thick layer of rock armor and carried three amplifications. He rushed into the sea of ​​fire with unrivaled momentum.

(I haven’t finished coding yet. I’ll continue coding when I come back from the shower.) I was so exhausted from hiking during the Qingming Festival today that I lay down and fell asleep after eating.

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