Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 426: Who to compete with?

Tang San, who fired such a wonderful attack, did not show a happy expression. On the contrary, his expression was very serious.

Because even though the soul power of others is linked to each other, a large amount of soul power is still missing from the body out of thin air.

He knew that this was achieved by trading quantity for quality.

Tang San raced against time, the bluesilver grass in his right hand disappeared instantly, and a hammer appeared in his left hand.

As the soul power continued to be injected, the Clear Sky Hammer slowly became larger, and finally turned into a giant hammer several meters long!

Its surface is dark golden, and it exudes an extremely powerful aura.

Ning Fengzhi's mouth opened slightly in surprise: "Is this the true body of the martial spirit?"

Sword Douluo next to him shook his head. Unlike Ning Fengzhi, who was watching from a distance, he had fought against the real Clear Sky Hammer, so he naturally knew that this level was far from reaching the level of the martial soul's real body.

It can only be said that Tang San barely came into contact with the true meaning of the Clear Sky Hammer through chance and coincidence. This form can only be said to be barely better than the best, but not as good as the worst.

Tang San's face was ferocious, and all his strength was poured out, and he hit it directly with a hammer with all his strength!

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With full strength, this blow will make all soul masters below level 60 burp.

This was no exaggeration for the first spirit weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer. Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer didn't even have a single soul ring on it.

The hammer struck, blocking the sun from his sight. The violent airflow exploded from the surface of the hammer, and a series of roaring sounds erupted in the air.

Yan was horrified, the soul power in his body was running at full strength, the soul ring was shining black, and the fifth soul skill was activated to the extreme.

Moreover, the first two soul rings also emitted light at the same time, and his whole body shone with a golden-red color, making him look like a flaming giant.

"The fifth soul skill, Flying Sand Kuang Yan."

Suddenly, a tornado of sand and dust blew up out of thin air around Yan, connecting the sky and the earth, wrapping him inside.

Yan's fifth soul skill was originally an offensive soul skill, but he used it as a defense. It must be said that those who can be called the golden generation have two brushes.

The double defense was superimposed on his body, which made Yan reluctantly breathe a sigh of relief.

But when the giant hammer fell, his expression changed!

The terrifying aura was released from the hammer body, with a rich black light, dragging a black tail flame in mid-air.


The sand and dust tornado around him shattered directly, and he couldn't even resist it for half a second!

Is this the number one Clear Sky Hammer in the mainland? !

Before Yan could think clearly, the hammer hit him hard on the chest!

As if two iron stones collided, a muffled groan came from the void, and Yan's chest dented a bit visibly.

Bang! !

His whole body was knocked away!

The harsh shattering sound spread throughout Wuhun City.

Yan screamed, and driven by the huge impact, his whole body was directly blasted out.

The whole person directly broke through the protective shield and was thrown out of the Pope's Palace Square, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

This turn of events shocked the remaining four students of Wuhundian Academy, including Youmei.

They never imagined that Yan, who was usually so powerful, would be so vulnerable to the Clear Sky Hammer.

Without Yan as their main force, their output suddenly dropped a lot.

Xie Yue, who was controlling the demon, gritted his teeth. He waved his hand and retracted the two moon blades that Wang Xiaofeng had almost touched every time, but was always being kited by Wang Xiaofeng.

The red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread, and the red light exploded instantly, like the spread of a light ball, covering nearly half of the competition stage.

It also naturally enveloped everyone in Shrek.

Everyone felt that their bodies had become heavier, and their senses suddenly became dull. Even their movements seemed to be hindered by the thick air.

The biggest feature of this martial soul fusion skill is control. Within the control range of the demonic skill, everyone's senses will be reduced by 50%, and their soul power will be suppressed by 50%. All actions are 50% delayed.

If Netherworld White Tiger is a power-attack type of martial soul fusion skill, then Yao Mei is considered a control type.

But why didn't the monster use this ultimate move from the beginning?

Just when the audience is confused.

The red mist that had just appeared for less than a second suddenly surged in a certain direction.

Under the evil and resentful gaze, Wang Xiaofeng closed the gourd and burped lightly.

"thanks for treatment."

It's not that Yao Mei isn't powerful enough, but because Wang Xiaofeng is too weird and too restrained in Yao Mei's martial soul fusion skill.

In just a few minutes, the mood of the audience at Wuhun Hall was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs...

A good battle almost turned into a personal show for Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San.

This is actually a very difficult thing to understand.

Before this, they had never heard of Shrek's name, and this academy seemed to appear out of thin air.

You must know that the growth of a soul master cannot be separated from the investment of a large amount of resources. Especially for a young soul master like Wang Xiaofeng, if he wants to catch up with a soul master of the same level who is several years older, the resources consumed are even more exaggerated.

It can simply bring down a medium-sized force.

Only a superpower like Wuhun Palace, which could rival the two empires, could cultivate dozens of soul sects and three soul kings under the age of twenty-five.

According to common sense, Xingluo and Wuhundian should compete for the championship this year.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's Netherworld White Tiger was even better than the demon. Even though the team members were lagging behind, Wuhundian still regarded it as its biggest opponent.

But Shrek was cheating here, and he could ignore many things, including the opponent's higher cultivation level and the martial soul fusion skill that was used as a trump card.

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