Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 440: People in Captivity

The tunnel was winding like a snake. On the way, Wang Xiaofeng saw several collapse points that blocked the original road. However, the old man took them around a detour and continued as if he was not surprised.

Wang Xiaofeng discovered based on his strong memory that the top of these collapse points corresponded to wooden houses, but the upward tunnels were blocked by bricks and rubble, and the traces did not seem to be caused by humans.

Along the way, Wang Xiaofeng's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and he had a bad guess in his mind.

A normal village would never be like this, with such long and complicated tunnels.

The monster in the old man's mouth should be a soul beast, but even if soul beasts appear frequently, the destroyed villages should quickly start cleaning up and rebuilding, and then send people to the nearest city to seek help from the Wuhun Palace.

If that doesn't work, you can also post the task in the city hall.

There are many academies that regard this kind of not-so-difficult task as an experience for students. It can not only gain a good reputation and promote the academy, but also allow students to get training, killing two birds with one stone.

So, what is the reason why the whole village is hiding in the tunnel? Is it really just the monster?

While Wang Xiaofeng was thinking, the road had come to an end.

The front suddenly becomes clear.

A huge space three meters high and thirty meters long and wide.

Several broken and faded lamps hanging from the top cast a dim yellow light, barely allowing Wang Xiaofeng to see clearly what was going on around him.

Simple houses made of broken wooden boards are scattered throughout, and there are one hundred and eighty men, women, old and children lying in them, and they are as lifeless as this broken lamp.

There were a dozen young men standing outside, each holding a knife and fork. Their expressions were either fearful or expressionless, but their eyes were the same dull and numb, with no hope at all.

The leading man seemed to recognize the old man. He put down the farm tools in his hands and ran over quickly: "Village Chief, I have told you many times that it is very dangerous outside. We still have enough supplies..."

"But there's not enough water!" The old man patted the young man's arm angrily, "I'm not too old to walk anymore. While it's raining heavily outside, hurry up and take people to collect some rainwater. We still need to store more. of water.”

The young man shrank his head when the old man scolded him. Facing the old man who glared at him forcefully, he could only admit that he was unlucky. He led a few diligent young people to get a few buckets, and then got into the dark tunnel. inside.

The old man clapped his hands with satisfaction and said to Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, who had regained his obese appearance: "Let's go, I will show you where you will live in the future."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, patted Ma Hongjun's belly calmly, and followed him.

The other young people didn't seem to have much hostility towards Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, but their eyes were not friendly.

"Why did the village chief bring back a few unlucky guys? I'll have to look for more food next time."

"Shh, the village chief hasn't gone far yet!"

Listening to the faint exchanges coming from behind, Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. It seemed that the situation here was not good.

But yes, the stored food will eventually be used up. In addition, there are monsters raging outside. One more person is a huge burden for this group.

On the way, Wang Xiaofeng saw several more tunnels connecting this underground space. There were several families beside the tunnels who seemed to be saying goodbye.

Some reluctantly pulled the man standing at the entrance of the cave, some turned around and wiped their tears, and some...

It's like the separation between life and death.

The old man sighed and explained to the two of them: "Well, there is less and less food available around the village. We can only look for food farther away, but this way, it will be easier to encounter monsters. "

Soon, the old man led the two of them to a room built with a few wooden boards, which could barely be called a toilet: "Okay, this is where you will live in the future. If you don't understand anything, don't worry. You can come to me."

"Then we want to find you now." Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun each lifted the old man up with one hand, and then walked towards the room where they were assigned.

The old man seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he said in horror: "I am already old, but you are still having fun. Let me go! No..."

Wang Xiaofeng put the old man down in a funny way, brushed his right hand from the soul guide, and a wine gourd suddenly appeared in his hand, "Grandpa, we are not bad people."

The old man watched Wang Xiaofeng summon objects out of thin air with dull eyes. He suddenly felt as if he had picked up two incredible people.

A weak candlelight suddenly emitted from a simple room in a dark corner.


The old man sat on the small bench, picked up the gourd and drank three large gulps in succession, and then put the gourd down with his face flushed.

"Good wine! Compared with this wine, the ones I drank before were just horse piss."

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost heightened, Ma Hongjun asked in a low voice: "Grandpa, what is going on? Why doesn't everyone live on the ground, but they all ran underground."

Hearing this question, a glimmer of clarity flashed through the old man's cloudy eyes: "Seeing that you are inviting me to drink, I will tell you. This matter started half a year ago."

"One day half a year ago, a group of vampire bats suddenly came to the village. We didn't pay much attention at first, but soon, cattle and sheep were sucked into mummies in the village. Even in the end, no one escaped. "

"This tunnel was originally dug to avoid bandits and leave blood. Unexpectedly, it actually came into use."

Wang Xiaofeng was a little confused: "Didn't you go to the nearest city for help?"

The old man slapped the table angrily: "Why didn't you ask for help? We asked Torre City for help from the beginning, and even the soul master came several times.

But it's useless. The monster is extremely cunning. It will hide when it sees a powerful soul master. The weak soul master can't defeat the monster. As time goes by, no soul master is willing to come. "

After hearing what the old man said, a word suddenly appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's mind, "Captivity."

Isn't this exactly the same as humans raising cattle and sheep in captivity? If you need it, kill it; if you don't need it, keep it first.

Ma Hongjun was a little confused: "That monster is a vampire bat?"

"No, that is a creature more terrifying than a vampire bat." A trace of fear flashed in the old man's eyes, but no matter how Ma Hongjun asked, he refused to continue talking.

Just let Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun rest quickly. They are very powerful, and they might have a chance to escape from this ghost place.

If we report this situation to Wuhun Palace when the time comes, we might be able to get out of this predicament.


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