Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 442 Rainy Night, Prey

Because of the shock just now, many people believed Wang Xiaofeng's words.

After all, they have reached the point where they are at the end of their rope and there is nothing worth deceiving.

Several old people stood up, and they wanted to help Wang Xiaofeng lead the way. They had lived enough and were willing to do this 'death' job.

"What are you bastards arguing about? Is there anyone here who knows the terrain better than me? You are just fooling around. What if you lead the wrong way? Who can take the responsibility!"

The old man left the people around him speechless and sighed: "I'd better go. I've been here for more than sixty years, and no one knows the situation around the village better than me."

Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows: "Have you thought about it?"

The old man smiled freely and said: "I have thought about it. My son is old anyway. It doesn't matter whether he has me or not. I just feel a little regretful that I didn't see him get married."

Wang Xiaofeng was not surprised by this situation. Although this old man was a bit clever and liked to take advantage of others, as the head of a village, he was undoubtedly respectable.

"I will try my best to let you come back to see your grandson." Wang Xiaofeng nodded, bowed his hands to the people around him, and then left without any delay.

Because he was called to collect water temporarily and did not report it, the old man could only take Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun to the place where they usually collect water to try their luck.

In the corner of a drafty thatched house, suddenly, there was a tremor on the ground.

A wooden board that was no different from the surrounding ground quietly moved away.


A dark figure emerged from inside, looked around, and then retreated.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng and three others emerged from the hole.

Wang Xiaofeng put his hand on the ground, and a spiritual power invisible to ordinary people spread out around him, centered on him.

Ten seconds later, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes: "Everything around him is normal."

Hearing what Wang Xiaofeng said, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved to the two of them: "Let's go, I'll take you to the place where we usually get water."

There are no rivers around the village, and daily water supply depends on wells at both ends of the village.

However, there are more bats in the well at the head of the village, and it is easy to encounter monsters, so they usually go to the end of the village quietly to get water.

Of course, the village end is not safe, so it is usually a matter of luck.

There was a flash on the horizon, and the silent and terrifying village was suddenly illuminated for a moment, and then returned to darkness instantly.

"I'll fuck you idiot!"

The old man was always on tenterhooks. Although Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were quite capable, they were too young to be able to handle them. Therefore, although the old man did not say anything, he felt insecure.

He was afraid that a group of bats would suddenly appear, and the sudden lightning almost scared him out of his mind.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly asked: "Old village chief, how long will it take to get to the well?"

The old man said without thinking: "Well, just turn right on the trail ahead."

Ma Hongjun smelled an unusual smell, but before he could speak, Wang Xiaofeng said quickly: "Okay, Fatty, you take the old village chief and leave first."

"Brother Feng, I understand."

Ma Hongjun carried the old man on his back without hesitation and headed in the direction he pointed.

Wang Xiaofeng, on the other hand, tilted his head slightly.

He heard the sound of gliding wings that even the heavy rain could not cover up.

A second flash of lightning appeared.

The huge black figure that enveloped the village was illuminated.

Under the surging wind, the gourd flew into the sky with a roar.

King Kong Defense!

Roar! !

The huge black shadow roared, and its body flew across the sky, covering the sky like a mountain.

boom! !

Two figures, one large and one small, collided with each other, and there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.

The air around Wang Xiaofeng vibrated slightly, like ripples on the water's surface.

The surrounding rain disappeared instantly, and then, a terrifying sound like a thunderstorm spread in all directions.


Dazzling sparks flickered on the huge gourd.

The ground with a radius of three meters where Wang Xiaofeng was standing sank instantly. The huge impact forced him to retreat and was pushed out a distance of more than ten meters.

Wang Xiaofeng felt his arms were numb, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly. Sure enough, this monster already had the combat power of a soul emperor, and with the advantage of being able to fly, he might not be able to defeat it in a one-on-one fight.

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