Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 456 Misunderstanding

"I heard you mention it before. My uncle and aunt have been here to visit relatives for a long time." Nitya poked a small tomato with her chopsticks. "As your girlfriend, I naturally want to visit. Why, Don’t you want to?”

Mainly because Nidia changed the topic too quickly, catching Wang Xiaofeng off guard.

Wang Xiaofeng used his soul power to smash up the food stuck in his trachea, and then he felt a little better.

"Yes, I am willing, but I haven't met my parents yet. They just gave me an address..." Wang Xiaofeng picked up the chicken steak covered in sugar sauce with his chopsticks.

Nitya immediately said: "It's okay, I'll help you find it."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and nodded, "I really need your help. I'm not familiar with the place names of Xingluo at all."

"It seems to be a place called Prince Zhou's Mansion..."


Nitya was stunned. Isn't this the place where she lived since she was a child?

She finally got into the heart of this steely man. Will it turn into a bloody plot like the one that often appears in graphic novels, where a long-lost brother and sister finally get to know each other?

wrong! No, there must be something wrong, Nitya, you have to calm down!

That’s right, calm down!

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but asked with concern when he saw Nitya's face suddenly turned ugly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine!!"

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the bamboo chopsticks that had been crushed into pieces. It didn't look like there was any problem.

Is there something wrong with the mansion at the end of the street next to Prince Zhou's mansion?

Wang Daniu had no idea that one of his inadvertent actions would cause Wang Xiaofeng a problem. After all, the most famous building in the surrounding area was Prince Zhou's Mansion.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using Prince Zhou's Mansion as the coordinate.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was thinking about why Nidia suddenly became angry, an unusual sound of footsteps caught his attention.

The footsteps of normal people would not be so urgent and very regular. The only people with such footsteps are the army!

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and saw that the originally bustling streets began to slowly become deserted.

As for the civilians near them, they were quickly replaced by disguised people, and the means of dispersing the crowd were very subtle and fast.

If Wang Xiaofeng hadn't been accustomed to multitasking and focusing part of his attention on observing his surroundings, he wouldn't have noticed the abnormality at all.

"Is this arresting a fugitive, or..."

Although he didn't know if it had something to do with him, Wang Xiaofeng quietly summoned the martial spirit and hung it on his waist. If there was a battle later, he could react immediately.

"Have you eaten?" Nidia suddenly stood up, and the soft light shone on her body, making her look like a princess who had escaped from the second dimension. "Let's continue shopping."

In just a few minutes, she had figured out that no matter what the outcome was, as long as he was by her side, there was no need to worry.

"It's time to eat." Wang Xiaofeng picked up the little food left and stuffed it into his mouth, his cheeks bulging as if he had been beaten.


Nitya covered her mouth and smiled softly, and the remaining worries disappeared.

This is Wang Xiaofeng, who occasionally does things that make people laugh in a serious manner.

She just likes this boy who doesn't understand emotions but surprises her from time to time.

But just when she returned to her original mood and was about to make a big purchase, Nidia discovered that a group of troops wearing black armor had already been surrounded within fifty meters.

This familiar black armor was naturally no stranger to Nidia. Her expression suddenly changed and she said anxiously: "No, hurry up and leave. This is the black armored army. They are here to find me."

"Looking for you?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at this well-trained army with interest. There were about five hundred people. Each one of them had soul power. It looked like an elite force.

In perception, there are ten people with the highest soul power, probably at the soul master level.

It was too late to leave at this time, but as long as he wanted to, it was completely fine to take Nitya in and out.

However, Nidia seems to know this unit, so just wait and see what happens next.

Five hundred black-armored troops surrounded Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia in four circles, with only one entrance and exit passage exposed, as if they were waiting for someone.

Along with the rapid sound of horse hooves, a sound echoed around.

"Third sister, why didn't you tell your second brother that you had a boyfriend?"

This is using soul power to increase the sound, but it can be seen that this person does not handle the details of this technique well enough.

‘If I were to use it, there would never be any sound dispersion. ’ Wang Xiaofeng commented in his heart.

Nitya covered her face with her hands and said awkwardly: "It's over now."

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