Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 489: The stars fall, the beginning of dusk (Part 1)

One second, he was in a dark and lonely environment, and the next second, he appeared in a vivid world.

His eyes were filled with light, not the pale white light of the lighting ball technique, but full of natural sunlight.

Wang Xiaofeng closed his eyes tightly and subconsciously blocked his eyes with his right hand. The sudden change in light took him time to adapt.

The soul power in his body has already been running automatically, and the huge gourd with a trace of connection in front of him gives him a sense of security.

His strong physique allowed him to adapt to the environment in just one breath. Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously looked at the world and saw the blue sky, white clouds, and the source of the light, the huge sun.

Is it no longer in the underground space? It may not even be in Douluo Continent... Douluo Continent does not have such a huge sun.

You can feel the hot breath every time you breathe.

In the distance are tall trees and mountains, as well as humans riding Pegasus, birds and beasts flying in the sky.

Looking around, he didn't find that familiar figure. It seemed that he was the only one who was teleported.

Force yourself to calm down...

"This should be a certain world, but I don't know if I have it in my memory. It would be fine if it is familiar..."

The bustling sound from the front interrupted Wang Xiaofeng's thinking. He saw a group of people walking in front of him, pointing around a sink.

Wait, this sink looks familiar... Hmm... isn't this the same sink with unknown words engraved on the wall just now?

Don’t blame Wang Xiaofeng for recognizing it.

The four walls of the sink in front of me seemed to be covered with a layer of gold, and the golden light was shining. There was also a layer of clear water inside, which was not as dark as before.

The people around him seemed to be discussing something, but Wang Xiaofeng couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

In order to figure out where this place was, he could only say hello awkwardly: "Hi, how are you guys?"

In order to show friendship, he also raised his hands to show that he meant no harm. (If you ignore the giant gourd more than six meters high behind him)

"It's not good. Even the water in the Mingsheng Pond is getting less and less. If this continues, animals, let alone animals, will have difficulty drinking water every day."

"Does anyone know what's going on?"

"I heard from the people from the Shadow Cult that it's because the lunatics at the institute are researching something outrageous and have angered the gods. We can offer some sacrifices to dissipate the gods' anger..."

"You actually believe what the evil one says? The Sun Goddess is a benevolent god. Be careful not to be overheard by the warriors of the Sun God Sect."

"...Now is the time, it doesn't matter if you give it a try."

Perhaps because the walls have ears, the voices of people arguing became much quieter.

Wang Xiaofeng on the side was yelling and screaming, but the group of people in front of him ignored him.

"Hey, hey, can you please pay attention to me? You guys make me look stupid."

These people actually ignored him. It was impossible. There was such an obvious gourd behind him...

"You can't see me?"

Guessing a certain possibility, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly reached out to grab someone's shoulder, but it passed through him like air.

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned, staring blankly at his half-missing right hand, and subconsciously retracted it, without any change in his arm.

An idea flashed through my mind.

He may not have traveled through time, but may be in a special space, maybe a time rift or something.

So, he's in ghost form now? Or are they ghosts? It is a projection of a certain time period in a certain world.

Anyway, either the world has a problem or he has a problem.

But the touch, the breeze, the temperature... and the soul power running freely in his body made it difficult for him to make an accurate judgment.

The quarrel was inconclusive, and after a while, people began to leave.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly followed.

If the place where he "traveled" had not changed, his current location should be the center of the city, on the top of the pyramid.

Under normal circumstances, the city center is usually the political center, and information cannot be transferred here. Therefore, if you want to collect intelligence, you cannot make sense without searching here.

The door made of unknown material slowly closed, and the elevator-like device fell down. People were still arguing, not realizing that a "ghost" was mixed into the crowd.

"Ding dong"

The elevator stopped and opened.

When Wang Xiaofeng walked out, he saw the main hall, which was about ten meters high and covered a huge area.

Wang Xiaofeng found that the place had become very lively, with white-robed priests walking or chatting everywhere, and there were also a lot more furniture and appliances.

The huge statue in the middle is even more magnificent and exudes a warm light. It is actually carved from a single piece of jade.

It is in stark contrast to the situation where all corners were empty before the "travel".

"It's impossible for me to be brought here for no reason. There should be clues here."

Overcoming the hurried crowd, Wang Xiaofeng began to look for useful books or strange objects that could react to him.

Soon, Wang Xiaofeng found his target on the bookshelf in a corner room.

Although the room was a little small and dark, he was very satisfied with the various books placed around it.

Even if you can't understand the text, the pictures in the book can collect some information about this era.

Then, watching his palm pass through the book, Wang Xiaofeng's expression froze.


There is no need to read the rest of the books, they should be in the same situation.

You can’t understand what others say, and you can’t touch books. Therefore, if you want to understand the world, you can only rely on your own observation.

No need to waste time here, Wang Xiaofeng followed the crowd out of the pyramid.

Looking at the huge sun in the sky, Wang Xiaofeng found a place with few people and threw the gourd.

[Gourd? Hui Chong]

The gourd instantly grew bigger, and then there was a loud bang. A powerful airflow erupted from the gourd's mouth, like a rocket taking off, carrying Wang Xiaofeng into the sky and rising straight up.

The people and buildings below kept getting smaller, and the mountains in the distance were all in his eyes, but Wang Xiaofeng suddenly felt a little uneasy and immediately stopped the gourd.

The gourd mouth reduces the output of airflow, causing the gourd to float in mid-air.

He stared at the blue sky and white clouds above his head. The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong. Then he took out a half-fist-sized ore from the soul guide and threw it upwards with all his strength.

call out! !

The ore flew less than a hundred meters before it seemed to hit something and exploded with a loud bang.

Some brown debris shook away in the empty air.

Wang Xiaofeng took some casually, put it in his fingers and crushed it carefully...it was dirt.

Controlling the gourd to rise at a relatively slow speed, Wang Xiaofeng came to the place where the stones exploded just now, stretched out his hand and touched a thick layer of soil.

Ha...as expected.

This place was still underground. Was what he saw really an illusion?

Such a fantasy that affects all five senses...what exactly does it want me to do?

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