Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 511 Bloody Sacrifice, the Evil God Arrives

With the correct location guided by Wang Xiaofeng, and with the non-stop search by several reconnaissance teams, Xue Hu easily discovered the cave hidden under the vines of the mountain forest.

The entrance of the cave is very narrow, but there is a cave inside.

Not only is it spacious, but it is also extremely high. There are also traces of artificial excavation. There are still traces of smoke from extinguished torches on the mountain wall.

"Hurry up and complete the task. We still have to drink with Brother Xiaofeng."

Xue Hu gently touched the giant blade behind him with a little anticipation. This sword has not been used in a single strike since it was forged.

"In formation, not a fly can be let go."

On the hillside, the army formed a circular formation, and the golden light was like water, covering this small mountain.

Xue Hu's mind was concentrated, and there were no more unnecessary distractions. He took a step forward, all six rings rose together, and his sleeves were filled with airflow.


As soon as I took a step, the ground beneath my feet started to roar like thunder.

The golden light is dense, ripples spread in the knife, and a large undercurrent of tumbling air flows.

The wind rose when he stepped on the ground, blowing his blood like fire. In an instant, Xue Hu's whole body was red. The blood, soul power, and military spirit of everyone had turned into firewood, all condensed into a three-foot-long golden sword.

My mother split the mountain!

Wherever the sword light reaches, the airflow is emptied.

It was even more like a dragon's roar piercing the sky.

A touch of golden light appeared in the pure ink color, like the morning glow, piercing the darkness and bringing light.

boom! !

The roar resounded for ten miles in radius, and the powerful force penetrated the ground. The mountains and forests shook, and the grass and trees flew away. The smoke and dust shook like an earth dragon turning over, and countless silt, sand and gravel rose into the sky.

The cold, hard and sharp mountainous terrain was crushed and collapsed. Looking from a distance, it looked like a huge hole in the ground.

The thick smell of blood rose from the cave.

Xue Hu gathered the strength of everyone and used the military formation to swing this sword. The power cannot be underestimated, but compared with the millions of kilograms of boulders after the landslide, it seems insignificant.

"Hahaha, so happy!" Xue Hu's face was as pale as paper. He didn't know whether it was due to overdraft or backlash, but this did not affect his happy mood.

A crack tens of meters underground.

Blood mixed with water veins, burying countless corpses.

"No more, all gone!!"

The humanoid creature with only one broken arm burst out with a painful howl from its throat: "Ahhhhhh--"

After more than ten years of planning, all the family property and relatives were dedicated, but it failed when it was about to succeed in the end.

Now, it's all gone.

"I hate it!!"

"Don't you want my soul? Give it to you, give it all to you!!"

With his remaining right hand, he activated the soul guide and took out the three-inch tall statue.

Statues of gods are usually kind and gentle, but this one is different. His clothes are half exposed, and he is not sitting upright. Instead, he is reclining on the pedestal. Half of his face is smiling and compassionate, and the other half is ferocious, with an angry look.

At first glance, there is something indescribably strange and strange about it.

The intense hatred turned into a substantial black mist and enveloped the statue.

An indescribable strange sound came from its mouth.

The skin on the owner of the statue was like dry wall skin, falling off in a rustling way. Flesh was exposed. But not a trace of blood returned. The blood was like a sponge being absorbed cleanly.

Hazy figures emerged from all directions. Those figures had tall and slender figures, wearing short robes or long robes painted with strange symbols. They had vague human appearances and outlines, but their bodies seemed to be made of The smoke was condensed, and the smoke was billowing and surging under their clothes covered with symbols. It was never fixed and could only be described as weird.

The mountains are foggy.

Black mist, accompanied by a strange and ominous aura, howled with the strong wind.

The black mist filled the air silently, like a strange giant beast, devouring everything, and even the golden light condensed by the military formation could not be blocked.

In the silence, there were only the sounds of crawling and the scraping of nails against the ground.

It seemed like something was moving in the mist.

Xue Hu casually threw the cracked long knife to the ground, his eyelids drooped, and the fighting spirit almost turned into substance and rushed out: "I knew it was not that easy, everyone, form the White Tiger Formation!"


Two kilometers away.

Makino Castle.

What was once the liveliest city center has now become a ruin.

The statue, a symbol of the city, was smashed to pieces and replaced by an empty space.

There is a circular pit with a diameter of about ten meters in the center of the open space.

The circular pit is like a descending step that has been reduced layer by layer, sinking to a depth of about one meter below the platform. On each "step" inside, you can see a large number of complex lines and faded The blank crystal went down, and at the bottom of the pit was a statue with a ferocious look like Shura.

The feet of the statue were covered with the corpses of humans and spirit beasts.

People wearing black cloaks that completely cover themselves are constantly coming in and out of the house, cleaning the battlefield and harvesting resources.

Trucks are constantly transporting "goods".

All the valuables were carted away, while the corpses were piled up around the statue.

"It is indeed a big move that the church has been preparing for twenty years. There are usually so many sacrifices." The guard standing guard boasted to the newcomers.

"Last time I sacrificed a village, the gods were very satisfied and raised my cultivation level by two levels. This time there are so many sacrifices, so I have to upgrade it to five levels."

The newcomer was very envious and asked in a low voice: "I wonder what your current level of cultivation is, sir."

"Haha, ten years ago I was just a first-level soul master. Guess what level I am now."

"Uh, great soul master?"

"Soul Lord! Level 33! When I first awakened, the old man from Wuhun Palace said that with my innate soul power, I could only stop once in this life." The guard raised his head proudly, grinning as sharply as a shark. His teeth and scarlet pupils showed a trace of nostalgia.

"So I always remember that look of horror on his face when I snapped his neck."

"Haha, how can an old man understand the greatness of God!"

"God is omnipotent!"

The new guards followed and shouted, "God is omnipotent!"

"Yes, that's how it is." The old guard nodded with satisfaction.

"Boy, work hard and study hard. There are not many people with strong beliefs like you in the church. I think highly of you."

Just when the old guard was still bragging, someone suddenly ran over and shouted at them: "Hey! You two, have you seen the priest?"

The two shook their heads quickly: "No, no."

The visitor didn't ask any questions and ran towards the other direction.

The new guard asked in a low voice: "Well, brother, this priest sounds like a very powerful person."

The old guard said angrily: "Without the priest, the sacrifice cannot be started, what do you think?"

The ambition to be a priest suddenly ignited in the heart of the new guard.

Unfortunately, when he looked up inadvertently, his ambition was extinguished like a heavy rain.

A middle-aged man was standing in mid-air, looking down at everyone with the eyes of an ant.

The nine soul rings are like stars over the moon, exuding endless brilliance.

The old guard looked up following his gaze and was so frightened that he couldn't speak. "You, you, ban, ban your account!"

The momentum belonging to the titled Douluo spurted out unabashedly, turning into invisible pressure and pressing heavily on the two of them. They were unable to even make a move and were directly crushed into meat pies.

In the distance, some people also noticed something strange here. No one dared to step forward and ran away in the opposite direction.

Only when you become a soul master can you understand the terror of Titled Douluo.

In more remote areas, Titled Douluo is also called a god walking on earth.

"This city is dirty. There is no need to exist anymore."

A silver gun was held in the palm of his hand.

It was a divine spear that was unforgettable at first sight. It looked like the body of the spear was made of two tightly entangled blue dragons, exuding explosive power.

"The ninth soul skill."

There seemed to be thunder falling from the sky, and the moment the gun body trembled, the magic gun turned into a beam of light!


The moment the beam of light broke through the sky, the entire city burned!

The earth-shattering dragon roar resounded throughout the city.

In the storm, the misty stream of light turned into substantial light and shadow.

That is!

The wind dragon blows, the fire phoenix flutters its wings, the black dragon neighs, and the green dragon opens its eyes!

"The four images of God's will are destroyed!"

The sky changed color, and the red-gold pillar of light occupied everything in sight.

Become the only color in the world at this moment.

Until everything fell silent.

Only the lonely city wall remains.

"Wenxiu and that kid can really run, and they are almost out of the range of perception, right?"

At some point, a thick mist submerged the city gate. On the tall city gate tower, a young man in blood-clothed clothes stood with his hands behind his back.

"I hunt swallows all day long, but unfortunately I got pecked in the eye by a swallow today."

The calm voice was like a cold wave sweeping across, making people feel chilly.

"You disturbed my enjoyment of eating snacks. Mortal, before you die, I allow you to state your name."

"Zhou Huaian, title: Divine Spear!"

Zhou Huaian pointed the tip of his gun at the ground, "Are you the wild god who came out of nowhere again?"

"court death!"

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