Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 548: Flesh cutting and treatment, the end of the trip to the far north

Chapter 553: Flesh cutting treatment, the end of the trip to the far north

Rejecting Oscar's companions, Wang Xiaofeng once again came to the big hole in the giant's chest.

His eyes were slightly lowered, and he was more secretive than before, and the more penetrating mental power fluctuations spread downwards with Wang Xiaofeng as the center.

Every minute that passes, the human model of the giant built in my mind becomes clearer.

Gradually change from 480P to 4K high definition.

Ten minutes later, the model stopped changing. Wang Xiaofeng withdrew his mental power, opened his eyes with some distress, and looked at the big black hole without saying anything.

The picture shown by the giant body model is not very optimistic.

There is a special energy in the large and small wounds on the giant's body, which not only suppresses the speed of wound healing, but also erodes his vitality.

The situation is very similar to that of Hote.

The difference is that Wang Xiaofeng can uproot the ice energy together with Haote's own soul power, because with Oscar at his side, the energetic sausage can replenish Haote's missing soul power at any time.

And with such a huge body, even if Oscar is squeezed into juice, it won't be enough to fit between his teeth.

The giant with only one heart can only maintain the lowest degree of soul power circulation, which means that it can only be treated with the most conservative treatment plan.

Without reducing its own soul power, this corrosive energy can be removed before the wound can be disinfected and sutured.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed, he did not expect that the new soul ring he had just acquired would come in handy so quickly.

Five yellow, purple, purple and black soul rings rose up from his feet one after another, and Wang Xiaofeng recited his fifth soul curse.

"Wan Laicang chants the green gourd."

Accompanied by an inaudible dragon roar, the black soul ring floated around the gourd. Wang Xiaofeng raised his sword finger and pointed at the flesh wall.

A beam of cyan light as thick as a little finger spurted out from the gourd's mouth and illuminated the pointed area.

A few seconds later, the steel-hard flesh wall suddenly began to squirm violently, and a kind of ice mist that seemed to come from the ancient wilderness came out of the body, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees in an instant.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng had anticipated it and had already escaped a hundred meters away the moment he used the soul skill to increase the power.

Only soul beasts with a hundred thousand year or higher age at the same level as him can defeat a hundred thousand year old soul beast like this.

With this level of energy left over, Wang Xiaofeng would not just stare at it.

The ice mist stayed in place for a short while, and then dissipated between heaven and earth because there was no support from the subsequent soul power.

The white flesh wall of the hole in the chest finally had a trace of blood after forcing out the ice mist.

Wang Xiaofeng touched the somewhat sticky flesh wall.

Sure enough, abnormal state resistance includes resistance to external energy erosion.

[Fifth soul skill effect: Increase the abnormal status resistance of the designated target by 10%*the number of soul rings, and attach four ice dragon seals.

Before the increase ends, when the target causes damage to the enemy, it will automatically consume an Ice Dragon Mark to release a Breath of Ice.

Breath of Ice can cause a 20% slowdown effect on enemies.

When the target is attacked, an Ice Dragon Mark will be automatically consumed to swallow the damage. 】

So the process to be done next is very clear.

Only the area around the giant's wound was partially amplified, allowing the giant to force out the abnormal energy, and then he cut off the necrotic part.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the gourd and shook it slightly. The water elements around him were like soldiers receiving orders, quickly and orderly arranged around him.

The water element between heaven and earth is gathering more and more, like the sea that accommodates hundreds of rivers and thousands of birds facing the phoenix.

Eventually, the pure water flow gathered around his body and turned into a circling five-clawed dragon, roaring around his body.

Sure enough, mental power interferes with objects, coupled with the gourd's water control ability, not only can more detailed creations be shaped, but the mental power consumed is extremely low.

It was the first time I used the water control ability of the gourd to do such micro-manipulation. Teacher Bailong’s little tricks are really useful.

But what he needs now is not something flashy like this.

He waved his hand to disperse the water dragon, and the next moment, the scattered water drops gathered together again under Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts. This time, what appeared in front of him was a three-meter-tall pure water spider.

If you look closely, the outline is somewhat similar to that of a bloodthirsty spider.

Well, I have to add something

The ends of the spider's legs should be equipped with hooks so that it can stand firmly on the vertical meat wall. The two front claws should be designed as oversized cutting machines, otherwise it will not be able to cut the rotten meat.

With his imagination wide open, a strange and cyber-style monster was born in Wang Xiaofeng's hands.

Following Wang Xiaofeng's instructions, the pure water spider waved the high-speed rotating water jets with its front paws and began to cut into some parts of the flesh wall that were beginning to rot.

The pure water spider is very easy to use, especially the water flow is invisible, it can be big or small, hard or soft, and it can change the size and shape at any time according to the needs of the situation.

Unfortunately, mental strength is difficult to recover and can only be recovered through natural rest. On the premise that it does not affect your practice, you can only control pure water creatures for two hours a day.



On a clear morning, the bright winter sun casts a warm glow, and the faint golden color seemed to add a layer of soft light to the ice field.

Wang Xiaofeng's figure was stretched very long.

Oscar saw him from a distance, waved and shouted: "Hey, Brother Feng, today's treatment is over."

"Yes." Wang Xiaofeng responded loudly.

A week has passed since the white dragon soul ring was absorbed, and the treatment of the giant has also come to an end.

The ability to control water is really convenient. The pure water spider operates exactly according to his wishes, cutting meat and cleaning wounds at the same time.

The same goes for disinfection. A single thought can turn a barrel of high-concentration alcohol into a large mist for uniform disinfection.

The most time-consuming thing is the wound suturing.

The needle used for suturing is a high-speed rotating water rotor, otherwise it will not be able to penetrate the flesh as hard as a steel plate.

The thread is made from the still intact dragon tendons left over from the remains of the white dragon.

Only the tensile strength of the dragon tendons is high enough, otherwise, the muscles, which are harder than steel plates, can break all the sutures in minutes when they stretch.

Wang Xiaofeng returned to the camp after the meal, took the thick vegetable soup from Oscar, and took a sip. The heat flowed down his throat and reached his stomach, and his whole body warmed up.

The tent next to it was empty, and Wang Xiaofeng asked doubtfully: "Where are the others in Haote?"

"Fighting a white bear." Oscar shrugged.

"That white bear is really on time." Wang Xiaofeng smiled and then stopped asking.

The white bear was attracted by the dragon meat porridge Wang Xiaofeng cooked for Haote five days ago.

White Bear didn't understand human language, but he was very intelligent. Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar were not easy to mess with, he gave up the idea of ​​robbery and switched to friendly transactions.

I exchanged a 200-year-old cypress flower for half a pot of dragon meat porridge. (The cypress flower is self-created, the prototype is saffron, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis)

After that, I came here every day with a shy face, wanting to eat and drink.

How could Wang Xiaofeng agree? The medicinal materials added to the dragon meat porridge alone were almost as good as that cypress plant.

The white bear lay down on the ground ruthlessly, saying that he was a poor bear and that he wanted money without risking his life.


Who is Wang Xiaofeng? He is an outstanding graduate who studied under Flanders. Even an iron rooster with nothing to lose can make you only a rooster.

boom! !

There was a huge explosion in the distance.

After a while, a gray-headed Haote and a four-meter-tall white bear walked over, arm in arm.

Hot picked up the basin, and White Bear picked up the pot. They all poured the food into their mouths, and soon they wiped out the dragon meat porridge in the pot/basin.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the two figures who were trying to sneak away just after eating, "Come over as soon as you're full."

Bai Xiong and Haote trembled, walked up to Wang Xiaofeng with a grimace, and stretched out their right arms skillfully.

Two needle tubes, one large and one small, were accurately inserted into the needle holes left last time.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng put away the 50ml and 200ml blood samples and waved to get out.

"By the way, Hot."

Hot turned back in confusion: "What's wrong, Doctor He?"

Wang Xiaofeng said: "We are done here, we will pack up and go back later."

Hotter was stunned for a moment, glanced at the white bear not far away, and nodded calmly: "I understand."

"What an enviable friendship." Oscar sighed as he watched one man and one beast leave, "By the way, Brother Feng, after leaving Thousand Needles Forest, are you going to go back to Shrek directly?"

Wang Xiaofeng gently shook his fingers, and the fine snow turned into pure water, rolling out the food residue in the pot, "No, I am going to go with you for a while."

This answer was obviously beyond Oscar's expectations.

"The way your fifth soul skill uses soul power, and the way soul bones nourish mental power are both worth studying." Wang Xiaofeng put the cleaned tableware into the gourd and said with a grin: "So I decided to stay until January before leaving.”


Oscar shuddered, as if he saw himself having his blood drawn and undergoing inhumane experiments for a period of time in the future.

"Brother Feng, no~"

The journey to the far north is finished here, and a new chapter will follow.

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