Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 562: Shrek’s Changes (5)

Chapter 567 Shrek’s Changes (5)

In the evening, Qibao Glazed Sect.

The visiting guests have long since left, the attendants have all rested, and everything is silent except for the dull sound of the patrolling disciples stepping on the stone slabs.

In the manor, Ning Rongrong's boudoir was still lit.

There was a knock on the door.


"It's me." Esta's voice came from outside.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

Ning Rongrong raised her head from the sea of ​​books and saw Esda pushing the door open with her butt, holding a bowl in both hands and walking in: "Hey, I knew you weren't asleep yet, cousin, look, I brought it from the kitchen I ordered your favorite iced honey-stuffed bird’s nest soup.”

Although Esta is a collateral disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and her relationship is only a barely related one, she is one of the few people in the sect who can ignore Ning Rongrong's sharp and mean temper and can barely play in the sect. Peers of the same age.

"Where's Alan?"

"We are watching outside." Esta looked at the thick files on the table and stuck out her tongue, "Cousin, my uncle is really strict. How long will it take to see so many things?"

Ning Rongrong picked up the spoon and took a sip, "Maybe I can finish it before Chou Shi."

"It's so late when you are ugly." Esta glanced at Ning Rongrong secretly and found that she was in a good mood, so she said.

"Cousin, I didn't complete the task you gave me. I searched all over Shrek, but I couldn't find Teacher Xiaofeng. I did see Teacher Fatty, and he asked me to tell you."

Esta raised her voice and imitated: "I can't blame you for this. Xiao Ao has a heart of glass. He will naturally come back when he hits a nail. Then we will despise him together."

Ning Rongrong chuckled and said, "The fat man is still so glib."

Seeing that Ning Rongrong didn't mean to blame herself, Esta thought that her cousin had changed so much, "Also, during the exam, I met a very interesting water attribute soul master named Marco, and I was with him. We cooperated with the senior of the Fighting Power Clan, but unfortunately his martial spirit, the Great Gorilla, was not as powerful as Alan said, and his movement speed was slow, so we lost in the end."

"That's because your teacher Xiaofeng used his original Shunpo technique in exchange for the Force Clan's vigorous technique." Ning Rongrong explained patiently.

"Brother Feng's Shunpo can allow a pure power soul master to gain a speed comparable to an agility soul master in an instant. Even if your senior doesn't use Shunpo and only uses some of the little tricks, it's enough to handle you guys." Junior now.”

Although Ning Rongrong always had a smile on his face, there was a trace of sadness hidden between his eyebrows.

How nice, such pure friendship.

Seeing Esta's gushing excitement, she seemed to have returned to the entrance exam five years ago. She seemed to be like this, working hard with everyone to hold on to the incense stick in the hands of Teacher Zao Wou-ki.

But the more beautiful the memories were, the more it caused her inner torment.

It was she who forced Oscar to leave to fulfill the impossible promise.

She could only use the heavy sect affairs and rigorous training to keep herself from stopping. In this way, she could barely fall asleep relying on physical and mental exhaustion.

"Freshman? Why are you reporting so late?" The dormitory administrator yawned and looked dissatisfied at the two boys in front of him who bowed their heads to admit their mistake. It was already 11:30 in the evening. According to the regulations, entry into the dormitory was not allowed after 11 o'clock.

The administrator put the key in Marco's hand, looked into his eyes and said: "207 on the second floor. After exiting the stairs, turn left to the third room. Remember, this will not happen next time."

"Yes!" Marco quickly pulled the frightened Fang Jing and ran up to the second floor.

"No running in the corridor!!"

"sorry Sorry."

Half an hour later, the two people, who were forced to copy a copy of the college's rules and regulations, were released to the dormitory.



Using the key to unlock the door and turning on the light, Marco could see clearly the layout of the dormitory.

The dormitory is very small, only about fifteen square meters. Fortunately, it has double beds, and the space saved can accommodate two tables, chairs and a double-door wardrobe.

Marco is very satisfied with this environment. It is much better than he imagined. However, no one can live in it now, so he has to clean it first. Wait, where is his roommate?

Fang Jing's dull voice came from the cabinet: "It's too scary here. I want to go home."

"Forget it, you finally passed the exam and dropped out on the first day?" Marco curled his lips: "Or do you have the courage to go to the dean's office and find Dean Flender to apply for withdrawal?"

In the end, only three people passed the knowledge test. Apart from him and the very socially intimidated Fang Jing, there was also a girl.

You must know that except for him, everyone else knows that they are either rich or noble just by looking at their clothes.

But the passing rate is less than one-third.

After going through a lot of hardships, he finally entered Shrek Academy, but he immediately dropped out of school. Fang Jing's family was probably trying to break his legs.

Marco opened the window for ventilation: "Come out quickly, let's wipe the bed, or you have to lie on the dust all night."

Shrek Academy new semester teaching work meeting, conference room.

Zhao Wuji took the list of freshmen and said with a grin: "This year there are 32 freshmen who passed the physical fitness test, plus Xiaofeng's three extremely strict special quotas, oh yo, there are ten more than the number of admissions last year."

Qin Ming looked at the names on the list and compared them with the students who left an impression on him. "There are no particularly top-notch talents among these freshmen, but the overall quality is pretty good. I should be able to select one or two from them as substitutes for the school team."

Shao Xin on the side smiled and said: "Qin Ming will start preparing for the fifth continental elite soul master academy competition now."

Qin Ming touched his forehead with some annoyance, "There's nothing we can do. A few good seedlings have been poached. If we don't cultivate them in advance, I'm afraid a dozen or so people won't be able to create a soul sect."

Yin Shu looked through the list in his hand and asked curiously: "Who is the number one freshman this time?"

A faint mist suddenly appeared in the center of the conference table. The water molecules were refracted by the indoor light in a specific arrangement, creating a lifelike little fat man.

Wang Xiaofeng pointed at the model and said lazily: "The first is this little fat guy named Qian Jinyuan, Wuhun Tongyuan Jinchan, a 13-year-old level 25 attack-type soul master, with pretty good eyesight and courage.

It's a pity that as the young master of the Qian family, he only has this level of cultivation at this age. Tsk tsk, if resources are not invested in the later period, his cultivation level should be as high as the Soul Emperor. "

Shao Xin knows a lot about noble families, "Is that the family that claims to be able to buy the entire Tiandou City with just the money saved in the bank?"

Zhao Wuji said disdainfully: "You don't even have a Contra. What's the use of having money? It's just a pig raised by the empire."

Yin Shu flipped through the notes in his hand, "The Qian family donated a batch of classroom chairs and teaching tools to our college two hours ago, with a total value of about 100,000 gold soul coins."

"Since it is the heart of the students' parents, there is no need for us to refuse." Flanders looked at Wang Xiaofeng, who was sitting alone at the end, and said, "Xiaofeng, you will not only be the first-grade class teacher this semester, but also have a part-time job as a grade 5 teacher." Each subject covers the entire grade, are you too busy?"

Wang Xiaofeng said casually: "It's enough to get a few more clones."

"As long as you know what you're doing, don't suddenly turn into a puddle of water during the lecture and scare the students." Flanders paused and looked at the master: "Xiao Gang, have the courses for this year been completed?"

The master nodded: "Thanks to Xiaofeng's help, the general direction of our teaching plan this year remains unchanged. We only need to make individual adjustments to some situations."

"That's good." The enrollment was successfully completed, and Flanders was relieved. He had been afraid of someone deliberately causing trouble before, and his heartstrings had been tense. Fortunately, everything was calm.

"That's the end of the meeting. Let's adjourn. Teachers have worked hard today. Please go back and rest early."

Huawei’s press conference tomorrow, I’m looking forward to it

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