Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 566 A racing club with only three people

Chapter 571 A racing club with only three people

Marco broke free from the huge eagle claws and landed smoothly on the ground.

He straightened out his clothes and hair that were messed up by the strong wind, and said angrily to Michal, who had changed from martial spirit form back to human form: "Brother, can you tell me in advance next time not to make a surprise attack?"

Michal clasped his hands together and apologized: "Blame me, blame me, I was so excited to get enough credits. Now I will take you to find the last person in the club. With three of you, you can go to the student union to apply to create a club!"

Marco looked at Michal who looked apologetic but showed no remorse, feeling helpless.

I admit my mistake decisively, but I will do the same next time.

Michal leads the way.

According to him, it takes three current students to jointly sponsor it before they can go to the student union to register the club, and now they are looking for the last sponsor.

The abrupt tower appeared in front of us again, but the last time we came here was at night, the surroundings were pitch black, and coupled with the nervousness during the exam, there was almost no impression.

Facing the warm sunshine, Marco looked around curiously.

The willows on both sides of the gravel road are just hanging like jasper. They are gently blowing in the wind. The scent of wild flowers and grass blows in the wind, which is just right for the heart and mind.

A blue flowerbed holds the tower in the center of the circle like a ribbon.

Only through the fence, Marco could see the flowers in the flowerbed.

The blood-red land is filled with silver-blue flowers, and the petals seem to be stacked in thousands of layers, which is extremely beautiful.

Even someone like him, who was not interested in flowers, couldn't help but look at her sideways.

【? ? ? 】

[A special artificially cultivated plant, the flowers contain pure moonlight, which is a very rare material. 】

"That's the Moon Flower. Its petals have special effects on ghost-type martial spirits and some plant-type martial spirits. If you practice at night, holding a petal in your mouth will also have a slight boosting effect on your practice."

Marco turned his head, and what he saw was a body of strong muscles.

He was wearing a white short shirt, gray trousers rolled up to his knees, a straw hat on his head, and he was carrying a flower shower pot.

Zhao Wuji nodded slightly to Marco: "If you need it, I will give you 25 credits per flower."

Hearing the price, Marco took a breath. Such a precious flower was not even worth selling to him.

Marco waved his hand quickly: "No, no, I just thought they were pretty, so I took a few more glances."

Zhao Wuji looked expressionlessly at the figure behind Marco who was trying his best to shrink his body and reduce his presence, "What about you, Michal, are you here to lead the new students on tasks?"

Michal scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ah haha, um, Teacher Zhao, I'm here to see Leng Feng."

"It seems that you are not here for a mission." Zhao Wuji grinned and took out a square soul guidance device from the soul guidance device: "Mihar, you know the rules, take the initiative yourself."

Michal reluctantly took out his student card and swiped it on the equipment. The credits on it were 107 → 102, and 5 credits were lost in the blink of an eye.

He muttered: "Unlucky, I didn't expect to meet Teacher Zhao at this time."

"As for you." Zhao Wuji turned his eyes, and Marco quickly stood up straight.

"Since you are a freshman, those who do not know are not guilty." Zhao Wuji looked at the confused expression on the other party's face, pointed his finger at Michal and said: "Mihar, please tell the freshmen the rules and regulations of the back mountain. And , don’t make mistakes next time.”

After saying that, he walked into the flower garden carrying the flower shower pot.

Michal quickly pushed Marco and said, "Go, go, go."

The two of them hurriedly ran into the tower, and did not relax until Zhao Wuji could no longer be seen.

It can only be said that even if Contra doesn't actively release its momentum, just standing there will make people feel depressed.

The first floor of the tower was still empty. As if he were back home, Michal skillfully led Marco to the second floor.

Marco asked curiously: "Senior brother, why did you have your credits deducted just now?"

Michal explained with some embarrassment: "Most of the medicinal materials that can be redeemed in the credits are actually grown in the back mountain, so under normal circumstances, students and teachers are not allowed to enter the back mountain. They can only complete tasks or spend money." Please ask the teacher for credits before you can come in.”

"So that's it."

While talking, Marco stepped onto the second floor. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind felt like it passed over his skin, and his arms were suddenly covered with goosebumps, as if he had stepped into an air-conditioned room with a temperature of 25° on a hot summer day.

Ah sneeze! !

The sudden change between hot and cold made Marco sneeze loudly.

Michal smiled apologetically, but he had forgotten that his junior brother's physique was not very good.

Fortunately, there are several leather jackets stored in the soul guide. Although the two of them have different body shapes, they can still be used for emergencies.

Putting on their coats, the two of them walked deeper.

The empty hall on the second floor was different from the empty hall on the first floor. It was like a zigzag maze. Michal took Marco around several times before arriving at the central area of ​​the second floor, in front of a large door.



There was a faint sound of hitting inside.

"Try not to make any noise after entering, and do not release soul power." Michal reminded in a low voice, and then pushed the door open to a gap that could only accommodate one person to pass sideways.

Mist visible to the naked eye leaked from the door.

The body temperature inside was below ten degrees, and there was a sense of humidity. The thin coat could not stop the coldness that penetrated the heart.

Marco followed Michal with his body trembling, carefully walking along the wall and following the constant whistle of swords.

In the center of the field, there were two figures fighting.

On the left side, there is a young man in white. He is holding a sharp sword, and his sword moves are wide open and closed. The overwhelming blue silver grass is not his enemy at all. The sharp sword light easily splits the tender branches and vines, turning them into drops. Drops of ice crystals scattered in the air.

Until there was no more bluesilver grass in front of him.

It's now!

The purple soul ring was beating on his body, and he transformed into a sharp sword, stabbing straight at the black-haired boy surrounded by blue silver grass in the center.

Then, like a phantom, the black-haired boy just shook his figure slightly. The blue sword light passed through the afterimage and passed by him. The sword light turned around and made an astonishing whistle. But as expected, it stabbed him again. On the air.

But once again, the sword light fell weakly, the dark blue ice sword erupted with a loud noise, and the slippery field within a radius of five meters was suddenly covered with ice crystals.

But the black-haired boy had already jumped out of the range.

The young man who had just emerged from the sword light was wrapped into a rice dumpling by the oncoming spider web.

The black-haired boy waved his hand and turned the cobweb into a pool of water, then took out a form and wrote down the opponent's shortcomings on it. Finally, he said to the pale boy: "I can't point you to one of the swords, but I can see it. , you did not integrate the sword power into your steps, there were many flaws in the flow of sword light, and when using soul skills, your body would be temporarily stiff, which shows that your physical fitness is not enough, you are just tough It’s just the use of soul skills.”

With that said, he handed the written paper to the boy.

"Your friend is here to pick you up." The black-haired boy smiled at Marco and Michal, then turned into a pool of water and disappeared.

Tangmen's unique skill, ghost shadow and trace

Marco looked at the place where the water disappeared with envy and remained silent.

Even Tang San's Tang Sect's special skills can be used on his clone. I can't understand why such a perverted person would stay in Shrek as a teacher.

If he was so awesome, he would have kicked Tang San long ago, hugged Hu Liena on his left, and Qian Renxue on his right.

Michal helped the boy in white up and said, "Leng Feng, you have made great progress this time. It's just that your soul power was exhausted. You obviously ended up in the school infirmary last time."

Leng Feng rolled his eyes angrily: "Last time it was just an accident. I chose the wrong person, Senior Sister Xiao Wu, and I just took an eight-level throw without any preparation."

Marco, who was silently eavesdropping, almost stumbled.

Good guy, he is really fearless even if he doesn’t know anything, he even dares to catch the eighth-level throw.

The two of them choked each other, and then got down to business: "I still need someone in this club, old friend, please help me."

Leng Feng shook his shoulders vigorously, but he couldn't get rid of the opponent's hand. "What flying club are you talking about? But I can't fly."

Michal said with a smile: "Isn't your first soul skill the ability to wield a sword? Rounding it all off, it can be considered as the ability to fly."

Leng Feng said coldly: "What you said doesn't count. It doesn't even need to be reviewed by the student union. It's impossible for even a three-year-old child to pass it by you."

"Approved. The college will assign corresponding instructors to your club, and the results will be available within three days. Also, this is the key to your club's activity room." Wang Xiaofeng told the newly created club one by one the things that need to be paid attention to. The three students in front of me listened.

However, one is overly excited, one is in a state of confusion, and the other is looking out the window in a daze. It seems that this new society will have many problems in the future.

Michal sat on the sofa and squirmed, his face flushed with excitement: "Teacher Xiaofeng, can we let senior Ma Hongjun be the instructor of the racing club?"

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "No, his professional title is only a teaching assistant and cannot be an instructor. But don't worry, I have found a suitable teacher for you. She just came back from abroad and has a lot of time to guide you."

"really? Haha."

The sun is very sunny today, and it doesn't rain continuously here like at home. Marco looked at the sky outside the window and felt relieved.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in the corner of his eye.

At first, he thought it was a flying bird, but then as the black shadow gradually enlarged, he realized something was wrong.

It has a long, thick neck, a huge body and bat-like wings. What's being dragged behind is not feathers, but a long tail...

"That's...a dragon??"

"Oh, don't be afraid." There was a smile hidden in Wang Xiaofeng's plain eyes, "It seems that the instructor can't wait to see you."

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