Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 570: Fighting List, Showdown between Sword and Orangutan

Chapter 575 Martial Arts List, Showdown between Sword and Orangutan

Marco's inference was correct. Wang Xiaofeng was responsible for many subjects and had no time to torture them. If Zhao Wuji hadn't tried the new formula "Fire Red Wine" he had just come up with and couldn't afford to get drunk after one glass, he would not have taken over the class.

The next day, the real teacher of the practical class, Zhao Wuji, appeared, but the good days he imagined did not come.

In addition to the same health-preserving exercise teaching session as yesterday and the 2V2 brawl before get out of class, Zao Wou-Ki interspersed a physical training program into the course.

Ten kilometers running with 5 times gravity.

Because of lung disease, Ma Ke was specially allowed not to participate in gravity training.

Amidst a burst of howling, everyone began to sweat on the playground.

But this does not mean that Marco can stand aside and watch others running. He cannot do violent movements, but can do some soothing movements. So while others are running, Marco is doing health exercises in the open space.

With the investment of evolution points, the health exercises in Marco's hands changed day by day, and the progress was very obvious. In comparison, the performance of others was average.

Many students in the freshman class have family backgrounds, and the ancestral exercises they have practiced since childhood are more suitable for them, so they naturally do not attach much importance to the basic exercises taught in the academy.

No one wants to add extra tasks to themselves when they haven’t mastered the exercises at home.

But Marco was different. Not only did he practice very seriously in class, he also practiced extra for himself after school.

Compared to his classmates who came from big sects and big plutocrats, joining Shrek did not even out the gap between them. It can only be said that he has more channels to obtain resources than before.

If he wants to catch up with geniuses of the same age, he needs to work harder than geniuses.

Fortunately, the existence of the system allowed him to make up for his lack of talent. The additional training after school every day could turn into an increasing proficiency on the panel.

Commoner classmates who came from similar backgrounds to him gradually realized what it was like to be poison wrapped in honey.

The meditation breathing method ‘Dawn’ and the health-preserving exercise Tiger Shape taught in the first class are only taught once, not the second time.

If you don't learn it on the spot, congratulations, you can only either find guidance from a senior with whom you have a good relationship, or spend credits to ask a teacher for guidance.

These two sets of exercises have just been included in the teaching plan this semester, and no one knows them. So it seems that you have to choose one of the two, but in fact you can only choose the latter. You have to earn credits for the tasks and then ask the teacher to give you individual guidance.

Therefore, someone made up a jingle: Shrek earns points and Shrek flowers, one wants to take them home.

Marco naturally has no such worries. As long as he listens carefully in class and the teacher does not hide his secrets, the exercises taught will appear on the panel in time.

And the [Health Exercise·Tiger Shape] on the panel gradually changed into [Five-Animal Health Exercise]

The theory class in the morning is a rare break for freshmen like Marco.

Except for basic arithmetic classes.

The arcane arithmetic class and the homework were mind-numbing.

In addition, the practical classes every afternoon will drain everyone's last bit of energy.

It's hard to let people have extra thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, it's Friday.

After two classes on Friday morning, there will be no classes in the afternoon and we will have a day off directly.

Therefore, even in the most relaxed and enjoyable music appreciation class on the schedule, few people were listening carefully at this time, and their minds were not in the classroom.

The teacher of the music appreciation class was also very understanding and announced the end of get out of class five minutes in advance.

Qian Jinyuan walked up seamlessly after the teacher stepped down from the podium.

"Students, wait a minute, I have a proposal that I need to seek your opinions on."

After getting along with each other for a few days, Qian Jinyuan basically secured his position as the leader of the first grade by virtue of his emotional intelligence and sophisticated handling methods that were ahead of his peers. So when he proposed a weekend trip, almost no one in the class refused, even the social group. Fang Jing was frightened, but under Esta's encouragement, she did not refuse.

Except Marco.

He found Qian Jinyuan privately and said, "Sorry, Chief, I have to participate in club activities on the weekend and can't go."

Qian Jinyuan smiled and shook his head and said it didn't matter, mentally labeling him as unsociable.

On the first weekend of school, the college suddenly became quiet.

After all, this semester has just started, and the teachers at the college want the students to get rid of the lazy style during the holidays as soon as possible, and the physical training intensity is almost maxed out.

We finally have two days off during the holiday, and everyone wants to sleep comfortably.

Marco thought the same thing until he pushed open the door of the fighting gym.

The lively atmosphere makes people feel like they are in another world.

"Junior brother, morning, would you like some steaming buns?" Marco turned around and saw Michal squatting by the door, chewing on the buns.

"No, senior brother, I've eaten."

Bihar no longer has to travel around to collect credits, and the food is much better than before. At least he no longer has to eat big white buns for breakfast.

Marco squatted beside him in a dignified manner and asked curiously: "Brother, what's going on? There are so many people. Is this some kind of event?"

"They are all here to compete for the rankings." Michal muttered, "Last semester, a group of big guys graduated, and there were a lot of empty spots in the top 50 of the martial arts rankings, so a bunch of veterans thought... While school has just started and everyone hasn’t adjusted yet, let’s push our rankings forward.”

Marco nodded seriously.

No wonder Michal is ranked 17th at level 32. In addition to having the ability to fly, which is a huge advantage in solo fighting, the fact that the big guys have graduated is also an important reason.

He probably took advantage of the summer vacation when there was no one in the college to move his ranking up a lot, otherwise the indignation in his tone could not be explained.

With his curiosity satisfied, Marco stood up and looked around, thinking of joining in the fun before the club activities started. Then, on the largest soul fighting stage in the center, he saw Leng Feng, who was preparing to fight the soul with his eyes closed. .

Marco was shocked and said: "Senior Brother Leng Feng usually looks like he has no desires and desires, but I didn't expect that he would also take advantage of the opportunity to join the list."

Michal curled his lips and said, "You may have misunderstood. He is currently ranked number one. He is a defender and does not need to rush to the rankings."

Marco sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect Senior Brother Leng Feng to be so strong!" He really couldn't combine the figure being beaten by the fake Dai Mubai and the fake Tang San with the awesome and coaxing figure at this moment. The inherent impression was Too difficult to eliminate.

As the two talked, the challenger also walked onto the ring.

Marco's eyes widened, and he didn't expect that he was still an acquaintance, the examiner of his second entrance exam, Taikang.

The historical rankings of the two people were displayed on the big screen next to them: Taikang, with a highest ranking of 6th, and this month ranked 9th; Leng Feng, with a highest ranking of 9th, and this month ranking 1st.

The field was bustling with excitement, some were optimistic about Lengfeng, and some were optimistic about Taikang.

Someone took the banker's seat on the spot. Taikang's odds were 73 and Leng Feng's odds were 21.

In the past battles between the two, they had won and lost each other. The odds were so different. The main reason was that Leng Feng had too many fans, which kept the odds down.

Marco asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, do we want to support senior brother Leng Feng."

No one responded. When I turned around, I saw Michal squeezing in the crowd, holding up his student card in his hand, "All pressure on Leng Feng, all pressure on Leng Feng!"

In the eyes of others, Michal's posture is quite domineering, but Marco knows that he only has 4 credits in total.



The excitement in the audience did not affect the mood of the person involved.

The teacher who was also a referee came over and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

Both sides shook their heads. This was not the first time they had fought each other. There was nothing much to say, not to mention that both of them had dull personalities. They generally didn't do too much if they could do anything.

"Now, both sides release their martial spirits."

Three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings rose up from both of them at the same time, their muscles bulged, and the sword pointed at the ground. Both sides raised their momentum to the extreme. The battle had not yet begun, and the tense atmosphere had already begun to spread.

"Taikang, a level 36 attack spirit master, martial spirit: Powerful Gorilla. Please give me some advice."

"Leng Feng, a level 36 attack spirit master, martial spirit, and Tianshuang Sword. Please give me your advice."

Taikang's pupils shrank slightly. Unexpectedly, during the two months of summer vacation, the other party's soul power actually increased by another level.

After going through the etiquette of the duel before the game, the atmosphere in the field immediately reached its peak. No matter which side they were on, they were all well-known in the academy, and many people shouted the names of their supporters.

The referee looked at the distance between the two sides, and after confirming that he was not carrying illegal props, he loudly said: "The 4th match of the martial arts ranking competition begins!"

A ten-minute countdown appeared on the big screen next to the ring.


As the voice fell, Taikang and Leng Feng took almost the same steps and rushed towards each other.

"The sky is frosty and cold."

Leng Feng struck first, and the second soul ring merged into the sword body. White ice-cold air flow emerged from the sword, causing the temperature in a radius of several feet to drop sharply. The sharp sword in his hand danced into an afterimage, and countless slashes condensed by the cold air slashed towards Taikang. And go.

Taikang refused to give in. His first and second soul rings lit up, his dark muscles glowed red, and he punched the air in front of him with both fists in a arrogant manner. The airflows were like a hundred arrows, hitting each other. On the frost sword energy.

Bang bang bang bang bang

In an instant, the air on the field exploded with sounds, causing a frosty wind to briefly blow in the middle of the field.

Taikang suddenly felt a stinging pain in his eyebrows.

It's Jianmang!

The sword light of Tianshuang Sword!

The sound of the explosion completely covered up the movement of Yujian flying, and he was already in front of Taikang almost as soon as he appeared.

Taikang roared angrily. The increase in power of the third spirit ring caused the muscles in his arms to further swell. He clasped his palms together and clamped the air to block Leng Feng's attack. The black tendons bloomed, trying to forcibly break the Tianshuang Sword.

At this moment, Leng Feng suddenly released his grip on the sword hilt and stepped forward. When he raised his hand again, he already held a long sword made of ice.

Although he was not holding the Sky Frost Sword, as long as Leng Feng still held the sword in his hand, he still posed a strong threat.

Taikang decisively gave up the idea of ​​breaking the Tianshuang Sword, and first firmly grasped the Tianshuang Sword with his right hand, preventing it from moving. His left hand turned into a fist and struck hard towards Leng Feng.

Leng Feng stamped his feet violently, and his body that was advancing in mid-air suddenly stagnated. He stepped forward with both legs and jumped out like a floating sword shadow, dodging this almost certain punch.

The ice sword in his hand took the opportunity to thrust out, barely piercing the skin of Taikang's right elbow joint, leaving a faint red spot.

But there was a very special acupuncture point in that place. Taikang felt his right arm go numb and lose strength.

Tianshuangjian, who was still in the state of wielding the sword, instantly broke free from the restraints in his palms.

As soon as Leng Feng had an idea, he charged forward with the Tianshuang Sword, and the cold tip of the sword was gently pressed against Taikang's throat. The blood in the blood hole was condensed by the cold air before it even flowed out.

The scene was still for two seconds, and then, the audience erupted into a horrifying sound that reached into the sky.

Taikang took a few steps back and touched his cold throat with his right hand.

"I lost." A trace of unwillingness flashed in Taikang's eyes.

Even if they lose in close combat, Leng Feng never uses the third soul skill from beginning to end, which shows that their strength is no longer on the same level.

Obviously two months ago, he and the other party were still victorious.

"I didn't expect you to learn Shunpo in such a short time." Taikang looked a little complicated. It took him half a year to learn Shunpo. How long did it take the other party, a summer vacation?

"If you have credits, study." Leng Feng nodded slightly, put away the sword in his hand, "I accept."

"Concession." Taikang sighed. There are monsters every year. A group just left last year, and another one appears this year. It's really disappointing.

Marco closed his slightly open mouth and looked up at the big screen. The countdown on the court stopped at 9 minutes and 15 seconds.

Michal made a lot of money because he bet that Leng Feng could solve his opponent within one minute.

The gambling money was doubled and returned to his hands, barely adding a little more to the meager balance in his card.

Michal proudly promoted his method of making a fortune: "Junior, you should bet with me."

Marco spread his hands with a helpless expression, "Senior Brother, your hand speed is obviously too fast. When I wanted to support Senior Brother Leng Feng, they had already sealed the deal."

"It's okay, I didn't embarrass my mother." Liu Erlong, who was standing behind the two of them, suddenly spoke up, startling them.

"What are you looking at? Go call the sword boy. Let's find a place where we can talk."

The three of them followed Liu Erlong and found a cold drink shop in the museum to sit down.

No one dared to speak, and the awkward atmosphere lasted until the cold drinks were served.

After taking a sip of the cold drink, Liu Erlong's frosty expression softened a lot, "That guy Xiaofeng is going to recommend you to the elite class?"

Marco was stunned for a moment, with a clear and silly look in his eyes, "I don't know, Teacher Xiaofeng never told me."

"Oh." Liu Erlong saw this and lost interest in asking. He turned to look at Leng Feng and reviewed his shortcomings in the game just now.

"Brother, what is the elite class?" Marco asked Michal for advice in a low voice.

"It's normal that you don't know, because this is a new system that has just started trial operation this semester."

At the beginning of this new semester, the previous advanced class and grade-skipping systems were cancelled, and a new elite class system was implemented.

The so-called elite class sounds like one class, but it actually refers to one instructor leading several students.

It is similar to Blue Star’s master’s and doctoral mentor model.

The recommendation of the instructor is actually the teacher himself accepting students.

Those who are more enthusiastic about teaching students will naturally receive more, and those who are more lazy will naturally receive less.

But at least, every teacher must have one student under his name. This is the rule set by Flanders.

Among all the teachers currently, only Wang Xiaofeng has no students under his name. Everyone secretly bet on when he can open his business, so Liu Erlong asked just now.

"Senior brother, who is your teacher, Dean Flanders?"

"No, my teacher is Senior Brother Ma Hongjun." Michal said proudly.

Marco suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder before the club was founded, Michal could guarantee that Ma Hongjun would come to this small Sanwu club as an instructor. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

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