Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 577 The Brilliant End

Chapter 582 The Brilliant End

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, like a wild horse running wild, coming fiercely.

Lightning and thunder accompanied the rain, branches danced wildly with the wind, and the world outside seemed to be submerged in the mist.

Jiangzhu looked out the window at the pouring rain that seemed to swallow everything up, with a trace of worry on his face.


The strong air current blew the wooden door open.

Jiangzhu turned around and looked, but it was Li Yusong who was back, with four drowned rats behind him.

After entering the house, Marco and the other two discovered that the small wooden house was already crowded with classmates, and all kinds of eyes fell on them, leaving the four of them at a loss.

Fortunately, Shao Xin broke the awkward scene in time, "Stop standing there like that. Come, warm yourself up with a bowl of ginger soup."

The four of them took the ginger soup and said, "Thank you, Teacher Shao Xin."

Shao Xin asked Jiang Zhu to do a physical examination on the four of them. After Li Yusong put the wet raincoat on the shelf beside the threshold, he pulled him to the corner and whispered: "These are the last four."

"Yes, there are 35 people in total, but only 34 have been found so far." As he spoke, Li Yusong sighed, "I don't know what is going on with the missing student. I hope he was just kidnapped."

"Oh, it would be great if Flanders was here, but last week the little fat guy broke through level 50, and the two of them went to the Star Dou Forest to get the soul ring.

Vice President Liu has mental problems again and cannot do anything. Old Zhao has to guard the college. We, the old, weak, sick and disabled, have nothing to do if something happens. "

Shao Xin smacked his lips, feeling that Shrek had been having a really bad time these past few years and had a lot of misfortunes.

"Fortunately, Qin Ming is there. That's right. Didn't he go out with you? Where is he?"

Li Yusong spread his hands, "He said he wanted to catch up before the smell was completely washed away by the rain. If something really happened, he might be able to help."

Shao Xin smiled and said: "Xiao Feng is a monster among monsters. Maybe he can bring people back without Qin Ming's help."


On the charred earth, fiery red magma slowly flowed in it, and the scorching waves of fire almost dried out the air.

But the rain in the sky has not weakened at all, and the thick dark clouds are like iron blocks, weighing heavily on my heart.

Looking at the huge wound that he had just tore open with all his strength, and the visible recovery under the moisture of the rain, a trace of gloom flashed in Salas's eyes.

For a moment, he couldn't tell who was suppressing others with their realm. Could it be that the soul power was inexhaustible?

While Salas was thinking wildly, Wang Xiaofeng's attack came again.

The repaired giant punched out, and the distance of nearly three feet between the two disappeared. The wind of the fist hit his face, fierce and unmatched.

The energy, soul power, and air flow formed a giant dragon about ten feet long, and strong winds blew up, causing the ground to shake suddenly.

The huge air dragon is violent and wins completely with its fierceness.

The part that hits Salas from the front reaches its peak, and the soul power is highly condensed. There is no weakness. There are only a few flaws on both sides and in the follow-up. However, Salas cannot bypass the fist wind that envelopes him and side-attacks "Dragon". body".

He is a powerful attack type soul master, not a sensitive attack type.

Absolute power, absolute momentum.

Even if you can see the flaws with your rich experience, you can't break them.

You can only fight head-on!

Salas gritted his teeth and transformed into a huge fireball again. The overwhelming flames swept out from the fireball, and a huge flame beam shot out directly from the flames.

The two behemoths, the air dragon and the flame, collided fiercely in mid-air, and a loud sound suddenly resounded, with thunder echoing around.

The pillar of flame, which was formed by condensing the soul bone and the third soul skill, was blocked from its momentum and turned into a rain of fire that scattered all around.

Salas was half lying on the ground panting, feeling that his body was getting tired more easily than before, thinking it was caused by the toxins left by the Poison Douluo in his body.

Little did he know that the humid air he breathed in contained traces of the special blue liquid that Wang Xiaofeng brought from the Star Dou ruins.

This special liquid can decompose the soul power or soul power creations it comes into contact with into the most primitive spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Salas thought he had the advantage, but he didn't know that from the beginning, Wang Xiaofeng had the right time, place and people under his control.

You can't beat it again and again, you can't beat it again and again, you can't run away even if you want to.

Ho ho ~



A sharp gasp came from his dry throat.

Salas felt increasingly powerless, and the past began to appear in front of his eyes.

From the time when Wuhun awakened at the age of six to becoming the mainstay of Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Palace has been with him throughout his life, and Wuhun Palace has become his life.

"His Majesty the Pope, I probably won't be able to see the grand scene when Wuhun Palace unified the continent."

Salas's red hair grew back, like a flame leaping and surging.

When Wang Xiaofeng launched his killing move, his eyes slowly lit up until they became brighter and brighter.

Like thunder exploding, it was the beating sound of the heart.

"The eighth soul skill, Cang Yan Wuji."

The black soul ring sucked in all Salas's soul power like a black hole. Once the soul skill was activated, the blood all over his body instantly boiled and flowed, and the blood red color could be seen under the crystal skin.

The soul power, life force, and the extremely pure flame power are like a volcano that has been accumulated for thousands of years, surging and thinning!


Invisible ripples spread.

What followed was terrifying heat and boiling heat.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt that there was a bright light between the sky and the earth, just like the sun rising and extinguishing all the darkness.

His heart was shocked, and he felt as if the air between his mouth and nose had turned into flames. When he breathed it into his belly, even his internal organs seemed to be on fire.

The ground, which was already uneven due to the battle between the two, turned into complete ruins in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, a powerful force burst out like an ancient dragon turning over.

Earth and rocks towered into the sky, smoke and dust flew into the air, and waves of air spread in all directions, as if a mushroom cloud had exploded from the ground!

In an instant, the endless earth and rocks rose up into the sky like a curtain, and the roaring air flow was like the roar of a thunder dragon.

In an instant, they broke through the heavy water curtain and submerged Wang Xiaofeng.

The huge light and heat quickly fell back the moment they reached the top.

After the light faded, the surroundings fell into darkness again.

The layers of puddles were exposed, and the ground was full of mess and desolation.

The magma in the cracks on the ground finally began to cool down after boiling for a while.

It's like a spring blocked by silt, like a water pump that has lost its power.

The gurgling magma that was about to fill the earth began to recede, and the growing flame flower clusters were extinguished by the rain again.

The remaining magma exudes a faint red light in the darkness, and the light source that is unlikely to be used as illumination adds a touch of heaviness to the dead silence, just like the red curtain that closes after the end of the drama, but it is so red that it is shocking.

In the crack where the magma accumulated, a figure slowly stood up.

The moon fluid flowed gently on his body, and the originally necrotic nerves and muscles began to grow new replacements. The charred skin fell off, revealing new white flesh with a delicate fragrance.

Like a snake shedding its skin, a new body grows from the old shedding.

"It's such a powerful self-destruction."

Wang Xiaofeng bowed slightly to the dark humanoid lying on his back in the large cracked pit not far away.

"Thanks for the hospitality."

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