Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 580: College Exchange

Chapter 585 College Exchange

[Zhangtou Little Theater·Girl’s Heart 2·Moon’s Daughter]

The giant seven-meter-long fox fell to the side, and the holy moon symbol on its forehead was stained with blood.

The soul hunting team devoured the food provided by the food soul master, and their eyes unconsciously fell on the girl who was absorbing the soul ring.

A gorgeous silver scepter stood on the ground, and the girl sat cross-legged, with a black soul ring tightly wrapped around her body.

Silver light mist shrouded all around, and the beautiful figure was looming in the mist.

The stars and rivers flow, the sun and the moon intersect.

Just when the soul ring was successfully absorbed, a round gem emerged from her forehead, and then burst out with silver light, turning into a magnificent crown that appeared above her head, then slowly fell and landed on her head. .

This crown seems to be composed of countless gems. Starting from the round gem in the center, it quickly shrinks back. There are a total of eighteen larger gems on the crown protruding upward to form a beautiful circle of tips.

"External soul bones?!" There is no shortage of knowledgeable people in the hunting team.

"Quiet, don't drag us with you if you are looking for death." The team leader lowered his head and cursed, his eyes drifting to the man who stood as tall as a javelin.


"Attend class."

"stand up."

"Hello teacher."

As the final exam approached, Wang Xiaofeng's clone appeared on the podium again.

"In this lesson we review what we have learned this semester."

Looking at the familiar figure, Marco sighed: "For the first time, I feel that Lao Wang's face is so pretty."

Fang Jing echoed in a low voice: "It's great that Teacher Xiaofeng is okay."

A piece of chalk hit Marco's head accurately.

"The students below should not whisper to each other."

Fang Jing was so frightened that he almost retracted his head into the desk.

After the bell rang in the corridor, Wang Xiaofeng rarely left the classroom directly. He clapped his hands and focused the attention of all the students on him.

"The content of the final exam for this semester was decided long before the start of school. If there were no surprises, it would have been a simple written exam + a single/even/three-person soul fighting competition (choose two out of three). After the results are out, everyone can clean up Pack your bags and go home to spend this year’s Spring Festival holiday.”

Everyone looked at him with calm eyes. Everyone had no doubt about this man's ability to make things happen. If nothing unexpected happened, there would be a turning point next.

"However, I received a letter from the Star Luo Empire a few days ago."

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Your senior Dai Mubai, as the honorary guest of Xingluo Royal Academy, invites our academy to conduct a one-year academic exchange activity."

"This is an extremely rare opportunity. Dean Flanders also agreed. After a unified decision by the school committee, the top five students in each grade will have the opportunity to participate in this college exchange activity."

Top five in the class?

Hearing this, even the laziest students in the class became unusually serious.

This is a rare opportunity to study abroad at public expense. No one wants to give up this opportunity to others, and the competitive atmosphere in the class suddenly becomes intense.

This kind of tense atmosphere is exactly what Wang Xiaofeng wants, otherwise there will always be some students who are not short of credits and always want to miss the passing mark.

"Due to some reasons that everyone knows, our first-year midterm exam was interrupted in the middle, resulting in everyone's grades being zero. So in order to avoid some unnecessary disputes, we have to conduct a unified review after the final exam. The make-up test will be recorded in the file as the mid-term score."

"The content of the make-up exam will be posted on the college's bulletin board, so everyone can check it out by themselves."

"By the way, those who want to stay in the hospital during the Spring Festival holiday come to my place and fill out the form. get out of class is over."

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng picked up the lesson plan and walked out of the classroom, all the students in the back class rushed to the bulletin board on the first floor of the teaching building.

"Don't crowd, don't crowd, everyone takes turns." Qian Jinyuan barely maintained order.

Since the content of the make-up exam was roughly the same as the mid-term exam, Esta's team returned to the arena again. The group checked and filled in the gaps in their previous actions in the cafeteria, trying to ensure that the last mistake would not be repeated again.

"Marco, why are you so silent today? It's not like you." Esta took a sip of taro ball pop milk tea and looked at Marco who seemed to be possessed by Fang Jing and said.

"I have been thinking about a question just now." Marco touched his chin, "The place for this make-up exam is "Back Mountain", have you ever gone there?"

"Isn't that a forbidden area? Who would go there if you don't accept the mission?" Everyone shook their heads. Only Fang Jing nodded slightly, but others subconsciously ignored him.

"I've been there." Marco's face looked very serious. "The precious medicinal materials there are randomly planted on both sides of the road like weeds. You tell me, if someone is short of hands to pick them,

No, let me put it another way, if when we are fighting for the number plate, the aftermath of the battle accidentally affects these precious medicinal materials, do you think our credits and grades will be deducted as negative points? "


Everyone gasped, frightened by Marco's hypothesis. This was a direction they had never considered.

"Xiao, Teacher Xiaofeng can't be so insidious, right?" Fang Jing defended in a low voice.

"No, I think this is very likely the hidden condition for this make-up exam." Esta retorted: "After all, Teacher Shao Xin also taught us some knowledge about identifying plants in his field survival class, so it can be said that it meets the requirements. Examination Content."



"Then what should I do? It's too late to read now." Marco sighed.

Marco and Esta were thinking hard, Fang Jing hesitated to speak, and Alan silently took out the credit redemption booklet and put it on the table.

"Exchange manual?" Esta picked up this small book that had been read many times.

Alan said dullly: "I think most of the medicinal materials grown in the back mountains will be listed in the manual, so we don't need to memorize the complete list of medicinal materials, just read this."

Marco gave a thumbs up and praised: "Alan, you are really a genius."

"By the way, Fang Jing, what did you want to say just now?"

Fang Jing shrank his head, "No, it's nothing."

He wanted to say that he had memorized the encyclopedia of herbal medicines, but when faced with everyone's gaze, the courage he had just summoned immediately dissipated.

Flanders looked at the elite backbone teachers in front of him, took a sip of tea and said: "For this exchange between the two colleges, in addition to the students, we will also select three leading teachers to study and exchange together. Are there any teachers who volunteer to sign up?" ?”

Naturally, the three people with the highest cultivation levels cannot go.

The master wanted to learn and communicate, but because of the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire, he was actually banned in the Tiandou Empire in disguise.

Li Yusong crossed his arms and said: "I would like to go to Xingluo, but I am an old man and I can't stand the trouble. I'd better give this opportunity to young people."

Among this group of people, Wang Xiaofeng is the youngest. Even though the college has recruited several new teachers, they are all in their 30s.

Wang Xiaofeng stood up subconsciously, "I'm just a clone. If you need anything, just go to the main body."

Flender pushed Wang Xiaofeng back to his original position and said with a smile: "They invite you by name, and you can't run away even if you want to.

In this exchange activity, we have all benefited from you.

But I'm a little curious about the method that Mubai mentioned in the letter to skyrocket the compatibility of their martial souls. "

Wang Xiaofeng muttered: "I don't even have that part of the memory, so let me answer this question for you."

Wang Xiaofeng slumped in his seat and remained calm for a while. When he opened his eyes again, an astonishing murderous aura spurted out.

Everyone subconsciously entered the spirit-possessed state, and various colored spirit rings floated in the air.

"Sorry, I was dealing with a runaway experimental subject just now. I sensed the call and came directly over." Wang Xiaofeng withdrew his murderous intent, looked around and found that there were quite a lot of people, "What's going on?"

Flanders put away his martial spirit without changing his expression and repeated what he just said.

Wang Xiaofeng pondered for a moment, "I just listed some conditions that can affect the fusion of martial arts based on the information in the book and the research on the Netherworld White Tiger. By completing dozens of games to cultivate tacit understanding, I asked them to take the initiative to make up for the lack of tacit understanding. .According to the criteria on the scoring sheet, it is normal for the degree of fit to increase from 75% to 90% within one year."

Master, Flender and Liu Erlong looked at each other, "It seems it took us more than ten years to achieve this point."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and said: "How can the fusion of two martial souls be the same difficulty as the fusion of three martial souls?"

The master said with great interest: "I also have some superficial research on the fusion of trinity martial arts. I think we can start a project to study the 100% compatibility of martial soul fusion skills. You take the lead and I assist, and the academy can provide resources."

Wang Xiaofeng sighed. Wuhun fusion technology is a relatively popular theoretical research. There are countless research notes left by predecessors. With the wisdom of the master, he should have revealed the secret of Wuhun fusion. He has obviously got into trouble. .

"I'll tell you the truth, if the martial soul fusion skill has 100% compatibility, I would have broken through it a long time ago." Wang Xiaofeng said astonishingly.

"In terms of martial souls, the quality is the same, with a high degree of consistency and similarity. The attributes are the same or completely opposite, and they complement each other as yin and yang.

Personally, the soul masters are connected and have a perfect tacit understanding.

As long as you can achieve one of the two aspects, you can enter the realm of 100% fit.

Therefore, Master, there is no need to carry out research on martial soul fusion. There is no difficulty in theory. The difficulty is that the conditions are harsh and there are very few people who can do it.

If there is nothing else, I will go back first. The laboratory has been quite busy recently. "Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, his temperament changed drastically, and he showed clear eyes again.

Everyone knows that this is the departure of the original consciousness.

Flanders smiled awkwardly and said, "Xiao Gang, what's that? Xiao Feng, this guy, has been alone for a long time and his words are a bit harsh. Don't take it to heart."

"Flanders, please leave me alone." The master waved his hand and turned to leave, his back slightly faded.

Wang Xiaofeng knew what he meant. It was impossible to achieve 100% compatibility in this life.

In terms of martial arts, his quality is too low. Whether it is Liu Erlong's top-quality fire dragon martial spirit or Flanders's four-eyed cat eagle martial spirit, they are all trying to make up for Luo Sanpao's innate flaws. Such unilateral corrections , it is impossible to achieve 100% compatibility of martial arts.

As for the second one, I have the same mind.

No one wants to show their inner self to others without reservation.

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