Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 586 Return to Soto City

Chapter 591 Return to Soto City

The teachers and students sent by Xingluo Royal Academy for exchange studies this time have to undergo a complicated entry qualification review.

After all, the last exchange event between the two imperial colleges dates back to the honeymoon period more than fifty years ago, so it is normal to be strict.

The Balak Kingdom borders the Star Luo Empire, so Shrek set the meeting point in Soto City.

At that time, the two sides will directly exchange teachers and students, and the teachers and students of Shrek Academy will directly escort the teachers and students of Star Luo Royal Academy back to Shrek Academy to avoid some troubles on the way.

Wang Xiaofeng stayed at home for more than ten days, and his status plummeted. He began to be disliked by his mother, so he was forced to pack his luggage, take a large bag of specialties forced by the villagers, and arrive at Soto City first.

The beam of light reaching the sky disperses the darkness, which is the direction of the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

The vendors were shouting on the roadside. Wang Xiaofeng strolled on the street and reached the end of the street unknowingly.

"The scent of moonflowers" Wang Xiaofeng's eyes moved up to the plaque of Moonlight Hotel unconsciously, and images flashed through his mind.

The note contained explicit words about how her butt was moist and felt good, and her small size was cute. If it hadn't been the first time they met and she didn't know the details, she would have been fooled by Nidia, a fake gangster.

After getting acquainted with her, I realized that she was just a little girl who pretended to be bold but would blush even when she was kissed on the cheek.

Unfortunately, the elders on both sides do not agree with each other.

Wang Xiaofeng lowered his eyes and put his hands in his pockets to leave.

A girl in a maid outfit came out and said, "Guest, do you want to stay at the hotel?"

The girl winked playfully and said, "I see that you, my guest, have been standing at the door for a long time. If you haven't chosen a place to stay tonight, you might as well consider our hotel. We still have special rooms today."

"There is no need for the special offer room." Wang Xiaofeng stopped and asked, "Is room 312 still available?"

“Guests, you may not know that the maximum number of our luxury suites is 310!”

The girl looked at it carefully and asked with some uncertainty, "How did you know there was room 312?"

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "I have only lived in 312 once before. If it embarrasses you, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng was about to leave, the girl became anxious and hugged his legs, "Don't leave. If the lady finds out, she will freeze me into an ice sculpture. Sister Zhuyuan, come quickly."

"You girl, I can hear you yelling from behind." A woman walked out of the hotel and was shocked when she saw Wang Xiaofeng.

Although the temperament is very different, the appearance is exactly the same as in the portrait. Five years have not left any trace on the young man's face.

The woman quickly pulled the girl up, stood aside and said respectfully, "Is this Mr. Wang Xiaofeng?"

"It's me." Wang Xiaofeng nodded.

After confirming his identity, the woman became more respectful and welcomed him into the hotel, "The lady in your room will always keep it, and there will be a dedicated person cleaning it every week.

The woman handed the key to Wang Xiaofeng, "I wish you a pleasant night."


Wang Xiaofeng opened the door, and what he saw was still the large and exaggerated purple moonflower crystal sculpture, with the purple moonflower pattern covering the entire room.

They come, the security.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the curtains, and the faint moonlight filled the room. The green gourd rose from his waist, and the moon liquid fell from the sky, jumping like an elf.

We stayed here for three days, and it wasn't until the day of the meeting that Wang Xiaofeng checked out the room.

After the woman took the key, she suddenly said seriously: "Uncle, as a servant, I shouldn't talk too much, but I still want to say one more thing. Please take the young lady out of the filth of the Zhou family."

filthy? What an interesting word to use.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded thoughtfully, "I will go to Zhou's house."

When we arrived at the square in front of the Soto City Hotel, where we were meeting, many acquaintances had already arrived. In addition to the teachers and students who came to communicate, Shrek also showed up in person in order to show his respect, Flanders.

The teacher naturally does not need to introduce too much, but most of the students in the upper and lower grades have met each other for the first time.

Led by the sixth grade seniors, after everyone got together to get to know each other, they divided into several circles to catch up with acquaintances.

"Fang Jing, why are you here?" Marco said curiously.

Although he was ranked seventh in the overall ranking, the two people in front of him suddenly got into trouble and got lucky, but Fang Jing, a person in the twenties overall ranking

Fang Jing's face turned red when asked, and he was speechless.

Qian Jinyuan knew the truth, "He is a self-funded student and is not included in the list."

Marco was shocked, "Can such an operation be possible?!"

"The annual tuition fee for transfer students of Xingluo Royal Academy is 5,000 gold soul coins. If you can afford it, you can certainly enroll." Someone said suddenly next to him.

Being suddenly interrupted, Marco was a little confused, but he still said politely: "That's it, thank you for your explanation."

The young man nodded slightly and walked aside minding his own business.

Fang Jing quietly pulled Marco's sleeve, pointed to the badge embroidered on his clothes and said, "That's the school badge of Star Luo Royal Academy."

If it weren't for Fang Jing's reminder, Marco wouldn't have noticed that people from the Star Luo Royal Academy had arrived.

Different from the thirty or so people here at Fu Shrek, there are only ten teachers and students at Star Luo Royal Academy.

From here we can see the attitudes of both parties towards this exchange activity.

Wang Xiaofeng was somewhat impressed by the middle-aged man who headed the Xingluo Royal Academy. He was also the teacher who led the team in the elite competition two years ago.

The middle-aged man in rich clothes shook hands with Flanders and said with a smile: "Hello, Dean Fu, I didn't expect that Dean Fu personally took the initiative. It seems that your college still attaches great importance to this exchange activity." Yes."

Flanders had a warm smile on his face, "Mr. Li, didn't you come in person? I should have invited you to our Shrek Academy last time in the finals of the elite tournament. It's really rude not to show your kindness to the landlord." .”

Li Muchen's facial muscles twitched obviously. Two years ago, Star Luo Royal Academy lost to Shrek in the elite competition. As the leading teacher at the time, he could not escape the blame. Otherwise, he would not still have the title of teacher until now and be promoted to deputy so early. Dean.

Flanders is obviously exposing a scar.

The verbal exchange was slightly lost, and Li Muchen stopped pretending and went directly to the topic, "It's getting late. According to the agreement between the two colleges, we will exchange teachers and students now. On behalf of Xingluo Royal College, I welcome you from your college Teachers and students come to study.”

Flender raised his eyebrows and said, "I would also like to ask Teacher Li to take more care of the students in our academy."

Li Muchen smiled calmly and said: "At least I can guarantee that they will learn real things during their studies, and the Heritage Hall will be open to them. I hope that Dean Fu can also show enough sincerity in this exchange activity."

Flanders laughed and said: "Of course, you elites from the Star Luo Royal Academy will definitely get the best teaching at Shrek."

At least the two old foxes were smiling happily on their faces. As for what they were thinking in their hearts, only they themselves knew.

The two colleges exchanged positions under the leadership of the two leading teachers, with only Flanders and Li Muchen standing still.

Flender smiled calmly and said, "Then, Teacher Li, let's say goodbye."

Li Muchen nodded slightly and said, "Dean Fu, walk slowly."

Suddenly a strong wind blew by, and Flanders stood up without using his martial spirit at all. His whole body was like light feathers, and he was already high in the sky in an instant.

Under the leadership of the teacher, everyone in the Xingluo Royal Academy quickly mobilized their soul power to follow closely.

However, they couldn't help but be shocked when they saw Flanders' astonishing flight out of thin air.

Is this the strength of Dean Shrek?

Li Muchen watched as Flanders led the students from Star Luo Royal Academy to disappear, with a somewhat thoughtful look in his eyes.

Shrek Academy and Star Luo Royal Academy look down upon them. Even if they win the elite championship this time, in everyone’s eyes, it’s just because they were lucky enough to produce a few talented students, let alone their own. The prince and princess are also among the winning members.

If Dai Mubai had not single-handedly promoted this exchange event, Star Luo Royal Academy would never have thought of sending people to Shrek for exchange and study.

But now it seems that Shrek is not as useless as Mr. Ge said. Flande Lu's skill is not something that ordinary Contra can do.

Li Muchen turned around with a smile, looked at the teachers and students, and said, "Everyone, let's go. My name is Li Muchen, and I welcome you to join me on behalf of the Star Luo Royal Academy."

After clapping their hands, several carriages stopped in front of everyone.

The horse pulling the carriage caught Marco's attention. How could a serious horse have a king's pattern on its head.

Fang Jing explained in a low voice: "It's a tiger horse, a special animal produced by the cross between a tiger and a horse. The ones in front of me are all at least a hundred years old."

Using a hundred-year-old soul beast to pull a carriage, only Xingluo Royal Academy has such a background.

Li Muchen urged: "Young men, hurry up and get on the bus, otherwise you won't be able to reach the imperial capital before dark."

Of course Wang Xiaofeng understood that this was Li Muchen's demonstration, but he didn't care. He said hello to Ma Hongjun and Qin Ming, and took the first and second grade students onto the carriage.

The interior space of the carriage is huge, even if it accommodates more than ten people, it will not seem crowded.


With a soft shout, the convoy began to move, heading towards the imperial capital of the Star Luo Empire.

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