Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 53: Shangguan Guyan: He Must Be Admitted To The South Vermillion Bird (Please Ask For A Flow

"One minute?"

"Oh, I'm afraid your wall of fire can only last for a minute, right?"

Bai Niao Xiao Chengen shook the feather fan in his hand, and on his forehead, beads of sweat the size of beans kept rolling down... It was hot!

He's good at brainstorming.

After being shocked by Lu Fei for a short time, at this moment, his mind has recovered.

The temperature of this firewall is roughly estimated to be a thousand degrees, forcing him and Deng Yefan to run the Spirit Power in their bodies with all their strength to be able to resist;

A mere intermediate Martial Master level can display such a terrifying high temperature fire wall, I have to admit... This guy is truly amazing!


How long can such a blazing high temperature fire wall last with the Spirit Power of the Intermediate Martial Master?

Kill them in a minute?

Oh, I'm afraid this guy's wall of fire can only last for a minute.

"Old Deng, don't fight him head on, he won't last long with this wall of fire, it will kill him!"



Deng Yefan shouted loudly, and at the same time stomped his feet violently, the ground cratered, and cracked out a line of cobweb-like diffusion lines, the Spirit Power and Qi machine in the body were running wildly, the iron cloth shirt——

Leaping forward, the casserole-sized fist slammed out in front of Lu Fei!

Behind him, Xiao Chengen, Bai Nian, rubbed his forehead for a while... You understand?

You know a hammer! !

But it doesn't matter, with Deng Yefan in front, his pressure will be greatly reduced, as long as he is harassing and coping well, it is enough.

next second!


Facing Deng Yefan's fist, Lu Fei's fiery flaming fist wrapped in dragon scales also punched out brazenly, and the moment the two fists touched, there was a dull sound like gold and iron clashing.

This is not like a battle between two flesh and blood, but more like the collision of two pieces of steel and the collision of two rough stones!


Deng Yefan's face changed and he froze, with a look of incomparable astonishment and shock written on his face, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

There was a tearing pain in the arm!

It was as if the punch had hit the red-hot caltrops, hot, tearing pain, bone, flesh, Meridians aching.

ah this...

how can that be! !

Although the total strength of his own strength is only 500+, which is far less than that of the boss of Shang Dingtian, but in terms of horizontal training, no one among the ten young masters is stronger than him!

Why cross-training?

Boiled strength, hone muscles and bones, and forged one's own body like pig iron is for horizontal training.

In terms of the strength of this body, he is the first person of the younger generation in the main city of Beidu, and even in the entire Beidu region, even Shang Dingtian can't compare to him!

Is this such a tyrannical body that was at a disadvantage in the collision just now?

This guy Lu Fei is also a master of horizontal training?

And the strength is above him?

Do not!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

An Innate fire element master, or a master of horizontal training?

What kind of international joke is it on a horse?

Innate element masters rely on comprehension, while horizontal training relies on fighting strength. The two methods of cultivation are completely different.

There are only 24 hours in a day. He spent all the time except eating and sleeping in horizontal training, and then he created this steel body. With a strength value of 500+, the light physique accounted for more than half of it. Numerical value!

Why is Lu Fei, a two-hearted guy, stronger than him?

On the other hand, Lu Fei is quite satisfied!


As expected of a skill derived from the core of a B-rank beast, the dragon scale martial body, the defense is really powerful and terrifying.

At the moment when the fists collided, the impact force of the two fists collided before they could be applied to the body, and the scales all over his body were removed. He didn't feel the slightest pain at all, only a very real and refreshing blow!

Moreover, the defensive effect of the dragon scale martial body is not under the elementalization, and the consumption is smaller than that of the elementalization, which is simply too suitable for this situation of being under siege.

Lu Fei's offensive has always been as coherent as running clouds and flowing water. One hit hits, and the follow-up combos follow!

Step forward, bully the body, punch straight out, Baji Jin——

Circling your back, tripping your legs, slamming your elbows, eight extremes—

Turning around, kicking up, whipping and kicking, Baji Jin——

For a time, fists, feet, elbows, knees, legs... all parts of the body became Lu Fei's weapons. burst.

Thirty seconds, about fifty combos.

Deng Yefan was beaten and stunned. The constant sweating in this high temperature environment caused his body to be a little dehydrated. In addition, he was hit more than 50 times in a row, and his brain was completely stunned, buzzing!

Xiao Chengen was stunned... It's not that he didn't want to help, but it was simply too late!

Lu Fei's fist was too fast and too violent, just seeing Deng Yefan beaten, before he recovered... Lu Fei finished the fight! !

Until Lu Fei spit out a cry that was as cold as the sound of Death: "Blast!"


There was a loud explosion in Deng Yefan's body.

More than 50 times of the eighth power combo, each time, the dark power superimposed by the Eighth Stage continuously immersed in Deng Yefan's body, and at the same time exploded and detonated, let alone a human... an elephant couldn't take it!

With a favorable combat environment and complete restraint of the opponent's physical strength, Deng Yefan, who was completely suppressed, was defeated without the slightest suspense.

"now you!"

Lu Fei's burning eyes fell on Xiao Chengen.

Xiao Chengen shook the feather fan in his hand, sigh—

A sharp wind blade was thrown out!

Lu Fei was stunned, Martial Master level is impossible to release Spirit Power, and Xiao Chengen not only achieved Spirit Power release, but also turned into a wind?

A natural wind element controller?

It's more talented than his fake Innate fire element master who eats the seeds of fire... But what's the use?

With this level of wind blade, even the dragon scales on his body can't be cut open!

Kill him quickly!


"Good guy, in addition to controlling the fire of Innate, is horizontal training so powerful?"

"This kid is really a monster! Even more evil than that girl Yin Ziping!"

At this moment, over the swamp, Shangguan Guyan, the dean of the South Vermillion Bird who had hidden his figure, looked at the "chicken pecking each other" with interest.

When she saw Lu Fei build a high-temperature wall of fire with flames, she almost shouted out... This kid, really surprises people all the time.

Every time he uses the fire of Innate, he can clearly feel that his comprehension and control over the fire of Innate has been enhanced!

Is he only eighteen?

How amazing is this?

If I remember correctly, when she was eighteen years old, she could barely release a pillar of fire!

And the high-end operations such as fucking into a wall and elemental incarnation were only realized after she reached the Martial Venerate level.

It's not an exaggeration to use the words Tianzongzhicai on Lu Fei.

When the assessment is over, be sure to report to the Master, and put Lu Fei directly under the Southern Vermillion Bird family, no, directly under her… With Lu Fei's accomplishments on the fire of Innate, it may take less than ten years to achieve the title. Martial Sage class!

It's just... This kid's talent is so strong, Black Tortoise and Tiger won't come to grab people, right?

No, no, no, no!

When the assessment is over, go to the Master when you change shifts, so as not to be cut off by the two guys Black Tortoise and Tiger.

Shangguan Guyan continued to pay attention to the battle situation below, and when he lowered his head, what caught his eye was the scene of Bai Niao and Xiao Chengen being punched by Lu Fei, passing through the wall of fire, covered in fire, and rolling everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Yefan, who fell to the ground, was also kicked out by Lu Fei.

Shangguan Guyan couldn't help but glance at the smart watch, fifty-eight seconds and ninety-five... my dear, one minute is really one minute!

In less than a minute, he defeated the second and third seats of the ten young masters, not to mention Shang Dingtian and Luo Xiaoxiao, even the little demon girl Yin Ziping could not do it!

Although this is inseparable from the fact that Lu Fei used flames to delineate the battlefield from the very beginning and established a more favorable combat environment for him, but winning is winning!

This only shows that he knows how to use his own advantages!

But the next second!

The temperature below was soaring.

Sweeping down, what caught my eye... is the rapidly disappearing wall of fire and the flame that turned from orange to blazing white at a faster speed in Lu Fei's palm, dazzling and dazzling, as if holding a small sun ish!

Rao is that she, a Martial Sage-level powerhouse, also felt a hint of danger from the little sun in Lu Fei's palm!

Shangguan Guyan was stunned for a second.


"What does this kid want to do!!"


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