Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 74: Top of the list! Lu Fei, the beast of fire! (Subscribe!)

"Since Li Siming has been defeated, my karma debt has been repaid, let's stop here, Flame Demon!

Boom one by one

As soon as the voice came out, it was Lu Fei's flaming punch.

Unamuto dodged and rushed to the Thousand Steps: "If you have to compete with me, why don't you compare your speed?

Before he finished speaking, Unamuto had already reached the hundredth order.

Lu Fei's expression turned cold, Madd, after delaying Lao Tzu for so much time, you will stop when you say it?


A cut-

Thunder God's breathing slash, which is good at explosive speed-up, and the flame jet acceleration of the flame seeds erupted at the same time, and Lu Fei caught up to the hundredth order in an instant.

Fire Fist——

The bursting flames burst out, but Unamuto only focused on running and didn't stop for a moment, which caused Lu Fei's offensive to never catch up with Unamuto's escape speed.

So, Lu Fei simply threw himself on the summit.

Five hundred, eight hundred, thousand... two thousand... five thousand...

The two you are chasing after me seem to have really entered the rhythm of racing. In less than a minute, they both broke through the 5,000th order and continued to sprint.

Lu Jiaojiao glanced at the two figures that flashed past in front of her, and quickly followed.

Until this time, the people who were fighting in the chaos below were able to recover.

Swish one by one

Ji Mingkai, the magic armor that has been saving his stamina since the beginning of the survival battle, rushed out first, followed by the stone magic stone that did not turn, however, before the two broke through the hundredth order, a puppet came out of the air;

The slender and almost invisible spiritual power thread was thrown directly to the position of the 200th rank, and then the spiritual power thread quickly shortened, and Fan Wujiu, who was as light as a swallow, reached the 200th rank.

"Little 037 Ann, throw them away gorgeously!"

"Okay okay!

With the cooperation of the puppets, Fan Wu Jiu, who rushed up the 200 steps in one fell swoop, became the fourth person after Lu Fei, Unamuto and Lu Jiaojiao, and kept chasing them.

"Xiao Xiao, let's go too!"

Except for Ji Mingkai, the only three remaining members of the Ten Young Masters gathered while fighting to gain points. The black wolf Deng Yefan greeted Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Fuck you! Don't be afraid of being beaten down by Lu Fei, just go!"

Luo Xiaoxiao continued to earn points frantically. She was really afraid of Lu Fei, and she had a psychological shadow. She targeted this guy twice, and both times she was beaten with dantian energy and her brain was injured;

What is the difference between going to the top at this time and sending vegetables to the Balrog Lu Fei?

Ji Mingkai, Shi Buzhuan, and Fan Wujiu all rushed up, without these guys, now would be a good time to get points.

"Earn points first, then climb to the top!

"Ok, listen to you!

Shang Dingtian was gone, and Luo Xiaoxiao, the secret planner, had already become the backbone of Deng Yefan and Yang Ye.

About three minutes passed, and in the second half of the thousand steps, Lu Fei and Unamuto continued to charge towards the last nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth steps!

Nine thousand nine hundred seventy-one, nine thousand nine hundred eighty-two, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight...

However, when it was only one step away from the final 9999th step, Unamuto suddenly stopped.

Almost at the same time, Lu Fei's left foot, which had already reached the 9999th step, suddenly stopped.

(bjai) "What do you mean?

Unamuto smiled: "As the astrological signs point to, you must be the top of the list! 99

Lu Fei's eyes were filled with dissatisfaction: "I need you to let me?"

Unamuto: "I'm just following the horoscope, and you're half a step ahead of me!"9

Lu Fei was speechless for a while!

This guy named Unamuto always makes people feel depressed for no reason.

Not happy!

astrological guidance?

The horoscope is your mother, you listen to him like this!!

"Aren't you good at talking?

Lu Fei exploded.

Unamuto's face was calm and indifferent: "As the stars point, even if I reach the top earlier than you, with your character, I will definitely defeat me in the subsequent qualifying battles and take the first place, and that's the case. Why bother? Let Tiankui climb to the top! 35

Lu Fei: "I really want to kick you down!

Unamuto put his hands together: "I'm sorry for the previous obstruction, if this can make you feel relieved for what I have done before, I will be happy to bear your foot!"

...I ride a horse!

Lu Fei couldn't help but wanted to scold her, but she didn't know where to start.

Seeing this scene, the old students on the edge of the square were all stunned.

Are you both... sick from riding horses?

You beat me to the death at the foot of the mountain just now, but now you are humbled?

What about playing?

"Since the two little brothers are so humble, why don't you let me come first?

At this time, a puppet came out of the sky, followed by Fan Wujiu, who asked for life and impermanence.

Relying on the distance thrown by the puppet, she could cross at least 200 steps every time, and she had already caught up with Lu Fei and the others.

But after Fan Wu Jiu, Lu Jiaojiao, whose muscle density is ten times that of ordinary people, is impressive. The terrifying muscle density endows her with powerful muscle explosiveness and endurance. The endurance competition of climbing the thousand steps seems to be tailor-made for her.


In the next second, Lu Fei and Unamuto acted in unison, kicking out in unison, Unamuto smashed the puppet, and Lu Fei smashed Fan Wugui.

Little Sister Fan Wu Jiu and her puppet Xiao An drew a parabola in midair, from the 9,000th order to the 7,500th order, and was instantly overtaken by Ji Mingkai and Shi Buzhuan who were catching up.

"Xiao An, they bully people and beat them!!"

Fan Wu Jiu's face was aggrieved, but... without the control of the thread, how could the puppet move?

At the top of the thousand steps, Lu Fei and Unamuto smiled at each other, and the two laughed inexplicably, as if they had established some kind of indescribable tacit understanding.

"Tiankui! Please!

Lu Fei reached the top in one step, followed by Unamuto.

The two of them made Lu Jiaojiao who was catching up to look dumbfounded, and when they reached the top in one step, Lu Jiaojiao dressed rudely: "This, this... ah, is this the friendship between boys? It's strange. ...

Unamuto looked at Lu Fei: "After all, you followed the directions of the astrological signs!

Lu Fei: "...don't mention your astrology to me again, or I'll kill you!""

Unamuto: "If this calms down Tiankui..."

Lu Fei: "Shut up!"

Lu Jiaojiao: "Hahahaha, you two are going to die of laughing at me!"

Then, Lu Jiaojiao's laughter gradually subsided under the calm gaze of the two men.

About a minute later, Ji Mingkai in dark red armor reached the top, and Shi Buzhuan, who was transformed into a four-meter-five rock monster, followed one after another;

Two minutes later, the resentful little sister Fan Wu Jiu became the sixth person to reach the summit.

Half an hour later, Deng Yefan and Yang Ye arrived one after another, Luo Xiaoxiao reached the top in the ninth, and then avoided Lu Fei's sight for the first time.

The tenth person who climbed to the top of the main peak was a blind man with severe burn marks on his eyes. He was holding a simple three-foot green sword, and his temperament was more like an unsheathed sword...

The strange thing is that the other nine people, including Unamuto, the "god stick", have no impression of the blind swordsman.

As if he appeared in this assessment out of thin air.

As time passed, new students continued to climb the top of the main peak, until it was almost dusk, just two thousand people reached the top.

As for the remaining hundreds of people...the points are reset to zero, the points are not obtained within the valid time limit, and they will be eliminated!

Baihuo Wushen took a step forward, obviously suppressing his aura, but still a chilling voice sounded: "The survival battle is over, now for the ranking battle!

"The list of the top ten people and the status of points earned are now announced!

"Top of the list, Shu Dao 2** Lu Fei, 2450 points!

Lu Fei was stunned, 2450 points?

It seems that I was accidentally injured when I set the fire down the mountain before...

Baihu Wushen continued to announce: "Rank two, Tianlu II** Unamuto, 100 points!

"Top three, Shu Dao II** Lu Jiaojiao, 310 points... Top ten, Longquan Lord** Jiang Wu, 1990 points!"


Including Lu Fei, everyone's eyes turned to the blind figure.

Lu Fei glanced at it, then looked at the list in mid-air, and sure enough... the second on the top 100 survival battle list is this Jiang Wu in 1990.

At this time, Ji Mingkai, Shi Buzhuan, Fan Wujiu, and Deng Yefan were also on the list with more than 1,000 points.

In other words, this swordsman named Jiang Wu has killed more people than Ji Mingkai, Shi Buzhuan and other famous guys?

This blind man... so powerful?


Just when Lu Fei focused his attention on Jiang Wu, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Even a guy with 100 points can make it into the top ten, so what's the point of us fighting for points? What's the point of that list hanging in the sky? Just tell us who gets to the top first. !

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