Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 86: Absolute oppression from the top of the freshman list! (Subscribe!)

at the same time!

In the little-known secret realm of Ji Dao Martial Arts Academy.

Under that old tree that I don't know how many years it has grown.

Shangguan Guyan stood respectfully and reported: "The Wang family, Yang family and Lei family have been appeased. Although Wang Shaohui and others have been eliminated, there is no serious problem in themselves. Jidao promised to let these eliminated ones continue to refer to next year.

"As for the merchants, the Xiao family and the Wei family, they also promised not to pursue Lu Fei's abolition of their three juniors, but... I always feel that something is wrong.

The old woman who had been sitting with her eyes closed finally opened her eyes slowly: "You're right!"

"The more these companies promise on the surface, the more they will act behind the scenes! Just a few minutes ago, the merchant's Shang Dingyue teamed up with Li Xuanwei and others to besiege Lu Fei..."

The old woman has insight into the secrets of heaven and knows everything.

Shangguan Guyan frowned slightly: "Doing things under your nose? These guys are getting more and more courageous!"

"Need another warning?"

The old woman shook her head: "No need, let Lu Fei take care of the rest. The protection is too much, and it will affect his growth!"

"'Zero Four Three' is!'

Shangguan Guyan agreed and continued: "But Unamuto from the Great Lama Temple has been very close to Lu Fei recently.

The old woman looked as expected: "That's Lu Fei's chance, let him go!"


"and also……"

The old woman suddenly added: "Master knows that you value Lu Fei's talent very much, but you can't approach him. In front of him, you are only the dean of the Nanzhuque Academy! 39

"The disciple understands and obeys the teacher's orders!

"go Go!

"Retire the disciples!

On the road from the Qianfeng Mountains, where the Jidao Martial Arts Academy is located, to the main city of Beidu.

The reloaded off-road vehicle was speeding on the road, and Lu Fei's face was covered with a shadow.

The scenes of the previous battle with the four Wuzong-level powerhouses kept flashing back in my mind!

too weak!

Although various attack methods emerge in an endless stream, his own hard power is still too weak.

The 2100-degree high temperature barrier of fire was shattered by Shen Tuhao's knife... This is enough to show that in the face of excellent strength, any skills and means are so weak and useless!

The primary martial artist... is still far away from the real powerhouse.

Increase your strength!

We must use the fastest speed to raise our strength, otherwise, there will be troubles in the future, and scenes similar to today will continue to be staged in the future!

Driving all the way into the main city of Beidu, Lu Fei first went to the supermarket to buy various seasonings and materials needed to make smoked salt.

As soon as I got back to the courtyard, I immediately started making smoked salt.

Gu's son has not returned from his trip, and the only thing he can rely on is the food in his body to strengthen cells.

Unamuto was very sensible and didn't come to quarrel with him, but Lu Jiaojiao called for no reason, "questioning" why he didn't even call Lin Xuefei during the whole vacation

Lu Fei directly said "I'm busy", hung up the phone, and blocked Lu Jiaojiao... and continued to devote herself to the production of smoked salt.

Three days later, the first serving of smoked salt came out.

Lu Fei tasted it... well, this is it.

After that, the production volume was increased, and the whole courtyard was filled with the smell of smoke and fire. In twelve days, three tons of smoked salt and one ton of smoked soy sauce were produced.

Even with his food intake, these things are enough for a year.

It was not until the night before school started that Lu Fei, who had finished smoking, finally began to process the toadstool ingredients brought back from the Qianfeng Mountains.

[Substances containing strong toxin energy were detected, the energy source, the corpse of the B-level vicious beast poisonous salamander! 】

When Lu Fei took out the ingredients for the salamander, a mechanical prompt suddenly resounded in his mind.


Lu Fei looked at the headless salamander ingredients on the ground. Originally, he planned to dilute the toxin with a huge amount of water and smoke it into salamander dried meat as an emergency energy supplement. Now it seems that this salamander still has higher value.

It's just that this poisonous salamander doesn't look anything special on the surface.


Lu Fei cuts the salamander open with a knife, eh?

What caught my eye was a fist-sized purple sarcoma-like thing that was beating like a twitch, as if it was still "alive".

[Substances containing strong toxin energy detected, energy source, B-level vicious beast poisonous salamander poison sac! 】

The system prompt came again, and along with the system prompt came the joy of food strengthening cells in the body... as if he was longing for this poison sac.

How could the food fortified cells react to such a highly toxic substance?

Lu Fei hesitated for a moment, then decisively reached out and grabbed the poison sac.

Food fortified cells will reject everything that can cause damage to the body, but if it doesn't reject it, it means...you can eat it!

If it is not only not rejected, but also desperately wanted, it means that eating this thing will get great benefits.


Lu Fei yawned, relaxed his mouth muscles and jawbone, and then swallowed the fist-sized poison sac.

In a burst of suffocation that burst through the throat, the poison sac entered the abdomen... It seems that there is no uncomfortable feeling!

But I can clearly feel that my own food-enhancing cells have begun to devour this highly poisonous thing.

But next second!


A burst of severe pain came without warning. It should be that the outer flesh wall of the poison sac was broken, and the toxin inside leaked out!


The toxin spread, and the severe pain constantly stimulated Lu Fei's nerves, causing him to punch the ground like a vent, and the ground suddenly cracked.

This feeling is like there is a strong acid in the stomach, and the internal organs become riddled with holes under the constant erosion.

He could even clearly feel that the toxins were soaking into his muscles, tendons, and bones over time... spreading to every corner of his body.

Until two hours later!

[The host eats the poison sac of the B-level vicious beast axolotl, and the food strengthens the cells to obtain alternative satisfaction, triggering the hidden reward: the sixth attribute, poison immunity! 】

Sixth attribute?

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, in this world, both warriors and ordinary people only have five attributes, how could they eat the sixth attribute?

Open the system interface decisively!

Constitution 380.6, strength 307, speed 227.1, mental power 120, spiritual power 282.5... Poison immunity 0

There is really a lot of poison immunity in the self attribute column, but the value is 0!

Lu Fei immediately focused his thoughts on the column of poison immunity, and a line of prompt information appeared: the host is immune to all toxins, and as the host ingests toxins, the poison immunity value will also increase, and finally condensed in the body. Poison Power!

Poisonous spiritual power... ugh, this is a good thing...

To say that there is nothing in this world that can kill an opponent without knowing it, there is nothing more than poison!

If the so-called poisonous spiritual power is combined with Baji Jin's force method to penetrate into the opponent's body... in one shot into the yellow spring!!

In addition to being immune to any poisonous substances, it will be much more convenient to hunt and kill poisonous salamanders in the future;

And most importantly, his choice of ingredients will be wider in the future!

After all, if you are not afraid of even highly poisonous things, what else is there in this world that you cannot eat?

The expansion of the selection of ingredients will directly affect the speed of his strength improvement!

It seems that it is necessary to eat more poisons in the future, to condense the poisonous spiritual power as soon as possible, and to fight against the guys who suppress him in the future, this poisonous poison will be a big killer!

Destroying flesh and bone, piercing the heart and piercing the intestines... To a certain extent, poison is more threatening than fire!

The next morning!

The open class of Nanzhuque Academy of Jidao Martial Arts Academy.

Shangguan Guyan sat slightly lazily on the podium with his eyes closed.

Every year, freshmen are admitted to the school, and they are like this. First, they will have an open class for the freshmen, and then they will start the ranking battle.


On both sides of her left and right hands, the counselors headed by Wei Jing lined up in two rows, each wearing a flaming red Suzaku badge on their chest.

The entire large classroom was already filled with freshmen from Nanzhuque Academy.

There is one minute left before the scheduled time.

A young figure finally arrived late, with a tall and burly body close to 1.9 meters, and the clothes on his body could not hide his granite-like solid muscles.

The large classroom suddenly fell silent.

He entered through the door, and the light that penetrated was mostly blocked by his burly body, pulling a long shadow on the ground.

Just standing there, there is a fierce, predator-like strong breath.

With his appearance, the temperature in the classroom seemed to rise unconsciously.

The hearts of all the freshmen were suddenly tense, and they subconsciously tightened their muscles... Even if the realization had been expected, the moment they saw the coming person, they were inevitably shocked by the oppression coming towards them.

Six of the ten young masters in Beidu were eliminated, and the rest were hit hard by it!

Top Freshmen!

Balrog Lu Fei!

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