Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2432: Kind

After the baptism of the four fans just now, the three of Si Jinning should be somewhat prepared, but that is only logically speaking.

For example, every meal in Wuhai has to be eaten at the Kitchen God's shop, but every meal, whether it is a repetitive or non-repetitive dish, feels full of freshness how many times it is eaten, not to mention this is not the same dessert.

The shock to Sun Ji and the others is also a leverage.

In fact, compared to the exquisite appearance of the four powders just now, it is cold and fragrant, and the sides are hot, braving the heat, even the most common crab powder small siu mai is very beautiful.

The light-yellow rind was crimped into a flower-like crown, slightly greasy with crab noodles. The small siu mai looks very beautiful and really small. There are six siu mai in a steamer, the most important The steamer is the size of a palm, so it can be seen that it is smaller.

The most attractive ones are definitely two crisp dots, the eyebrow crisp and the crystal ball crisp, the snow-white color and almost transparent color, add a bit of beauty to the two crisp dots that are already beautiful.

The only improvement for the three of them is probably to take photos in a daze, and the food is eaten, so there is no need for Pony to wait for anxious reminders.

The movements are neat and uniform, and the chopsticks are stretched out towards the dim sum that I fancy. About the three people are different in industry, so the hobbies are different. Therefore, the dim sum is different. It is the same as the noodles and it is cheaper. The pony hides himself better.

Simian and Sifen are generally used for the guests of the boat feast to have tea to enjoy the scenery. They are very delicate and beautiful, because not only the scenery is the scenery, but these beautiful dim sums are also the scenery, which can be described as a combination of the two.

And although not all Subang dishes are derived from boat dishes since ancient times, it is true that most boat dishes eventually evolved into Subang dishes. Many boat dishes are almost familiar to you, and of course there are many that you have never heard of.

And in order to cater to the beautiful scenery, the names of many dishes are very poetic. Just by looking at the name, you don’t know what the dish is, such as the spring dawn on the green bank, the starry sky, the night of the Yulou and so on.

At first glance, it seems like a good word to describe scenery or other good words. It has nothing to do with the dish, but it is indeed the name of the dish.

You can also see some of the ingredients at a glance, such as duck boats in oil, fire-meng whip bamboo shoots, honey-flavored fire recipes, etc. The names are also elegant, and you can roughly see the ingredients, so you don’t have to look at it at a glance. Dumbfounded.

Of course, this is Si Jinning. Sun Ji and Chu Jianhua are also a little confused, mainly because one likes Sichuan cuisine and the other likes Hunan cuisine. There is really no research on other cuisines. It is profitable to say a few famous dishes. , I also expect to know something, that is simply nonsense.

When the first course of the main course came, I was a little bit stunned.

The first thing that came up was the cold dish. The name is poetic. The name is poetic. Si Jinning hasn't eaten it before, but you will know why it is called when you see the dish.

Obviously it's not a hot dish, but the white mist that rises still gives people the feeling of a Yaochi wonderland. The white flowers are scattered on the dark-brown bottom layer, and the black and white are more bright and colorful.

In addition to the surrounding green, several colors are mixed together, although they look distinct, but they are very harmonious.

It feels like growing vegetables as the name suggests.

Si Jinning was the first to pick up the chopsticks and clamp a beautiful flower into his mouth, and an extreme umami immediately exploded on the tip of his tongue.

It is the taste of whitebait. These florets are made of whitebait. If the fish is eaten cold, it will inevitably feel a bit fishy. This is the unique smell of fish.

But Si Jinning didn't feel that way at all when it tasted. On the contrary, apart from the sweet taste, there was only a little jasmine aroma, which matched the name and brought out the ultimate deliciousness, which made people want to stop.

It is delicate and smooth, with a pleasant fragrance, just like eating jasmine blossoms in your mouth, the taste of flowers blooms in your mouth, and the taste is absolutely beautiful.

Si Jinning couldn't stop at all. Of course, even then, he didn't eat much. After all, he came up with a dish, and then four people grabbed it together.

four people?

Wait, why are there four people? Si Jinning immediately woke up and looked at the innocent pony over there.

"Hey hey, I met for the second time, everyone eating food and everything is lively." The pony has a thick skin and is almost invulnerable.

Even if he was stared at by three pairs of burning eyes, he didn't think there was any problem, but in order to avoid unnecessary entanglements, he explained it further.

"I can eat everything I order in a while." Xiao Ma said.

Xiao Ma changed his original plan so kindly. On the one hand, he did not expect that the three people opposite were really such dishes. Now he realized that he had been robbing for food, which aroused his few pity. Jinning and the others have a lot of dishes. He ordered two more dishes, fearing that he would lose out if he could not finish the blacklist.

Si Jinning and the others moved slowly, and the amount that Xiao Ma got for grabbing food was much more than he had estimated, and problems would naturally arise.

At the beginning, in order to play to his strength and protect his own dishes, Xiao Ma ordered one stew and skewer, and the other was kung fu dishes that took time. The serving time was later than usual.

Up to now, Xiao Ma's dishes are not yet the result of his calculations, but at this time there is a little error, so Xiao Ma is very talkative.

Si Jinning and Sun Ji looked at each other. They both said that they would not hit the smiley with their hands, and Xiao Ma did have a few words. Of course, this is the first time Si Jinning and Sun Ji have met. The other two have seen each other. They are much younger than Sun Jidu. As the older, they really don't care too much.

The most important thing is that Si Jinning and the others didn't feel that they had eaten much less. They were fascinated and confident about the speed at which they ate vegetables. Since the loss is not, they are all masters, so naturally they can't be stingy.

Of course, the timeliness of the next dish is also a reason. Who is impatient with the things before the theory comes, grasping the moment, eating more is the most important thing.

The four people reached a consensus and stretched out their chopsticks together to grab a meal.

The boat feast is notoriously pure and not mixed, the soup is clear, the juicy honey is not greasy, the meat is rotten and boneless without losing its shape, smooth and refreshing without losing its original flavor, so Si Jinning and their dishes are served Although only two chopsticks can be eaten by one person, almost the next dish is served right after eating.

Feasts came one after another, and when almost the remaining taste in the mouth had not dissipated, new delicacies swept again. Wave after wave, when the waves of food did not stop, a few people were simply overwhelmed.

By the time they could take a break again, when it was time for the last hot dish, Si Jinning and the others had learned to calm down after dozens of dishes.

Of course, after dozens of dishes, coupled with the ease of rock sugar elbow, Xiao Ma and Si Jinning have reached a state of balance.

That is, according to their abilities, whoever eats more and who eats less is not the one who has the final say, but the individual’s actions. Whoever moves fast will eat more and slower eat less.


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