Gourmet Food Supplier

Vol 3 Chapter 32: The rewards are arranged

"Hua Xia Wen has bright stars, a long history of food culture, and the history of snacks is shining like stars. As a future chef, mastering various snack practices is an indispensable skill. The reward for this mission is the cake candy roll of the snack gift package. I hope Master Host can continue to work hard towards the throne of God of Cooking." The system encouraged.

It’s been a long time since I was fed chicken soup. I was fed by the system today, and Yuanzhou felt it was enough.

After the system's voice fell off, I saw that the rewards of the side quests just now had changed, and directly changed one-half of them to cake rolls. This time it was clear.

I once rewarded a big gift pack of street food, which contains a lot of things, including barbecue, candied haws, pancakes and fruits. These are all street foods. As long as they are sold on the street, almost Yuanzhou can make them, so including Wang Many people including Hong are looking forward to a rainy day.

As long as it rains, it’s possible to eat authentic street food. It’s definitely two different concepts from those sold on the street. It is guaranteed that you will think twice after eating it once. Of course, Wang Hong will never let go of holding his chicken wings. .

As for what happened to Mr. Wei, everyone except Wang Hong probably knows.

Recently, it has been raining in Rongcheng as if it has entered the rainy season. The ground is almost wet. In order to ensure safety, not only Director Wang added a sign on the street, but even the city management has arranged a lot of people to inspect. .

As long as it’s a standardized stall, you won’t be afraid of urban management. Because they have the certificate, you don’t have to remind Zhou Yu over and over again on his bicycle. Of course, you don’t need to remind that getting along is a different scene.

However, the recent weather in Chengdu is not only to blame for the sun’s disappearance. It takes a while every day and the rain is also naughty and tight, either in the middle of the night or in the early morning, so that my heart is looking forward to the evening. The diners of barbecues or food stalls can't wait to go up and help artificial rain.

It's a pity that the sky does not fulfill the wishes.

It can be said that the popularity of street food spree in small shops is absolutely leveraged. When anyone wants to eat roasted sweet potatoes or candied haws, they just don’t have Yin Ya’s luck and can only wait.

As for the snack package, Yuanzhou didn't respond much at first, but the system naturally counted the cake rolls.

Begonia cake, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, candied date cake, peanut candies, sesame candies, chestnut candies, etc., all fall into this category, and there are simply too many to enumerate.

Yuanzhou once held a dim sum conference before, but at that time he actually didn't have much dim sum. One was Cantonese dim sum and the other was part of Su-style dim sum. Compared with the current snack packs, it is nothing short of insignificance.

"If we hold another dim sum tasting conference, we can display the special cakes of many places, such as Xizhou's baba, Jinling's steamed cake, Tumen tribute or Guangdong peanut gum, etc. It's a good thing, and it needs to be passed down, so you can rely on the inheritance of this conference." Yuan Zhou pondered.

It’s been a long time since I held any activities by myself. The rewards this time made Yuanzhou think about it. The main reason was that many seniors from Jiyi and their steamed bun dim sum industry visited Yuanzhou. Dim sum is a regular meal, and their dim sum can also be filled with brand noodles.

I hope Yuanzhou can carry out more exchanges on dim sum, so as to promote their dim sum.

You must know that in addition to meals, dim sum is absolutely an indispensable part of Huaxia's food culture. He is very concerned about the suggestions of his predecessors.

However, Yuan Zhou thought that it would be so-so when he held a conference on the varieties of dim sum he had mastered. If it was twice or three times, he would be stretched, so he was hesitant to decide. The reward came just right.

He hasn't started the task yet, Yuan Zhou has clearly arranged the rewards.

After talking to the system about the specific details of the mission, Yuan Zhou looked at the time and found that Yin Ya was not far away, so he planned to go downstairs and wait.

"Today is a lucky day, or else let Xiaoya make some more food to celebrate." Yuan Zhou thought about it and made a decision.

Please have a meal if you have something good. This is a traditional project of China, so it is normal for Yuanzhou to have such an idea.

The time is relatively short, what is better to do, this is a problem, but after a long time struggle, Yuanzhou decided to make some bozai cakes for Yin Ya.

As a traditional pastry in Guangdong Province, it has undergone changes over time, and it has also made considerable progress. Many of today's popular cakes are no longer old-fashioned bozai cakes, but crystal bowls cakes.

What Yuanzhou wants to make for Yin Ya is of course the old-fashioned kind. Just before, he pickled a jar of green plums for Yin Ya. Using green plums to make green plum cakes would also have a special flavor.

Because the bozai cake does not require kneading and fermentation steps, it is very simple and can definitely be made when Yin Ya returns, so Yuanzhou decided to start making it immediately afterwards.

"Ding jingle bells"

Yuanzhou was extremely fast, his fingers flicked, and various materials in his hands were constantly changing into different postures. He quickly put them in a cage and steamed them, attacked violently, and then turned to the fire, almost It was all done in about twenty minutes, and it was ready to be released.

At this time, the door creaked, and after a while Yin Ya entered the lobby of the shop from the Sakurai shrimp wall over there.

"What does wood do?"

When Yin Ya saw Yuan Zhou cooking in the kitchen, she knew that most of it was made for herself. Faced with such a situation, she was already very calm. As for the fat on her waist, she didn’t agree with anything. Up.

Since she got engaged and lived together, Yin Ya was fed five meals a day by Yuan Zhou. If her stomach is not small, she might have two more meals. Don’t ask how she knew it. Asking is the secret. .

"The weather is good. In addition to the red dates and white fungus soup and Yeerba, I also made some green plum cakes for you to eat. Now it is ready, I will take them out for you immediately." Yuan Zhou said gently.

Upon hearing this, Yin Ya reflexively looked at the dark night sky outside, even the stars could not be seen, and it seemed to be raining, it didn't seem like the weather was good.

However, such trivial matters Yin Ya never refute Yuanzhou's words.

Slowly sitting on the chair next to the partition, Yin Ya said: "The wood is hungry, don't you eat together, two people eat lively."

In order to reduce the amount of food she eats, Yin Ya drags Yuanzhou to eat together almost every time. Unfortunately, it seems that she is the only one who has meat. This is a sad story.

Yin Ya did not give up this idea. After all, eating with two people is definitely more interesting than eating alone. She likes Yuanzhou to eat with her.

While serving the light green steaming bowl cake, the thick and smooth red dates and white fungus, and the round and very cute Ye Erba, Yuan Zhou responded, "Then I will just taste today. The taste of the green plum bowl cake is made from the green plums we picked together before. You can eat more and the taste should not be greasy."


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