Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1003: Tong Ruoyi's conspiracy!

Thunder penalty? !


A deafening sound rang through the ears, and in an instant it rang through the void, tearing the light curtain over the sky.

The bright light curtain was dazzling and dazzling, as if two brontosaurus were tumbling in it.

The black pressed clouds rolled in and swept from both sides, and then collided on the top of the sky.


The golden lotus demon fire that bursts with the golden light is also slowly swaying, as if under the pressure of Tianwei, gently tremble.

The enchanting boy, if he raised his head, the pupil seemed to penetrate the fire and looked directly at the thunder of the day.

"Thunder punishment... The thunder and punishment of Xiancai is really nostalgic."

Tong Ruoyi put out his tongue and licked his lips, revealing the color of exquisiteness and excitement in his eyes.

"Now... just look at this thunder penalty can not meet my expectations."

boom! !

The Thunder blew above the Scorpio.

The public delivery class was unmoved, and it was still focused on the dishes in front of him.

His dishes are almost the last step.

The light has already emerged from the fairy-skinned tofu jade carving, and the jade girl seems to be alive. A smile is a sight to touch people.

The brocade yarn worn by the tofu carving jade woman seems to be like a wind blown, invisible fluttering.

Because watering a spoonful of hot oil.

Therefore, the whole bean curd carving is filled with a misty white gas, and the white gas goes up, making the tofu carving more and more vivid.

of course……

The most important thing is that there is a fairy on the tofu carving.

Because of the pouring of hot oil, the fairy gas is pressed underneath, and it is lingering on the feet of the tofu carving, making the jade girl seem to be sacred and more sturdy.

Outside the flame.

Xuanyuan Xiahui and Gongshang have already seen it.

Culinary cooking is like art, which makes people want to be happy.

"The cooking of the public son is really beyond the recognition of the next... It is the arrogance of the family."

Xuanyuan Xiahui sighed in the heart.

Not quite good, if it is a comparison, the gap between him and the public class is really too big.

Originally, he thought his cooking talent was already amazing.

However, I did not think that the enchanting among the chefs was so much.

Whether it is a public shift, or a child's child, or Zhang's enchanting, or even ... step boss, are very shocking.

Thinking of the steps, Xuanyuan Xiahui’s line of sight subconsciously turned to the position of the step.

This look, the eyelids are not shrinking.


Boom! ! !

Xuanwu pot is churning, the spatula collides with the pot, and it makes a roaring sound. Inside the pot, the golden fire rises to the sky, completely shocking people's sight.

The dishes seem to be wrapped in flames.

If the dishes in the public class are quiet and quiet, then the dishes in the step are the burning movements...

Two completely different styles of dishes actually collided at this moment.

As a half-step chef, Tong Ruoyi naturally sees the mystery of the two dishes.

His eyes are excited to come out.

"Now the young people... are so strong! It's perfect! This kind of dish, the levy of the levy will certainly not be weak..."


The voice just fell.

Above the scorpio, there is a thunder blow.

The clouds seem to have been broken up by the explosion.

There is no lightning strike method here.

Therefore, the step and the public class want to resist the Thunder, they can only rely on themselves.

However, the public transport class and the step-by-step have ignored the thunder of the Scorpio.

At the moment, they only have their own dishes in their eyes.


The white mechanical eye suddenly blazed, and emerged behind the step.

The metal wings are stretched out, and the sound of the cymbals is resounding, as if it is deafening.

Xiaobai looked up and looked straight at the Thunder.

The thunder that is evasive, in his eyes, has become a thing of eagerness, and the desire in the eyes makes people feel a little weird.


The small white metal has a double wing, and the whole person is skyrocketing and goes straight to the thunder.

"It’s coming again! Step boss is the place to eat Thunder!"

Xuanyuan Xiahui saw Xiaobai, and suddenly he was amazed. Every time Xiaobai appeared, it would make him shock.

A fairy scorpion that can swallow the thunder, this is what every fairy chef dreams of.


The dragon snarled and fell on the white body.

The small white roar continued, and the whirlpool appeared in the abdomen.

The **** of war that wraps around the Thunder is pulled out by him, and the Thunder above the sky is smashing.

It seems to touch the sound of the sound.

That Thunder Dragon was actually crushed by Xiao Bai’s living, and the next moment, he was entangled by the **** of war, and gathered in the belly.

There is no white in the public class...

So his thunder quickly fell down.

When Tong Ruoyi looked at a Thunder and was actually eaten by Xiaobai, it was an instant split.

He did not think that there was a place in the world that would swallow the thunder.

In the end, which one is running out!

The Thunder was eaten and his plan was messed up in half!


Tong Ruo repeatedly refused to take care of the other, stepping out of the air, feet on the void, slowly rising.

Appeared on the top of the public class.

There, the Thunder fell straight.

Xiaobai ate a thunder, and the breath above his body was changing and slamming, and he slammed into the ground.

Tong Ruo’s gaze revealed his desire, and his hand extended, causing the Thunder to continue to impact and bombarded his body.

"Thunder! This is the Thunder... so cool!"


Lei Long was entangled in the body of Tong Ruoyi, and Tong Ruo did not avoid it. He was hard to bear the bombardment of the Thunder.

The face actually showed the color of enjoyment.

He seems to be enjoying the feeling of being baptized by the Thunder.

Both the step and the public class have no concern.


Xuanyuan Xiahui and Gongshang were stunned. The two men raised their heads and stared at the figure in the void.

"Is he suffering from the baptism of the Thunder?"

Xuanyuan Xiahui is incredible.

“Is the kitchen to be subjected to the thunder baptism? How is this possible! Only the dishes cooked by the chefs need to be subjected to the thunder baptism, is it... this person is a dish?! Impossible!”

As a genius of the public family, public literacy will naturally be more favorable than Xuanyuan.

However, even if she is, she feels incredible.

It’s crazy to take care of the dishes!

Tong Ruoyi is laughing and feeling the refreshing feeling of Thunder in his body. The whole person is somewhat comfortable.

After a long time.

The Thunder dissipated.

Tong Ruo opened his eyes and his body appeared.

"Why didn't you have it?! Damn! I was swallowed by the shovel." Otherwise I can use two thunders to perfection! At that time, I swallowed two of the sources that provoked the thunder. The dish... The plan underneath is perfect! It is inevitable to prove the Lin Kitchen!!"

Tong Ruo snarled.

Angry to madness.


The public transport class exhaled a long breath, and there was a lot of exhaustion in the eyes.

The figure is slightly stepped back.

Suddenly, the vivid dishes in front of you are finished.

The scent of scent is entwined under the tofu carving, just like the jade people who come out of the fairyland are beautiful, and a smile can attract people's minds.

"Xian Cai: Picking the lotus girl! Finish!"

The white cloth wiped the palm of his hand, and the corner of the public transported the mouth of the class, showing a touch of pride.

He stepped back a few steps, looking at his face and looking at his own dishes.

This time, with the help of Jinlian's demon fire, the state has almost reached its peak, and every step has reached a perfect state.

This dish is his most proud dish to date.

"Half-step Lin Chuan's heritage... I must get it!"

The public transport class is in vain.

far away.

The fire slowly dissipated.

An unbridled scent suddenly drifted away from the position of the step.

This scent is extremely rich, thick and not scattered.

Floating in the entire space.

Although fragrant, but a sniff, suddenly felt that his nose should be numb, spicy, numbness bursting instantly.

It seems that the tofu of gold is blooming with golden awns, and the diced meat contained in the tofu is more like a scent.

Xianqi is lingering over the dishes, and it is constantly changing colors, red orange yellow green blue blue purple...

The color changes, constantly affecting the atmosphere.

The step is also a light breath.

The body of the bird feather robe trembled, the keel kitchen knife rotated in the hand for a week, playing a knife and a bang was scattered.

"Colorful glazed Mapo tofu... complete!"

The faint sound of the steps is full.

finished? !

The public transport class and the step party actually finished the dishes at the same time? !

The attention of Xuanyuan Xiahui and Gongshang was suddenly pulled from Tong Ruoyi and fell on the dishes of both.

The dishes that are delivered to the public are scented.

Step by step dishes, colorful glaze...

They are full of features!

Tong Ruoyi also found that the two dishes were finished, and the eyes were bright, and they couldn’t take care of the whites that had eaten the Thunder.

Compared with the 怼地仙傀, he is more concerned about the quality of the dishes, and ... can help him achieve Lin kitchen!

The public transport class raised his head and looked at the dishes of the step.

"Colorful glazed Mapo tofu?"

For this dish name, the public class felt a bit strange.

"Who is Ma Po?"

The public delivery class looked at the step and asked.

Who is Ma Po... This question is very profound.

The step is also awkward.

"Ma Po... is a legend." The steps of the step are deep, and the road.

The public delivery class frowned, as if it was very powerful.

The nose moved and sniffed the smell of the air...

This taste... really sweet!

The smell of scent hidden in the scent is even more exciting!

However, the public class has confidence in their dishes!

Tong Ruoyi fell.

Both the step and the public class are a slight glimpse. At this moment, Tong Ruoyi feels very strange to them.

Unlike the previous gentleness, it seems to be a bit violent.

"Completed! It’s really hard for you..."

Tong Ruo's hair is full of fluttering, and the color of excitement is revealed in his eyes.

His gaze first fell on the picking woman of the public class, and then turned to look at the Mapo tofu.

This look makes him feel like an electric shock.

This Mapo tofu is a bit interesting!

"Step by the boss's tofu cooking, some are beyond the expectation... the fragrance is not scattered, thick but not greasy, is a good dish."

The public transport class looks at the step, and the peace of the boast.

Step by step, the rolled up sleeves of the bird's robe were put down, and the public lost the class and nodded.

"Daily operation..."


"Come on, let me taste it, use the dishes to decide who can give me my successor..."

Tong Ruo’s eyes are full of excitement and greed.

"Children, please."

The public class is very confident, gentle and full.


Tong Ruoyi was full of violent stunned public transport class, a stunned smile.

Afterwards, I didn’t take chopsticks or take a spoon...

Reaching out, grabbed the dish of the public class, picked the lotus girl, twisted the head of the lotus girl, and directly put it into the mouth...

When the public delivery class suddenly squinted, the pores seemed to blow up, and they turned to Tong Ruoyi...


Let’s go...

Tong Ruoyi chewed quickly, and all of them were thunderous, and the fairy was entangled around his body.

He ate the head of the lotus woman, and Tong Ruoyi swallowed a lotus girl, no taste, no appreciation.

The public class is smashed!

He finally noticed a strange thing!

"It’s your turn to make your tofu tofu..."

Wiping a piece of tofu **** mixed in the face, Tong Ruo looked at the step and the side of the Mapo tofu.

The scent of the scent makes the child feel a slight shake.

boom! !

The golden lotus demon fire is soaring, the temperature of the whole space is getting hot.

The steps frowned, looking at the step by step, with a greedy boy.

Gently spit out a breath.


The keel kitchen knife suddenly appeared in the hands.

When the mind moves, the dragon screams.

The keel kitchen knife swept wildly, and it was smashed in the face of the boy.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been upset... people are not, ghosts are not ghosts!

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