Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1005: I haven't eaten fire for a long time [third! 4D update! Subscribe! 】

The body of the public transport is slightly shaking, which is mad.

He looked at the piece of tofu on the plate, and his eyes were reddened...

That is a feeling of humiliation.

The dishes he cooked meticulously were actually eaten by people, and it was as ugly as eating!

When I thought that the head of the lotus woman had been twisted by the child, the public transport class only felt that there was a flame in the body.

But still haven't waited for him to get angry.

He is lying in the same place.

Because, the pace in the distance, violently gone...

The golden kitchen knife, the bright light of the bloom, on it, there is a sound of dragons and gongs.

The dragon screamed and shook the void.

In the eyes of Tong Ruoyi, there is only Mapo tofu, and it seems that he did not expect that the step would actually be difficult at this moment.

The kitchen knife swept across and was extremely fast.

When Tong Ruoyi reacted, the keel kitchen knife was already on his face.

a bang...

There is no imaginary face sound.

The step is to use the back of the knife to hit the boy's face, but the sound of the shot is a muffled sound.

The most important thing is... the touch is completely different from hitting the face.


Steps frowned and looked at Tong Ruoyi.

Tong Ruoyi’s head, screaming...

There was a piece of tofu falling from the face of Tong Ruoyi.

There, it was the broken face that was shot by the steps.

"You... dare to hit me?!"

Tong Ruoyi looked up and his eyes were very incomparable. Half of his face was crushed by the keel chopper of the step, and it was deeply sunken. The tofu pieces fell from it.

"Don't you want my inheritance?!"

"Fair fire, fairy wood, fairyware... you don't want it anymore!"

Tong Ruo’s eyes widened and his voice was a little infiltrated.

With the face that has been falling from the tofu residue, it is even more creepy.

At least, Xuanyuan Xiahui and Gongshang, who have been watching for a long time, are indeed frightened.

"That... that guy...not a person!!"

Xuanyuan Xiahui **** in air.

The steps frowned and looked at Tong Ruoyi.

The public class is also shocked.

Is the whole person made of tofu?

This boy is a... crazy!

Looking at the scent of the body, the public delivery class suddenly thought of a possibility that made him feel incredible.

"You...you are cooking yourself as a dish?!"

"Oh... it’s actually seen by you!"

Tong Ruo laughed a lot.

"I would have liked to eat your dishes, devour your thunder, and incarnate the ten kinds of dishes! You have successfully promoted Lin Kitchen!" Tong Ruoyi said.

He reached out and grabbed the face that had been beaten by the steps.

The tofu creeping on the face is actually a slow recovery.

Re-made a seductive look, Tong Ruoyi faintly pulled the corner of his mouth.

"What! Promote Lin Kitchen! Impossible... You have not been promoted to failure, and you have died!"

The public delivery class said with horror.

"Yeah... Cheng Tofu, defeated tofu! But I am not willing, only one step will be able to achieve Lin Chu, I am not willing to fail like this! So even if I die, I have to be a Lin kitchen, as long as the achievements of Lin Chu, I will be able to resurrect!"

Tong Ruo sneered, "The thunder of your dishes, the scent of your dishes... enough to fill the scent I need!"

"Then you said the fairywood, the fairy, the fairyfire... all are deceptive!"

The feet of the public transport class are all air-conditioned.

Unexpectedly, I thought it was a big chance, but the result was a big calculation!

The child of the avatar dish must have no way to cook, but the fairy on his body is so rich. There is no doubt that Tong Ruoyi’s conspiracy has been going on for a long time.

There should be a lot of fairy kitchens killed here!

Outside, Xuanyuan Xiahui and Gongshang have already been scared.

Did not think that ... the existence of Jinlian demon fire, actually a big conspiracy!

"Ha ha ha!! No... not a lie, you will turn into the nourishment of Jinlian demon fire, and put up his flame rankings. Now the golden lotus demon fire is enough to reach the 50th of the fairy fire list! You will be a fairy I am proud of the growth of the fire!"

Tong Ruo laughed a lot.

He stretched his arms.

next moment.

The fire was suddenly flourishing.

The golden lotus demon that has been beating has actually turned into a huge golden flame beast that covers the sky.

The giant beast roars.

The public 芸 芸 and Xuanyuan Xiahui felt a flower in front of them, and the picture suddenly disappeared.

"Ah? How can you not see the inside? Brother... you can't die inside!"

The public loses anxiously and rushes toward the flames.

However, it was pulled down by Xuanyuan.

The flame is a fairy fire, and the public transport is rushing close, and it must be burned to ashes.

"The public loses the son of the people and they will not die!"

Xuanyuan Xiahui had to comfort himself.

The flame space has changed dramatically at the moment.

The temperature suddenly climbed and the heat rolled.

Tong Ruoyi held his hand and pouted, showing a smile.

Spatialization has made substance.

Above the void, the fire of Jinlian's demon fire is slowly turning, and the hot and high temperature of the next road falls.

In the eyes of the public shift and the step, the fire of the Jinlian demon fire seems to be alive, like a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour, giving an endless crisis.


If the child is a body, the fairy is lingering.

His scent is so strong that it can't be attached, just like a high-grade celery.

Xian kitchen cooking fairy dishes, Xian Cai is also graded.

In the fairy kitchen world, Xian Cai is divided into ten products.

One product to three products is the first class of the kitchen, four to six products for the second class, and seven to nine products for the three products.

On top of the nine products, it is for the ten-character dish, which is one of the standards of Lin Kitchen!

Above the ten items, it is the best dish, which is the only dish that can be cooked by Lin.

The dishes cooked by the step and the public class are all two dishes, but they are enough.

Although the grade is not very high, but for Tong Ruoyi, it seems to be the last straw, the scent of his body is piled up to the level of the Ten Pinxian dishes!

This is his intention to find another blasphemy, incarnate the fairy dish, and achieve the kitchen.

I have to say that this is a very bold idea.


The golden fire lotus slowly descended and shrouded toward the public transport class. Below the fire lotus, there was a root of tentacles spreading.

The face of the public class showed a panic, he didn't want to die!

And it's as ugly as death, turning into a nutrient for a flame!

"Now... it’s your turn."

Tong Ruoyi looked at the step, and it seemed that he did not care about his knife.

There is only Mapo tofu left in his eyes.

As long as he eats Mapo tofu, the celestial spirit in his body will be piled up and successfully pushed into the ranks of the Ten Pinxian dishes.

And he can also successfully promote Lin Kitchen.

The steps looked at him faintly.

Reaching out, the blue and white porcelain plate with Mapo tofu was brought to the end.

"I said I want to eat for you?"

Step by step, said with no expression.

Children are one by one.

In the distance, the public class is also a stay.

The next moment, the public transport class seems to think of something, eyes wide, shouted: "Step boss, do not give him the dishes, if he ate, will complete the accumulation of fairy qi, become a kitchen!"

Step by step squinted at the distant public transport class.

"This is still used by you..."

"Don't give me... This is my spiritual sea, I am God, no one can resist me!"

Tong Ruo sneered.


The little white cockroach was wearing a thunder, and there was a flash in the eyelids.

The metal wings are open, and the moment is in front of Tong Ruoyi.

If a child has a pair of steps, there is a killing.

Therefore, Xiaobai must be shot.

"You are very strange in this place. Stay with me and you will witness my brilliance!"

Tong Ruoyi stared at Xiaobai and grinned.

The little white mechanical eye flashed.


The next moment, the rotation in the abdomen, like a soldering iron, the **** of war sticks flashing, and there are thunders on it.

It was swept past the child.

"Really...not awkward." Tong Ruoyi smiled coldly.

After that.

The tri-color black pot suddenly floated out and floated on top of the white head.

The energy of the three colors of green, yellow and red hang down and block the white.

No matter how white bombardment with the **** of war, it is impossible to break through the blockade of these three colors of energy.

A kitchen knife that shines with the stars is straight and easy to walk.

The star chopper is extremely fast, and the moment it appears in front of the step.

Stinging towards the eyebrows of the step.


A bang was heard.

The khaki glow flashed from the body of the step.

The invincible of the bird feather robe was suddenly broken.

Stepped up and grabbed the star knife...

The eyes stared at the distant child.

"Well? Actually not dead?"

Tong Ruo was slightly horrified.

What was the sound of breaking now?

However, he didn't think much, even if he was in the block of the star, but he could stop the Golden Lotus?

Mindful thoughts.

Jinlian demon fire suddenly removed from the top of the public transport class...

The moments appear on top of the head of the step.

The tentacles of the road fall down...


The tentacles tied the arm of the step, and the robe of the feathers seemed to be burned.

The steps frowned.

In the distance, the public transport class was sweating, almost...only he was about to be burned to death.

"Step boss..."

But he knew that he was ultimately dying.

Tong Ruo is a half-step chef, and he is very strong. It is not the one they can resist.

Die and die late...all have to die.

The stepper turned to look at the bird's robe that was entangled by the fire.

This is the kitchen **** suit... Is it going to be burned?

"It’s only me who eats the flames, which one gets the flame and eats me..."

Step by step up, looking at the fire of Jinlian's demon fire, said with a blank expression.

far away.

The public class was slightly left.

Step by step...somewhat crazy.

Tong Ruoyi even made a big laugh like a joke that heard the best laugh in the world.

" Eat fire? How high is the temperature of the fairy fire? Do you know? Eat... Hahaha! There is no entrance yet, your mouth may have turned into ashes!"

Tong Ruoyi shook his head and laughed.


The bird feather robe burned up.

Under the burning of Jinlian's demon fire, there was a flame.

A hot high temperature surged on the side of the step.

"The kitchen **** suit... will it disappoint me?"

Step frowning.

The next moment, in his spiritual sea, he set off a storm.

The golden dragon, the basalt carrying the mountain peaks are all revealing the color of play.

A loud screaming sound resounded in the spirit of the sea.

The next moment, the front of the step was instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Flame rolling...

The spiritual sea of ​​the step is completely boiling...


Deep in the spirit sea, a huge Suzaku **** its wings, and the spirit sea is constantly picking up waves.

A star screaming from the distance, falling into the mouth of Zhuque...


The hair of the step is constantly drifting.

And on his body, the bird feather robe blooms red and brilliance.

Behind the steps, there is a pair of red-red wings open.

The flying fire feathers fell.

Step by step, holding the Mapo tofu in one hand, and volleying on the other side.

The clutching star knife is broken apart.

Step by step, the step quickly came before the rotating golden fire lotus.

Sudden changes, let Tong Ruoyi's laughter come to an abrupt end.

The public class is also stunned to watch this scene.

What do you want to do?

Is it...

"I haven't eaten fire for a long time, I hope this fairy fire... don't let me down."

The steps are faint.

Then he reached out and grabbed the golden fire lotus and slammed it into his mouth.

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