Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1010: Xiao You's violent sister [second! Request ticket

"Do you not believe me?" Step by step looking at the Golden Horn, very serious to ask this sentence.

"Why do you let me believe in you?" Jin Jiao asked.

Even the lord of the kitchen industry can't do things. A mortal person in the district, a chef of the same taste, where the courage to say can be done.

The dog did not speak.

He fell from the sky and landed on the ground full of ruins.

"You can give the dog to the tired, let the dog and I stay for a while..."

The dog was kneeling on the ground, his head against the ground, and he snorted and motionless.

In fact, he believes in the steps, because the steps... are different.

The cooking of the steps is always unexpected.

Moreover, the dog lord witnessed the curse of the stepping party and suppressed the curse on the sly head...

Although the dog knows, he does not say.

The dog-in-law who is so tired of flying, now just wants to quietly squat...

Jin Jiao and others are also falling.

Step by step, Xuanwu pot also fell on the ground, he looked at the golden horn.

"Golden Horn adults... the food of the steps can really suppress my curse."

In the distance, on the ship of the Nether, Xiao You stepped down from it.

The black skirt swayed in the wind and swayed slightly.

The black hair of the hair fell down like a waterfall, falling to the waist, the skin was white as jade, and the black and white color formed a contrast of the eyeball.

It seems to be a person who walks out of the painting, and the beauty is suffocating.

Straight legs, like jade crystal.

Jin Jiao took a look at Xiao Xiao and did not speak.

Although Xiaoyou is very beautiful, when he sees Xiaojing’s delicate and suffocating face, he always remembers the violent woman inadvertently.

When I think of the violent woman, I can't help but shudder.

But holding a sword, dare to confront the terrible woman of the entire Hells.

Violent, glamorous, and high-cold women who are all in one.

Thinking of the woman’s jealousy, Jin Jiao felt that she still had to take the Nether Lady back...

The corner of the golden corner was pumped, and he didn’t understand. How could his brother be obsessed with the kind of violent woman?

How good a woman like Hell's fox family, waist and chest, big buttocks... is a model of a perfect woman.

"Nether woman, you have to know... you have a curse with this man, there is no good end."

Jinjiao looked at Xiaoyou, and his muscles moved. He said, "Don't talk to him. You have to understand the curse that you have on your body, but it is enough to destroy the entire kitchen..."

"If you love him, please give up."

Luo Ji looked at Jin Horn with a dull face. When did this guy actually become a psychological teacher of love?

It’s really a bit of a truth.

Step and Xiao You are somewhat speechless...

This big man, where comes so many love philosophies.

"I am just telling the truth... the dishes in the steps are very different. I can suppress the curse. I don't know why."

The little secluded face said coldly.

The golden horn frowned slightly because he found that Xiao You didn't seem to be joking.

Is it...

Is this mortal cook cooking dish really suppressing the curse of Xiao You?

If it is really like this...

That is really a good news!

Jin Jiao accidentally looked at the steps.

Rumble! !


The void trembled.

Jin Horn and Luo Ji’s face changed suddenly and looked in the distance.

There, there was a crack in the void, and a pair of delicate hands stretched out from the crack.

The crack was torn open to the sides, and a huge gap appeared.

The two figures slowly walked out of the gap.

"Since the little cook said that his dish can suppress the curse of my sister, then bring this little cook back together... hell."

An indifferent voice sounded.

The voice is full of heroism, but also horrible murderous.

far away.

The body of the public transport class is shuddering.

As soon as the two figures appeared, the whole space seemed to be shrouded in killing.

Scared their legs are shaking.

"Good... a terrible breath!"

The dark armor, wrapped in a hot body, the hair like a waterfall was **** with a metal ring, and turned into a whip, like a ponytail on the head.

But each metal ring seems to be a big killer.

Between the incitement, it seems as if the void can be shattered.

This is a woman, a long, very good looking woman.

The exquisite face is not weaker than the small secluded, and the two are similar in seven or eight.

The woman is wearing a black armor, but it has a completely different style from Luo Ji.

Luo Ji is also very popular, wearing black armor, looks very charming and mature.

However, this Nguyen put on the black armor, but it seems to be heroic.

The long legs are wearing black boots and wrapped in the knee position, revealing the white thighs above the knees.

It’s full of heroism and fascination.

"Good... beautiful!"

When the public transport class and Xuanyuan Xiahui saw the woman who stepped out of the void, they were all slightly stunned.

The public 芸 芸 芸 芸 芸 芸 芸 芸 芸 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 芸 芸 辕 芸 芸 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪 猪

"Look what you see, don't look at it!"

The dog was unexpectedly looking at the two figures.

One is a woman, the other is a handsome man with a silver horn on his head, and his silver hair is scattered, noble and elegant, yet elegant.

The rough bald head of the Golden Horn is a bit different.

"Yu Ji... Silver Horn? How come you?"

The golden horns shrank and saw the two people, and asked.

Yu Ji faintly looked at the golden horn, raised her hand, and a sigh of anger lingered over her palm.


A humming sound.

There was a terrible roar in the distance.

The black brilliance of the paint was suddenly torn.

The next moment, a black sword was held in the hands of Yu Ji.

The sword is very huge, as if it is bigger than the body of Yu Ji.

It is one of the five artifacts that previously suppressed Pluto Erha, the overlord's epee.

"Brother, you are too slow to do things... And, when you discover the Nethered Woman, my baby can't wait to come over."

Yinjiao smiled and said, handsome and gentle.

It’s just that the words just fell, and they screamed.

A big sword was placed around his neck.

The chill came out from the big sword, with a terrible chill.

"Who is your baby?"

Yu Ji said faintly.

"Baby, what are you talking about! I only have you in my heart, you are my baby!"

Silver-eyed eyes are full of affection.

"I like your violent appearance, oh~"


The big sword was shot horizontally. The next moment, the silver horn was turned into a silver streamer, and the scorpion shot into the distance and squatted on the ground.

The entire ground was collapsed and collapsed.

"The shameless guy... roll and go."

Yuji was indifferent, and the tyrant's epee was re-arranged back to the back, and he did not see the silver horn that was being shot.

In the distance, a crack, the gravel rolled down.

The silver horn climbed up from the ruins.

Two bright red snakes flowed out of his nose. He sorted out his own silver hair and tried to make himself elegant and graceful.

"Baby, hello, bad... violent look, so cute!"

Jin Jiaofu, think of his golden name, how can there be such a abused brother.

Luo Ji snorted and looked at the silver horns all over the goose bumps.

"Or my Pluto brother is handsome."

Clear footsteps rang through the void.

Soon, Yu Ji’s gaze fell on Xiao You’s body.

The little black scorpion looked at the woman wearing the black armor.


Yu Ji went forward, and when he passed the step, he couldn’t avoid it. The shoulder directly hit the shoulder of the step, and the eyebrows of the step could not help.

This woman... is very domineering.

This is... Xiao You's sister?


Xiao You looked at Yu Ji, and the coldness on his face trembled a little, and then he opened his mouth.

Bang! !

A loud noise, everyone was shocked.

The epee was slammed into the ground, and the ground was pulled out of the crack road.

Yu Ji held the hilt of the epee in one hand, looked at Xiao You, reached out and grabbed the small head of the secluded, and pressed it on his full chest.

"Shantou, go home with the sister, the consequences of the curse... Sister for you!"

This affectionate discourse, this domineering action, made the audience stunned.

The steps are a little glimpse, and there is no movement for a while.


The little girl’s brow was slightly wrinkled.

Raised his head and looked at the sky.

There, there is a red fruit body, and a child with a white wing is flapping its wings.

"Look what to see."

Yu Ji’s tone is cold.

The next moment, it was to violently pull the tyrant of the tyrant who was inserted on the ground and throw it away at the child boy on the scorpio.

Tear off.

The void seems to be broken by the bombardment.

The child could not escape, but he was smashed into two halves by a sword.


The child who was shackled for two halves fell to the ground... turned into a fruit.

The scented sap flows out of the fruit.

The audience changed again and the silence was silent.

"Oh! My baby... handsome!"

The silver horn wiped the nosebleed on the nose and said with a full of indulgence.

"Do not be afraid of the girl, the sister's occupational disease, the most annoying voyeur, the sister is actually very gentle."

Lifting Xiao You’s head, Yu Ji looked at Xiao You’s eyes and said seriously, after he finished, he pressed Xiao You’s head back to his chest.

On the ship of the Nether, the Black Dragon King guarding the sleeping flower was watching the domineering and violent Yuji, and his mouth slammed.

He said that Xiao You was so violent, it turned out to be a violent gene from the bones.

There is also a more violent sister.

After a long time.

Yu Ji is loosening Xiao You, turned his head and looked around.

Finally... the eyes fell on the steps.

"You... is that the cook who says he can suppress the curse of the girl?"

Step by step, looking around, and finally nodded.

"If you are not asking someone else... that is me."

“Very good.” Yu Ji’s mouth is awkward.

In the next moment, the tyrant's epee was waved and slammed into a gust of wind. The epee sword pointed out that it was the step.

"If this is the case... then you will go back to **** with my sister!"


In the kitchen of the fairy, the top of the fairy tree umbrella is in front of the wooden house.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"I... my ginseng fruit little brother! This **** violent woman!"

The blond man glared at his face and looked sad.

丫丫 Some speechless.

"Walk away, immediately set off, I want to talk to the woman! Why did you lick my ginseng fruit brother!" The blond man shed tears and said with grief.


The next moment, it was discovered that the blond man's figure flashed and appeared on the edge of the umbrella cover.

Oh la la...

The wind blew, and the blond hair of the man was constantly moving.

"The wind is really cool... I feel the incitement of the heart, this is the art of red fruit..."

The blonde man said intoxicated.

The next moment, in the big eyes, jumped down.

Holding the knees, the body of the red fruit, as if in a round of small sun, like a bloom, the body turned three hundred and six straight down.

"I wiped it... my master of the world! You can't go on like this!"

His face changed a lot, and the mature face, tears are coming down.

The figure was flashing, holding the robes, and the mature and full-bodied posture swayed, and it was followed.

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