Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1016: The heart of the dynasty Erha [first! 】

Xian kitchen shop.

In the kitchen.

In the hands of the step, the colorful neck-filled duck with colorful feathers was licking the neck. The duck was constantly squirting the essence and the scent from the mouth.

The cooking recipe introduced to the step by the system is roast duck, but there is no detailed cooking method and recipe for the step, just give a piece of ingredients.

Therefore, this roast duck needs to be completed by itself.

Fortunately, the roast duck, which has been known throughout the world for its predecessors, has been studied, so it has not been too worried.

Ducks, as the most common poultry, have evolved in the past.

Beer duck, **** duck, burnt duck, etc...

But the most famous is the roast duck, even in the world, it is a famous dish.

Do roast duck and eat roast duck, all of which are different.

The step did not start cooking right away. He grabbed the colorful scorpio in one hand, and one hand was behind him and began to meditate.

He wants to recall the method and process of making roast duck.

The production process of roast duck is still very complicated. With a little mistake, it is very likely that the taste of the roast duck will vary greatly.

In the past, there were roast ducks everywhere, but the taste of roast ducks was different.

This is because the production process is different, and the change of cooking style and the cooking style will make the roast duck taste different.

After a long time.

The step is moving.

The colorful patchling duck once again called out, and the hoarse voice was sounded, and the scent of the air was blown out at the same time.

A heart move.

The keel kitchen knife suddenly appeared in his hands.

The keel kitchen knife exudes a golden brilliance, dazzling and dazzling.

Rotating in the hands of the steps, blowing a knife.

To make a roast duck, first treat the duck.

Although the colorful patch is a fairy, it is still a duck.

Grabbing the colorful patchwork ducks, the eyelids of the step are sharp.

The whole person exudes a terrible breath, and behind him, there seems to be a tyrant.

The colorful body of the duck body suddenly became a stiff, and did not dare to move.

The next moment, a knife flashed through.

Thousands of knives, gathered together into a knife, overlord a knife.

Tear off.

Cut through the throat of the colorful patchwork duck.

The method used by the step is the three-tube cutting method, which is the most common and effective way to handle ducks, and can completely preserve the duck's body from injury.

The so-called three-tube cutting method is to cut the knife accurately in the throat of the bird. This knife not only cuts off the arteries and meridians, but also cuts both the trachea and the esophagus.


The colorful patchling duck is motionless.

The step took the pot.

Pour the colorful blood of the colorful ducks into the basin.

Colorful ducks are not a fairy, and the blood is filled with celestial scent. This duck blood can be processed. When it is time to cook hot pot, it is a food.

Hot pot duck blood, soft and delicious.

After the ducks are finished, of course, they must begin to fade.

Oh la la...

The step will prepare the boiling hot water, put the colorful tiantian duck into it, soak it for a while, and wait until the duck feathers become soft, then you can start the follow-up process.

When the duck hair becomes soft, it can begin to fade.

Hairing, fading is actually a process.

For the step, this process is not too difficult.

Oh, la la la.

The colorful scented ducks that are hot and hot are removed from the boiling water of Tianshan Lingquan.

The steaming hot water suddenly slammed down.

The infuriating came out and wrapped the palm of the step.

The eyes are condensed, and the step is convenient to grasp the neck of the colorful patch.

The next moment, slammed down.

With such a pull, the colorful feathers on the colorful patchwork ducks were pulled down.

Pulling out a mass of feathers, the step again pulls from top to bottom.

After several consecutive times, there are only a few scattered feathers left on the colorful patchwork duck.

For these residues, the step is also taken seriously.

After the duck body Guanghua, without leaving the slightest feather residue, it is considered to have finished the treatment of fading.

After fading, it is dirty.

This process is very important, because the roast duck needs to do is to preserve the integrity of the duck body, if there is a gap, then the duck is considered abolished.

Lift the duck wings and open a hole with the keel kitchen knife under the armpit.

Remove the organs from them.

This process is not very difficult.

However, because the opening was chosen under the duck's wings, the whole roast duck looked intact on the surface.

The process of taking out the internal organs is very fast, and this is more than enough for the pace of the hand.

The next step is to start cleaning the ducks.

The colorful Tiantian duck has no feathers. In fact, it can't be compared with ordinary ducks. Of course, there is no comparison in meat quality.

Under the influence of immortality every day, the meat quality of duck meat is beyond imagination.

Even better than the chicken of the small eight.

Although Xiaoba is also a fairy, but... has not reached the level of colorful ducks.

Step by step is pondering at the moment, is it to let the system do more, he will throw this into the pastoral world to stock.

Of course, this is something.

The main task of the step is to make roast duck.

After a busy time, the ducks were cleaned.

Put the duck aside and start to prepare something else.

Xuanwu pot summoned.

Pour the syrup from the system into the pot.

Open your mouth, a golden lotus flame is a rapid smashing out, drilling into the bottom of the Xuanwu pot.

This is the golden lotus demon fire, after being swallowed by the step, completely control.

Although the stepping of the Jinlian demon fire has not reached the level of the previous arrogance of the heaven and earth, but it is still no problem to burn some sugar.

After all, it is a fairy fire, and the temperature is extremely high.

If you use the heavens and the earth to burn these sugar waters, I don't know how long it will take to boil.

But with the fire, the speed of boiling is much faster.

No wonder every chef wants to get a good fairy fire.

The quality of the fairy fire is really important for the chef.

The top 50 flames of the Fairy Fire List are naturally extraordinary.


The pale golden syrup has begun to boil, and a sweet taste emanates from the syrup.

Wait until the sugar water boils.

The convenience is to bring the colorful tiantian duck over and hang it with a hook.

I took a spoonful of boiling sugar and poured it on the mouth of the Tiantian duck.

Oh, la la la.

Steaming up, there is a strand of scent in the body of the Tiantian duck.

The gaze of the step was condensed, and the sugar was poured again.

Several times in a row.

Finally, the whole duck was completely watered.

The body of the duck is golden, and the yellow color reveals the continued glaze.

However, this is not finished yet.

After being poured with hot syrup, the steps are then watered with normal temperature syrup, and several times, the whole duck is watered.

After doing all this, the pre-preparation process of the roast duck is almost complete.

And then, it is the process of chilling.

Under normal circumstances, it takes about twelve hours for the chills to pass, and it needs to be placed in a cool, ventilated place, but there are systematic tools available at the step, which can greatly reduce the time.

The door of the cabinet was opened, and the golden duck, still dripping with syrup, was hung on the cabinet.

This cabinet was used when it was used to make fine wines, which speeds up the flow of time and reduces waiting time.

It took 12 hours, but it only takes about an hour.


Hell, in the mountains of innocent.

In a canyon that seems to be split by the sharp sword, there is a palace standing still.

Not far from the palace.

A figure burst out.

Pluto was left outside the palace, looking at the palace closed, and spit a sigh of relief.

I took out a spicy strip and slammed it in my mouth.

There are still some stocks of spicy strips on his body, so it is not anxious.

But now that he is back to hell, the spicy strips have to be saved, because he doesn't know when he will see the next step.

This time back, Pluto is also trying to improve his cultivation.

Even if you can't reach the level of his father, at least try to get closer to that level.


In fact, the heart of the prince Erha has been stalking.

He is invincible and invincible, why he will fall, this has always been his incomprehensible place.

So sometimes he wants to explore this thing.

However, it is always blocked, and the people who block it are now in the palace.

It is the head of the five major prisoners... the dragon prisoner.

Pushed the door of the palace.

The long snoring sounded loudly.

Tingwang Erha followed the palace's Bluestone Road and slowly moved forward.

Soon, I stepped into the hall.

The familiar hall, along with the hall where he grew up, has a long-standing hall in his memory, the Palazzo Pagoda.

Once the Pluto Palace was incomparably brilliant, the Hells of the Hells came to the DPRK, and no one dared to disrespect any of the Pluto.

Of course, it was when the old man of Erha was alive, and now the Palazzo Pagoda has already been run down.

It is no longer possible for the **** to come.

Therefore, Pluto has a dream, that is, one day can reach the level of his father.

On the side of the palace, there is an old figure sitting on the side.

He saw Pluto, and there was a faint pressure in the old eyes.

The child is standing by the old man.

He saw Pluto, and his eyes were bright, and his face was full of excitement.

"Pluto, you are finally back... you can let the old age wait."

The Dragon Prison Lord said faintly.

He stood up and licked his back.

"The old emptiness of the eye is taken away by the fur dog. Therefore, after the old confession has replaced the Pluto, it is going to be the fur dog for a while."

Pluto slanted his head, the clothes on his chest were wide open, and the corners of his mouth were filled with spicy strips.

"Let's say, what is the old man who wants to blame the king?"

Ying Long frowned, looking at Pluto like this, it seemed to be a little angry and shook his head.

"You still look like a slinger! But it's good, so you can give up looking for your father's cause of death... Some things, not you can blend, you will be at your heart in the Palazzo Pagoda." The head of the market."

Ying Long said, while he said that he was going down from the high.

Soon it was coming to the side of Pluto.

The color of the taste of Pluto's face gradually disappeared, becoming an unusually cold, staring coldly at the Yinglong prisoner.

"You old guy must know what... why don't you tell me!"

"Now you are not suitable to know... Stay in the Palazzo Pole."

Ying Long faint.

Carrying his hand and squatting back, he walked outside the palace of the Pluto.

He seems to be saying a few words with Pluto.

The eyes of Pluto Erha suddenly burst into a cold color.

However, I turned around.

At the side of the Dragon Prison, there is a pattern that emerges.

In the next moment, two scorpions, scorpions and scorpions, emerged from the formation.

It seems that this old man is really trying to trap himself in the Palais Royal Palace...

Pluto's eyes are condensed, and the bite of the cockroaches bites and bites off the spicy strips in the mouth.


Xian kitchen shop.

The public loser and the public lost white light, and hurried with public transport and public transport.

Since I know that the landlord is staying in this restaurant, how can the public white light not come to see it?

If you don't know, if you know it, you can't ignore it.

Just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, the public light is a glimpse.

In the distance, the city owner Mu Yang and Mu Muer also came slowly.

The city owner wore a solemn robes and met a white light at the entrance of the restaurant. He was also a slight bun.

However, the identity of the two is extraordinary.

I seem to understand what I think in my heart. I look at each other and smile at each other and nod.

You don't say, I don't say, we are all good friends.

The next moment, the double convenience is turned and ready to step into the restaurant.

Just, just turned around for a moment, on the top of the restaurant, there was a thick black cloud swept through.

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