Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1023: Xiaobai, twilight, throw away

No time?

Mu Muer looked at her in a chair and said that she was yawning and yawning. She couldn’t see it at all, very busy.

Is this like a timeless?

Find an excuse and find a reliable point.

Mu Muer has some speechless repayments.

However, the posture of the step-by-step is really not going to go, and Mu Muer has no good feelings for those who are from the second floor.

Although those chefs are said to be studying, but... all of them are like eyes on the top of their heads, completely looking down on them.

It is also the children's family and Zhang's fairy chef nodded behind those people.

Like the public transport class, Xuanyuan Xiahui and others, in fact, like the pace, there is no past.

As a daughter of the city, Mu Zhener did not intend to go, but after all, some rituals still have to arrive. Although Mu Yang is the owner of the city, it is the bottom of the five city leaders in the kitchen.

It is also the easiest to be banned.

Because Mu Yang has many requirements, he has not qualified to be a city owner.

To become a city owner, you must first have the corresponding strength, and secondly, you must have a corresponding level of cooking.

Before Mu Yang became the city owner, the cooking level of the first-level city owner was Lin Chu!

One of the five chefs in the kitchen industry is one of the best.

Today's Mu Yang, cooking is just three products.

In the kitchen of Xian, although there are few Sanpinxian kitchens, it is still possible to find dozens of them.

Especially on the top of the kitchen.

The number of Sanpinxian kitchens is even more...

Mu Muer also pulled a chair, sat next to the step, learned the appearance of the step, and huddled in the chair.

"I have to say that this is really very comfortable. I don't have to think about anything. I can see flowers and flowers." Mu Yuer whispered.

“It’s very comfortable, the business is over, and after cooking, I will come and lie down for a while, relax,” said the step.

He turned his head and looked at Mu'er, and he could feel the exhaustion of Mu Muer.

"Don't you go to the seminar?"

Step by step.

"If you don't want to go, you won't go. Those people... are really annoying. Anyway, they will participate in the competition. You will help me to explode them!" Mu Yuer said with a grin.

Mu Muer is not very good-looking. Compared with Xiao Yu, he can even use ugly to describe it.

Perhaps this is the gene of Mu's family.

"Culinary competition is not a fight, it is too violent to blow anything, can you speak Sven."

Steps licked the corner of the mouth.

Mu Muer a glimpse, "Do you?"

"I will help you dry them..." Step by step.

Mu Yuer: "..."

"I still look forward to this time the fairy chef contest."

"Expected? Why?" Mu Yuer frowned and looked at the steps.

"Because the reward of this competition is real dragon and dragon meat, if a chef wants to improve, he must try to cook more advanced ingredients, so that the vision will be broad, and the cooking will be more exquisite... Of course, Xianshu I am also looking forward to space."

Step by step.

However, Mu Muer was silent.

"Xianshu space... is the most important place in the kitchen industry. Step by step, if you can get into it, please be careful." Mu Yuer said.

"The most important thing, why should you be careful? Is there any danger?"

I was puzzled and looked at Mu Xiaoer.

"Danger... naturally there is. Do you know how the first-level city owner died? It is in the space of the fairy tree..." Mu Xier said with a dull voice.

This is obviously a secret, many people do not know.

Step by step is slightly a little surprised, the city owner of Xiancheng, the existence of Lin kitchen level, died in the fairy space?

The air suddenly became quiet.

Both of them did not speak.

Mu Muer stood up from the chair.

After saying goodbye to the step, he left the restaurant.

Soon, the figure disappeared into the street.


After Mu Muer left.

As the night gradually falls, the night of the fairy kitchen is not very beautiful. There is no starlight or moon on the sky.

It was dark and he couldn’t reach his fingers.

However, the night of Xiancheng is quite beautiful to decorate this lonely night.

The lights are swaying and the stars are shining.

The location of the fairy kitchen is slightly remote. At this point, the lights have become very thin.

far away.

A group of people came slowly.

This group of people are dressed in neat robes, and their bodies are under the cover of the night, which is a bit fuzzy.

But from this group of people, there is a terrible breath that permeates.

"Oh... this is the little shop you said? It’s really small and pitiful..."

A slightly lazy voice sounded, and a figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

This is a man with long green hair, a sharp chin, a neat chef's robe, and a proud face.

"Hs. Xiao Buqun, this is the restaurant that is optimistic by the city owner and thinks that it is the first floor of our first class to have the opportunity to enter the kitchen of the first 100 chefs."

A little flattering voice sounded.

Later, the man with green hair was slowly paced and walked toward the fairy kitchen shop.

There is a knife in the man's hand, it is a flash of brilliance, a steel gray knife, hanging in the hand, constantly rotating.

"Since it is natural to find the strongest cook... I have a good discussion with your garbage."

Xiao Buqun pouted, playing with the knife in his hand, the knife whirls, it seems that there is a sharp wind blowing.

Tong Shui looked a little wrong and looked at Xiao Buqun.

This arrogant guy in front of him is a member of the fairy squad that was sent to the first floor for discussion on the second floor.

Have to say that cooking is really strong...

I heard that I have already touched the scent of the second product.

It is even stronger than the public class.

However, this person is too proud to put their first-class chefs in their eyes.

Or, this time the fairy kitchen team, everyone is so proud.

Others are even more proud than this Xiao Bianqun.

But... people are really proud of their money.

As a genius chef of Tong's family, Tongshui is more powerful than Tong Cheng.

However, when faced with Xiao Buqun, it felt a huge pressure.

This pressure made his hand holding the kitchen knife a little trembling.

"That's the little shop... I'm going to have a strong old-fashioned young chef in the first layer."

Xiao Buqun’s hands trembled, and suddenly there was a grass root of a elixir, and the grass roots were smashed in the mouth, and slowly went to the fairy kitchen shop.

A group of people followed him, and soon surrounded him, and came to the fairy kitchen shop.

Because it is already late at night.

The shop door of the store is tightly closed.

However, from the crack in the door, you can see that there is a light in the store, indicating that there are people inside.

"You... knock on the door and call someone out."

Xiao Buqun took the grass roots and said faintly.

Tong Bing's eyebrows were picked, and then the corners of his mouth opened, and the excitement was very high.

The invincible boy told him that he could not use force to deal with this restaurant, but... did not say that it could not be crushed with cooking skills!

As long as the mortal cook is thoroughly crushed in the cooking, by then, he can represent the child's family and ruthlessly laugh at the mortal cook.

That kind of refreshing feeling, it is exciting to think about it.

"What are you doing? You can't call people." Xiao did not bite the grass roots, and looked at the smirking water standing in front of the door, frowning.

The child's water was condensed, and the body was suddenly stunned.

Against the tightly closed door, a punch was made.

Tongshui has the cultivation of two-star true deities. Of course, this cultivation is built with the potion, which is worse than the actual combat strength of Tongmu River.

Basically, many of the chefs' cultivations are built with the potion.

Because you want to be a high-class chef, you must first keep up with yourself.

This punch, Tong Shui will show the perfection of the two-star true deity.

In the hands, there is even more flamboyant hair.

A punch hit the door of the restaurant.

Tong Shui has a feeling, his fist, even a hill can be blasted, let alone a broken door.


A fist hit the door and did not pick up any waves.

Everyone looked at him with a sigh of relief.

Xiao Buqun licked the grass roots, rolled his eyes, the first floor of the people... weak, even the door could not be opened.

Child water is a bit embarrassing.

Then anger and heart attack, a door can not open? This broken door actually dared to hurt him!

Infuriating again, he continued to condense on his fists and punched again.


A muffled sound, the door is still nothing.

"There is... weird."

Tong Shui is not a fool. The two fists of the two-star true gods cannot open a door, which is enough to illustrate the strangeness of this.

Xiao Buqun licked his mouth.

Suddenly, from the restaurant, it floated out of the faint sound.

"This store, today's business hours are over. If you want to eat, please come to the queue tomorrow..."


Everyone present was a little staying.

"Sure enough, mad..."

Xiao Buqun spit out the essence of the mouth that was sucked clean, rubbed his teeth, and his eyes fell on the restaurant, slightly disdainful.

"Is it pretentious?"

Xiao Buqun took a step, and the real air suddenly lingered on his body, constantly gathering on the palm of his hand, and finally turned into an energy ball filled with bursting infuriating.

"Come out, otherwise... I will be slammed."

Xiao Buqun said faintly.

In the first floor of the kitchen, there are still people who dare to force in front of him.

However, no one responded to Xiao Buqun.

Tongshui and other people face each other.

Tong Shui thought for a moment and said: "This Xiao Buqun is a genius fairy chef from the second floor of the celebrity kitchen. It is a VIP of the city's main government. You can't lose the number of gifts, throwing our first layer of face. ""

The words fell, the air was quiet...

"I said, business hours are over, I want to eat vegetables, come to the queue early tomorrow, you... are you stunned?"

The faint sound once again drifted out of the restaurant.

Tong Shui was suddenly stagnation.

Xiao Buqun grinned and blinked.

The next moment, stepping out, the energy ball full of bursting energy in his hand is rushing toward the door of the restaurant.

The power is terrible!

The void seems to be distorted under the rotating energy ball.

"Toasting, not eating and drinking! Give me a free!"

boom! !

Xiao Buqun has this fist.

The speed is extremely fast and the power is amazing.

Accompanied by Xiao’s roar, and a long snoring.

The closed door of the restaurant was opened.

A bang sounded.

Xiao Buqun’s punch suddenly slammed on a chubby iron shovel, and the energy escape disappeared.


Looking at the white standing at the door, a group of people showed a smile.

Sure enough, the mortal cook still succumbed... The second layer of genius fairy kitchen is big.

Xiao Buqun’s mouth is open, so it’s not going to happen early, so he must do it...

The people on the first floor are guilty.

"Actually, you know the time... I heard that your cooking skill has won the praise of the first-tier city owner. Then I will not say much in the next. Let me talk to me and let me see the strongest one. Young fairy kitchen."

Xiao Buqun licked his arm, and then he played with a knife in his hand and walked toward the restaurant.

However, he has just taken a step forward.

The palm of the shovel, like a fan, fell on his body.

Xiao is not a group.

Tongshui and others are also a glimpse.

"Xiaobai, throw them out to me and throw them away... The fruits of the two goods have been seen so far, and others can’t see them."

What? !

Everyone is a glimpse, and Xiao Bun’s brows are wrinkled.

Xiaobai’s mechanical eyes flashed the stars and the thunder.

"The troublemaker, the clothes to show the crowd..."

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