Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1025: Come to the kitchen, I have a bucket of five [first! 】

Mufu, Cheng Xianyu.

This is the place where Mufu cultivates the next generation of fairy kitchen.

As the saying goes, the day will be reduced to the people of Sze, and it must be taken from the doll. Mufu has thoroughly implemented this concept.

However, unlike before, the formerly infamous Mufu became a fairy, but now it is well organized.

As soon as it is close, it is able to smell the scent of the air, and the sizzling sound of the stir-fry.

That is the sound of the collision between the iron pan and the cooktop, and the sound of the spatula and the iron pan colliding.

The sound is pleasing to the ear, as if it is playing a moving piece of music.

Step by step wearing a red and white cheongsam robe, slowly walking from the distance of Mufu.

Today, he is going to choose the chef apprentice he wants, so the step is a bit serious today.

In fact, someone in his heart has already chosen.

The chef apprentices required by the step-by-step approach are naturally talented and talented to be able to go further on the kitchen.

Although it can be used to make up for it, but lack of talent, even if you work hard, it is still difficult to reach a very high level.

If you are diligent and have talent, then it is better.

Of course, for these little guys who are immortal, the steps will not be too high.

Step into the fairy building.

The little guys who cooked in front of their stoves stopped their work and greeted the steps.

Obviously, these days, these little guys are well-tuned by the pace.

After saying hello to the ceremony.

The little guys continued their work in their hands.

Brush it!

A kitchen knife rotates in the hands of Mushou, as if it is thin paper, light and incomparable.

The kitchen knife slammed out, and if the meteor fell, the ingredients on the stove would be cut off.

This is the meteor knife that the step teaches them, and the power is very good.

Although it is only a first-class meteor knife, it is enough for these little guys to study for a long time.

Mushou, the little boy who was the first to be punished by a knife.

Today, his knife has long been among the peers.

And the whole of the immortal, can be compared with Mushou's knife.

Only Mu You, who was also punished, is beautiful like a girl like a boy.

There is also a child who is the youngest child in the immortal, tied with a shofar and dressed in a Musihi dress.

This time, the person in the heart is not someone else, it is this little girl, Mu Xixi.

Muhihi’s culinary talents are amazing, and the steps were discovered later.

The speed at which the little girl studied the dishes was amazing, and the comprehension was particularly surprising.

the most important is……

Xi Xi’s tongue has far more than ordinary people’s taste.

The degree of sensitivity to the taste has reached a very exaggerated level.

It is a kind of fairy tongue, a unique advantage.

Even if it is a step, there is no such advantage.

In the fairy kitchen, it is rare to have a fairy tongue, because this is the probability of nothing.

The step knows that the people of Mufu may not have discovered this feature of Xixi.

Therefore, the steps must be taken when Xixi has not been discovered... Turn her away.

Of course, the pace is not anxious. After all, Mu Yangcheng promised him, and he chose to be a chef apprentice.

Mu Xixi's face was chubby, his face was full of baby fat, and at this moment she concentrated on cooking the dishes in her hands.

The redness of the small face is the expression of mental release.

I have to say that the advantage of the fairy kitchen industry is that these small children have a high starting point.

Although Mu Xixi is small, but cultivation has already reached the realm of God.

This is because because of the long body, it is not allowed to break through the soul of the gods too early.

These sons have been trained to have enough mental energy to cook the dishes.

Step by step, holding hands, looking at Xixi's cooking with no expression.

Hitch seems to have noticed the steps, do not know whether it is out of tension or because of excitement, mental power actually appeared some disorder at this moment...

Hsi’s face suddenly appeared nervous and overwhelmed.

Look at the state of Hitch.

The spirit of the step-by-step has been slightly rolled over.

Later, a mental power was released to help Xixi stabilize his mental strength.

The incomprehensibleness of Hsi’s face suddenly disappeared.

I looked up and looked at the steps and smirked.

"Thank you for the old step!"

"Please ask me to step instructor or step boss." Step by step faintly looking at Muhihi.

"Okay, old step," Muhihi said.

After that, I ignored the steps and reached out to open the pot.

The hot air from the pot rushed from the pot and made a turn on the roof.

It is like a mushroom cloud.

There is a scent of fragrance that floats out of the pot.

Mu Xixi's white hand was covered with a thick cloth glove and the dishes in the pot were brought out.

It was a porcelain altar, the lid of the porcelain altar, and it was a Buddha sitting diagonally with a smooth stomach.

"Buddha jumps the wall! Finish!"

Mu Xixi said with a milky voice, and then looked proudly at the step.

far away.

Mu Shou and others all showed a sense of frustration.

Chihi actually learned the most difficult to cook Buddha jump wall taught by the instructor.

Really Wabiwa, mad at the baby!

This is the so-called, other people's baby...

Mu Shou and Mu You are not weaker than Mu Xixi in the knife work, but in cooking, it is really pulled out more than a big cut.

"Who is the Buddha jumping over the wall?"

The step was slightly surprised and glanced at Xi Xi.

The talent of this girl is really... amazing.

Xixi was very excited to uncover the cover of the Buddha's jump wall, and the Buddha's head was caught by Xixi and smashed.

"Old step, try it! I have added 36 ingredients in this Buddha's wall! Although it is not a high-grade ingredient, it is very difficult to integrate."

Hitch said.

Afterwards, he glared with big eyes and stared at the steps.

The step nodded.

Did not say anything.

He took a bowl of golden brown soup, took a spoonful, and blew the hot air on the soup. Then he sipped and drank.

The entrance is constantly spread to the taste of the dishes.

A variety of constantly changing ingredients spread over the tip of the tongue and the mouth.

Although it is not as rich and unforgettable as the Buddha's jumping wall, it is a rare taste experience.

It is a small girl with a fairy tongue.

The control of the taste, the concession side is amazed.

"Not bad."

Step by step, I drank a few more mouths and praised it.

Although the most basic flavor of the Buddha jump wall is missing because of the fusion of too many ingredients, there is no shortage of good food.

Hirsch got the admiration of the steps, and the excitement of the hand danced.

"Old steps, Xixi did so hard, there is no reward! I want a spicy reward!"

Hitch said.

In the distance, Mu Xiaoer also embarked on the ladder of Cheng Xianyu.

Seeing Shi Xi, who was chatting with the steps, there was a smile on his face.

For the request of Cich, the step did not refuse.

In the hands of Guanghua, a spicy strip suddenly appeared and was handed to Xixi.

After Xixi took over, the beauty was eaten.

It may be the reason why the tongue is sensitive. Chihi is extremely fond of the spicy food that tastes like a thousand flavors.

"Xi Xi, do you want to go to the instructor's restaurant to see?"

Step by step touched the head of Xixi and said.

"The old step restaurant? Can Xixi go?"

Hsi raised his head while eating spicy strips.

Mu Muer also came over and heard the words of the step, it seems to be a bit surprised.

"Step boss, are you going to choose someone..." Mu Yuer seems to have guessed something, and looked at the steps in amazement.

"Hish is still so small..."

"But she is very talented." The step is serious.

Mu Muer did not say anything more. Her father had already agreed to the requirements of the step, which is also a condition for the step to participate in the Xianchu contest.

At the beginning, Mufu had already taken a step, and Mu Yuer did not want to see the second situation.

So no rejection.

Only she is still a bit suspicious, after all... Xixi is still a little girl.

After chatting for a while, the teaching of the step is to continue.

After a long time, it was the end of the teaching.

The crowd dissipated.

Mu Xier came over with Xi Xi, carrying a small rucksack.

"Let's go, the step instructor takes you to the restaurant to have a look." Steps touched the head of Shihi and smiled.

Hsi’s eyes lit up and some cheered.

"Step mentor, can we go?"

In the distance, Mushou and Mu Youyi squinted and looked full of desire.

The step was a faint look at the two, and did not refuse.

"go together."

Muyou and Mushou looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

The two kept up, and they left and went to Xixi’s side and went forward together.

Mu Zhen took them and walked out of Mufu. The group walked on the long street.


Mu Muer frowned.

I feel a little confused.

Da da da……

The steps of the step are also slowly stopped, and the hands placed in the sleeves of the cheeks are also pulled out, slowly hanging down.


The steps are faint.

The original noisy street became silent at this moment, and the pedestrians who disappeared and disappeared.

There is no doubt that the steps and others should be stepped into the battle.

In the distance, some people emerged.

Hirsch, Mushou and others have seen such a squad, and they feel like they are demons coming out of hell.

Scared the small body constantly shaking.

Mu Muer caught the children, and his brows wrinkled.

Steps looked indifferent and looked into the distance.

There, a group of people came out.

There is also an acquaintance, who was thrown away by the little white clothes yesterday.

"Step boss? Hey... I finally saw you." Tong Shui squinted and looked at the steps, his face sneered.

Beside him, he followed a fairy chef wearing a chef's robe.

The horror of these scented chefs is extremely horrible, and each one is much more powerful than the savory chefs that the starting side has seen.

"These are the celestial chefs from the second floor... Yesterday your land fairy 傀, 扒 扒 扒 ...... ...... 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧The chefs are coming to follow the boss to find the scene." Tong Shui said.

"Looking for the field?" asked the expression without a smile.

However, I have not waited for the children to talk.

The fairy chefs behind the children's water are the first to open.

"You are the one who was called the strongest young chef in the first layer by the city owner? Xiao Buqun did not find you, we found you..."

"We don't beat people, we don't kill people, we just want you to compare our cooking skills with us. Let's exchange and discuss cooking."

"If you don't follow, you will be conceited... This has already been laid down by us. Your land is not inductible..."

The celebrity chefs spoke up with a few sneers on their faces.

"How dare you! This is the first floor of the fairy kitchen! It is the place where Mu Yangcheng is under the jurisdiction of the Lord!"

Mu Yuer gathered the children and glared at them.

Tong Shui laughed.

"Mu Yangcheng... soon... no!"

After the boy’s water was finished, he seemed to feel that he had leaked his mouth and frowned.

What is the meaning of Mu Xier’s eyes? !

"The exchange of seminars in these days is too boring. The first layer of the so-called fairy kitchen is simply rubbish. I hope... you should not let us down."

A young man’s faint opening looked at the steps.

Step by step standing in place.

"So... you are so fanatical and waiting for me, just to... than to cook with me?"

"We are trying to... crush you."

"Don't do this, how can you agree to accept it? Xiao Buqun that fool... is the end." A woman said with a smile.

The step is clear.

He glanced at everyone with a blank expression.

Sighed deeply.

Then I turned to look at the three children in the arms of Mu Xier.

"Mu Shoumuyou, the step tutor teaches you the last lesson today...you are optimistic."

Said the step.

The next moment, looked up and looked at the second floor of the fairy chefs.

"Is it better than cooking? Don't know... Have you ever heard of the kitchen?"


Everyone has a glimpse.

Looking at them step by step, they pulled their lips and exposed their teeth.

"The kitchen fight... is the cooking skill, the losing party... handing over the kitchen knife to the winner."

"Since it is more boring than cooking, ordinary workshops, then we will cook..."

"I am one, fight you five, you, together..."

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