Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1029: The fairy kitchen contest opens [second! 】

Hey, one sounds.

It is not the step to open the door.

It is the white light of the mechanical eye flashing brilliance.

"The troublemakers, swearing to show the crowd."

Xiaobai’s machinery said that the shape of the fat toot was blocked at the door and condescending.

However, when it was finished, Xiaobai stood still in the same place, lifted the palm-like palm and scratched his rounded head.

Xiaobai lowered his head and stared at the pair of watery eyes.

At the moment, big eyes have already accumulated tears like floods.

It seems that it was scared by the words of Xiaobai. In a moment when Xiaolei’s eyes flashed, Xixi’s mouth shook a little, and he burst into tears.

Xiaobai looked at Xixi with a stern look.

The sadness that Shihi cried, the tears and noses all flowed down together.

Xiao Bai recognized Xi Xi, as a new apprentice chef in the step, Xiao Bai is naturally familiar.

Perhaps because of the swallowing of a lot of Thunder, the evolution to the present white, has produced a little wisdom.

But with his ingenuity, he could not understand the situation at the moment.

There were two figures in the side of Hirsch. They unveiled their hoods wrapped around their heads and revealed their faces.

These are two tired faces.

It seems that I heard a cry.

Steps slowly descended from the upstairs.

In the steps of wearing pajamas, the hair on the head spread out, and the clothes on the chest were slightly open, showing a little whiteness.

The whole person looks a little lazy.

Hearing the cry of Xixi, the step suddenly came over.

"what happened?"

Step by step to the door, after a yawn, some doubts asked.

Xiaobaipu's palm-like palm scratched his head, and then he turned his side and revealed the heat of sitting on the ground and crying.

"Well? Hitch?"

Steps frowned and looked at Xixi.

It seems that I met an acquaintance, and I don’t want to cry.

But already crying into a little cat, his face is full of tears.

Twitching and watching the steps.

Step by step came to the front of Hirsch, and changed the trick like a spicy strip and handed it to Hirsch.

"Eat root strips are crushed and scared, don't cry."

The steps have some blunt comfort.

Holding a spicy strip, Hirsch really didn't cry.

Xiaobai's mechanical eyes flickered, and he walked over to Xixi's side. The big fan-like hand stretched out, and he gave it to Xixi, and then put it on his head.

Hsi was originally a child, and suddenly felt a lot of fun, while holding a spicy strip, while breaking a smile, and playing with Xiaobai.

At this time, the step is to look at the other two.

Mu Muer and Mushou both showed a tired face.

"Sorry to step the boss... so late, come to you."

Step by step, go to the restaurant.

"Come in and talk."

Mu Muer and Mu Shou glanced at each other and stepped into the restaurant.

With a bang, the restaurant’s doors slammed together.

Oh la la!

The tea poured out.

The light is flashing.

The hot air of the dragon rises, and under the reflection of the light, it seems to bloom colorful.

Step by step handed the poured hot tea to Mu Xier and Mu Shou.

"Drink, this tea is my own pick."

Said the step.

Mu Muer held up the pottery cup in both hands, his hands slammed, and the cup of tea exudes heat, letting Mu Xiaoer's cold heart gradually emerged.

A little bit of warmth emanates from the cup.

The rich tea fragrance makes her restless heart calm.

This is the charm of the fairy kitchen, which always makes people feel calm.

Take a sip of tea.

The bitter taste of tea rushes into the abdomen along the throat, and after bitterness, it is the sweetness of clearing.

"Say, what happened?"

Step by step, looking at Mu Zhener, asked in confusion.

Mu Muer shook her head bitterly, and everything that happened today made her feel a little frightened at this moment.

"My father is dead, Mufu is gone... The city owner has changed."

Mu Muer said.

Speaking these words, Mu Xiaoer’s tone is trembling.

The steps are slightly different.

"Just today, Tong Jia, Zhang Jiahe and other family owners, in the wilderness, cooperated with a six-star beastmaster and the deceased Cui leader to slay my father..."

Mu Muer said, the body was shaking slightly.

She did not think that the courage of the child is so big.

Her father, the owner of the city of Xiancheng, was the owner of the city of Xiancheng, which was personally confirmed by the great masters of the land.

She never thought that these people would dare to do it.

Are they not afraid of the blame?

But she knows that these are all invincible calculations.

With the intervention of the six-star beastmaster, the invincible and other people can completely say that his father was trying to kill the six-star beast, and he died with the beastmaster.

Looking at the sad Mu Muer, I don’t know what to say.

"The festival is sad, people can't resurrect."

Step by step, think about it.

He is not very comforting, he can only say this.

"I know, come today, just want to visit the boss... take care of Hsi." Mu Muer took a sip of hot tea and felt a lot calmer.

Step by step, glanced at Xiaoxi, who was playing with Xiaobai, and nodded. As a cook apprentice, he was of course taking care of him.


"The Mu government is gone, and Xixi will come to the boss in the future. I am going to take revenge."

Mu Muer said.

"My sister, I am going with you."

Mushou said calmly.

"No... you stay here with the boss, protect Xixi... You two are the future hopes of Mufu. As long as you become a powerful chef, Mufu has the opportunity to rise." Mu Yuer said.

"No, my sister, I want to go to the second floor with everyone!" Mushou suddenly whimpered, tears in his eyes.

"You can't go... I don't know if I can live on the second floor. I don't know if there is any change in Mu's base on the second floor. I don't dare to gamble, so I have to leave hope for Mu."

Mu Muer said.

After a long time.

Mu Muer left, leaving only Mushou and Mu Xixi.

There was a bit of awkwardness in the steps, watching the back of Mu Xiaoer’s departure, and the mood was a bit complicated.

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, you can, I believe in you."

Step by step touched Mushou’s head and said.

Mushou and Mu Xixi settled in the store.

Mu Xixi was an apprentice to the chef, and Mushou replaced the uncleful waiter of Black Dragon King and became the new waiter of the Xian Kitchen.

On the second day, the Tong family came to the fairy kitchen team with a large team of people and wanted to take Mu Xixi and Mushou back.

However, the relationship between Xiao Bai and Mu Xixi has become unpredictable.

The white guardian of the scorpion, even if the troublemakers show their voices, they will not say anything, and they will start directly.

The children of those children’s homes were beaten and swollen, and they were lighted out of clothes. After they were thrown into the downtown area, the children’s talents did not dare to come to the store again.

The Mu family seems to be evaporating on the first floor of the kitchen.

In addition to Mu Xixi and Mushou who stayed in the store, everyone else left.

The whole Mu family disappeared overnight.

Step by step to Mufu.

Only there, it has now become a ruin, burned by the fire of the fairy, and the smoke is rising.

Sighing, the step back to the fairy kitchen shop.

And the fairy kitchen contest is finally about to begin.

Now the city owner on the first floor of the kitchen is a child invincible, or an agent of the city. After all, his city owner has not been approved by the landlord.

But according to the process, this is only a matter of time.

In the city government, the child is invincible and sits above the high position.

He blinked.

Outside the city seat, in the square.

One of the chefs is swaying.

The kitchen of the first floor of the whole kitchen, almost all gathered here.

Today, it is the opening day of the Xian Chai Youth Fair.

These fairy chefs are all people who participate in the competition.

Public transport classes, public transport and Xuanyuan Xiahui are among these chefs, they are waiting for the opening of the transmission method.

As a grand event in the kitchen industry, the Xianchu Youth Competition is naturally impossible to be held on the first floor of the kitchen.

From the second floor to the fifth floor, there are different events.

The second level is the first event of the Xianchu contest, the preliminaries.

All the participating chefs in the entire kitchen industry will gather on the second floor of the kitchen.

In the city.

The child is invincible and slowly walks out.

Today's invincible body is even more powerful. As a city owner, he naturally has the power of the city.

The eyes swept through the audience.

"Today... It’s the day when everyone participates in the Fair Chef Contest. You represent the first floor of our kitchen, and I hope everyone can get a good name..."

Invincible children did not say too much.

Judging from the previous events, the first floor of the kitchen is always at the bottom. After all, there are too few resources.

His mobilization is just a matter of practice.

But at least, letting everyone go to see the world is also a good opportunity.

Of course, the first layer is so big, naturally there are many talented celestial chefs.

The public transport class, the public lost two brothers and sisters, as well as Xuanyuan Xiahui this rising star, as well as Tongjia Tongshui and so on, are all very hopeful to enter the top three in the Xianchu Youth Competition.

The public transport class is more promising to enter the first two hundred.

Invincible as a city owner, nature will give more encouragement to these geniuses.

far away.

A burst of sound resounded.

The invincible eyes of the child suddenly glimpsed.

Looking far into the past.

There, there was a thin figure coming slowly.

A red and white cheongsam robe, the hair is tied with a velvet rope, the whole person is very lazy.


The child is indifferent to the whisper.

The public class was bright.

Many of the chefs’ eyes look at the steps and they are all exposed.

This mortal chef from the lower bound brought them too many miracles. I don't know this time the fairy chef contest, where this mortal cook can go.

Nowadays, the reputation of the step-by-step has already been on the first floor. The chefs have been able to open a way and let him come.

Behind the steps, there are two figures.

One is a little white chubby figure, the chubby figure holding a small little girl.

The invincible gaze of the child fell on the gaze of the girl, and suddenly the brilliance of the cockroach.

"What about the rest of the Mu family?"

Invincible boy spit out a breath.

His eyes gradually became sharp and he looked straight ahead.

However, the step was a faint look back at him, no fear.

"No one is allowed to enter the battlefield..." The boy is indifferent.

"One is my land fairy, one is my chef apprentice...not a messy person."

Step by step said seriously.

The chef apprentice is indeed allowed to follow the cooking class, learn to cook, and see the world.

"Cooker apprentice?" The child stared at the invincible, and his face gradually became cold.

After a long time, his mouth was a glimpse, a slight smile.

"Okay, if that's the case, then follow you."

"I hope that the stepper boss will go smoothly... can bring me some hope for the first floor of the kitchen."

The child said invincible.

His smile is somewhat stunned and his eyes are a bit strange.

Nodded in step, there is no good feeling for the invincibility of the child.

Invincible is a pouting, cold looking at the steps.

He is now the owner of the city. As long as the leader of the landlord is ordered, he will have the opportunity to connect with several other city leaders to drive the black dog in the restaurant.

At that time, there is no protection of the black dog, and the step is not to knead with him.

At the beginning, the five city leaders of Xiancheng could join the black dog out of the fairy kitchen industry. Now it should be fine.

Therefore, the invincible eyes of the child looked more and more cold.

The contradiction between the step and the children's family is doomed to be invincible.

"The next step is the opening of the transmission array method. I hope that you will get a good place in the fairy kitchen competition... for us, we will win the glory!"

Above the high platform, the child is invincible.

The celestial chefs underneath suddenly boiled up.

There have been bursts of noise.

The next moment, the invincible child is the colorful brilliance of the blooming, slamming on a stone platform in front of the high platform.


The sound is surging.

A huge transmission method, covering the dense kitchen.

Colorful brilliance.

A seven-color beam suddenly rose to the sky and went straight to the top of the day.

The chefs who stood in the array of methods suddenly exclaimed.

Later, they discovered that their bodies began to rise slowly, faster and faster, and then rushed into the sky with colorful beams.

Xian kitchen shop.

The dog looked at the beam of the sky and yawned.

"Fan kitchen contest... Hey, I really hope that the step-by-step kid can enter the fairy space, so that the dog can also see old friends."

The dog snorted and said, sticking out his tongue and rubbing his lips, it seems to be relishing something.

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