Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1034: The big devil who is a laughing stock?

"What kind of nonsense does this kid say!"

There are four people in front of the step. For the words of the step, there are some contusions. What kind of ghost is the power of the wild?

What is the relationship with today's day.

Of course, the steps are too lazy to explain.

He just calmly looked at the four people in front of him and wanted to see what the four people wanted to do.

"Ninety-nine big sisters?"

The woman who snuggled up in the face of Xiao was suddenly stunned. The next moment, the whole white face became red, and there was more anger in the eyes.

"Which big sister you call!" The woman’s gaze seemed to be staring at the thunder like a thunder.

Xiao did not lack to raise his hand, patted the woman's soft back, a faint smile.

"You are not curious about who brought you to the genius list? The genius list includes the names of all the geniuses of the genius in this fairy chef contest. Only true genius can be on the list. Why do you think you will go up? "Xiao is not short of squinting at the steps."

"Maybe someone is jealous of me."

Steps frowned, touched the chin, and said seriously.

Look at your handsome...

Xiao is not short of almost no blood spurting out, can you not say such a serious nonsense?

"But the hundredth... It seems that this person's jealousy is not enough. I don't see the essence through the phenomenon. I see that I am really good."

The four faces are all a little weird.

This big devil... I am afraid not a fool.

"Tell me the truth, put you on the genius list... it’s down."

Xiao is not missing.

The stepping eyes suddenly became weird, staring at Xiao.

"It turned out that you are licking my handsome?"

Xiao does not lack face color, can you still chat well?

"I thought that the ranking of the top 100 talents will make you a target, but it seems that you still have some skills. Actually, you have gotten a lot of challenges from the kitchen, but also the title of a big devil."

Xiao does not lack a faint saying.

"But... you are lucky, and you have a garbage group, but you are not so lucky in the rematch. At that time... I hope I can crush you with my own hands."

"No brother, this garbage, where you need to shoot, I can crush him, I am a fake one hundred."

The woman stared coldly at the steps, the cold mouth.

"Here, give you a piece of advice, it's best to roll back to the first floor now... otherwise, in the days to come, you will feel the real despair!"

Xiao is not missing.

Looking at him step by step, he pulled his lips and said: "Every time I tell people who feel desperate, I really feel despair..."

"In addition, look at your appearance, it seems to know a lot... ask you a question."

"The heart of the kitchen... What is it?"

The faint question asked.

Xiao is not lacking and others are suddenly stunned.

Later, the four men looked at each other and they all laughed in disgust.

"I didn't think you still know the heart of the kitchen... Unfortunately, the heart of the kitchen is not something you can imagine, it is something you need to look up."

The four did not explain too much to the step, and they laughed and left.

The steps were a little speechless, and I put my hands in my pockets and I continued on.


Xian kitchen world, top floor.

Before the wooden house.

He wore a white robe, and the golden hair was set up, standing in front of the house with nobility.

Her eyes were calm and her body seemed to glow.

In the next moment, before the wooden house, there was a brilliance.

The four figures suddenly appeared in front of her.

These four people can't see the appearance, they can only see a little blurry shadow.

It seems that he was talking about what he was talking about. After talking for a while, he dispersed and disappeared in front of the wooden house.

I have some headaches and lick my own eyebrows.

"These four city owners... really don't worry, actually want to find the dog's trouble..."

I sighed, and then I turned and entered the wooden house.


The kitchen is divided into five floors, each of which is a big world.

The third floor is a vast ocean with a large island above the center of the ocean.

The trunk of the fairy tree stands on the big island.

The entire Xiancheng is built on this big island.

The rematch of the Xianchu contest was held in the third floor of Xiancheng.

There are a thousand players in the semi-finals, which are composed of the top 100 of the ten groups in the preliminaries.

The rules of the rematch are different from the preliminaries.

The rematch will be held in two rounds, the first round is the knockout and the second round is the ranking.

The knockout will eliminate 500 players, while the second round will rank the remaining 500, and the top 100 will advance to the semifinals.

The rules are simple and the schedule of the game is three days.

But the step is to seem to be doing nothing.

Because as the team's first qualifying, the step can be exempted from participating in the knockout and directly in the rankings.

So on the first day, the steps didn't even need to go to the court.

However, he should go to the public transport class to see the public transport class.

Everyone is the same level of the kitchen, naturally want to cheer.

If the public transport class wants to participate in the knockout round, if he wants to enter the rankings, he must rush out in the knockout round.

It is simple and simple to say, and it is difficult to say that it is difficult.

Because who knows what kind of opponents will be encountered in the public class knockout?

However, the public transport class has confidence in himself. His goal is to enter the first two hundred, so he will definitely strive to defeat his opponent.

In fact, the public transport class is indeed very hard.

In the knockout match, two opponents were connected.


When he met the last opponent, it was the beginning of his despair.

That time, the step also saw.

But it was because of the reading that the step was only a little strange.

The opponent of the public class is a fairy chef wrapped in a black robe.

According to the information, this fairy chef is from the fourth floor.

In the face of this opponent, the public delivery class was defeated, and there was no courage to hold the knife. It was a direct crushing...

And the black robes were extremely surprised at the pace.

"The heart of the kitchen?"

The step suddenly remembered something, frowned, and could make people's kitchen knives can't afford it. According to the system description, only the heart of the kitchen can do it.

Does the black robe chef cook the heart of the kitchen?

But why did the fairy kitchen that unites the heart of the kitchen participate in the knockout?

This is the place where the doubts are.

The public lost the class and failed to break into the rankings.

The whole person, the mind is close to collapse, persisted for so long, but after all, it failed to meet the expectations of the ideal.

The ideal is full, and the reality is too boney.

On the first floor, the fairy kitchen, except for the step, was almost completely annihilated.

The public transport class is in a state of collapse, which is due to the psychological shadow of the last game.

He faced his opponent, but he didn’t even have the courage to hold the kitchen knife...

This feeling is simply terrible...

The difference between the first floor of the kitchen and the other layers... Is it really so big?

For the public shift of the collapse of the heart, the step does not know what to say, can only shoot the shoulders of the public shift.

"Step by step, you can only rely on you..."

The public delivery class said that the eyes of the class are empty.


The ranking game started.

The Steps finally got the game.

The public delivery class was completely turned into a spectator, but he put all his hopes on the steps.

I hope that the step can break into the top two hundred.

The rankings are not the same as the knockouts.

The ranking game is actually the highlight of the Xianchu contest.

The competition system has also undergone major changes.

The ranking competition began to compete in three aspects.

Xian kitchen repair, Xian kitchen knife, and the final cooking of the Xianxian grade to judge, make the final ranking.


"The next one...a layer of fairy kitchen, step by step."

The referee shouted the name of the step.

The chefs who watched the game all were quiet at this moment. For the name of the step, some people are strange, but some people are no strangers.

The legendary performance of the 10th group of the preliminaries has given many people even the title of the big devil.

Any opponent who has played with him will leave an almost desperate impression.

Today, the rankings are finally on the move.

Many of the original ten groups of contestants suddenly hoped to see the picture of the steps being crushed.

There are fifty people in the ranking competition with the step.

Fifty people stood on the vast platform and faced several judges at the Sanpinxian kitchen level sitting on the high platform.

"The first item is to show your cultivation... As a chef, although cooking is the key, but there is no deep cultivation, it is difficult to have a deep cooking. This should be clear to everyone, so it is repaired. The proportion of the scores is not low, I hope everyone can show their level of cultivation."

"In front of you, there is a test-fixed rune, and the runes can accurately test your infuriating and spiritual power..."

The referee said.

Fifty people stood on the ring.

There is a stone platform in front of everyone, and a turquoise charm on the stone platform.

This charm is the tool for detecting repairs.

Around the ring road, surrounded by a group of lively fairy chefs.

Among them, there are those who have been eliminated, and of course there are also promotion.

There are even players who have completed the rankings.

Everyone is quite curious to see the situation in the field.

And the step, it is considered to be the focus of the field.

Of course, because the step-by-step qualification is promoted by the group's first qualification, the level of the players who tested with him at the same time is not low, and there are even five-tiered chefs.

The fifth floor of the kitchen, in all the heart of the kitchen is an unattainable existence.

The fifth layer, whether it is resources or cultivation conditions, is much higher than the other layers.

Therefore, the real focus of the group is the fifth floor of the kitchen.

As for the steps, more people are watching jokes.

The face of the public class was a bit pale.

Do you still need to test the rankings?

How is the repair of the step? That is naturally unsightly...

The cultivation of one-star true deity, in many fairy kitchens, can be said to be the existence of the bottom!

How can this kind of cultivation get a good ranking in the ranking competition?

It seems that... a layer of fairy kitchen, this time really wants to be wiped out by the whole army...

In this session, the performance of the first layer was even worse than the previous ones.

"Now start testing... The first round, the infuriating level test, ask the participants to pass the infuriating body into the rune."

The referee is responsible for conducting the test and opening the road.

On the high platform, the five judges were watching with great interest.


The voice of the referee fell, and the whole high platform suddenly became so angry that the horrible energy fluctuations continued to impact.

Every entrant is trying to show his cultivation at this moment.

A ray of light came from the rune.

Above the scorpio, a black stone monument suddenly emerged.

The stone monument is on the top of the sky. As each contestant puts the infuriating spirit into the rune, the stone tablet will show the ranking of each player.

The step is holding the rune, and the infuriating into it.

The body suddenly shocked.

Step by step curiously looked up and saw the beam of light on his head.

The strength of the repair will be concretely reflected in the beam height above the head...

The step is thoughtful.

The next moment, turned to look around.

The contestants around us, each with a beam of light on their heads, the height of those beams... are far beyond the steps.

The chefs who are able to go to this step are not weak in cultivation and cooking. Most of them are the peaks of a class of chefs, and they can cook the three-class fairy-class cuisine.

Their cultivation, the weakest is the two-star true god...

So, in thousands of beams.

Step by step, the beam is very conspicuous...

And the light beam from the five-tiered fairy kitchen actually reached the level of five feet, almost standing out.

There is no harm without comparison.

After seeing the results, everyone could not help but reveal the gloom.

The chefs who have been expecting the performance of the steps have uttered their own ridicule at this moment.

Above the stone monument, it also shows the revision as a ranking.

The public delivery class was almost desperate, and the name of the step was ranked last, and the whole person was dead.

The beam dissipated the beam and the face was indifferent.

The surrounding contestants were all stunned by the steps.

That kind of cultivation is... it’s ridiculous.

This level of fairy kitchen can actually go to this level, it is simply a laugh.

The original ten groups of those who were overwhelmed by the pace of the step, but also did not hesitate to mock.

This time, the Big Devil is really dumb.

"Now start the second test, the mental level test... Please hold the rune and introduce the mental power into it."

The referee was serious and opened.

In the next moment, each contestant has introduced their spiritual strength into the rune.

Some people are smirking and watching the steps while guiding.

I want to watch the jokes.

According to the normal situation, the level of mental strength and the level of infuriating are directly proportional. The stronger the level of infuriating, the stronger the mental strength.

Of course, there will be some exceptions. Some people are weak in their infuriating level, but their mental strength may not be weak, but even if they are stronger, they will not be too strong.

The cultivation of a true godland will reach the spiritual level of the two-star true state.

This is already an incredible situation.

In normal circumstances, the pace is likely to be like the level of infuriating... become the laughing stock of everyone.

Gently spit out a breath.

Steps reached out and held the rune, but the corner of the mouth was a slight pick.

In the mind, three beasts, resounding!

He is never afraid of who is spiritual!

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