Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1136: Change the ritual recipes [second! 】

The step does not care what is called.

Moreover, in his opinion, the kitchen tyrant is also a praiseworthy name.

As a chef, if you don't have absolute control in the kitchen, how can you call a good chef?

As a chef, if you are in charge of a group of people who don’t listen to orders, and they always think about messing up and cutting corners, what kind of kitchen will become, it will definitely become smoky.

In the week of the visit, the step-by-step found that at least half of the kitchen chefs cut corners during the process of processing the ingredients, or slacking, reduced the number of steps.

This group of people has been habitually dealing with ingredients because they often cook in the kitchen. This kind of treatment will always reduce some operations inadvertently.

For example, some ingredients need to be peeled, these kitchens do have peeling, but there is still a general residue left in the peeled skin, and it has not been carefully cleaned after cutting.

These processes may not be noticed by others, and may also feel that they are not in the way.

However, for the step, these steps are unavoidable, and the requirements for cooking are very strict.

You can't do it, but if you cut corners, it will not work.

Jing Hao’s temper is good, so these people are unscrupulous.

The temper of the step is not good. In cooking, his temper is very stinky.

Cooking on a weekday is no problem, but if there is a help, any mistakes in the kitchen will be completely reflected in his eyes.

Looking at the back of Jing Hao, there is no slight change in the face of the step.

For the step, cooking is an art, and for art, it always needs to be refined.

The step took a chair and sat down.

His brows wrinkled slightly.

In my mind, there is a recipe for the three rituals that I watched in the room.

The three-course ritual of the ritual has been told to him that it cannot be changed.

However, in the eyes of the step, these three dishes, although they look perfect, are still flawed.

If you can modify and fill those defects.

The taste and taste of these three dishes will be further enhanced.

The three dishes of the sacrificial offering have a very good dish name.

"Spring breeze, summer injury, autumn 涩..."

Who took the three dishes... It does mean something.

Step by step ** chin, from the three dishes of the name of the dish, the step can feel a touch of sadness.

Of course, this may only be the emotional feelings of the step.

The steps didn't move, so I sat in a chair and brewed emotions.

There are almost five days left.

During these five days, you need to find and process the ingredients you need.

And the three dishes needed for the sacrifice must be cooked in advance.

A lot of requirements, time is very compact.

Time is passing fast.

In the palace, the news about the step is also spread quickly.

The news that the steps will help the kitchen out of the kitchen is also rapid in the entire palace, even in the goddess city.

Many people have learned the news, and the look on everyone's face has become a bit weird and playful.

Bring all the helpers out of the kitchen...

What does this man want to do? Eighteen dishes...do he want to do it alone?

Oh, he also left the chef of Jingjing as a helper.


Even if you add a chef to Jing Hao, it is just two people. Two people want to cook a dish of Wang Ban. The difficulty is not small.

The chefs who were driven out of the kitchen by the steps were sneering at the steps.

The voice of disdain continues to spread.

For a time, the entire palace was quite unpopular for this feast.

When Queen Bilu knew the news.

Time has passed for almost half a day.

"He really drove all the helpers out of the kitchen?" Listening to a maid, the face of the Queen's blue eyes suddenly showed a playful color.

"It's a bit interesting... Suddenly I look forward to this feast." The Queen's red lips glimpsed a little, revealing teeth like pearls.

The maid suddenly wondered, "Her Majesty, do you think that the man can complete a king feast cooking alone?"

"If he didn't drive out the kitchen, I might not have expected it..." Queen said.

The maid suddenly turned into a fog.

"What kind of goods are the people, will the king not know? The king of the banquet in the past has nothing to look forward to, and it has passed. But this year, there may be some changes. If there is no change, then it will cost the king." Look forward to it."

The Queen's blue and lazy to lean on the throne of the Golden King, the shape of the good shape suddenly outlines the perfect arc.


Almost half a day.

Jing Hao was rushed back from a distance.

Far away, she saw the white standing at the door, and suddenly her heart was a little uneasy.

The power that Xiaobai had previously released made her a little scared.

However, she still had the courage to push the kitchen door and enter it.

In the kitchen.

Sitting on the chair, meditating.

In my mind, I am constantly cooking the dishes.

Suddenly, his eyes moved and looked into the distance, where Jingjing came back.

When Jingjing closed the door of the kitchen, he walked over to the position of the step, saw the steps, did not speak, and waved his hand, a large amount of ingredients appeared in the food area.

“This is two servings of the king's feast, so the chef has two chances... If the cooking fails once, you can try it once. Many of the ingredients are precious and only two can be collected in a short time. ""

Jing Hao looked at the step and said.

Step by step, got up, took the hand, went to the food area, turned over the ingredients, and observed it.

Later, I turned around and looked at Jing Hao. "You go back to find some green fruits and purple clouds to come back..."

“Well? Bi Qingguo and Ziyuncao?” Jing Hao’s slight glimpse seems to be somewhat puzzled.

"There are no dishes in the 18-course king feast that need these ingredients..."

Jing Yan frowned.

Suddenly, her words were just finished, and her body was a stiff.

Because she looked up, it was just a faint gaze on the steps.

"I'll go now……"

I think that the starting point of the previous step has driven all the helpers, and the face of Xiaojing has become pale.

This is the kitchen tyrant, who actually questioned his behavior.

Suddenly there was a small fear in my heart.

When Jing Hao turned around, he ran to the distance and disappeared in a short while.

Stepping into the corner of the square, suddenly pumping...

This woman... is not stupid.

After Jingyi left.

The gaze of the step is to fall on the ingredients and gently vomit a breath.

Pulling the sleeves of the cheongsam robe, the convenience is ready to start processing these ingredients.

Of course, he is now dealing with three ingredients for the rituals.


A knife flashed in an instant.

The gaze of the step suddenly became sharp.

The star curtain emerged and the meteor fell.

The next moment, the knives of the road came out.

Those ingredients are all rising from the sky, under the impact of the knife light, constantly changing shape.

The dandruff flew and the stalks fell.

Shred, diced, sliced, and everything is almost perfect.

After the ingredients are cut, the ingredients are cleaned.

The water of the goddess city is a kind of clear water with a very strong aura, which is not worse than the Tianshan Lingquan water.

Therefore, the step side did not change other water and cleaned directly.


In the big kitchen.

Only when the steps are taken to clean the ingredients, the sound is ringing.

After a long time.

Jing Hao was rushing back.

The two ingredients mentioned in the step are quite rare. She has finally found the food library.

When she pushed the kitchen and entered the kitchen, she saw the processed ingredients on the blue-and-white porcelain plate and the flowing water droplets.

Jing Wei stayed in the same place.

How long has it been before, is it convenient to process the ingredients needed for cooking rituals?

"Silly what to do, give me the ingredients, then, you have to deal with other ingredients, remember, the ingredients must not be sloppy."

Said the step.

Jing Hao returned to God and quickly handed the two ingredients in his hand to the step.

Biqing fruit is a greenish fruit.

After the step was taken, just cut it with a keel chopper and cut it into two halves.

Take out the fruit cut in half, hold it in one hand, slam it down, squeeze out the greenish juice and drop it into a prepared blue-and-white porcelain bowl.

As for the purple cloud grass, the step is to spurt a group of white flames, and burn the purple clouds.

The purple cloud is turned into a purple liquid.

The purple cloud grass liquid is also placed in a blue and white porcelain bowl.

The ingredients of the three ritual dishes are finished.

"Biqing fruit and Ziyun grass do not seem to be the ingredients needed to savour the dishes?" Jing Hao, while processing the ingredients, looked at the direction of the step, asked doubtfully.

The step did not answer immediately, but looked at Jing Hao.

"You look at it first, you will know later."

Step by step.

next moment.

The white tiger stove is suspended, and the basaltic pot is placed on the stove top.

A group of white flames spurted out and plunged into the stove, burning.

The hot high temperature suddenly bursts.

The step is to bundle the hair with a velvet rope and start cooking.

The pot spoon rotates in the hands of the step, and the spirit of the sea is swept out, and the feathers and robes are flying.

Jing Hao looked a little sluggish in the distance...

The movements of the cooking in the steps are flowing, making people look dazzling.

One of the three rituals, spring breeze.

This is a vegetarian dish. According to the records in the recipe, this dish is mixed with thirty-two kinds of elixir. It is a tasteless, unmixable, and has thirty-two different flavors to eat. Force is a great test.

It seems to symbolize the revival of all things in the spring breeze and the glory of flowers.

The so-called spring breeze is what it means.

Boom! !

The fire is shining.

The red flame in the basaltic pot rises to the sky.

Ingredients into the pot, pan stir fry, each of the ingredients are skyrocketing, the oil juice splashes, flowing brilliance.

Gently panning the pot, the ingredients are all dropped into the pot spoon, thrown out and placed in the porcelain plate.

Under the control of mental power, the dish of the ingredients is very delicate.

The hot oil boils and is poured down, and the sound of the sound is loud and unceasing.

Make that dish, as if it was a glimpse of the light.

Rumble! !

Above the Scorpio, there are Thunderclouds swept through.

The penalty will come.

Of course, for the step, the so-called thunder penalty, let Xiao Bai deal with it.

This time... Xiaobai should be able to eat enough.

Jing Hao looked like a fascinating, step-by-step cooking, so she looked at it and learned a lot.

Among them, the control of the fire, as well as the control of the maturity of the ingredients...

It made her amazed.

In the past, she had only a vague degree of control over these, but the cooking of the steps was accurate to the extreme.

This level needs to be cultivated... she is still far behind.


Jing Hao’s eyes changed.

Because she suddenly found out that the step was actually boiling the juice of the green fruit into the pot, and intended to directly water the dishes on the plate.

This behavior... there is no record in the recipe!

Suddenly, her face changed.

"Step chef! No! Sacrifice the cooking of the dishes, there must be no change!"

Jingyi’s subconscious is shouting.

However, the steps only gave her a faint look, and the movements in her hands kept going.

The green juice popped out.

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