Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1140: Sacrifice dishes! Killing is overwhelming! [Second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Flying big lobster.

The dish name of this dish came out, and everyone present was amazed. Of course, they were very familiar with this dish, because in the previous year's Wang Ban, this dish made them very impressed.

After all, this dish is made with a five-star beast.

Although there is no such skill, there is a sense of visual shock for the audience.

It seems that the chef did not make too many changes to the dish, at least, there was no change in the name.

However, the heat and aroma that permeated it made the people in the room slightly surprised.

The test of this dish is the chef's ability to master the fire, because the fire is related to the meat and taste of the dish.

Uncover the lid.

The heat spreads completely, and the dishes in it are also reflected in everyone's eyes.

A red crimson lobster emerged on the blue and white porcelain plate.

The huge long lobster of the lobster was soaring, and the claws were opened to the sides, and the head looked at the sky.

The carapace behind it was peeled off, and the crystal white lobster meat was turned out and cut into pieces.

Shrimp crystals seem to be wrapped in a layer of diffused material.

Jing Hao knows that this is a spoonful of hot oil on the last watering.

This dish is very simple, and there is really no need to modify it, even if the step chef is not aligned to make changes.

However, this dish, although it looks simple.

But in fact it is quite difficult.

Because of the control of the fire, it is difficult to at least a large chef.

Once the fire is not well mastered, it will make the lobster meat too old or too cooked.

In the eyes of Jing Hao, the lobster’s fire is perfect...

It can be seen from the crystal-clear lobster meat.

For this familiar dish, everyone is not too surprised, of course... not too disappointed.

Although this dish did not give them something unexpected.

But the scent and color, but they are full of appetite, want to taste some.

Everyone has chopsticks.

The crystallized lobster meat is picked up.

The lobster meat is soft and tender, and it bites down, giving off a rich aroma.

This lobster has a large head and the lobster is cut into blocks, each of which has a fist size.

The bite of the bite, the overflowing gravy, makes people feel very comfortable.

"good to eat!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded.

Even with the same dishes, the dishes prepared by the chefs of this year's banquet are excellent and delicious.

far away.

After the wangwang Erha finished eating the wings of the flying dragonfly, a spicy strip was on the corner of his mouth, and his face showed a refreshing meaning.

He didn't expect much from the flying lobster.

Eat lobster, only to eat a small young spicy pepper lobster.

That is the best, that is the fighting shrimp in the lobster! Absolutely top quality!

Xiao You nodded on the side, she remembered the spicy blood lobster, after all, she is a faithful blood lobster fan!

Give her a blood lobster, she can eat old days!

Her Majesty, after eating the lobster meat, was lazy and leaned back in the chair.

Gently exhale.

This time, Wang Ban, so far, she is very satisfied, she is somewhat supportive.

Rest on the chair and rest.

The same is true of everyone else around you.

The endless variety of dishes made them unobtrusive, and their mouths did not seem to stop.

To know the banquet of the past year, many dishes come up, basically no one eats a chopsticks, but this year's dishes... basically robbed.

Even the juice was not let go.

And then, they can take a good rest.

Because it is going to be on, it is three ceremonies.

Sacrifices are not for the sake of their eating, but for the sacrifices and sacrifices to the existence of the mountains.

Therefore, the ritual dish is the most important thing. When opening the ritual dish, everyone should not move the chopsticks, and pay attention to many etiquette.

Other diners who were on the side left the chopsticks and stopped eating.

Jing Hao’s eyes suddenly condensed, and her breathing was a stagnation.

She knew that the next intense scene was about to happen.

Sacrifice dishes... I will be on the table soon.

In fact, on the far side of the door, there are several maids waiting in the darkness. They are also serving the banquet, but they are cooking.

The chef changed the recipe for the savory dish, so she was not sure if it would cause the wrath of the high priest.

If it really caused anger, she immediately ordered people to cook the dishes they cooked.

At least, the high priest should not be tempted to step into the chef, so that the head chef was angered by the high priest on the spot.

After all, in the past years, there have been cases where the chef was killed by the high priest.

The high priest stood up, and the robes on her body shook slightly, and the jewelry on the top of the head shone.

In the palace, there is the sound of the bells of the singer, and the sound of the singer is full.

The eyes of the high priest became serious at this moment, and the face was also solemn.

Even the lazy Queen, who was kneeling straight at this moment, looked straight ahead.

The plate of the flying lobster was taken away.

Under the command of Jing Hao, three maids dressed in ceremonial costumes stepped forward.

They carefully placed the dishes on the table and then stepped back.

Hands folded, placed on the waist, his face was solemn.

The high priest walked out of the position and grabbed the golden ring scepter handed over by the maid, dragging his robes slowly.

Walk around the table.

There are words in the mouth.

During this period, the entire palace was silent, and no one dared to make a small sound.

Because they all know that the high priest is communicating with the existence of the gods.

far away.

Pluto's gaze suddenly wrinkled and stared at the high priest who waved the scepter.

Hell's three forbidden places, each forbidden land has a Hehewei name.

Forbidden land, the restricted area of ​​life.

The reason why each forbidden land can be called a forbidden land is because every forbidden land has fallen into the supreme existence.

Even if the old Pluto was to enter the forbidden place, it must be cautious enough to see the terrible of the forbidden land.

The goddess city is the power of the gods to ban the land, and the one that exists is their heaven.

No one does not exist in awe.

The small gaze is also solid.

When she was a child, she had the privilege of seeing the existence of the sacred mountain. Although it was only a vague figure, it was a shock to her heart for a long time.

That time, the old Pluto took her into the mountains of the gods, and wanted to use the rich life of the fountain of life to wash away the curse of the body.

But unfortunately, even the fountain of life can not be washed away.

Even, it also caused that there is concern...

Although it is just a glance.

But Xiao You still can't forget the terrible breath.

After returning from the mountains of the gods, she was exiled by the old Pluto as an Nether woman, and she was immersed in the heavens and the earth.

She thinks she is exiled, and it is very likely that she is the supreme being in the mountains.

Gently spit out a breath.

Xiao You has recovered from the memories of the past, and his mind is somewhat complicated.

Her dark scorpion continued to look straight and looked at the middle of the table, where the high priest had begun to uncover.

Jing Hao’s chef’s heart has already trembled, and he squeezed his fist tightly, biting the rich red lips and being very nervous.

She should have been confident in the chef's dish, but the high priest's reputation made her dare not so optimistic.


Jingle Bell.

The Golden Circle scepter floats up.

The nine gold rings on it are constantly turning and floating, and the sound of jingle is heard.

The scepter floated into the middle of the gilded dining table, and a white array appeared on it.

The method expands the dangling, the array rotates clockwise, and the middle of the array is rotated by a small array in a counterclockwise direction...

The array method casts a beam of light into the road.

Shining on the high priest.

The high priest took a step back and put his fingers on his forehead.

After reading a string of words in the mouth, it seems to be the words of the ancient times.

Just continue on, and walked to the three dishes.

Put your hands on your forehead, loosen one, press it on the lid, and gently open it.

Thousands of golden beams burst out of it.

Everyone’s eyes are drawn and they look at the dishes of the high priest.

Sacrifice dishes... finally to show the true face.


A unique wave of violence spreads out of it.

Spring breeze, summer injury, autumn 涩...

This is the name of the three ritual dishes.

The movement of the high priest was very quick. After the cover of the first dish was unveiled, the brilliance of the dish was not dissipated, and the second and third sets were uncovered.

boom! !

The strange fluctuations suddenly emerged from the three dishes.

Everyone is sensing an airflow that strikes.

The eyes are wide and staring at the three glittering dishes.

Around the palace, the musicians holding the piano are playing the music abruptly. This is a ritual movement, which is the background music necessary to open the three ceremonies.

It seems as if the presence of the mountain is coming.


The robes on the high priest are windless and automatic.

The temperament of the body suddenly changed dramatically at this moment.

The next moment, the eyes are condensed.

The brilliance on the three dishes suddenly disappeared.

Showing the true face.

The spring breeze, which is a cluster of flowers clustered with thirty-two kinds of vegetarian dishes, the hot air is fascinating on it.

Summer injury is a plate of meat, a meat forest stacked with thirty-two kinds of meat dishes, and the meat is rolling.

Autumn 涩 is a bowl of soup, a bowl of water like a soup, the center of the soup bowl is a bluestone ball-like thing.

Three dishes, three different styles, three different dishes.

Hey! !

However, when everyone saw the appearance of the dishes, they couldn’t help but take a breath!

The high priest's windless automatic robes also stopped floating, and the atmosphere suddenly stagnate at this moment.

Jing Hao’s eyes narrowed and he looked at the high priest in horror.

She felt a terrible breath in a moment that shrouded her completely.

That feeling... let her stuck in her throat, she couldn’t say it completely.

This scene is very familiar...

That time... The high priest killed the chef of Wang Yan on the spot.

Today, this scene... has appeared again.

The array is spinning, and the piano is in the ensemble.

But everyone's mind is getting cold.

The three-course dishes are full of steam and the fragrance is lingering.

But everyone has no appetite...

The Queen looked down at the three dishes, and then sighed softly.

A red lips...

"This little cook is really bold. Even the rituals are dare to be modified... This little cook should not consider whether you can go into the mountains, but consider whether... can you survive?"

The queen whispered.

The words fell.

The high priest turned sharply, cold and ruthless, and without the slightest gaze, it fell on Jing Hao.

“Who is arbitrarily modifying the ritual dishes? And is... all three modified?”

The voice of the high priest is like a thousand years of cold, cold and boneless.

Let Jing Jing’s horror.

She wants to speak, and people bring in the prepared rituals, but they have no chance to speak.

She found that under this terrible pressure, she could not make a sound at all.

It was cold and ruthless to the high priest, and despised the eyes of the eternal.

Jing Hao’s heart was covered with a huge shadow.

This person...not a high priest! ! !

Jing Hao couldn't help but want to kneel and crouch.

That is a supreme majesty.

Everyone around is standing up from the position.

Everyone is exposed to the horror.

Because at this time, the terrible pressure also enveloped their bodies.

It seems as if there is a gaze from the ancient projections, watching them.

Everyone breathes a stagnation.

There is no surviving to the high priest!

I saw the shape of the high priest suddenly appeared in front of Jingjing.

Raised a hand, the skin of the hand was white, like a white, as if focusing on the eyes of the whole world.

Slowly patted towards Jing’s head.

The atmosphere of terror spreads out.


Just when the palm of the hand was to be photographed on the forehead of Jing.

A clear footstep slowly came from the entrance to the palace.

A slender and thin figure with one hand holding a blue and white porcelain plate, slowly coming.

The sound of the footsteps suddenly made the palm of the big priest suddenly stiffen.

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