Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1142: Tell me who you are! [Fourth! One thousand five updates, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

The array method flickers, the peripheral array rotates clockwise, and the inner array rotates counterclockwise.

A huge suction spread out from it, constantly absorbing the heat, aroma and aura from the dishes on the table.

The words of the step are like the morning and the bell, and they are all in the ear of everyone. Everyone **** a cold breath.

This man not only modified the recipes for the ritual dishes, but even added a dish to enter it.

Is this going to do things?

This way to modify the sacred dish, this is not entirely in the wrath of the sacred mountain!

The eyes of the people around you have changed completely.

It seems to be watching a guy who doesn't know how to live.

The behavior of the step, in their view, is really not knowing how to live.

But the brow of the high priest who was possessed was a wrinkle, looking at the four offerings, and his eyes flashed a little doubt.

Spring breeze, summer injury, autumn 涩... This is the recipe she gave to the goddess city.

However, the step actually added a dish on the basis of the original recipe, calling for winter mourning.

And the step also immediately gave the name of this sacred dish...

Yes, this sacred dish has a name, which is the medicinal diet, which was given to her by an old friend thousands of years ago...

Used to treat injuries.

However, this recipe is only a defect, she is also very clear, this recipe has many defects.

But for thousands of years, no one can modify this flaw.

Some chefs who tried to modify this medicinal diet changed the medicinal medicinal diet into a poisonous poisonous meal. Although it was eaten, it was not a problem for her.

But there is no benefit.

Therefore, she has forbidden any chef to modify the ritual recipes. Anyone who modifies the recipes is killed on the spot.

Looking at the four dishes that together with the array, the high priest was silent.

The people around are also afraid of the atmosphere.

Seeing the silence of the high priest, the steps were slightly relieved.

He knows that this woman should be a heartbeat.

From the moment of seeing these three recipes, it is convenient to know that these three recipes depict the medicinal diet, not... it is a more advanced medicinal diet than the medicinal diet.

The energy flow in it is very brilliant, and the medicinal properties of the fairy medicine are fully utilized.

Immaculate, but it is because it is too perfect, so any change will lead to the loss of efficacy of this medicinal diet, becoming a highly poisonous meal.

The step was also made after numerous incisions, and the final revision decision was made.

Fortunately, his cooking has been tested and improved for so long, if it was before.

He really did not have any grasp to make such a change.

The winter mourning dish is based on the direction given by the system.

Although knowing that this winter sorrow is not the best match for these three dishes, it is better than at least three medicinal herbs.

"In this case, I will try it. I hope you didn't lie to me. If you lie to me, you know that you can't live out... this city."

The high priest said coldly.

Then turned around and left a back to the step.

Before the high priest came to the golden table, everyone's eyes were attracted.

They stared uneasy at the high priest.

Today's high priest is the most terrible.

The high priest who was able to communicate with the supreme being of God is always terrible.

The array method is spinning.

The high priest extended two palms, above the palm, and continued to seal.

Slender fingers change rapidly.

Soon, a strange wave spread from it.


A humming sound, a streamer was hit by her, and cast into the formation.

The array suddenly spun.

Peculiar fluctuations under the spread.

Covered the four medicinal herbs.

Soon, the four-way medicinal diet was a blur, disappearing into the Lingjin table.

A muffled sound.

The golden ring scepter also fell, flew to the hands of the high priest, and was held tightly by the high priest.

The terrible pressure that pervaded the audience suddenly disappeared.

Everyone felt that the palm of their heart disappeared.

Everyone is bent over, violently breathing, and the pressure is pervasive, and they can't breathe in the atmosphere.

Is that supreme being gone?

The high priest supported the scepter and exhaled a breath, sweating on his forehead.

She looked up and looked at the steps in a complicated way.

Although she was occupied by the supremacy of the sacred mountain, she was able to perceive everything that happened, of course, from the perspective of a bystander.

This man...

Her guts and anger made her slightly surprised.

It is so light and windy in front of the mountain of God. This man is not ordinary.

Even compared to the original Pluto Tianzang, it is not bad.


Unauthorized modification of the ritual dish is a big crime.

During the years of ritual cooking, countless chefs want to modify it, but they have not been able to make effective modifications, making countless times of the feast of the royal banquet on the spot.

Why does this man think that his modification can get the approval of the existence?

The high priest did not speak, but stood still and waited quietly.

She knew that she would know the man's end soon.

If this man is really just exaggerating, fooling the existence, and so on will be killed on the spot.

far away.

The queen was blind and blinked, looking at it with interest.

This little cook... Is it true that you are sure?

The ritual recipe has not been modified successfully for thousands of years. Has this little cook been successfully modified in just a few days? Also added a dish to enter?

If the step is really modified, give him a chance to enter the mountains... What about?

The Queen laughed and laughed.

Around, everyone is also in the heart at the moment.

Everyone looks at the steps of the steps are extremely complicated.

But basically no one is optimistic about the steps.

Mainly, for thousands of years, so many chefs have not completed the initiative, this young man chef... In just a few days, the modification was completed?

Not everyone is not optimistic.

But... this is really unbelievable!

Jing Hao is now coming back to God.

Looking at the steps standing in front of her, my eyes became red.

Pouting, there is an urge to cry...

She was scared, and at this moment she was a little scared and enlightened.

The high priest was angry and she realized that she had made a stupid decision.

"Step... step chef..."

Jing Xiao’s face was white and there was no trace of blood on his face.

She shouted softly.

But the step did not answer her.

This made her face paler.


She opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

However, I have not said it, but I was interrupted by the steps.

"Okay, don't blame yourself, this time, it's not an example."

The steps are faint, and the words can't hear the slightest emotion.

Jing slammed his mouth, and gently snorted, the tears were left behind, and the wipes could not be wiped.

"Go to the palace kitchen and bring out the remaining twelve dishes. It’s almost time to go. In addition, the prepared wine is also brought."

Said the step.

Jing Jingyi, but also refused to cry, stood up, nodded, bowed to the step, turned to walk towards the kitchen.

The three scared wives with their legs were also flustered.

The entire palace has once again become quiet.

All the gaze of the road came from the fall and fell on the side of the step.

The nature of the gossip of women was released again at this moment.

They whisper each other and talk nonsense.

The Queen Bilu is standing up, she is together, the whole scene is quiet again.

The high priest took a golden ring and crutches, licking his body and gasping slightly.

Obviously, being possessed by that person is not a small consumption.

After all, the power of existence is too strong.

The queen glanced at the maid behind her.

The two maids immediately agreed to move over the Lingjin chair and placed behind the high priest.

The high priest smiled and bowed to the Queen's Bi, saying: "Thank you, Her Majesty."

After that, he sat down and the golden ring scepter was held by the maid.

Her hands are flat on the knees, and the eyes are straight and straight.

After a long time, Jing Hao came slowly.

She has a celadon jar in her hand.

After handing the jar to the step, he clap his hands.

Later, afterwards, twelve maids came in hand, holding blue and white porcelain plates covered with a plate cover.

Step by step took over the jars and slowly stepped on the steps. As soon as he moved, the eyes of the entire palace moved with him.

He went to the gold table.

The cover was opened.

Two blue and white porcelain cups were taken out.

The rich scent of wine floated out of the porcelain altar and lingered around the audience, so that the eyes of the women in the room were suddenly brightened!

This wine...

So sweet!

Huang Quannai wine.

This is the surprise of the step by the party, but this is his collection, and he does not have much.

Such a small altar is almost half of his inventory.

Poured two glasses of wine, and walked to the side of the high priest with a wine glass.

Hand her a wine glass to her.

The cold face of the high priest suddenly lifted up, looking at the steps in confusion, wrinkling a good-looking eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

The high priest asked.

Other people around are also puzzled.

"A cup of wine is crushed."

Step by step.

The high priest glanced, and then extended his hands and held the glass.

Looking down at the clearing wine in the blue-and-white porcelain cup.

The high priest looked a little dazed for a while.

The step is to leave the glass of wine in her mouth.

A sip of wine into the abdomen, hot and hot, pouring into his body along the throat, making him feel hot.


Step by step, said a word.

The coldness in the body that was originally scared by the supreme being in the mountains of the gods disappeared.

It was indeed a drink of wine, and it was crushed.

far away.

Her Majesty the Queen has already cooked herself and poured a glass of wine.

With a sigh of relief, a sip of wine into the abdomen, the flames of the red lips become more and more warm, and the face of the white enamel is also a blush.

The eyes of Her Majesty's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Good wine!"

The high priest returned from the daze and his face returned to cold.

I took a look at the steps, holding one hand with a glass of wine, and the other hand waving the sleeves to cover the glass and lightly take a bite.

However, the wine glass just touched the rich red lips, and the wine poured into it.

There was another horrific momentum in the entire hall.

puff! !

The big priest who just took a sip, suddenly squirted out.

Putting down the wine glass, he stood up and respectfully appeared in the presence of the pressure. His hands were folded up and reached the forehead.

In the void, it is constantly distorted.

Then a golden light flashed abruptly.

next moment.

Convenient steps are a feeling of horror that spreads again.

As the corner of the mouth of the step is pulled, it seems that there will be another cup of wine and so on.

Not just a step.

Everyone in the palace is stunned.

It was also like a big hand.


The supreme existence of the sacred mountain is coming again.

This time... must come to find the man to settle accounts!

For thousands of years, people who have changed the rituals of the banquet dishes have been killed! No exception!

This man chef... will soon be killed!

boom! !

The high priest sat on the Lingjin seat and turned his head.

There are amazing implications in the line of sight in the bursts and spread! !

The pressure of terror has fallen sharply.

The line of sight is straightforward.

The icy sound sounded through the audience.

“Tell me who you are? Why is there a complete recipe for the medicinal diet?!”

The words are out.

All the audience was shocked!

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