Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1151: Love the little fox that bursts the beef ball [third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ti


God is in the mountains, in the valley.

The colorful pool at the foot of the step suddenly changed, and the bulging bubbles appeared.

After the little white fox got into it, the whole lake was rippling.

In the distance, the eyes of several prisoners who stared at the steps were all unsuccessful, feeling a horrible atmosphere.

However, this horrible atmosphere is terrible, but it does not let them retreat.

This sacred mountain is the test of their younger generation of the prison, and it is also their big chance.

If you can catch the Star of the White Fox, it means that you have obtained the first trial, and the first reward of the trial... It is very rich.

None of them can resist this temptation.

Taking advantage of those top enchanting cockroaches did not arrive, and quickly caught the Star White Fox!

Under the soles of the feet, the ground blasted.

Those infernal powers burst out and rushed toward the pace. Their goal was the colorful pool at the foot of the step, and they wanted to enter the pool and grab the star fox.

"The mountain is a forbidden place... but it is so! It is so easy to find the Star White Fox."

"It is said that there is a big horror in the forbidden area. Now it seems that it is just exaggerating its words..."

"Along the way, in addition to the change of scenery, the so-called big horror did not appear."


The prisoners of the prison said in their mouths, but their eyes were locked in the steps.

Step by step as a non-prisoner in the presence, naturally has a stomach in the eyes of many people, of course... this nail can easily pinch!

They all say that they must be awe in the forbidden land.

However, this **** is really awe-inspiring.

"The star white fox is in the colorful pool..."

A martyr who is excited about the power of the prison.

Later, the figure was shot like a cannonball and rushed toward the pool.


Just at the moment he rushed out.

The pool suddenly changed dramatically, and there was a sudden storm in the pool.

The colorful waves are dazzling and very charming.

The intimidating power of the prisoner suddenly slammed, and the body suddenly collapsed at this moment.

Because, the next moment, he found out that there was a huge furry licking claw out of the water wave.

The claws are incomparably huge, with only three fingers, and the fingers are slender and sharply curved.

A terrible **** burst out of the claws, and the infernal strong man’s eyes suddenly shrank, and he was frightened to escape.

However, I found that I could not escape.


The claws slammed tightly.

The beggar who has the eight-star true deeds is alive and kicked!

One trick is death!

There was a broken soul flying out of the crumpled body, and finally floated into the colorful pool and blended into it.

The nearest step is to see the clearest.

I took a cold breath.

In this pool... is there such a terrible existence? !

Why is he standing on the surface of the lake, nothing at all?

The heart of the step was shocked.

That should be a beast, no... it should be a holy beast!

A sacred beast that can pinch a **** powerhouse with an eight-star true deity, even if it is a nine-star beastmaster!

The foot of the foot is on the surface of the pool, and suddenly spreads.

His figure, flying backwards, smashed his robe and rolled his body toward the side of the ground.


The body of the step is shaking.

Brow a pick.

In the air, the step-by-step saw the colorful pool in an instant, the colorful colors dispersed, and a pair of scarlet scorpions glimmered under the pool.

far away.

Other infernal powerhouses have already been scared and retired, and dare not step into the pool.

I have just said that there is no big horror in the forbidden place. In an instant, there is a prisoner who has been killed...

They are all a bit guilty.


The huge claws jerked loose, and the broken body of the prisoner suddenly fell into the lake.

Tear off.

The big claws, in the twinkling of an eye, are shot toward the rest of the prisoners.


The sky is full of gloom.

All kinds of powerful moves slammed out of the claws, but they did not shake the claws.

Take a paw.

The pool is swaying.

A strong prisoner is hard to escape. It is under this paw and is shot like a mosquito.

After the death, the residual body has not been discarded, and it is dragged into the pool by the claws.

The colorful brilliance of the pool is the more demon.

This water...

The face of the step is a bit black.

Several dead prisoners have died in succession. The rest of the infernal powers have already been broken. Without any hesitation, they turned out to jump out of the valley and left the mountains.

The huge claw turned in the direction and finally aimed at the step.


It seems to tear the sky.

The speedy step is convenient to take.

There is a terrible breath in that paw, as if the mind of the person is shattered!

The terrible storm swept through and seemed to crush people on the ground.

The step feels that his cheeks are all hunting, and the strong breath makes him all tight.

The feeling that this beast gave him, there was a feeling of the candle dragon in the Yellow River in Hell!

Even... compared to the candle dragon, this beast... is even more violent!

The step-by-step subconsciously spurred the bird feather gown.

A gar, the red and white chu robes suddenly turned red.

There is a pair of fire feathers coming out behind them, spreading their wings.

Look straight at the paw.


Just when the paw was about to be photographed, it suddenly stopped.

Hanging in the air.

The bright red blood ticks from it.

He snorted and dripped on the ground.

Rumble! !

The water tumbling, the claw suddenly took it back.


As soon as he stepped forward, he was ready to open the invincible costume of the bird feather robe. As a result, the paw was taken back again?

what happened?

Why didn't the paws be photographed?

Is it because...I am handsome?

Step by step in the heart of the party.

He also couldn't understand what the soul beast in the pool thought.

With a bang, a white fox like a white jade came out of the water.

It fell on the claws of the huge beast.

The white fox was shining and the fox's tail swayed.

After licking on the paw.

The white fox leaped out and turned into a white light and walked over to the step.

Oh la la...

As soon as the white fox walked, the huge claws sank into the pool, and there was no living, as if nothing had happened.

The white fox squatted on the shore, slid on the shore, and soon appeared on the side of the step.

Rotate around the side of the step and drill it.

Suddenly, the white fox jumped up and landed on the shoulders of the step, and the white fox's tail swept across the face of the step.

Some of the steps suddenly did not understand why the little fox was so enthusiastic.

The little fox put out his tongue and groaned on the face of the step, and then stared at the step by humanity.

Look at the steps of the scalp numb.

This fox... wouldn't it be a fancy to yourself?

Step by step.

However, the look of the little fox, the glimpse of the steps, this gaze seems to have met.

Think about it carefully, don’t you have a look when you are talking to Pluto?

When the corner of the mouth of the step is pulled, this fox is fascinated by what is delicious on him?

Thinking of this, the step is a move.

Suddenly blinked.

Take out a spicy strip.

The scented spicy strips exude a rich taste, and the little white fox came up and shook his nose and sniffed, then the little paws covered his nose and stepped back.

"Oh... it seems that I don't like spicy bars."

The steps took away the spicy strips and took out many of the food in the system space bag.

Let the little fox find it one by one.

Finally, when the step took out the bursting of the bovine pill... the eyes of the little fox suddenly lit up.

The little white fox slid quickly, and the claws hugged the bursting bovine pill and opened his mouth, which was swallowed.

Step by step is awesome.

Afterwards, his face changed greatly.

That is the bursting of beef balls, the power of the explosion is enough to injure the nine-star true deity. If there are more than a few, the nine-star true state can easily kill!

This little fox... actually swallowed this stuff? !

The step quickly grabbed the mouth of the little white fox and tried to pull out the bursting bovine pill.

But... the little fox opened his mouth and there was nothing left in his mouth.

boom! !

A muffled sound.

In the slightest sluggish step, the little fox's abdomen suddenly swelled and the muffled sound was heard.

Then it was restored to its original state.

The little fox opened his mouth and squirted a suffocating suffocation.

After the fight, I also stretched out my claws and licked it.

A look that is still unfinished.

Is the stomach of this little fox cast by the gods?

Did you eat a burst of beef **** and it is still intact?

The little fox squatted and ran to the shoulders of the step again.

I didn't think that this little fox could really eat the cracked beef ball...

Even if you step by step, you dare not eat this stuff.

Once again, I took out a beef pill and handed it to the little white fox. The little white fox held the bursting bovine pill, sniffed it, and looked like an intoxicated figure. Finally opened his mouth and swallowed the ball.

With a bang, it is into the abdomen.

A bang, but also a muffled sound.

The fox that eats the bomb... this is.

The corner of the square mouth was pumped.

This is a real thing in this mountain, the point is... It is so strange that this little white fox has sent out the goodwill to him.

and many more……

Step by step.

Seems to think of something, is this little white fox related to the terrible existence of this sleeping **** in the mountains?

So I know that I have something to eat on my body?

This way, it is more and more possible!

The eyes of the step became bright, staring at the little white fox, and the little white foxes that were seen were upside down.

"Little guy, look at you with a white hair, and call you later... Little Fox." Steps raised his hand and touched the head of the little fox.

The little fox is intoxicated and squinting.

"Does the little fox know where the spring of life is?"

Step by step, I still asked an important question.

The colorful pool is definitely not the spring of life, it looks more like a bathing pool of a holy beast.

Therefore, the fountain of life should have its own place. As for where it is, the steps are really not found.

The fountain of life?

The little fox squinted his head and thought about it. Then the fox eyes lit up and looked at the steps.

Jumped from the shoulders of the steps and fell to the ground.

The little fox moved his tail, and he planned to take the step to take the spring of life.

However, it has just taken a step.

The body of the little fox is suddenly erected.

The step is also frowning, looking to the distance.

There, the smog was torn open.

The two figures slowly emerged.

The horrible atmosphere suddenly filled the audience...

"Finally found……"

The gray-haired man with three long swords behind him stared at the steps, and his mouth opened slightly.

"God is at the bottom of the mountain, my strong prisoner is killing you..."

The hoarse voice sounded thoroughly, and the sharp swords suddenly swept the audience.

Another figure is full of white hair, wearing a black robe and a strong breath.

Staring at the little fox on the side of the step.

"The Star White Fox is also... it just saves a lot of time."

The sound of chuckle is loud.

The black robes raised their hair.

"Introducing myself... We are the elite testers of this sacred trial of the Prison... We are all youngsters of the Prison Swordsman..."

Said the man.

When the words are finished, the eyes are locked on the steps.

"You killed the prisoner, the adult who is responsible for the trial order is very angry, sent us to get rid of you, maintain order, you... are you ready?"

The man chuckled and grinned.

The mouth opened and stretched out into the mouth of the hand, and slowly pulled out a long sword and a Tibetan sword.

The sword is fierce and tears the air.


A full voice interrupted the serious atmosphere created by the two.

Step by step to look at the little fox, suddenly found that the little fox opened his mouth to the two savage smog, the empty squad, and made a scream.

boom! boom!

The next moment, two cannons sounded.

Later, the two golden streams of light were quickly smashing toward the two powerful prisoners in the distance.

boom! !

In an instant, the two strong men were swallowed up by the fire, as if a small mushroom cloud rose.

The little fox frowned.

The step is a faceless speech.

Eat a burst of beef balls... Does this little fox become a fox-type fort?

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