Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1253: A thought of whiteheads, proud of the ... step by step [second! 】

The white tiger did not think of it, the step would actually choose him.

When he was in the pastoral world, he did not choose to let him go out to breathe.

Does the host know what capabilities he has?

Does the host know the consequences of letting him possess the body?

He doesn't know anything, how can he dare to let himself be attached?

The white tiger squatted in the corner, and there was a doubtful color in his eyes.

However, since he chose him, he naturally would not refuse. As a spirit, there is a heart that wants to go out and breathe.

I can go out and breathe, but it's hard to get...

Since the last generation of the host has fallen, he has been a white tiger... It has not been out for a long time.


The audience is in vain.

Because they were completely shocked by the pictures in the downfall.

The little cook in the fairy kitchen industry actually caught a punch from the small pillar of the King Kong Circle.

How could he stop it?

And... It’s even more weird to keep up with the powerful arms that didn’t show up.

This kind of unreasonable situation makes everyone a little more aggressive.

The strongmen in the King Kong world are all sluggish. Their mouths are wide open and their eyes are wide. It seems that they are completely shocked by the scene on the ring.

"What is this means?"

The other big world's strong players are all eye-catching.

They also have some operations that do not see through the steps.

"It's not his own ability, but the ability of the robe on his body... The robe should be a baby, maybe even the best, or the holy piece."

A man wrapped in a white jade mask in Wing Man Valley said gently.

His voice is soft and makes people listen, and both body and mind can't help but numb.

This is a bit strange, and the fairy kitchen industry has been a small world of the hegemonic level, and some of the basics are normal.

King Kong’s column is also a shock.

The whole person is in shock.


His eyes narrowed.

Because he found something even more terrible.

That is the little cook in front of me, the breath on the body has changed...

That's right, very obvious change.

King Kong lowered his head and the young man slowly raised his head.

The eyelids collide with his gaze.

The pupil of the latter...

It was sharpened at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a sharp sword.

This pupil? !

Not human!

King Kong took a breath and took a breath.

Later, the thing that made him feel evil is... The little cook in front of him, looking at him, his mouth is slightly upturned, showing a smile.

What's so special... is it laughing?

The first time I saw this face, the cook smiled!

This kid will laugh!

"It hasn't come out for a long time."

The step is faint.

Later, his original black hair became white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The silky white hair spreads down like a satin, making people look like a milky smooth.

This change completely attracted the attention of the audience.

Everyone is upset.

what happened?

This little cook has the ability to transform?

Under the stage.

Xiao You held the little fox and looked at the steps on the platform. Suddenly, I remembered the two weird steps in the pastoral world.

The face could not help but reveal the color of curiosity.

Blonde step, red hair step, now come a white hair step...

Steps have recently liked to change the color of hair.

Three thousand white hairs, spread out like silk.

Everyone's eyes are attracted to the eye-catching white hair.

"One column brother! Hey he!"

In the downfall, the strong man in the King Kong world, Zhang mouth is a roar.

The roar of the roar was so loud that everyone could not help but look at the past.

I saw that the strongmen of King Kong were all angry in the indignation.

far away.

The abyss in the blood robe looked at the platform with deep gaze.

The eyes started, and some doubts looked at the steps on the platform.

White hair...

A little weird.

"Do you think... I am afraid of you when I change my hair?! Give me a die!!"


King Kong’s column roared, and above his fist, there was a powerful force bursting out, and the white hair stepped out of the impact.

There is a sinister smile on the face of the step.

That smile made everyone chilly.

Step by step stood on the ground.

Open your hands, breathe deeply, feel the fresh air, and the face is intoxicated.

"What a joyful taste..."

The white hair step is intoxicated.

After that, the eyes are open.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

King Kong's column was cold and cold, and on his body, the breath rose again, and there seemed to be a ghost of the gods behind it.

The momentum of terror, suppressing the audience...

The white hair stepped on the chin, his hands clasped his chest, and looked at the distant King Kong column.

"The weak, too weak, weak like an unweaned kitten."

The white hair step said, the tone is full of pride.

With the look of picking up the chin, it actually makes people feel a little... proud.

Proud? !

How does this adjective appear on this chop?

Everyone feels alive and awful.

In fact, the most amazing thing is the people in the kitchen.

The picture was passed to the fairy kitchen industry by the image cast method.

on the square.

All the scenes that saw the discoloration of the hair on the steps were extremely unbelievable.

"When it's over, the Big Devil is changing his hair under the pressure of the King Kong Powerhouse."

"A big whitehead, the big devil is also desperate."

"It always feels weird, something different from the previous big devil..."


The people in the kitchen industry have talked about it.

Everyone is able to feel the strangeness of the body, so they are all doubts.

On the stage.

King Kong’s column was violently provoked by the gesture of white hair.

It seems as if a rolling flame is burning in his chest.

"The arrogant guy... You are a reptile in the kitchen world, and you dare to provoke Laozi! I will crush you thoroughly and make it a dregs!"

King Kong’s column roared and the hair roots on the top of the head were upside down.

It is enough to see how violent his anger is at the moment.

"This guy is dead... actually angered a pillar boss!"

"The boss is angry, everyone must shake and shake!"

"This idiot, the strongest of our King Kong world, the more angry, the stronger the strength... The anger of the boss at the moment, a punch, fear that this kid will be boiled into meat sauce!"


The strongest in the King Kong world is extremely excited, and his eyes are full of excitement.

They seem to have guessed that the steps will be turned into a picture of the meat sauce in the box of King Kong.

That picture... let them be excited when they think about it.

"The big brainless stuff... the look of anger, like a stupid cat."

The white hair step stood in the distance, his hands clasped his chest, his chin was raised again, and he said disdainfully.



This is the impression that everyone has on the steps at the moment.

In the face of a small holy, he actually dared to say this, where he came from, the district is a half-sacred, actually like this to provoke the little holy strong!

"You are looking for death!"

Boom! !

King Kong’s column was angered to the extreme.

The whole body is like an oven.

The gravel on the ground was continuously suspended into the void, and his pressure shattered.

A bang banged.

The air exploded in a circle.

Later, the shape of King Kong’s column was shot in the direction of the step, and the punch wanted to kill the mad white hair.

"Uh huh... the weak is the weak, I let you three strokes, within three strokes, if you can meet me, leave you a life."

Baifa stepped his hand and said faintly.

This is the word.

Even the konjac commander in the distance frowned and shook his head.

How did this guy become so arrogant?

This is exactly the same as before.

The previous steps, calm and indifferent, although it is uncomfortable, but it is just unpleasant...

The white hair step at the moment...

Being arrogant and arrogant...not only unpleasant, but also very ill.

One and a half holy, let Xiaosheng three strokes.

Who do you think you are?

Even if it is the top genius of the prison, he dare not say this, the confidence of this little cook.

Before the konjac command, there were some people who appreciated this little cook. After all, it was the person who was named after the priest.

Now it seems……

This guy is a stupid and arrogant guy.

It’s very boring.

Hey! ! !

The words of the step, naturally no doubt ignited the anger of King Kong.

The latter is like a huge beast, and the ground is bursting in the air.

A punch is like a heavy hammer, and it pushes out, the void blasts, and everything seems to be crushed! !

"Give me death!!"

King Kong’s column roared.

The buzzing sounds, like the thunder and roar!

Everyone is under tremendous pressure to feel the rush.

This pressure makes everyone irresistible!

So strong!

Even the strongest of several first-class small worlds feel a bit dignified.

A punch is getting closer!

The whistling fist wind is like a sharp sword, constantly cutting the air.


The air is blasting under this punch.

The flesh reaches the ultimate punch of the little holy.

How to block?

The bombardment of the little holy strongman, but with the lock of the air machine, the semi-holy has no shape at all.

This fist goes down, this little cook, afraid of death will be smashed into pieces.


Getting closer! !

The white hair step is still standing in the same place, the red and white cheeks robe hunting, and the white hair is also floating under the wind.

The white hair step does not change color, and the chin is lifted, and it is very proud.

Two inches, one inch...

The horrible wind is almost bombarded on the face of the step.

The eyes of King Kong’s column are all showing the twilight!


boom! ! !

A bang sounded.

The ground suddenly exploded, and half of the downfalls were under this boxing and collapsed.


This power is really terrible.

The array on the platform is similar to the virtual one.

After all, it was a preliminary game, and the organizers did not take a better approach to stabilize the downfall.

If the power of Xiaosheng reaches a critical point, it is enough to smash the downfall.

The smoke rolled and suddenly dispersed.

The picture in the ring is exposed.

Everyone thought that the chef in the kitchen industry should be **** on the spot...


They are wrong!

The sound of stunned, after the smoke and dust scattered, suddenly exploded! !

King Kong's column is also shrinking, shrinking like the size of the bean.

His punch... is empty!

How can it be empty?

It is clearly close to the tip of the nose, and the air machine locks the kid almost in all directions...

Why is it empty?


A soft bang.

The white hair stepped with both hands and chest, and fell behind the pillar of King Kong.

Close to the latter.

The white hair fluttered in the wind, and it seemed that there was a bit of Yushu.

"The weak...you have two chances."

The white hair step slowly turned around, holding his chin and arrogant.


King Kong screamed with a column, his fists picked up, his body shape suddenly spun, and a punch was toward the pace again.

The body blasts like a horrible behemoth.

A fist suddenly turned into a thousand fists, almost a moment, smashed hundreds of punches.

Every punch is rushing toward the key points of the step.

As long as you punch a punch, it is enough to make the pace of the smash.

That is too fast.

Everyone can only see a picture of the afterimage, and if they can't breathe half a breath, they will blast a few hundred punches.

The air seems to be ignited by friction.

It is also the strong body of the King Kong strongman can do this step, but even so, the muscles of King Kong's column are also red, and the sweat of the beans appears and crosses the skin.

He snorted and squatted on the ground.

Brushing brush...


What makes you even more shocked is the white hair step.

The figure is like a rubber, and it is easy to resist. Every time it resists, it is just like a plasticine. It is a poor one to avoid the fist of King Kong.


A bombardment is over.

There was a heat wave in the nostrils of King Kong's column. The eyes stared at the distance, and the proud chin was staring at his white hair step.

"I said three strokes, three strokes, and one trick, the weak ones... come out."

Tsundere's step raises his chin, and his eyes seem to be disdainful.

This ridiculous look makes King Kong a pillar, all of which are to be boiled up.

next moment.

His anger reached a pole!

All of them are getting red, just like a fire!

Under the stage, the strongmen of King Kong have made a sound!

"This is this... the ultimate anger! A column brother, this is a burst!"

"The cook is dead! King Kong bursts, no one can stop!"

"One column is powerful! Kill him!"


The strongman of the King Kong community roared, excited to almost boiling!

A column of scarlet eyes is like a demon who stepped out in the wild.

The mouth is snarling, and there is a fire in the sky behind it! !

At this moment, even the strongest of the world's first-class small worlds are discolored!

The killings of King Kong!


How owed this little cook is to provoke this King Kong column to blast...


Like the devil's general King Kong column, the body is pulled up to more than three meters, and the muscles on the fist are like boulders.

Hands clasped in front of him.

Among them, invisible energy is continuously compressed.

This is compressed with the power of pure flesh.

Compressed to the extreme.

The void in the palm of your hand is in a fuzzy twist...

"Broken empty gun!!!"

boom! !

Compressed to the extreme, both hands **** forward.

Suddenly, an energy cannon, smashing everything, is like a teleportation that is almost like a white hair step.

The white hair step is slightly stunned.

Tsundere raised his chin.

"It's a bit interesting, but... you are still weak, remember the name of the person who defeated you, the white tiger... Xiaotian."

boom! !

The discourse has not been finished yet, and the shape of the white hair step is completely swallowed by this broken gun...

Half of the cymbals are bursting open, shrouded in the energy of an explosion!

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