Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1256: Killing in the middle of the night! [First! 】


A loud noise.

The step suddenly opened his eyes and a sharp color flashed through his eyes.

His eyes stared at the door of the room.

The door to the room is a wooden door, and the finely crafted wooden door is engraved with lines and decorated with rooms, making the whole room full of luxury.

At this moment, with the loud noise, the impact of the giant force made the exquisite wooden door suddenly blast, the broken wood continued to fly, and a broken wooden **** flew toward the step.

Like a dense bullet, whistling and shooting, you must wear a hole into a hole.

"Small reptile! Let's have a column of my life!!"

Along with the full roar of the gas, there is a powerful sound in the snoring sound, like a beastly beast, and the mad tyrant is boundless.

The door blew open, and the sawdust scum flew in, but there were two huge figures coming in, like two demon gods.


The volatility of the will of heaven is constantly surging.

There is no doubt that this is the two little holy hands.

The gaze of the step is condensed.

He really did not think that the strongest of the King Kong community actually dared to do it in the inn.

Are these two guys without a brain?

However, the strongmen in the King Kong world do not seem to have any brains. Although they are physically strong, their heads are not developed enough.

Do things by heart only.

At first, I didn’t want to be cool, and I’m still a glimpse of anger.

I want to squat as a crusher.

The loud noise here has naturally attracted the attention of many parties.

Late night inn.

Most people practice in the room, recuperate and adjust the state.

This huge roar is like a thundering, naturally attracting the attention of everyone.

The two giant punches are easy to move forward, and the voids are rubbed as if they are going to burn.

Extremely horrible.

The brows of the steps were wrinkled, and the eyes suddenly burst into a sharp color.


The two little saints in the King Kong world are covered in red color. On the body, the blue veins are exposed, and the roots are prominent. It seems like a dragon and a dragon, like a beast of horror.

They came straight to the point and killed the sky.


The fists of the two men were bombarded on the bed where the step was sitting, and the whole bed exploded.

The shape of the step has already fallen into the distance.


A fist swept across.

The boxing wind suddenly compressed the air and directly shot the broken gun.

Although this empty gun was not as strong as a column of empty guns on the platform, it was faster.

boom! !

The position where the steps stood was blasted, and this room was ruined in an instant.

Oh la la...

The bird's robe is floating.

The toe of the step was placed on the frame of the window, and the figure suddenly became as a fish jump.

The black hair of the black hair fluttered in the darkness, and the eyes were light, and the feathers of the feathers were straightened into a red color.

It seems as if a loud gar is ringing.

The body of the bird's robes suddenly turned into a flaming color.

Behind the flames, the wings spread out, holding the body of the step.

The wings flapped and the flame wings suddenly flew.

Hey, two sounds.

Two huge bodies like the demon gods struck out of the room and the walls were knocked out of a deep pit.

The inn's room blasted directly.

The two little saints in the King Kong world are pushing the pace quickly.

A fist is constantly bombarded.


Among the inns.

Many people have opened the window and stared at the empty space outside.

The moment of fighting has attracted their attention.

"It turned out to be revenge..."

"It was the cook in the kitchen of the celestial world. In the game, he killed a column in the King Kong world. Now the people in the King Kong community are coming to seek revenge."

"The people in King Kong are such a rib. They are only allowed to kill you. You are not allowed to kill them. Otherwise, the end of the earth will seek revenge."


In the inn, the strong players in the battle were all talking about it.

They looked at the steps in the void with some sympathy.

It was chased by the two kings who opened the explosion state. Even the ordinary little saint is miserable, almost desperate, let alone the step is only a half-sacred, although some strange, but only after all, Half holy.

In the backstage, the step can be dragged to the state of a column explosion.

But... this time, it’s not that easy.

The more angry they are, the longer the explosive state will last.

Step by step to kill a column, these two King Kong's strong, if they did not kill the step, it is difficult to eliminate the explosive state...


The mind of the step is moving.

A golden stream of light is an instant.

The golden giant prawns were made and fell on the back of the skin.

The movement of the small skin is extremely fast, with a step, as if it was a golden streamer, and it is constantly moving in the void.

For a moment, it was the distance between the two King Kong circles.

Step by step on the back of the small skin, faintly watching the two small kings of the King Kong...


Gently spit out a breath.

In the eyes of the steps, there is a strange brilliance.

The people around are watching this battle.

Many people have some expectations, and the strongest of the King Kong community can directly kill the steps.

After all, this guy’s previous arrogant words, but many people are somewhat dissatisfied.

They didn't take advantage of this time when they fell down the stone and it was very good.

Boom! !

The broken guns came from there.

Suddenly blasted.

The void was blown out of the pit.

The means of this compressed air bursting out is quite powerful.

However, the movement speed of the small skin is really fast, and the support moment is to walk away, so that the latter can not touch the clothes of the step.

"Damn reptile, don't run the skill!!"

The two strong men of King Kong’s circles glared at each other, and the mouth was screaming.

In the inn.

Zhu Yan and others saw the outside world through the window.

The heart almost has to mention the eyes of the blind, can the big devil be able to hide the two small holy cousins?

Moreover, it is still the cofferdam of Xiaosheng in the state of explosion.

Step by step licked his mouth.

A heart move.

God's thoughts spread like water.

next moment.

Around his body, there are beef **** that bloom in golden awns.

This one-piece cow pill appeared in the dark night, like a shining sun.

It’s dazzling and dazzling, and it instantly attracts the attention of countless people.

"beef ball?!"

"It's the kind of beef pill that can explode... it was the first to smash the black-skinned mainland semi-sacred beef balls."

"Is this stuff useful to Xiaosheng?"


People around are curious.

Many people have studied the means of the step, and naturally understand the role of the bursting bovine pill.

They don't simply think that this is just a delicious beef ball.

The gaze of the step is condensed and his face is indifferent.

Killer, people will kill.

Since the two young people in the King Kong world want to kill him, then he does not need to continue to keep hands.

The step is originally intended to be attached to the body.

However, if you think about it, you will use it too often, and the load on the body will be too great.

It's time to show off your true technology.


The golden light that floats around the body is getting more and more awkward.

A burst of bovine pill, arranged in close proximity around the body, turned into a golden halo.


King Kong's explosive body Xiaosheng, Zhang mouth, whistling.

Howling is so obvious throughout the night...


The two figures turned into red brilliance, and the convenience of the step was a rapid spurt.

They did not hide and sneak up.

The gaze of the step suddenly condensed.

The individual beef **** suddenly burst out, and the hovering whirls quickly, and the sound of the cymbals rang out, dragging the tail like a meteor.

“Several beef **** want to scare us?!”

A little King of the King Kong community roared.

The red light is shining above the body.

Not just him.

Even the people watching the war have all laughed.

Beef **** are useful for the semi-san, but not for the little saint, and ... is still the small king of the kingdom who is known for his physical strength.

Their power is extremely horrible, the physical defense, and there is no fear of ordinary attacks.

boom! ! !

Several bursting bovine pill shot out and squatted on their bodies.

Suddenly blasted.


A little sacred eye of the King Kong community suddenly shrank.

Huge impact, he flew out of the air, and squatted on the inn.

That feeling made them extremely surprised.

The power of the beef ball... seems to be very strong!

"It's really able to resist..." Step by step, holding hands, standing on the back of the small skin, watching the **** red skin on the blood as if it is in the state of the explosion of the King Kong strong, faint.

Three bursting bovine pills were fried on them, but they didn't break the skin, but they also had blue smoke.

They, relying on the power of the flesh, forcibly resisted the volatility of the explosion.

It's really a bit strange.


The brow of the step is tight.

Yu Guang swept across the ground.

It seems to feel the direction of the ground, there is a terrible killing that locks himself.

Not only the vendetta of the King Kong strongman, but also people want to assassinate themselves!

In the heart of the step, I was able to figure it out.

The eyelids are also sharp and sharp.

boom! !

Two explosions of King Kong, shot on the wall of the inn, the walls were collapsed, and the palm print appeared.

The two burst out, such as two big meat balls, coming towards the step.

Once on, it instantly locked the body of the step.

Blocked the retreat of the step.

For the first.

The eyes are exposed to the fine mans.

Hold your hands tightly and lift them to the top of your head.

If you want to be close to the step, a blow will kill you!

"King Kong Meteor Hammer!!!"

Oh, la la la.

At this moment, the air around us was completely absorbed.

Above the scorpio, it seems that there is an emptiness.


The attack with both hands holding the fists slammed and tore the sky.

This blow is extremely terrifying.

It is a big killing means in melee!

Pay attention to... a blow, you will kill! !

Step by step, the hair is floating under the wind.

I blinked.

After that.

A heart move.

A colorful crescent dumpling floated into the hands.


The attacking King Kong eyes condensed.

After the grin, any attack is ineffective for him, he is fearless! !

Explosive bovine pill will not hurt his defense, this dumpling has any skill to come!

This hammer must kill this cook!

The people around me are holding their breath.

This blow made their hearts tremble.

Xiaosheng’s killing is a blow...

This cook seems to be unable to escape.

The order manager of **** came too slowly...

"Feng Shu dumplings, burst."

The steps are faint.

Mindful thoughts.

Suddenly crushed the Fengshen dumplings.

The dumplings burst and suddenly sent out thousands of brilliance.

The colorful brilliance instantly enveloped the body of King Kong.


The eyes of Xiao Sheng in the King Kong world were suddenly rounded, and they felt that the body could not move in an instant.

How is this going?

Unknown is the most terrifying.

A time of breathing can't move.

During this time, he is simply a fish!

And in front of him.

The step moves.

The seven bursting bovine pills showed a trend of seven stars, and the exquisite bombardment was on his body.

Hey! ! !


The bursting of the seven bursting bovine pills, the serial bombing, the power is almost to smash the world!

The big man in the King Kong world screamed, and his body suddenly fell from the void, blood dripping.

The explosion of the state immediately withdrew, the whole person was sluggish and crashed into the ground...

A loud bang, the ground is a deep pit.

Another little Saint of the King Kong community took a breath!

How can it be? !

He did not see clearly what happened between the electric and the flint.

However, in the flash, the step is to explode his partner.

That shows that the bombardment of the previous bombardment is absolutely great.

"I don't believe you, you are a half-sacred area, you can do it twice!!"

Feet on the sky, skyrocketing!

Exploding King Kong, the body has skyrocketed again, and the whole person is **** and fuzzy.

A fist slammed like a thunder, wrapped in the will of the King Kong world, and forced to step.

far away.

A figure bears an epee and chills and gallops.

There are also konjac leaders, and many other leaders, collectively rushed.

Step by step in the cold wind, holding hands, feet on the small skin, in the air, the robe robbery.


Yu Ji screamed and screamed, and the sound was thunderous.

However, the explosion of King Kong does not mean the slightest stop.


The meaning of killing in the eyes is pervasive.


Within the scope of the step of the mind.

A **** blast suddenly smashed, like a **** lotus in the night.

It is coming.

Two blood-colored sickles are cut from different angles towards the neck of the step!

The abyss killer who had hidden in the dark for a long time, finally made a move!

Suddenly changed, it led to the audience, and all of them were shocked!

Yu Ji is cold-eyed, shocked and angry!

She shouted and stopped, and this group of people still insisted on shooting.

Is it true that her prisoner is a display? !

"If that's the case... then let's get it."

Look at the almost all-round no dead ends to lock yourself up.

The face of the step is also indifferent.

A heart move.

In the hands of the hand suddenly emerged a floating, blooming thousands of glory of lotus ruined dry pot ...

Another hand...

The colorful seal dumplings are suddenly crushed!

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