Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1278: Let that, roll over and see me [third! 4D update, please subscribe! 】

"Now, take out your jade plates. If you want to enter Huangquan Town, you must have black and white jade plates."

Jinjiao burly's body was blocked in front of the entrance of Huangquan Town, and his eyes glanced at the steps and others.

In fact, there are not many people left.

Looking at the five people present, the Golden Horn couldn't help but want to be silent.

Powerful as the Wing Man Valley, the group is destroyed.

Abyss, the group is destroyed.

The small Buddhist world of the West is almost destroyed...

The Hell squad, at the last moment, was almost destroyed.

Although I know that the semi-final is cruel, it is so cruel, but he never thought of it.

"Can you wait?"

What the step seems to think of, opening to the golden corner.

Jinjiao suddenly took a trip.

The legal monk and others are also looking at him with doubts.


Everyone seems to have sensed something, looking up at the distance.

There, there was a wooden boat in the Huangquan River in the Pentium, which swayed.

Later, from the simple wooden boat, there were four people who climbed out of it.


The people present were all stunned.

Not only they, but even the people in the light curtains took a breath.

The group of people who turned down from the wooden boat, they are no strangers, it is the other contestants in the kitchen.

Zhu Yan, Mo Yan, Fang Yu and Xuanyuan Xiahui.

These four little guys who are only six-star true gods have actually passed through the jungle and crossed the Huangquan River?

Are they... still alive?

"Oh... they are here."

The step saw them, and the corner of the mouth suddenly felt a little whisper.

Then I moved my mind.

The void suddenly rips, and the steps reach into it, grabbing two jade plates, black and white jade plates, and picking them up.

The jade plate flew out and landed in the hands of the golden horn.

"Well, black and white jade plate, Xian kitchen world, promotion."

The golden horns swept away and swept through the black and white jade plates. The face suddenly became serious and faint, and the sound suddenly rang through the town.

far away.

Zhu Yan and others have come tough, and each of them is limping and looks very fierce.

The body is full of scars, and looks like a miserable speed.

Fang Yu is even more broken.

But the breath on them is a lot stronger.

Zhu Yan and Xuanyuan Xiahui have made a huge breakthrough, both of which have actually reached the nine-star true state.

This is a bit of a surprise to the concession.

Obviously, they have gained a lot of opportunities along the way.

Looking at their appearance, they are all confident.

Although it is dangerous all the way, but with the opportunity, you can get this chance, their contribution is worthwhile, get the chance, their injuries are somewhat insignificant.

The legal monk’s mind was also taken out, and the black and white jade plates were taken out.

It is not surprising to gain the jade plate with the strength of legal affairs.

The strong man of **** also handed over the jade plate.

Just right, the remaining three teams are promoted, and there is less difficulty in choosing.

Golden Horn nodded, and his eyes glanced at the crowd with some pressure.

"Congratulations, the three teams have passed the semi-finals and advanced to the team finals... The team finals will go to hell, but before that, you must be able to survive from the individual competition."

Golden Corner Road.

His voice is a bit sullen.

"In the individual game, there will be talented geniuses in the prison, and I hope that you will be able to survive in the genius of the genius of the prison."

The words are finished.

The golden horn is sideways.

The two strong men of Hell indulged in a half-sound, and then the body shape was burst into it.

The legal monk and the step-by-step laughter said that he also entered Huangquan Town.

Zhu Yan and others came to the side of the step, and they were confident in their eyes.

"Let's go into Huangquan Town."

Said the step.

The crowd nodded.

Afterwards, the five people took a slow step and stepped into the town of Huangquan.

In the light curtain, everyone is silent.

Because they found out that the fairy kitchen team was actually the semi-final... the only team that survived five people.

This... is simply incredible.

The fairy kitchen industry is very fortunate, and there is a enchanting existence like the step.

Huangquan Town.

It used to be desolate.

But now, because of this game, it was all over the place.

And in the town, there is also a transmission array, which is prepared for the strong in prison.

Step and others entered Huangquan Town.

In the town, the inn has been built, and the inn is specially prepared for the participants.

Step by step and others, according to the route, came to the inn belonging to them.

Zhu Yan and others just hurriedly said to the step, that is, they entered the room belonging to them, recovered the injury and summed up the experience.

The pace is also a bit tired, lying on the bed, all of them are suddenly relaxed.

The pressure given by the strong in the bronze palace made his gods feel faint and broken.

The strength of the other party is absolutely incomparably strong.

Moreover, there is a feeling in the steps, and in the future, he will definitely meet each other.

At that time, there will definitely be an intersection with the other party.

Lying in bed, this time, the rare step did not think about the food problem, but closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Let yourself have a good rest.


Hell became turbulent because of the things that the lotus was picked.

Hell is forbidden and has always been under the watchful eye of many forbidden places.

Nowadays, the black temples and the sacred caves in the forbidden land are all strong, and this naturally attracts the attention of many forces.

Not only the power of hell, but also the power of the prison.

They are all concerned about the strong travel of the forbidden land, and naturally shaken up.

After many people understand it, they all know that it was originally forgotten.

This news is also causing everyone's awkwardness.

Many of the forces in **** are also in the same way as the forbidden land, sending out strong men and going to fight.

They must compete for the love of the lotus, and can not make the forgotten lotus fall into the hands of the inferno.

For a time.

The whole hell, the winds and the surge, countless strong people are acting.

I am heading towards Huangquan Town.

As if there was a violent murder, it came to the rapid invasion of Huangquan Town.


The edge of hell.


A holy beam of light fell from the top of the sky.

The entire ground was violently shocked.

Afterwards, the ground cracked and cracked.

A huge ball of light floats above the surface.

Later, the light ball slowly broke open, as if it had a light rain.

The energy of the light ball spreads out and wanders around, making the surrounding vegetation enveloped in holiness.

Oh la la...

Two pairs of white wings suddenly opened and feathers flew away.

The golden hair is flowing and elegant, and a gentle and sunny face is emerging.

This is a holy winged man wearing a silver armor.

The breath on the body is terrible.

"I really don't know **** the grandson of the grown-up. But the kid has the help of the adult, how can he be slaughtered? It seems that I have to observe it first..."

The man thought about it, and the corner of his mouth was a little bit.

"However, according to the intelligence, the person who killed the kid is only a small star... and it is still a little Saint who has won the forgotten lotus. In this mission, there is another fight for the forgotten lotus. It’s really tired, I still want to Take a good vacation."

The man licked his blond hair, and there was a hint of helplessness on his handsome face.

The two pairs of wings behind him suddenly slammed into one, and the body suddenly turned into a stream of light and quickly exploded, disappearing into the sky.


It is a quick time to spend the night.

In the inn, the uniform breathing sounded.

Suddenly, the step opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of relief and sat up from the bed.

I rubbed my head and my eyes were awkward.

He walked over to the window, opened the window, and the fresh air rushed in, and the sun shone from the window, bringing a little warmth.

The corners of the steps were slightly pulled.

A heart move.

It is into the pastoral world.


As soon as you enter the idyllic world, it is convenient to feel that the aura of the heavens and the earth is constantly pouring into his meridians as if it is rolling in the torrent.

This feeling made him amazed.

The aura of the heavens and the earth is so rich.

"Hey! Step boss, you are finally here."

As soon as the step into the pastoral world, there was a burst of exclamation in the distance.

Niu Han’s three farts ran over.

"Are you always doing something big outside?" Niu Han said with a sigh of relief.

He is very excited and very excited.

The changes in the pastoral world made him feel fluent.

After all, his current honor and disgrace is linked to the pastoral world.

The step did not say anything.

He paced in the idyllic world, and in a short while, he came to Duobaoxianshu.

Looking at the quiet, forgetful lotus growing on the Duobaoxian tree, the face of the step was suddenly weird.

So fit?

Is it more than a treasured fairy tree and this forgotten lotus?

Also... the mysterious existence in the bronze palace has said that if the forgotten lotus is made into a dish, it can help the step to block a disaster.

What is the disaster in the mysterious population of the bronze palace?

Step by step, looking at the lotus, the eyes are deep.

Xiao You and others are also coming over.

The step did not stay in the pastoral world for too long, and soon, he left the garden with a small quiet.

Today, there is no plan to cook dishes.

With Xiaoyou left the inn and walked toward the town square.

Today is a personal match.

The individual competition of Zhu Yan and others has already been eliminated.

So they didn't leave the room.

Continue to summarize, this time the opportunity for them is really too full.

Above the square.

There are not many people in the picture.

The people who participated in the hell, basically lost most of the team competition.

Today's individual competitions are less than twenty or thirty.

The rest of the people fell into the team competition.

The strong man in the soul world looked at the steps and his eyes were frightened.

Other strong players in the small world are not willing to let go.

Nowadays, in this ruins of the ruins of the ruins, there is a tendency for the first step to become the first person.

Of course, there is also a strong man of legal monk and hell, who may become a strong competitor of the step.


The distance from the downfall.

There is a huge array of ornaments there.

At this moment, several prisoners are standing around the array, and their eyes are deep and profound.

The array method flashed brilliance.

Soon, there was a stream of streamers that flowed from the array, and the array was running. Who would send it.

Many people are silent.

They know that the law will be sent to the individual players of the prison.

Of course... these players are only part of it.

They are the second echelon of the prison.

This time in the semi-final of the individual competition, 10 people will be selected to enter the finals, step into the imprisonment, and the real enchanting of the Nine incarceration.

For the genius of the prison, everyone is in awe.

Step by step with Xiao You is also far from looking at the array.

Of course, the heart of the step is not on the battle.

Yesterday, because I was too tired, I fell asleep on the bed, and I didn’t have time to think about how to get the yellow leaves of Huangquan Dasheng.

Step by step wants to make a great wine, and the nine-leaf yellow spring grass is indispensable.

So at the moment, I felt the chin and fell into meditation.


The array is swept.

The beams of the road are skyrocketing.

Soon, in the array, there are densely populated figures floating out.

The strong people around the array are all upset.

The legal monk is clasped with his hands and his eyes are wide.

The genius of the prison, I have long wanted to see it.


The gas waves spread.

The light in the array is scattered.

Make the figures in the array gradually emerge...

Everyone is staring at the formation.

The ten figures are gradually clear.

The sound of the sound suddenly resounded throughout the town of Huangquan.

The prison actually sent ten people down. Everyone knows that this is the second echelon of the prison.

However, in this individual competition, only ten people can enter the prison and go to the finals.

The dispatch of ten people in the prison can be described as meaningful. Is it intended to take the top ten of this semi-final? !


Ten people landing

Suddenly opened his eyes.

Ten people are all holding their hands in their chests, their faces are cold and arrogant, and they sweep through the audience.

A terrible gas field suddenly spread, so that the people present were feeling depressed for a while!

"Good... so strong!"

One of the hell's entrants who survived the team competition, his eyes narrowed.

These ten prisoners, the unreserved release of the body, the weakest breath is reached the second turn of the small holy level!

This kind of repair is... simply crushing the audience!

To know the entrant requirements of the martial arts Tiandao battle, but the specific requirements for age, must be the top genius of the younger generation of small world.

I thought that the captain of the Wing Man Valley was already the top enchanting.

But... compared with the genius of the prison, it was completely crushed into slag.

"Oh... it’s so lively."

The genius of a prisoner’s eyes is moving, faint.

"There is a lot of fun, it’s all rubbish..."

Another prison genius laughed.

The head of the prisoner is swept away.

The pressure made everyone afraid to speak.

Because the repair of this strong man is too terrible... actually reached the three-turned little holy!

This kind of cultivation is comparable to the older generation.

"I heard that some of your contestants have won the Forex Lotus... Good luck, tell me, where is that person?"

"Let him roll over to see me, and hand over the love lotus... but he can leave him a life."

The strong man headed by the prison of jail snorted, and the terrible breath suddenly broke out.

The fierce sweep of the audience.


For a moment, the faces of the contestants changed, and everyone’s eyes turned to the step.

Many people's faces are even more revealing.

At this moment, Bufang is touching his chin and thinking about how he can pick the yellow leaves from the Yellow Springs.

The infernal strongman followed the eyes of everyone and found a step.

Heavy footsteps resounded.

Later, the strong prisoner appeared in front of the step.

Condescending and looking at the steps.

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