Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1281: Then encounter the stone ghost king, the old way [third! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】


Lu Cheng stood up and stood in front of Huangquan Town. He blinked and looked up at the void.

Looking at the brilliance of the sky, the brilliance of the sky, the sudden glare in the eyelids.

"Hell is forbidden... The shackles of the sacred caves, and the killers of the Black Temple... Sure enough, like rumors, in order to forget the lotus, can these bans sit still?"

Lu Cheng whispered, and then the mouth was slightly pulled.

"The forbidden land of the prison has been secretly broken by the adults. Now these hells are forbidden, and will soon become the target of the adults.... For so many years, the ruins are time to unify, unify the hell, and the world around them will surrender. Not far away, when the time... The ruins will be turned into a big world and will be on the stage of the big world, and the prison will be the center of this new big world... how good."

Lu Cheng’s eyes seemed to have a glimmer of hope, and his face showed a faint smile.

Of course, it is not so simple to break through hell.

After all, the ruins have not broken the **** for so many years, and naturally there is a reason.


"Is this the first jade plate?"

Zhang Xuan grabbed the jade plate in his hand. On the jade plate, he wrote five figures. He frowned. For the five figures, he didn't like it very much.

"The sixth block." Lu Yang, the strongman of the kitchen, looked at Zhang Xuan.

"It seems to be slower than the speed of the imagination. If this continues, it is very likely that other jade plates will be obtained by the garbage."

Zhang Xuan took the jade plate and put a touch of dignified color in his eyes.

"Then kill them all..."

Under the strong skin of the fire demon, it seems that there is magma in the surging, screaming.

There was a flame in the mouth.

"We have found the first jade plate?"

Zhang Xuandao.

Among the crowds, Zhang Xuan’s strength is the strongest, and he is mainly based on him.

Although they will compete later, they are now a camp.

A total of ten jade plates, only six pieces have been collected so far, and the efficiency is greatly exceeded by Zhang Xuan and others.

Mainly, the positions of these jade plates are very strange, some even on the cliffs, and some even in the spirits nest.

These are the difficulties that have been increased to the jade plate.


Above the scorpio, a glimmer of light scatters again.

This means that the last jade plate was also obtained.

They won six jade plates in the prison camp, and the remaining four were obtained by the other great world powers.

Zhang Xuan stood up and flattened his clothes, and looked straight into the distance.

"Good, it seems that our killing... needs to be advanced."

Zhang Xuandao.

The voice of the voice is full of sorrowful killings.

After listening to the power of the prison, they all screamed with excitement.

The fire demon is even more smashed into flames, and it becomes hot and blazing.

"Finally, I’m going to start killing! It’s a long time to see the ants in other small worlds!”

The strong man of the fire demon snarled.


The roar of the roaring sounds.

The next moment, the ten people in the prison camp were all streamed into streams.


Step by step.

He has a jade plate in his hand.

But on his shoulders, the little fox twitched with cute eyes, and the small claws held a jade plate.

Everyone can only get a piece of jade.

The step cannot hold two pieces at the same time.

But another piece of it can be held by the little fox, so that one person is determined to get a piece.

This is also the whims of the step.

A slight twist on the corner of the square.

After looking at the jungle behind him, I continued to move with the little fox. Soon, I got into the jungle.

Follow the route in memory and go to a position.

The rules of this semi-final are in line with his intentions. He wants to get the nine-leaf yellow spring grass. If it is greatly smashed, it may be really difficult to obtain.


If, with the help of others, then you have no chance to get it.

Hula, the body shape of the step rushed out.

The sight in front of me suddenly became empty.

In the distance, it is a huge valley intersection.

At the intersection, there was a block of large stones standing there.

Among the stones, the steps saw two familiar figures...

"The gargoyle king... I met again."

A slight twist on the corner of the square.

Whispered a whisper.

The gargoyle king... This is the pet of Huangquan Dasheng, responsible for guarding the Huangquan grass and the existence of the valley intersection.

Strong strength.

At the beginning of the steps, I did not have a hard time with this stone ghost king, but adopted a witty method to break into it.

So the strength of the gargoyle king is not too clear.

However, it is possible to be watched by Huang Quan Da Sheng, and the strength is certainly not weak.

Moreover, in the valley, there is a powerful candle dragon!

The candle dragon has the blood of a real dragon, the strength is extremely powerful...

At the beginning, the dog priest was able to suppress it. When he met the candle dragon, he could only turn around and run.

However, the strength of the original Tsinghua Erha is not too strong.

So the step is not very clear that the candle dragon is repaired...

Oh la la...

A gust of wind blew.

In the valley, a root of yellow spring grass is swaying, blowing a strong atmosphere.

The eyelids that look at the steps are all glowing.

Yellow spring grass, divided into nine leaves, each more leaf, the level of Huangquan grass is to upgrade a grade.

The six-leaf yellow spring grass is difficult to plant artificially, and the top yellow spring grass and the nine-leaf yellow spring grass in the yellow spring grass are the heavenly treasures and the heavens and the earth.

Basically, it can't be farmed, so it is only the baby of Huangquan Dasheng.

The goal of this step is the nine-leaf yellow spring grass.

He wants to make a great wine, you must use the nine leaves of yellow spring grass.

He already has a nine-flowered flower, and now with the nine-leaf yellow spring grass, the yellow spring wine produced by it is absolutely delicious!

When I think of this, the steps are all screaming and licking my lips.

But at the door there is a gargoyle king guarding...

"That can only be done by old methods..."

The corner of the mouth of the step is slightly twisted, and the heart moves.

The last time, the step was to cook the stone pot fish, so it was the gargoyle king who fought each other and finally broke each other.

This time... the steps are going to be re-applied.

In the point of view, the gargoyle king should be fooled.

After all, if the step is not wrong, this gargoyle king... must be an authentic food.

Since it is a foodie, it is easy to handle.

The little fox stood on the shoulders of the steps, his claws holding the jade plate, the small eyes dripping, the buttocks, the two tails swaying.

"Is it still a stone pot fish?"

Step by step to himself, "No, in case the two singers like the ghost king learn to be smart, what should I do if I am not fooled? So this time I will choose a new dish..."

The step squinted and touched his chin and nodded.

Xiaohu looked at the appearance of the step, and put the jade in his mouth. He also learned the steps and used his small claws to touch his chin and nodded.

Step by step was suddenly amused, and licked the head of the little fox.

A heart move.

Entered the idyllic world.

Looking for Niu Hansan to get a good fat beef.

In a short while, in the pastoral world, there was a voice of grief and anger.

Niu Han’s three-family slap in the face of a piece of beef ran from a distance and handed the beef to the step.

Step by step looked strangely at Niu Han Sanyi, but the step did not understand too much, these are the private affairs of Niu Hansan, he does not need to control.

Therefore, the step left the pastoral world.

The little fox squatted on the jade plate and slammed into the distance, staring at the steps.

And the step is a move.

Baihu Tianzao emerged and fell to the ground.

The keel kitchen knife and the basalt pot are all ready.

The same kind of ingredients were taken out of the steps, placed on the stove, and washed with Tianshan Lingquan water.

This time, the ingredients are not too many.

But they are very special and they are all unusual ingredients.

This dish, purple garlic is a must, and the mother ginger, followed by fat beef, and small bursts of fire red and blue.

This burst of fire pepper is a hybrid of Niu Hansan.

In addition to these, there is also a kind of food, which is a kind of mushroom.

In the view of the step, this mushroom is very similar to the mushroom of the past, but compared with the mushroom, the aura of this mushroom is extremely high, and the quality of the food is not low.

The step is to continue to call the mushroom.

Open the mouth, the white white flame suddenly drilled, drilled into the white tiger's day stove, the hot high temperature suddenly burst, making the entire white tiger day stove is exudes a hot atmosphere.

The Xuanwu pot contains the spring of life, and it quickly boils.

In the step, the Flammulina velutipes is placed in it, the Flammulina velutipes are cooked, and then the water is placed in a blue and white porcelain bowl.


Pour in the oil until the oil temperature rises.

Step by step will take the diced purple garlic and the mother **** are poured into it...

I started to stir up.


The sound of sizzling sounds through.

The rich scent suddenly spreads out and continues to penetrate into the nostrils.

The little fox was in the distance, squinting, holding the jade plate, and the nostrils could not help but sway.

The taste of purple garlic is really very fragrant.

After the stir-fry, the step was to take out a small jar made of blue and white porcelain.

The jar is not big and the stopper is tight.

"Finally come in handy..."

Step by step looking at the jar, there is also a flash of excitement in the eyelids.

“This is the yellow pepper sauce that I made in the pastoral world when I was free... I made it from a kind of yellow pepper grown in the pastoral world, although the taste is a little worse than the abyss chili sauce. But it is necessary to make this dish. Use this chili sauce."

Step by step.

This chili sauce is very spicy and the most important thing is... with a sour taste.

This sour taste is the essence of this chili sauce!

And this dish... lacks this essence, but it is impossible.

Dig a spoonful, yellow chili sauce out and pour it into the pan.

The sound of the sizzling oily juice suddenly resounded.

A more savory spicy flavor condenses out.


Pour the yellow pepper, the step is convenient to start panning, stir-fry, and stir-fry a scent.


far away.

The little fox mouth is open, and the jade plate that was originally in his mouth is also unstoppable on the ground, and the saliva is smashing.


This movement naturally attracted the attention of the steps.

"Little fox, first squat, squat, wait for you to taste the taste of this dish."

Step by step to see the little fox like that, could not help but pick the lips, said.

The little fox quickly smashed the jade plate on the ground and couldn't help but point his head.

far away.

Zhang Xuan and a sword swept past, a strong man in the soul-stricken world was suddenly smashed into two halves, full of **** suffocation.

"Oh... it’s sensed, the smell of a jade plate suddenly appeared in that direction..."

The fire demon's eyes suddenly condensed, and looked at the direction of the cooking in the step.

Zhang Xuan grabbed a jade plate from the body and smashed it.

"The seventh jade plate, there are still three left, one of which is the first jade plate."

Zhang Xuandao.

"The vulture holds a piece of jade... The remaining two, I guess... it should be in the kitchen of the fairy kitchen."

A man with three black horns on his head was cold and cold.

"Go... It’s time to kill this unspeakable smelly cook." Zhang Xuan picked up the epee and said coldly.

The next moment, the strongest of the prisons, they are rushing toward the spot where they are stunned.


Oh la la...

The sauce was sautéed and fragrant.

Although the yellow pepper is not as pure as the abyss chili sauce, it is made by the step, and the taste is very good.

As a seasoning for a particular dish, it is very suitable.

Although the abyss chili sauce is good, it has a fixed limit, and some dishes cannot use the abyss chili sauce.

Just like the recipe for cooking this time, if he uses the abyss chili sauce, the taste is definitely not comparable to the yellow pepper sauce.

Pour the spring of life into the pot.

Spread the sauce out.

The orange broth is boiling.

Add a piece of life crystal fruit, crystal fruit into the pot, suddenly open, the majestic essence suddenly escaped in the pot.

Cover the lid and let the soup boil.

The step is to take the fat beef.

This piece of fat beef is perfect, the lines on it are like fine art, and the steps are not to be pouted.

The keel kitchen knife flipped.

A knife is like a squat from the sky.

Knife, a knife and a fairy.

Suddenly the fat beef was smashed into pieces...


After cutting the fat beef, the heart of the step was suddenly moved.

Look up and look into the distance.

There, the horrible suffocating swiftly swept.

The concession’s gaze could not help but condense...

"Sure enough... the breath of the moment is still discovered? But it’s coming... I’m not coming.”

Step by step to breathe a sigh of relief.

After that, the cut fat beef will be cooked...

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