Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1289: Dogs out of the claws [first! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

The strong people of the Great St. level are considered taboos. Once they are shot, they can cause concern and shock.

In the eyes of the great saints, the battles below the Great Saint can only be regarded as small fights.

Even before, the small and strong man of that winged valley was the same.

There is no big sage to shoot, even if it is a dog, it will not choose claws. After all, the dog is still preparing for a big event.

However, once the strongest of the great holy level is shot, it is different.

Just like in the previous game, the wingman Valley captain summoned the Wing Man Valley Dasheng.

It was a broken rule, so the dog’s paws came up.

This time, the golden armor was given to the rogue by the step after the basal possession, and it was unbearable, and summoned the forbidden land.

The spread of the Great Holy Spirit directly caused shock to everyone.

The light curtains are all slightly dithered, and the picture seems to be a bit fuzzy.

Because of the influence of the big holy air.

However, although the light curtain is vague, it can at least be seen clearly.

Everyone saw that in the void, a blood-colored flame array hovered, and suddenly a golden arm was explored from the formation, and it was convenient to take it in the step of wrapping it in the black pot.

Above the golden skeleton arm, it is full of brilliance, and even the mysterious runes are engraved on it.

This palm seems to be going to break the world.

As soon as this claw appeared, everyone's breathing was stunned.

The look of Jinjiao and Yuji became very ugly.

When the game arrived at this time, it was completely beyond their control...

The big sages shot, how can they block?

Unless Ying Long adults are coming over...

However, Ying Long’s master is guarding the Pluto, and it’s impossible to come over...


When the dark green hair step saw the palm that fell from the sky, his figure was drilled into the black pot.

That one palm was also falling from the sky, and it was shot on the Xuanwu pot.


A burst of humming.

Xuanwu pot trembled.

The whole black pot seems to have been photographed deep into the ground, the earth collapsed and continually broken.

Xuanwu pot suddenly shrinks.

Finally, a small pot was made and suspended on the palm of the step.

Oh la la...

The dark green hair fades and turns into a dark color.

The void is torn.

A **** rang through the heavens.

An exquisite dog's claw descended from the sky, and the cockroach patted the golden arm.

The golden arm is also a claw that senses the dog.

It seems a bit angry.

Actually, I didn’t hide, and the claws against the dog’s **** were banged up.

Both collide in the void.

The deafening sound seemed to resound throughout hell.

Among the light curtains, the radiant light is dazzling and dazzling.

After the ray broke.

Everyone is sucking a cold breath.

I saw that the golden arm was actually clawed and broke a finger bone!

The golden finger bones flew out, and the cockroaches fell to the ground.

Like a thousand boulder, the ground is completely sag!

In the array, there was a roar of anger to the extreme!

"Hell dog! You have to stop me!!"

"Forget the lotus... I have to get it!!"

The golden roar grows up, suppressing the infinite anger.


The sky was suddenly shredded.

A figure came out of the air, holding the grass in his hand, and his eyes looked very interesting.

Huang Quan Dasheng appeared.

Take a look, stand on the ground, faceless expression.

It’s just a shot...

This palm is like the water of the Huangquan River flowing from the sky.

The impact of the cockroach was on the golden arm above the law.

Actually, there was a slight crack on the arm...

"When you forgot to grow quietly on the Huangquan River, why don't you pick it yourself? Now that people have taken it away, are you going to grab the fruit?"

A light, gentle, magnetic sound is heard from the crack.

Another exquisite dog claw slammed out.

"The dog lord can't get used to you guys who are stinky... even though you don't have a face on this shelf."

boom! !

It was a fight, and the world seemed to be bleak.

The golden arm was snarling with unwillingness.

Slowly indented into the formation.

Huang Quan Dasheng chuckled.

When he slammed a bullet, he suddenly fell from the sky and suddenly broke the law.

The golden armor was swept by the water of the Huangquan River.

The shackles fell on the ground, and the body suddenly collapsed and turned into a white-white shelf.


"Huang Quan! Hellhound! I won't spare you! I will kill you!"

Sen white on the shelf.

Suddenly there was a **** fire.

The wildfire beat, as if it had turned into a sly head and made a roar.

It is like releasing a curse.

Unwilling, tyrannical, full of majestic killing!

"Shut up, ugly things."

Huang Quan’s sacred eyes suddenly became cold.

Extend a finger.

One finger descended from the sky and suddenly crushed the wildfire, causing the wildfire to collapse completely.

Originally beating constantly, the shackles that wanted to reconverge together were also completely broken at this moment, turning into bone **** on the ground.

The golden armor of a small holy peak has fallen.


Black fog is sweeping.

Later, the black fog turned into a streamer, and fled quickly.

The golden armor is a commandment in an instant, which is a huge shock for him.

He did not hesitate to leave and wanted to escape from here.

Huang Quan Dasheng shot, he could not stop.

His heart is also the idiot of the dark armor, no brains!

Actually summoned the Great Saint shot, isn’t that looking for it?

At the gate of Huangquan Dasheng, summoning the sacred sacred shot... Huang Quan Dasheng can sit idly by?

In the void.

The black mist lingered, turning into a stream of light, and darting away in the distance.

Compared with life, what is the lotus is a cloud.

What he has to do now is to flee from here and escape from this right and wrong.

Otherwise, the end of the battle is his end...

Fortunately, however, he did not summon the Great Hall of the Black Temple, which is the capital he survived.


A terrible pressure completely enveloped him.

The strong man in the black mist raised his head and smashed his eyes.

Above the sky, the exquisite dog's claws slammed down and chased him toward his position!


The strong man in the dark fog trembled and incredulously roared.


The black mist suddenly dissipated, and the appearance of the figure appeared. It was actually a figure wrapped in a black bandage.

The eyes of the figure show a scarlet color, holding a dagger in the hand, flying through the void.

"I didn't call Dasheng shot! Why kill me!"

The black temple Xiaosheng was shocked and angry.

"Do you need a reason to kill the dog? Just look at your black hall."

The gentle and magnetic sound of the dog is full of sound.

next moment……

Exquisite dog claws, falling from the sky.

a bang...

It was to thoroughly photograph the strong man of the black temple.


The little saint of the black temple, the complete body blasted and turned into a black residue...

In the distance, Huang Quan Dasheng held the grass and looked at a paw and gave the black temple strong to the dog's claws that boiled the meat sauce. The eyelids could not help but smash.

"This skinned dog... is it strong?"

Huang Quan Dasheng whispered a sentence.

After the corner of the mouth, I chuckled.

"Strong is good, so **** is also a bit of a reliance... Heaven and Tibet are dead, the prison is already ready to move..."

"Let the dog scare the other person."


In the light curtain.

Everyone is silent.

What happened just now?

Is that the battle of the Great Holy Level?

Sure enough, the ancients said that it is not a great sacred, and it is ultimately an ant, and I will not deceive me.

The power of the Great Holy Spirit is simply the power of heaven and earth. It condenses the small world of oneself and separates the heavenly will of the heavens and the earth.

Almost invincible.

The two dog claws.

A claw breaks the big sacrum, and a claw kills the little holy peak...

Let everyone be shocked.

There are so many great saints in hell!


Hell, innocent in the air.

A fat black dog squats in the void.

Elegantly licking the dog's paws, the fat is all over.

The next moment, the dog lord stood up from the void.

His eyes looked past in the distance.

I saw a black palace that seemed to be embedded in the darkness.

"Black Temple..."

In the dog's dog's eyes, there was a cold chill.

"The black hall is good at sneak attack and the next killer. If I was not sneaked in the sky and the dog, I couldn’t be defeated so easily! This time... the dog is coming back, I have to count it with you. Account!"

The body jerked.

The shape of the dog's fat toot is slowly disappearing in the void.

And in the black temple.

It is also the perception that the black temple went to find the killer of the lost lotus.

For the forbidden land, every strong person is incomparably important. The fall of a peak Xiaosheng is a major loss for the Black Temple!

"Damn damn! Kill me the black house strong... Wait until my black temple returns to the day of the day, all have to die!"


Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

The Xuanwu pot was taken up.

Spiritual sea.

Xuanwu has re-emerged near the spiritual sea vortex and began to sleep.

The golden arm is a trick, although the power is endless.

However, it only makes Xuanwu feel a little itchy, unless the big saint is bombarded by himself, otherwise it is still difficult to break his defense.

And now Huang Quan Dasheng and the dog's shot.

There is no doubt that the pace is innocent.

Above the sky.

It was a slap in the face of a winged man who was blown into a black bird by two smashed pots.

He opened his mouth and there was black smoke in his mouth.

The dumpling dumplings were added to the ruined pot, and he almost made his way.

If it is not because he is a great consummation, change a little priest to the peak, dare to take the dry pot one hundred percent, and you will be hurt if you don't die.

The seven-color ray can cut people's defenses, which is simply unpredictable.

His white and holy feathers are all scorched...

The dog is gone.

However, Huang Quan Dasheng did not disappear.

The horrible atmosphere locked the void.

The entire sky was blocked by a terrible force.

The face of the feather suddenly turned into a pig liver color...

A big Saint shot, can he escape?

Although the Great Sacred Saint is not far from the realm of the Great Holy Spirit, Xiaosheng is a small Saint after all, and has an insurmountable gap with Dasheng!

"Oh... birdman in the Valley of the Wings?"

Huang Quan Dasheng holds the grass and looks at the feathers faintly.

The strongman of the forbidden land has been killed, and there is still a small shrine in other small worlds...

What should this guy do?

This is everyone's curiosity.

Including the strong behind the light curtain, as well as the Golden Horn Yu Ji and others.

Step by step, a pot of tea appeared in his hand, swallowing tea with a big mouth.

Two smashed dry pots mixed with bursting beef **** and Fengshen dumplings, plus the spirit of the body...

Even if the steps condensed the mind, his mental strength still felt a shortfall, so he needed nine turns of tea to help restore.

By the way, the step can see how the wing is feathered and how it will end.

When I was in the black pot, it was the most joyful of him.

Of course... the destruction of the pot, and only the one he received the most accurate.

The feathers are blind.

I glanced around for a while.

He glanced at the steps and took another look at Huang Quan, and suddenly there was an impulse to cry...

He just wants to take a good vacation and why he is assigned to this task.


Above the sky.

The winged feathers are directly on the knees, a nose and a tear.

"Brother, I am wrong! I surrender!"

The winged feathers face the yellow spring, directly surrender...

This scene makes everyone feel a funny face, and this kind of operation, what is your special dignity?

Wing Man Valley.

The great wrath of the Wing Man Valley is the ultimate.

A holy beam of light bursts out, and a mountain is completely erased!

"Things that are shameful! The noble winged people of my winged valley, can surrender to others! Damn!"

"Forget the lotus... I didn't get it, and the hatred didn't report it! This loss, I winged the valley... I won't swallow it like this!"

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