Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1292: How much is your virginity? [Second, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

Holy City.

Ten miles outside the booth.

The atmosphere once fell into a very embarrassing situation.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the two shoulder-to-shoulder figures in the distance.

The genius of the holy city, Lu Yu was actually touched by a man.

You know, for the strong people who are in the midst of a sigh, their embarrassment is as holy as the temperament and no invasion.

Under normal circumstances, the shackles of the strong ones are not exposed.

Just like Lu Cheng, he will only be exposed when he is fighting.

However, because Lu Yu learned the top-notch enchanting, he learned to carry a shackle, and his name is to promote the communication between people and people, and enhance the control of confrontation.

In fact, it is to show off.

In the eyes of a strong person, this approach is very cool.

But in the eyes of other powerful players, this is a situation in which one's virginity is exposed.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one will be foolish to touch 傀儡, after all, this sinful genius thing, fools will do it.


I don’t know the steps.

Many people are sluggish.

As the palms of the steps were shot on the squat body, many people’s eyes were full of horror and eccentricity.

Of course, when they heard the words spoken in the mouth of the step, the horror has already been magnified to the extreme...

"This is not bad, how much is a pound?"

This is the case... This little cook can actually ask for an exit.

Why should he buy food?

Many of the geniuses of the prison have seemed to have a stormy wave.

Looking at the steps, it is like watching a monster.

It’s really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers.

Step by step, for Lu Yu...

It’s like asking...

"This virginity is good, how much is a pound?" The same...

That kind of sly... that kind of surprise...

Lu Yu’s face sank at once, and his eyes suddenly became very cold.

"Let your dirty hands go..."

Lu Yu said coldly, the words in the mouth are like sharp edges.

Everyone around is taking a deep breath.

Lu Yu is angry, this kid is finished...

Steps are as usual, faintly looking at Lu Yu.

"I mean, really, this is really good, how much is a pound? And ah... I heard that you all have the heart of St., how do you sell the stuff? I can increase the price... I ...not bad money."

Said the step.

What he said was really sincere, and there seemed to be a sparkling glow in his eyes.


This sly is still dare to play the idea of ​​the Holy Heart? !


Not afraid to be chased by a vein?

"Let go..."

Lu Yu said coldly, his face was cold and cold.

However, the step seems to ignore his words, but also patted it...

"Really good... I, there is also a small partner, he is now imaginary, and I will introduce it to you in the next day."

The steps are serious.

What are you shooting? !

Lu Yu’s eyes were almost smothered, and the hand of the step was as if he was constantly patted on his virginity.

Let his heart tremble.

However, he was dismissive of what he said.

Say in the holy city of the meditation.

What kind of sacred meditation in the world can you compare?

"Calm... Now that the filming method is being broadcast, if you kill them in the street, let us fall into the air, not good."

Lu Cheng saw Lu Yu’s black face and quickly came over and spoke to him.

Lu Yu’s brow was slightly wrinkled.

The anger in my heart was suddenly suppressed.

Yes, Lu Cheng is right.

This tone, he can only endure.

The expression on his face was slightly stiff, and then he showed a stiff smile, raised his hand, and pulled the hand from the step to his forcing.

"Then everyone... let's see you at night."

Lu Yu is almost gnashing his teeth.

After that, it was with the rapid departure of his men.

He was afraid that he would stay here, he would be angry and mad at the kid.

The strong men of the prison are also scattered.

Steps took back his hand and the expression on his face was a pity.

"It's a pity... I really want to buy him."

Step by step, he said it.

In the light curtain.

Everyone can't help but smile.

This little cook, the lord who is not dying.

For the sake of the meditation, the holy meditation is their virginity. You pat the virginity of others and ask people how much money they are arrogant. Why should you buy food?

Lu Yu did not kill you in the street, it is already well-conceived.

The geniuses of the prison also followed the pace of Lu Yu.

There was only one man left, and he looked at the steps and others with disdain.

The prisoner has a natural superiority.

Whether it is genius or these men, it is the same.

This man, with the steps and others, came to the inn.

This is the inn that the organizer specially prepared for the steps and others.

The environment of this inn is very good, the mountains are flowing and the city is very elegant. In this large city of insults, it is very good to be able to prepare such an inn.

Step back to his room.

Has begun to fall into meditation.

The prison is very prosperous and can be said to be the most prosperous city that the step has encountered so far.

Prosperity also represents purchasing power.

If you can open a branch in the prison, it is a good choice.

But this is not anxious.

Or first get the heart of the Holy Ghost, and restore the white to say.

However, the idea of ​​opening a branch in this holy city is rooted in the minds of the steps.

If you open a branch in the city, the speed of his turnover will definitely skyrocket.

By then, the level of cultivation will reach a rapid level.

Step by step sitting in the room and meditating.

Time is passing fast.

The setting sun fell over the mountain and covered the shameful face.

A crisp knock on the door interrupted the meditation of the step.

Step by step opened the door, it is Zhu Yan and others.

Going to the party at the time.

In fact, what kind of reception to attend, the step is refused at first, he does not want to attend any reception.

However, if you think about it, there will definitely be no less dishes at the reception.

You can go for a trip and enjoy the food of the prison.

By the way, you can also pay attention to the embarrassment of the sin.

If you can use the money to buy the heart of St. Meditation... This is very easy.

Therefore, under the gaze of Zhu Yan and others, the step nodded and closed the door of the room and walked out of the inn with them.

The group left the inn and went away.

Although Yufu is an invitation, it also marks the location of the restaurant.

This big city is very big.

The pedestrians walked there for a while, and finally found the restaurant.

The sky is completely dark.

The streets are brightly lit and quite prosperous.

“Is this the restaurant hosted by the reception? It’s so big...”

Zhu Yan and others were shocked. They looked at the restaurant in front of them and took a breath.

"It is really domineering. I have to say that this restaurant is really prosperous, but the bustling is just superficial. A restaurant mainly wants dishes to be delicious. If the dishes are not enough, it is useless in the bustling!"

"We are the chef of the fairy chef industry. It is not easy to have a meal with us."

Ink smoke and other people communicate with each other.

The step did not say anything, but he was holding his hand and moving slowly.

The entrance to the restaurant is very spacious and built with large jade stones. It is full of vitality.

There is also a half-step small holy level of the guard at the door.

Before the door, the celebrities came and went.

The pedestrians came to the door and handed in the jade, and they stepped into it.

Stepping into the door, the foot is a carpet made of the hair of a powerful beast, and the carpet is paved to the spiral staircase.

Among the restaurants, there are colorful chandeliers hanging on the chandeliers, and the chandeliers are projected with colorful brilliance.

Brilliant and dazzling.

The pedestrians stepped on the restaurant and went to the hall after going up the spiral staircase.

In the hall, there is soft and slow music playing, the music is very soothing, listening to people feel a sense of relaxation.

Inside the hall, the shadows are blurred.

There are many celebrities walking.

In the restaurant, there are many round tables, covered with red cloth.

After the arrival of the step and others, there was a cry of greetings.

Legal monk in the formal distance.

He sat at a table and saw the steps and other people, and hurriedly shouted.

Step by step with Zhu Yan and others is sitting in the past.

"Step boss, you can finally come, feel it?"

The legal monk took a step and sat next to him, whispering.

"What do you feel?"

Step by step, stay a little.

"The atmosphere... don't you think the atmosphere is very subtle? You look at the eyes of the people around you, and you are not good at all." The legal monk said.

"This cocktail party is not just to welcome us so simple... the poor have already felt bad."

The legal monk sighed.

"The prison is not a hegemonic world, it is very powerful... the strong is like a cloud, so I can't let it go."

The legal monk touched his own bald head and said.

The step nodded, but did not say anything.

Because his head turned, he was locked in the distant Lu Yu.

Lu Yu seems to have a sense of heart, and suddenly he turned his head and saw the steps.

The line of sight of the two collided together.

Lu Yu’s eyes suddenly became sharp...

Killing is awkward.

For this guy who touched his virginity, he is not dead.


The reception will soon begin.

The music in the hall has become faster and faster.

The chefs of the fairy kitchen and the small Buddhist circles of the West are sitting at a table, surrounded by people in prison.

The inferior of Hell fights with the strongest of the prison, sits on one side, timidly shrinks, and the fart does not dare to let go.


Suddenly a burst of sound rang out.

The lights flashed.

Above the rotating staircase in the distance, a person slowly walked down from it.

"It's Luban! The genius of the genius who is well-deserved! It is one of the three great emperors of the younger generation!"

Someone saw the figure, they all made a sound of sigh.

The intrepids of the prison are watching the figure with incomparable fanaticism and awe.

Even Lu Yu is a stunned expression in his eyes.

It was a young man, black and black, with a cold-eyed look and a shackle, but it was similar to Lu Yu’s style.

The youth’s gaze was locked on the table of the step.

The eyes directly cross the crowd and land on the steps.

"I am very interested in forgetting lotus..."

Young people whisper.

His voice came out and the people in the audience were quiet.

Everyone's gaze is a turn, locked in the step of the body.

The enchanting Lu Ban, one of the three great emperors of the younger generation, spoke up.

"You still don't give up the love lotus! Luban adults are open!"

A strong man in the prison watched the seat that was still sitting in the position, and suddenly burst into a burst!

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Lu Yu’s gaze is also shrinking.

"My classmate is interested in forgetting the lotus, you will hand over the lotus."

Lu Yu faintly said.

It was only for a moment that the atmosphere became arrogant.

People who follow a table with others are breathing.

So many horrible breaths locked them and made them look awkward.

This cocktail party was not broadcast by the filming method.

So the geniuses of the prison seem to be a bit unscrupulous.

Luban looked at the steps faintly.

The practice of turning a small saint is not in his eyes, but it is a cocktail party.

He also didn't want to mess up because of him.

So he raised his hand and pressed it gently.

"Okay... you are quiet, I just talked to him. After all, I am far away, don't scare them."

Luban Road.

After the listeners of the prison, they echoed.

The younger generation and the three great emperors are the strong contenders of this year's martial arts Tiandao Competition individual champion.

Their status is extremely detached.

Even comparable to the average elders in the family.

Since Luban opened the round, they were not forced to wait for others.

"Well? Your appearance seems to be very good... It is much better than what I have seen before. I take the liberty to ask, I am also very interested in your embarrassment, how much is a pound?"


Just when everyone is ready to start the reception.

A faint voice suddenly rang.

Everyone is a stay.

Lu Yu's figure is even more shocking, this familiar voice!

Everyone’s eyes are shrinking and they are looking at the steps.

what did he say? !

"Let's relax! Your majesty!"

"What can you mention about Luban adults?! Looking for a dead thing!"

"A guy who is lucky enough to get the first place in the semi-final, really is a personal thing!"


The strongest of the prisons are making a burst of sound.

Everyone is a cold and ridiculous direct step.

Luban’s face is also extremely indifferent.

"I am very disgusted that others have mentioned my embarrassment... Do you want me to cut your tongue by hand, or do you cut yourself and confess your mistakes?"

Luban faintly said.

His tone, cold and ruthless, his eyes high, looking at the steps, it seems as if looking at a negligible ant.

"Since Lu Ban brother is so unhappy about this guy, then I will cut the tongue of this kid for Lu Ban brother."


A voice suddenly rang.

Everyone was a glimpse, then turned to look at the past.

Suddenly a smashing sword shines into the sky, as if to tear the sky.

The glaring sword light makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It is the first echelon, the sword of the sword is defeated! He came to revenge for Zhang Xuan?!"

Someone exclaimed.

The next moment, a sword light is the speed of the dust, suddenly shot toward the head of Enron's sitting position!

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