Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1298: No one can play [first! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

A punch, a hard shackled on the face of the fire demon.

Maybe even the fire demon did not think of it, why the step-by-step actually did not hide and he slammed a punch in the flames.

The flame contained in the body of the fire demon is very terrible. Although it is not as good as the flames of the fire, it burns up and the temperature is extremely hot.

The average person is simply unbearable.

Therefore, he will be ignorant of him who is in the fire.

But the steps...


The fire demon was shot by a fist, and the scorpion fell to the ground, rolling continuously, and the flames on the body seemed to be faint.

Sen's white hair is fluttering, as if it is a proud color.

The swordsman was cold and arrogant, sweeping around, so that the former cheering powerhouses were all staying, the cheers of the audience... At this moment, the abrupt end.

Domineering, arrogant.

When the audience in the prison of the prison saw the eyelids through the huge projection light curtain on the sky, the heart could not help but tremble, and made such an idea.

Full of white hair fluttering.

Hold your chest with both hands and hold your chin proudly...

Zhu Yan and others looked at the back of the step, and some of the erratic eyes suddenly stagnate.

This is the step boss, this is the big devil!

Always on the road to creating miracles!

The fire demon was actually blown by a punch...

This makes the powerhouses of the prison camp a little scared.

"This guy... seems to have some means!"

The strong man of the Shadow Magic took a deep breath.

"The arrogant boy... you can get it if you shred it!" The strong man of the **** beast roared wildly.

Lu Yang is far from watching, he always feels that the steps are not ordinary.

For the step, he felt a layer of yarn, and some could not see clearly.

The fire demon climbed up from the ground...

The flames of the whole body have once again flourished...

"You dare to beat me..."

The eyes of the fire demon are all red, and the flames of the whole body have skyrocketed again...

He opened his mouth and made a noise!

The white hair stepped his arms around his chest, raised his chin, and looked at the fire demon that climbed up disdainfully...

"A small fire carbon, the host said, you are very hot, you need to cool down."

Baifa step said.


The fire is enchanted to the extreme.

Both hands twitched and turned into a flame palm.

With both hands sealed, the flame energy between the heavens and the earth suddenly moved.

The fire demon has a pulse, and it has the means to control the energy of the flame between heaven and earth.

boom! !

The white hair step is indifferent.

Around his body, the flames of the road emerged, the rapid rotation, and finally turned into a huge fire dragon, which swept him.

Among the fire dragons, the temperature is constantly rising, and the temperature of the sudden heat makes the air become distorted.

The stones on the ground seem to be under high temperature and begin to melt and escape slowly.

"This is the strongest fire control technique of the fire demon! This kid is angry with the fire demon, and must be burnt into coke..."

"The fire demon is ranked in the bottom of the nine prisons in the Hell. It is because of the limitation of the talent of the fire demon. The fire demon is rarely able to reach the level of the top saint."

"At least, the fire demon has a very strong fighting power among peers!"


The audience around the auditorium in the audience watched the fire dragon cover the steps together, and everyone was excited and cheered when the hot heat filled.

They seem to have seen the picture of the chef in the kitchen of the fairy being baked into coke.

The fire demon stood in the distance, raised his hands, and constantly danced his arms, manipulating the energy of the flame.


His gaze suddenly shrank.

A bang.

The dragon's abdomen suddenly exploded.

next moment.

The body of the white-haired step is like a spring-like pop-up, and suddenly it falls before the fire demon.

This makes the fire demon tremble...


One arm suddenly protrudes.

Above the arm, covered with a layer of white flame, this is the white tiger's azure.

In fact, this is not a simple astronomical inflammation. After all, it is integrated with the fairy fire contained in the step itself.

It is a kind of fairy fire that is more powerful than Azolla.


A fire demon.

He was caught in his neck and slowly lifted it up.

"You actually plan to use fire to deal with me... Are you mentally retarded?!"

The fire demon licked his mouth and revealed a smile of excitement.

He really didn't think that the step was actually going to deal with him with the fire demon. Didn't he know that the strongest person of the fire demon is the flame?

"Give me broken!"

The fire demon opened his mouth and made a sharp sigh.

In the next moment, the flames on the body continued to surge and suddenly became great!

A suction from the body of the fire demon seems to be to engulf the forest white flame in the hands of the step into it.


The dawn of the white hair step is slightly congested.

Do not stop, let the fire demon devour the flame.

After completely devour the flame.

The eyes of the fire demon are suddenly wide and full of horror!

"No... no... you are the flame!"


The words of the fire demon horror have not been finished, it is found that the flames of the abdomen have burned up, it is a group of white flames.

Slowly expanding from his abdomen, and finally completely covering his body.

With a bit of misery, the fire demon is completely disappeared.

There was only a dark red flame, and after the flame was swallowed by the white flame, it was a complete fall.

All this change happened only in an instant.

The fire demon teammates have not even reacted.

The unsuccessful fire demon is solved.

The audience in the prison was stunned.

A little Xiao Sheng... actually killed the fire demon?

And even the fire of the origin of the fire demon has been swallowed up?

The white hair stepped back and regained the white flame of the forest, clasping his chest with his hands and grinning.

After feeling that the flame was strong for a few minutes, the corner of the mouth was slightly stunned.

He looked up and scanned the audience.

Looking around, the tens of thousands of spectators in the prison, holding their chins, are very proud.

"No one can fight... no."

White hair step square.

The words are out.

The audience was silent, and this crazy words, like the Thunder, exploded in the entire arena.

Afterwards, the audience boiled up.

It is the boiling of anger, and every strong man in the prison is willing to shred the steps.


This is the home of the prison, only the prison is crazy, when is it the turn of a kitchen chef in the kitchen?

Anger is burning.

But the battle is still going on.

When the fire demon died, the teammates couldn’t sit still.

They thought that one turn of the little holy, the fire demon is enough to solve.

It seems that they are really naive now.

The strongest of the Shadow Magic is coming out.

It turned into a shadow and disappeared into the sky.

When it appeared again, it was already at the side of the white hair step.

boom! !

The shadow suddenly exploded, and the shadows were densely packed, and suddenly blocked the eyes of the steps.

It seems like a thousand, it is dazzling.

This is the powerful means of the shadow magic.

However, face it all.

The white hair step is still very calm.

His swords shrank slightly, and the next moment, the palms jerked up.

A bang, a hit in the figure.

The strong guy of the Shadow Magic has never thought of himself being photographed from thousands of people.

far away.

The horn of the beast, and the strongman of the taming of the beast is also unbearable.

At the same time.

Although there is only one person in the other party, their hearts are always a little uneasy.

The strongest of the horned beast has three horns above the head, and the corner is silver-gray, quite dazzling.

He stepped on his foot and the terrible force made the ground tremble.

The head slams in the direction of the step...

A silver corner is a shock to the step.

The strongman who trains the animal is cold-eyed.

Raise your hand.

A formation is emerging.

The rotation of the array method, from which there are actually two huge huge beasts drilled out!

The fierce atmosphere filled the audience...

Lu Yang swallowed a spit and looked at the white hair step, and suddenly there was some surprise in his eyes.

Rumble! !

The trainer is in the rank of the Nine, and the ranking is not low. It is shot in the fourth place, second only to the hegemony.

The beast is a vein that can be used to tame the beast.

When the two huge and fierce beasts appeared, they immediately ignited the atmosphere of the scene to the extreme.

It was two huge, wolf beasts that were as horrible as mountains.

Roaring is the convenience of the white hair step, and it is necessary to completely obliterate the step.

All kinds of means of killing fell at the same time, as if to push the steps to the extreme.

"I said... the presence... is rubbish."

The white hair stepped at the corner of the mouth and said, cold and proud.

Tsundere raised his chin, and in the next moment, the movement in his hand suddenly tightened.

The white tiger of the main killing, at this moment, finally shows the horror that belongs to him.

boom! ! !

The strong man of the Shadow Magic is directly crushed by the white hair step.


The broken body was taken to the distance by the white hair step.

The huge silver horn came from impact.

The white-haired step is proud of the sky, and the body bends like a spring to make a stunning arc.

After that, it was ejected.

The energy of the silver horn impact was crashed and collapsed.

The shape of the white hair step is constantly moving through.

In a short while, it appeared in front of the strong horned beast.

The shock suddenly broke out.

Hundreds of punches have been bombarded in succession.

Hard to break the silver horn of the strong horn beast...

A punch, a fist covered with Mori's white flame suddenly blasted.

Mori white flamed like a white tiger.

A punch hits down.

The strong horned beast is smashed to the ground.

The flame is burned.

In a mourning...

The strong horned beast is turned into a huge rhinoceros...

Unfortunately, the rhinoceros is already cooked.

The smell of meat is diffuse.

The audience in the prison, once again took a deep breath... I felt very unbelievable.

This cook in the kitchen industry... is it so strong?

Roar! !

Two wolverines resounded.

The giant wolf, like a mountain, raised his claws and photographed it toward the white hair step.

The white hair stepped with both hands and the white hair hunted in the wind.

It seems to feel a strong sound of breaking.

Steps raised his head and the sword slammed.

Open your mouth and reveal the little tiger teeth.

Then he made a tiger scream at the two wolves.


The sound of whistling, deafening, with the power of the white tiger.

Let the wolf that the paws are ready to shoot, suddenly suddenly stiffened...

The next moment, a white light burst through.


The heads of the two wolves suddenly exploded!

The strong man who tamed the beast was suddenly shrunk and spewed a blood in his mouth.

He didn't think of anything...

Their lineup is actually a complete defeat in an instant? !

How can this chef in the kitchen industry be so strong?

What is so strong in the district?

Zhu Yan and others have already been boiled by the blood of this battle.

The Big Devil, when he was half-step, could harden a little Saint, and even smashed the second to Xiaosheng.

This kind of battle is a pediatrics for the big devil!

Lu Yang looked at his teammates in an instant and was defeated...

It is also a shock.

When the white-haired step was to kill the beastmaster.

Senran’s eyes turned sharply.

It fell on him.

Lu Yang felt that the pressure on his body was huge.

"I... I admit defeat!"

Lv Yang said without hesitation.

All four teammates died, Lu Yang understands that his strength is not stronger than his teammates. Perhaps his cooking is very strong, but it is not useful.

So don’t admit defeat, what can he do?

When Lu Yang just said that he had to admit defeat.

The nine-turned little saint above the Scorpio has fallen.

Bring a roar.

The smoke rolled away. The terrible pressure swept the audience.

Lu Yang shook his legs and sat down on the ground.

In front of him, it is a huge fist.

There is a white flame burning on the fist.

The fist was blocked by the referee of the nine-turn Xiaosheng.

Fortunately, he admits that he is crying fast, otherwise... his head may have to bloom under that punch.


The nine-turned little sacred in the prison, looking at the steps, his eyes are a bit cold.

The white hair step looked at him and grinned, revealing the little tiger teeth.

"I said... it’s really nothing that can be played."

The moment of victory and defeat is a difference.

Originally everyone thought that it must be a crushing battle, but there was an alternative reversal. The **** team that had been crushing the other side was crushed by the other party.

In the awkward arena, quiet needles can be heard.

Tens of thousands of spectators are at this moment.

Resounding, only the arrogant words of the white hair step...

There is nothing that can be played.

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