Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1306: Tiandao will pour wine [third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】


Huang Quan Dasheng and others heard the words of the step and stayed.

Huang Quan, who is eating noodles, almost did not spray the face in the mouth.

Inspire the heavens of Hell to irrigate...

This little cook is really dare to think... How good is the heavenly will of hell, does he know?

Step by step, looking at a few people with no expression.

Quietly speaking, just watching it.

Huang Quan Da Sheng was not able to eat even the face that was seen.

The Dragon Prisoner must not know what to say when he is holding the eye of the emptiness.

He knew that when he was in the kitchen, he tasted it.

He turned his head and glanced at the small secluded, and the curse in the small secluded body was also suppressed by the cooking skills of the step.


Nowadays, this altar wine needs to motivate the heavenly will of Hell to irrigate?

How can I sustain the irrigation of this power...

Although they can do it, can this jar be able to withstand it?

But how can you dare to think about this kind of thing when you turn a little cook?

The dog is spit out of his tongue with great interest.

Pluto is licking the hot bar and blinking.

"Let the rhubarb come. In the field, rhubarb is the most suitable."

Pluto haha ​​licked the spicy bar and grinned.

The rhubarb suddenly stayed and the mouth was filled with noodles.

“Why is this holy best?”

Huang Quan Da Sheng did not know, it turned out that he still has this role.

"The strength of the old man should be a little worse. The fur dog has been thinking about the will of the heavens. I am afraid that it will be thundered by a spur. As for me... Oh, I am lazy."

Pluto Erha said with his legs crossed.

Huang Quan Dasheng has no words.

"Why can't you provoke it, do you have no point in your own heart? It's not a powerful dish..."

Huang Quan Dasheng screamed.

"If you are urging the Hell Heaven to irrigate the liquor, you can take away a small altar for free. Tell everyone in advance that this wine... can be very expensive."

Step by step said seriously.

Free a small altar, it is already a big bloodletting.

But for the heavenly will of hell, he has no way. After all, his strength wants to provoke the heavenly will of Hell... or worse.

Oh, it’s a lot worse.

"A small altar? Not enough for this holy stuff..."

Huang Quan Dasheng pouting...

"Is it a bit stuffy?"

Step by step blinked and looked at Huang Quan Da Sheng, the best Huang Quan Nai wine was a bit stuffy... Is this guy a wine saint?

Irrigation of the will of Hell Heaven, plus the will of the heavens and the earth, plus the will of the fairy kitchen...

This altar wine contains three kinds of heavenly will.

A boring, afraid of the rhythm of drunkenness.

The step was just pulling the corner of his mouth, and looked at Huang Quan Dasheng with a slight disdain.

"Come, give this holy, just for this wine, give up the righteousness... If you can't satisfy this holy wine, don't be afraid of this holy, eat your little shop!"

Huang Quan Dasheng will put the last bite into the entrance, a mouthful, and screamed.

Then he took over the wine jar handed over by the step.

As soon as he took over the jar, he became more suspicious.

Because there is no strange fluctuation in the jar of wine, it seems like a common altar.


Huang Quan Dasheng blinked.

Suspiciously looked at the step, he became more and more unbelievable to the step.

After all, the wine made by the nine leaves of Huangquan grass should not be so ordinary.

Holding the jar.

Huang Quan’s great swaying is to go out of the restaurant.

Step and others suddenly followed.

Outside the restaurant, a group of people who were lining up suddenly made an exclamation.

Many people are surprised to see the big guys coming out of the restaurant.

However, in this way, many people are taking a breath.

"It’s the Lord’s Prisoner... It’s really his old man!”

"Oh... that person is like Huang Quan Dasheng?"

"Is that the Pluto adult? I heard that Pluto has passed the Ghost King..."


The strong people of the big families who lined up squinted and watched a person coming out of the restaurant, all of them were stagnant.

When the last black dog with an elegant catwalk came out.

Everyone is silent for a few minutes.

"My God! It is a **** dog!!!"

"Where are the patrons of hell?"

"The legend and the old Pluto hit the **** dog in prison?"


Seeing the appearance of the dog, a group of people suddenly blasted the pot.

They thought that there was a dragon prisoner in the restaurant.


Out of a group of big brothers...

This group of people is a little messy.

They prepared gifts to see the dragon prisoner, and now they are so embarrassed that their gifts will not be shot.

But more people are curious about what these big guys are going to do.

Huang Quan Dasheng naturally does not care about a group of people around him.

In the eyes of the Great Holy See, these people are nothing but ants.

Hell is only a few great sages, and he can be put in his eyes, so there are just a few people.

Step by step kid, if it is not because the dishes meet his taste, he will not look at Huang Quan Dasheng...

Of course... now, I can only follow the steps behind me.

The temptation of food is huge.

A muffled sound.

The porcelain altar was placed on the open space in front of the restaurant by Huang Quan.

He waved his sleeves.

A powerful air wave suddenly emerged.

A group of people crowded in front of the restaurant suddenly felt like they were flying, and they were pushed out by an invisible force...

Some people are sitting on the ground with a bite, and they are very aggressive.

"The practice of the Great Holy Land, the practice of the small world, the small world to develop its own will, the will of the day will be completely shaped, in order to escape from this world..."

The dog suddenly said.

His words are naturally said to the step.

After many people around, they are also stunned.

Sitting cross-legged and listening.

This is the words of the **** dog, and it is not worthy of preaching.

The **** dogs preached, they naturally have to listen.

"However, detachment, it is easy to talk about... In fact, the prison, the hell, the prison, are all the same heaven, this heaven is extremely powerful... It is much stronger than the heavens of the fairy kitchen."

The dog's dog face is a bit heavy.

This heavy-looking step is a bit worried.

The stronger the will of Heaven, the harder it is to be detached. Perhaps this is the point of the dog.

"it has started."

Ting Wang Erha said with a spicy strip.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes fell on the body of Huang Quan.

Many people are staying.

What should Huang Quan Dasheng do?

Is the field so big?


Everyone only felt that there was a horror to the extreme in Huangquan Dasheng.

This breath, as if a distant existence of tens of thousands of years of sleep has awakened.

This breath is out.

The people present were all stunned, and the farts did not dare to put one.

At this moment, the whole **** is completely plunged into a sensation.

God is absolutely mountain.

A beautiful woman wrapped in the ice belly trembled with long eyelashes, opened her eyes, and there seemed to be sharp edges in her eyes.

"Well? The breath of the old man of Huang Quan... Is this going to be prepared for?"

Black temple.

The black air of the sky rolled out, and on the black temple, it turned into a human face, and the face showed a strong dignity.

The atmosphere of Huang Quan Dasheng makes him quite jealous.

"Yellow old guy... Is this a demonstration?"


The stone gate of the sacred cave opened.

There are huge ghosts spewing.

A golden dragonfly walked out of it, as if it were wrapped in a flame.

There are red wildfires burning in the eyelids.

He looked up, and the ghosts rushed in the air, as if reflecting everything...

The opening and closing of the mouth is like a sound of mysterious sound.

"Do you want to do things... the old guy who hasn’t tried his best for tens of thousands of years, today is so big for what’s going on."



Huang Quan Dasheng is like a **** at this moment.

The body slowly floated up.

Huang Quan Dasheng is the oldest grandson of hell...

The strength is extremely powerful, no one sees through.

Today, the breath is surging, and all sides are shocked.

The whole **** is trembled.

The Huangquan River rushes and rolls, and the soul of the river roars.

There are fish jumping out of the river, as if they are worshipping the heavens.

All the other things in the Huangquan River Basin are crouched on the ground and respectfully.

Huang Quan’s great sacred hand, a slight pick of the corner of his mouth.

"The heavenly will of hell...hehe."

next moment.

Huang Quan Dasheng explored his hand.


The big hand suddenly skyrocketed and rushed into the sky, and instantly it was in the sky...

After entering the starry sky, I want to move on, but it seems that there is an invisible block to stop his palm...

The eyes of Huang Quan Dasheng suddenly glimpsed.

Then he turned into a paw and slammed the light curtain.

I pumped it back.

Rumble! !

The whole **** is stunned.

The sky suddenly became dark, and the Thunder snarled among them.

Rumble! !

The lightning continually shot and bombarded it on the top of the Yellow Spring. However, Huang Quan Dasheng burst into a golden brilliance, and his body seemed to be really gold. He completely resisted this terrible bombardment.

The people underneath are all shaking hands.

This is the great saint...

This is the strength of the world's top powerhouse!

The real great sage, raising your hand can lead the world to change.

They finally saw it today...

"This is God!"

Around the restaurant, a group of people crouched down and respected as pilgrimage.

The Forbidden City is a city crouching, everyone is excited.

And the major forbidden places are all eyeing this direction.

Huang Quan Dasheng did not care about this.

It is bleak.

Later, nine days above, there was an invisible palm, which was shot toward Huangquan Dasheng.

"This is the wrath of the will of heaven."

The dog said faintly.

Obviously, he is very familiar with the routine of this will...

The step-by-step stunned dog, the guy who feeds on the will of heaven, is naturally familiar.

"If it's a dog, let me provoke... Oh, it's not a slap."

The dog’s buddy seemed to feel the gaze of the step, and suddenly turned his eyes.

Step by step, the fat dog is to the extent of the **** of the heavens.


As if the transparent heavenly will, it was turned into a slap.

Huang Quan Da Sheng is the fluttering of the clothes, like a god.

The body is hard against this palm.

The entire Huangquan River is rushing up, and the river is boiling...

"The water of Huangquan... heaven is coming! Hahaha!"

Huang Quan Da Sheng's eyes are bright, as if to see through the sky.

After that, the big hand pulled back.

In nine days, a beam of light was suddenly pulled back.

Under the shackles.

Thousands of streams are scattered...

The stream of light smashed toward the porcelain altar.

"The kid... This is the heavenly will of hell. The Holy Spirit will irrigate, but this is enough to smash the body of an ordinary great saint. Can you hold this porcelain altar?"

Huang Quan Dasheng is in the void, opening, and the sound is heard all over the sky.

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

Huang Quan Dasheng actually led the heavenly will of Hell.

This is tantamount to stealing the secret!

"This Huangquan old man is so bold..."

The sacred caves, the supreme existence of the black temple, are all faint openings.

Still continue to watch.

Step by step.

Then he blinked.


Step by step.

This porcelain altar is prepared by the system, and the brewing method is also given by the system. Naturally, the system cannot count these.

"Good... then come!"


The streamer was suddenly taken out by Huang Quansheng, and he was kneeling down.

A bang, squatting in the porcelain jar.

And the cover that the porcelain altar has been sealed has also been opened at this moment.

The cover is opened, and there are other heavens in the jar that will flow out.

Dogs, Huang Quan Dasheng, Ying Long and others are all looking down... sucking cold.

Three kinds of heavenly will? !

Step by step kid... What kind of wine is it brewing? !

A slight glimpse of the back of the step, the eyes are full of excitement.

"To start..."

Step by step.

The will of Heaven, the sacred will of Huang Quan, is sneaked into the porcelain altar.

The roar of the sound resounded throughout the world.

Guanghua is dazzling and dazzling, and everyone can't help but raise his hand to cover his eyes.

This process lasted for a long time.

After that, it was finally slowly dispersed.

The light dissipated.

The porcelain altar has returned to normal.

A rich and mellow wine scented from the jar.

The wine is full of fragrance, and the fragrance is fragrant...

Half of the Huangquan River Basin seems to be enveloped in the wine.

Oh la la...

The wine is surging.

Everyone feels that their own cultivation seems to be loose. This feeling makes many people stunned and breathless.

Just smelling the wine has this feeling.

What about the real drink? !

And forbidden in the city.

On the dry ground, greenery emerges, grass grows, flowers bloom, and in a flash, purple and red.

Because the wine is drifting, the flowers are blooming, and the flowers are beautiful.

Just like a real god.

Steps are condensed.

When everyone is intoxicated in the wine.

Step out.

The figure quickly appeared around the jar.

In the jar, the wine is turning and swirling.

Step by step grabbed the cover and sealed the porcelain altar.

The wine disappeared suddenly...

Everyone is lost, their eyes are a bit sluggish...

The gods are absolutely beautiful, and the beautiful woman’s eyes flashed in horror.

Huang Quan Dasheng steals the will of Tiandao, only for winemaking?

What wine?

Is it worth stealing the will of heaven?

There is some itch in the heart of a beautiful woman.

The sacred caves and the black temple are all the same reaction...

Huang Quan Dasheng fell from above the sky.

Looking at the steps holding the jar, the eyes are laughing.

The hands are constantly groaning, looking forward to look like.

"Step by step Xiaoyou, said to give this holy altar, not to rely on the skin, the person who is the skin is a dog."

Huang Quan said to his lips.

In the distance, the dog stunned him coldly, and Huang Quan’s grand priest suddenly smiled.

Step by step looked at Huang Quan Da Sheng.

Since it is said that he will divide him into an altar, he will naturally not renege on his words.

So the step is a move.

In the hands of a fist-sized jar.

Oh la la...

The colorful liquor flowed out of the porcelain jar and flowed into the fist-sized jar.

Looking at the fist-sized jar, look at the huge jar of wine in the arms of the step... Huang Quan Dasheng is a little messy.

"Step by step Xiaoyou... Did you take the wrong jar? This jar...slightly...somewhat small."

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